ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED, WITH DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH AS NEAR AS THEY CAN BE ASCER TAINED. An* asterisk prefixed to either date denotes uncertainty. An explanation is introduced of such abridgments as seem to require it. ADDISON, Joseph, born 1672, died 1719. AKENSIDE, Mark, 1721-1770 Camp. Campaign, a Poem. Pl. Im. Pleasures of Imagination. RBUTHNOT, ARMSTRONG, Dr. John, 1675-1735. Dr. John, 1709-1779. A. P. H. Art of Preserving Health. James, 1816, living. BAILLIE, Joanna, 1764-1851. Etheo. Ethwald, Tragedy. Fest. Festus. D. M. De Montfort, a Tragedy. BALFE, Michael William, 1808-living. BARBAULD, Anna Letitia, 1743-1825. BARHA Richard (pseud. Thomas Ingoldsby), 1788-1845. Ingold. Ingoldsby Legends. BARNARD, Lady Anne, BARRETT, 1755-1812. Col. The Columbiad, a Poem. 1750-1825. A. R. G. Auld Robin Gray. #1630-1680. Elizabeth (Mrs. Browning), 1805-1861. 1784-1849. BASTARD, Thomas, *1560-1618. BECKINGHAM, James, 1735-1803. Charles, 1699-1730. Francis (and Comedy.-Four Fortune, BEAUMONT, BENJAMIN, Min. Minstrel. 1585-1616. Capt. Captain, a Four Plays in One.-H. M. Fort. Honest Man's Tragi-Comedy. Loy. Sub. Loyal Subject, a Tragi-Comedy. Spanish Curate, a Comedy. Sir John, 1582-1628. BICKERSTAFF, BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, *1650-1729. b X ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. BLAIR, Robert, 1699-1746. Gra. Grave, a Poem. BLOOMFIELD, Rob. 1766-1823. F.B. Farmer's Boy.-R.T. Rural Tales, BOWLES, William Lisle, 1762-1850. BOWRING, Sir John, 1792-living. BRATHWAITE, Richard, 1588-1673. S. A. The Smoking Age. BROME, Richard, *1600-1652. Νov. Novella, a Comedy. BROWN, Tom, *1650-1704. BROWNE, Dr. John, 1715-1766. Athel. Athelstan, a Tragedy. BROWNING, Mrs. See BARRETT, Elizabeth. BRYANT, William Cullen, (American), 1797-living. BUCKINGHAM, Villiers, Duke of, 1627-1688. BULWER, Sir Edward Lytton (Lord Lytton), 1805-living. BUNYAN, John, 1628-1688. BURNS, Robert, 1759-1796. Cot. Sat. N. Cotter's Saturday Night. Henp. Husb. Henpeck'd Husband. BUTLER, Samuel, 1612-1680. Hu. Hudibras.-M. T. Miscellaneous Thoughts. BYROM, John, 1691--1763. BYRON, George Gordon, Lord, 1788-1824. B. Ab. Bride of Abydos.- CAMPBELL, Thomas, 1777-1844. Р. Н. Pleasures of Hope. CAREW, Lady Elizabeth, temp. James I. Mar. Marmion, the Fair Queen of Jewry, a Tragedy. CAREW, Thomas, 1589-1639. CAREY, Henry, *1690-1743. Chron. Chrononhotonthologus. CARTWRIGHT, William, 1611-1643. vert, a Tragi-comedy. CARY, Henry Francis, 1772-1844. CAWTHORN, James, 1719-1761. Siege. The Siege, or Love's Con CHAPMAN, George, 1557-1634. C. and P. Cæsar and Pompey, a Tragedy. CHATTERTON, Thomas, 1752-1770. CHAUCER, Geoffrey, 1328-1400. C. T. Canterbury Tales. CHURCHILL, Charles, 1731-1764. Ap. Apology. Cand. Candidate. Farew. Farewell.-Ni. Night.-Ros. Rosciad. CIBBER, Colley, 1671-1757. Dou. Gal. Double Gallant, a Comedy. CLARE, John, 1793-1864. CLARK, Willis Gaylord, (American), 1810--1841. CLEVELAND, John, 1613-1659. COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834. Anct. Mar. Ancient Mariner. COLLINS, William, *1720-1756. COLMAN, George, 1733-1794. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. COLMAN, George, (the younger), 1762-1836. P. V. Poetical Vagaries. COLTON, C. C., *1790-1832. COMBE, George, 1788-1858. xi B. G. Broad Grins. COWLEY, Abraham, 1618-1667. David. Davideis, an Historical Poem. COWPER, William, 1731-1800. Conv. Conversation. Exp. Expostu- lation.-Pr. Er. Progress of Error.-Ret. Retirement.-T. T. Table Talk-Raven. Tale of the Raven. - Ta. Task. Tiroc. Tirocinium. CRABBE, George, 1754-1832. Bo. Borough, a Poem. Strug. Consc. Struggles of Conscience. Ta. H. Tales of the Hall. CRASH AW, Richard, *1600*1650. Steps. Steps to the Temple. CROLY, George, 1785-1864. Peric. and Asp. Pericles and Aspasia. CROWNE, John, #1640-*1703. Amb. States. Ambitious Statesman.