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HOLFORD, Miss (now Mrs. Hodson), *1790-living. Mar. Anj. Margaret of Anjou, a Poem.

HOLFORD, Mrs. M., *1775-*1820.

HOME, John, 1722-1808. Do. Douglas, a Tragedy.

HOOD, Thomas, 1798-1845.

Hook, Theodore Edward, 1788-1841.

HOPKINS, Charles, 1664-1699.

HOWARD, Sir Robert, 1626-1698.

Tragedy. Surpr. Surprisal, a Comedy.

HOWELL, James, 1594-1666.

HOWITT, Mary, 1800-living.
HOWITT, William, 1795-living.

D. Lerma. Duke of Lerma, a

HUMPHREY, David, (American), 1753-1818.

HUNT, Leigh, 1784-1861.

HURDIS, James, 1763-1801.

JEFFREYS, George, 1678-1755.

JEPHSON, Robert, 1736-1803. Bra. Braganza.

JOHNSON, Charles, 1679-1748.

JOHNSON, Dr. Samuel, 1709-1784. Ir. Irene, a Tragedy.-Lond.

London, a Poem.-V. H. W. Vanity of Human Wishes.
JONES, John, *1600-*1660. Adras. Adrasta, a Tragi-Comedy.
JONES, Sir William, 1746-1794.

JONSON, Ben, 1574-1637. Cynth. Rev. Cynthia's Revels, a Comedy.-
Every Man. Every Man in his Humour, a Comedy. -Ep. on Co. of
Pem. Epitaph on the Countess of Pembroke. Sej. Sejanus, a Tragedy.
-Sil. Wo. Silent Woman, a Comedy. - Tale of T. Tale of a Tub, a

KEATS, John, 1796-1821.
KEBLE, Rev. John, 1789-1866.
KENNEY, James, 1780-1849.

KENT, James, 1700-1776.

KING, Bishop Henry, 1591-1669.

KING, William, 1663-1712.

LAMB, Charles, 1775-1834.

LAMB, Hon. George, 1781-1834.

LANDON, Letitia Elizabeth (Mrs. Mc Lean), 1802-1839.

LANGHORNE, Dr. John, 1735-1779.

LANSDOWNE, Lord (George Granville), 1667-1735.

LEE, Nathaniel, *1656-1691. Cæs. Borg. Cæsar Borgia, a Tragedy,Alex. Death of Alexander the Great (or 'The Rival Queens'), a Tragedy.

LEWIS, Matthew Gregory, 1775-1818.

LILLO, George, 1693-1739.

LILLY (LYLY), John, 1554-1602.

LLOYD, Robert, 1733-1764. The Poet, an Epistle to Churchill.

LODGE, Thomas, *1563-1625.

LOGAN, John, 1748-1788.

LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth, (American), 1807-living. Birds of K. The Birds of Killingworth.


LOVELACE, Sir Richard, 1618-1658.

LIDGATE, John, #1375-13

LOWELL, James Russell, (American), 1819-living.

LITTELTON, Lord, 1709-1773.



MACKAY, Charles, 18. 1656-1763. Themist. Themistocles, a Tragedy.

MALLEN, David, 1700-1765. Eur. Eurydice Trust's

MARLOWE, Christopher, 1564-1593.


MARMION, Shakerley, 1601-1639.
MARSTON. John, *1575-*1635.
lida, a Play.

Lust's D. Dominion, a

Ant. The Antiquary, a Comedy.

Ant. and Mel. Antonio and Mel


MARTYN, Benjamin, 1699-1763.
MARVELL, Andrew, 1620-1678.
William, 1725-1797.
Philip, 1584-1640.
Pict. The Picture, a Tragi-comedy.


Duke Mil. Duke of Milan, a Tra

MATURIN, Charles Robert, 1782-1824.

MAY, Thomas, 1595-1650.


Thomas, 1775-1845.


John Herman, 1779-1844.
Thomas, 1570-1627.

MILNES, Richard Monckton (Lord Houghton), 1809-living.

Hart, Dean of St. Paul's, 1791-living.

MILTON, John, 1608-1674. Com. Comus.-P. L. Paradise Lost.-
P.K. Paradise Regained.-S. Ag. Samson Agonistes.
MOIR, David Macbeth, (pseud. Delta), 1798-1851.

Lady Mary Wortley, 1690-1762.

James, 1771-1854. Wand. Swit. Wanderer of Swit

MONTAGUE, MONTGOMERY, zerland, a Poem.



Robert, 1807-1855.

1711-1757. Spid. and B. Spider and Bea

Intol. Intolerance, a Satire.

Thomas, 1779-1852.
Laua Rookh. Sunft. Sunflower, a Song.

MORE, Hannah, 1745-18335


Sir Thomas, 1480-1535.


(American), 1800-living.

Arthur, 1727-1805.


NEVILLE, Alexander, 1554-1614.


Aroline Elizabeth Sarah, 1808-living.
John, 1673-1742.


of, 1621-1679


OSGOONE, Fracis Sargent, (American), 1812 Cain M

OTWAY, THOMAS, 1651-1685.