- Dar. Darius, a Tragedy. DAVENANT, Sir William, 1605-1668. Distr. Distresses, a Tragi- Comedy. 1661-1731. T. B. Eng. True Born Englishman. Thomas, #1580-*1639. Honest Wh. Honest Whore, a Comedy. - Old Joseph Rodman, (American), 1795-1820. Michael, 1563-1631 DREAMOND, William, of Hawthornden, 1585–1649, 62 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. DRYDEN, John, 1631-1700. Ab. Absalom and Achitophel, a Poem. -Auren. Aurengzebe, a Tragedy. -Cym. and Iph. Cymon and Iphi- genia, from Boccacio. - Don. Seb. Don Sebastian, a Tragedy. D. Guise. Duke of Guise, a Tragedy. -Ind. Emp. Indian Emperor, a Tragi-Comedy. Mar. à la M. Marriage à la Mode, a Comedy.- Ed. Edipus, a Tragedy.-Pal. and Ar. Palæmon and Arcite.- Pyth. Phil. Pythagorean Philosophy, a Poem.-Riv. Rival Ladies.— Span. F. Spanish Friar, a Tragi-Comedy. DUNCOMBE, William, 1689-1769. Jun. Brut. Lucius Junius Brutus, DYER, Sir Edward, *1540-*1610. EMERSON, Ralph Waldo, (American), 1803-living. ETHEREGE, Sir George, *1636-*1694. FALCONER, William, 1730-1769. Sh. Shipwreck, a Poem. FANE, Sir Francis, *1650-*1715. Sacrifice, a Tragedy. FRANCKLIN, Dr. Thomas, 1721-1784. FRANKLIN, Dr. Benjamin, 1705-1790. Poor R. Poor Richard. FREEMAN, Sir Ralph, *1620 *1660. Imper. Imperial, a Tragedy. FROWDE, Philip, *1670-1738. Sa. Fall of Saguntum, a Tragedy.- GAY, John, 1688-1732. Shep. and Philos. Shepherd and Philosopher. GIFFORD, Richard, 1725-1807. Contempt. Contemplation, a Poem. GLOVER, Richard, 1712-1785. Leon. Leonidas. GOODRICH, Samuel Griswold (Peter Parley), 1793-living. GOFFE, Thomas, 1592-1629. Cupid's Whirligig. GOLDSMITH, Oliver, 1728-1774, Des. V. Deserted Village.-Ep. to Sis. Epilogue to the Sisters, a Comedy.-Retal. Retaliation.-She Stoops. She Stoops to Conquer.-Trav. Traveller.-V. W. Vicar of ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. GOMERSAL, Robert, 1600-1646. Lodov Sporza, Duke of Milan. GOULD, Hannah Flagg, (American), *1798-living. GRAHAME, James, 1765-1811. Sab. Sabbath, a Poem. GRAN VILLE. See LANSDOWNE. GRAVES, Richard, 1715-1804. GRAY, Thomas, 1716-1771. El. Elegy in a Country Churchyard. GREEN, Matthew, 1697-1737. GREENE, Robert, 1550-1593 GREVILLE, Sir Fulke. xiii HABINGTON, William, 1605-1645. Queen of. Ar. Queen of Arragon, HALE, Sarah Josepha, (American), 1795-living. See BROOKE, Lord. a Tragedy. HALHED, Nathaniel Brassey, 1751-1830. John, 1627-1656. HALLECK, Fitz-Greene, (American), 1795-living. Bozzaris. Marco Bozzaris. HALL, Jouisa Jane, (American), 1802-living. HAMMOND, Anthony, 166817381 HARRINGTON, Sir John, 1561-1612. HASTINGS, Lady Flora, 1806-1839. HAVARD, William, 1710-1778. K. C. I. King Charles the First, a Tragedy. Reg. Regulus, a Tragedy. Scanderbeg. HAYNES, Joseph, 1650-1701. Fa. M. Fatal Mistake. HAYWOOD (or HEYWOOD), Eliza, 1693-1756. HAYLEY, William, 1745-1820. a Tragedy. F. Cap. Fair Captives, Poem. HEATH, Robert, *1600*1660. Clar. Clarastella, a HEMANS, Bishop Reginald, 1783-1826. Felicia Dorothea, 1794—1835. HERBERT, George, 1593-1632. Temp. Temple. William, 1630-1687, Jews T. Jews' Tragedy. HERBERT, Gom William, 1778-15817. ERBERT of CHERBURY, Lord, 1581-1648. 1591-1674, dm. O. Amatory Odes. Aph. Apho risms. - Hesp. Hesperides. HERVEY, ΕΥ, Τ. Κ., 1804-1859. HOUGHTON, HEY WOOD. Comedy. Kibble), 1811-living. Lord. See MILNES, Monckton. #1500-15656 Thomas, *1570-1659. Roy. King. Royal King, a Tragi HIGGOs, Beril, 1670-1735. Tragedy. HILLHOUSE, HIL, Aaron, 1685-1750. Gen. Cong. Generous Conqueror, a HOFFMAN, Charles Fenno, (American), 1806-living. James A. (American), 1789-1841. HOG, James, 1772-1835. HOLMES, 1800-living. |