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Orphan, a Tragedy. -Ven. Pres. Venice Preserved, a Tragedy.
Sir Thomas, 1581-1613. W. Wife, a




PARNELL, Thomas, 1679-1718. H. Hermit.-Per. V. Pervilegium Veneris.

PEGGE, Samuel, 1731-1800.

PERCIVAL, James Gates, (American), 1795-1857.


PHILIPS, Ambrose, 1671-1749. Pa. Pastorals.

PHILIPS, Catherine, 1631-1664. Fr'd. Friendship, a Poem.

PHILIPS, John, 1676-1708. Spl. S. The Splendid Shilling. -Cy. Cyder,

a Poem.

PIOZZI, Mrs., 1740-1821.

POE, Edgar Allan (American), 1811-1829.

POLLOK, Robert, 1799-1827.

Co. of T. Course of Time. POMFRET, John, 1667-1703. Love Tri. Love Triumphant.

POPE, Alexander, 1688-1744. Apol. Apology. -Dun. Dunciad.-El.

and Ab. Eloisa and Abelard.-Arbt. Epistle to Arbuthnot.-E.C Essay on Criticism.-E. M. Essay on Man. -Im. Hor. Imitations of Horace. M. E. Moral Essays.-R. of L. Rape of the Lock.-Sat. Satires of Horace.-W. Forest. Windsor Forest.

PRAED, Winthorp Mackworth, 1802-1839.

PRIOR, Matthew, 1664-1721. H. and E. Henry and Emma.
PROCTOR, Bryan Walter, (pseud. Barry Cornwall), 1790-living.

PYE, James Henry, 1745-1813.

QUARLES, Francis, 1592-1644.

RALEIGH, Sir Walter, 1552-1618.

RAMSAY, Allan, 1689-1758. G. Shep. Gentle Shepherd.

RANDOLPH, Thomas, 1605-1635. Amyn. Amyntas, a Pastoral.-Jeal. Lov. Jealous Lover, a Comedy.-M. Look. Glass. Muses' Looking Glass, a Drama.

RITSON, Joseph, 1752-1803.

ROCHESTER, Earl of (John Wilmot), 1647-1680.
ROGERS, Samuel, 1762-1855. P. M. Pleasures of Memory, a Poem.
ROSCOE, William, 1753-1831. Nu. Nurse, a Poem.

ROSCOMMON, Earl of, *1633-1684.

ROWE, Nicholas, 1673-1718. Amb. Step. Ambitious Stepmother, a Tragedy. Fair Pen. Fair Penitent, a Tragedy.-J. S. Jane Shore, a Tragedy. Tamerl. Tamerlane, a Tragedy.

RUSSELL, Lord John (now Earl), 1792-living.

ROWLANDS, Samuel, *1580-1663. Κ. of C. Knave of Clubs.
SACKVILLE, Charles (Earl of Dorset), 1637-1706.

SAVAGE, Richard, 1698-1743. Sir T. Ov. Sir Thomas Overbury, a


Scorr, John (of Amwell), 1739-1783.

Scorr, Sir Walter, 1771-1832. Lady of L. Lady of the Lake.-Lay.

Lay of the Last Minstrel.-L. I.

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Lord of the

Isles. - Mar. Marmion.



SHAKESPEARE, William, 1554-1616. PLAYS: All's W. All's Well
that Ends Well.-Ant. Cleop. Antony and Cleopatra.-As Y. L. As
You Like it.Com. Er. Comedy of Errors. - Coriol. Coriolanus.-
Cymb. Cymbeline.-Ham. Hamlet.-H. IV. p. 1. King Henry IV.,
Part 1st.-H. IV. p. 2. King Henry IV., Part 2nd.-H. V. King
Henry V.-H. VI. p. 1. King Henry VI., Part 1st.-H. VI. p. 2.
King Henry VI. Part 2nd.-H. VI. p. 3. King Henry VI. Part 3rd.-
H. VIII. King Henry VIII.-K. John. King John.-Lear. King Lear.
-Ric. II. King Richard II.-Ric. III. King Richard III.-Jul. C.
Julius Cæsar. - Love's L. L. Love's Labour Lost. - Macb. Macbeth.-
M. for M. Measure for Measure.-M. of Ven. Merchant of Venice.-
Mer. W. Merry Wives of Windsor.-Mid. N. Midsummer Night's
Dream.-M. Ado. Much Ado about Nothing. - Oth. Othello.-Peric.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Rom. Romeo and Juliet.-Tam. S. Taming
of the Shrew-Temp. Tempest.-Timon. Timon of Athens. Tit. And.
Titus Andronicus. - Troil. Troilus and Cressida. T. Ni. Twelfth
Night.-Two G. Two Gentlemen of Verona. - Wint. T. Winter's Tale.
-POEMS: Pas. P. Passionate Pilgrim.-R. of L. Rape of Lucrece.-
Son. Sonnets. - V. and A. Venus and Adonis.

SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822.
SHENSTONE, William, 1714-1763.

SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816.

SHIRLEY, James, 1596-1666. H. P. Hyde Park, a Comedy. Wit.

Fa. One. Witty Fair One, a Comedy.

SHIRLEY, William, *1700*1760. Par. Parricide, a Tragedy.

SIGOURNEY, Lydia Huntley, (American), 1791-living.

SMART, Christopher, 1722-1770.

SMITH, Edward, 1668-1710.

SMITH, Henry, *1670-*1730. Pr. of P. Princess of Parma.
SMITH, Horace, 1780-1849. R. A. Rejected Addresses.

SMITH, James, 1775-1839.

SMITH, Mrs. E. Oakes, (American), *1820-living."

SMITH, William, *1580-*1630. Hect. Hector in Germany, a Play. SMOLLETT, Tobias, 1721-1771. Reg. Regicide, a Tragedy.

SOMERVILLE, William, 1692-1742.

SOTHEBY, William, 1757-1833. Ob. Oberon.

SOUTHERNE, Thomas, 1660-1746. Fat. M. Fatal Marriage, a Tra

gedy.-Fate Cap. Fate of Capua, a Tragedy.-Loy. Bro.

Brother, a Tragedy. - Oron. Oronooko, a Tragedy.

SOUTHEY, Robert, 1774-1843. Curse K. Curse of Kehama.

SOUTHWELL, Robert, 1560-1595.

SPENSER, Edmund, 1553-1599. F. Q. Fairie Queen.

SPENCER, Hon. William Robert, 1772-1834.

SPRAGUE, Charles, (American), 1791-living.

STILLINGFLEET, Bishop Edward, 1635-1699.

STILLINGFLEET, Benjamin, 1700-1771,


STERLING OF STIRLING, Earl of, 1580-1640. Jul. C. Julius Cæsar, a


STREET, Alfred B. (American), 1811-living.

SUCKLING, Sir John, 1609-1641. Gobl. Goblins, a Comedy.

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SWETMAN, Joseph, #1590-*1630.


Woman H. The Woman Hater, a

SWIFT, Jonathan, 1667-1745. Cad. Fan. Cadmus and Vanessa.

SYDNEY, Sir Philip. 1554-1586.

SYLVESTER, Joshua, 1563-1618.

TALFORD, Sir Thomas Noon, 1795-1854.

TATE, Nahum, 1652-1715. Loy. Gen. Loyal General, a Tragedy.

TAYLOR, John (Water Poet), 1580-1654.

TENNYSON, Alfred, 1809-living. In Mem. In Memoriam.

THOMSON, James, 1700-1748. Ag. Agamemnon, a Tragedy.-Cast Ind. Castle of Indolence. Cor. Coriolanus, a Tragedy. -Ed. and El. Edward and Eleonora, a Tragedy.-Aut. Spr. Sum. Wint. Seasons.Tan, and Sig. Tancred and Sigismund, a Tragedy.

TICKELL, Thomas, 1686-1740.

TIGHE, Mrs. Mary, 1773-1810.

TOBIN, John, 1779-1804.

TOURNEUR, Pierre Le, 1736-1788.

TRAPP, Dr. Joseph, 1679-1747. Abram. Abramule, a Tragedy.

TRUMBULL, John, 1750-1831. M' Fingall.

TUKE, Sir Simon, 1610-1673. Advent. The Adventures of Five Hours,

a Comedy.

TUPPER, Martin Farquhar, 1810-living.

TURBERVILE, George, *1530*1600.

TUSSER, Thomas, *1523-*1580. Pts. Hus. Five Hundred Points of

Good Husbandry.

URQUHART, Sir Thomas, 1613-1661.

WALLER, Edmund, 1605-1687.

WALPOLE, Horace, 1717-1797. Myst. M. The Mysterious Mother, a


WALPOLE, Sir Robert, 1676-1757.

WARE, Henry, Jun. (American), 1794-living.

WARNER, William, 1558-1608.

WATSON, J. T. (American), *1810-living.

WATTS, Alaric Attila, 1797-1864.

WATTS, Dr. Isaac, 1674-1748.
WEBSTER, John, *1580-*1662.
WEEVER, John, *1576-*1632.
WHITE, Henry Kirke, 1785-1806.
WHITEHEAD, William, 1715-1785.

WILLIS, Nathaniel Parker, (American), 1807-1866.

WITHER, George, 1588-1667.

WOLCOT, Dr. John (pseud. Peter Pindar), 1738-1819.
WOODBRIDGE, William (American), 1794-1845.
WOODWORTH, Samuel (American), 1785-1843.

WORDSWORTH, William, 1770-1850. My H. Leaps. My Heart Leaps.
-P. T. Personal Talk. -Res and Indep. Resolution and Independence.

WOTTON, Sir Henry, 1568-1639.

YOUNG, Edward, 1684-1765. Bus. Busiris, King of Egypt.-L. of F. Love of Fame.-N. T. Night Thoughts. Rev. Revenge, a Tragedy. -Bro. The Brothers, a Tragedy.

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