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Pray what is lighter than a feather? Dust, my friend, in summer weather. 's lighter than the dust, I

pray ?

The wind that blows them both away.
What is lighter than the wind?
The lightness of a woman's mind,
And what is lighter than the last ?
Ah, now, my friend, you have me fast!


Be thou

Notes and Queries, Aug. 11th, 1866.

lightning in the eyes of France,

For e'er thou can'st report I will be there,
The thunder of my cannon shall be heard;
Shenunde behou the trumpet of our wrath. Sh. K. John, 1.1.




Like the lily,

was mistress of the field and flourish'd,

Observe the rising lily's snowy grace,
I'll hang my head and perish.




Sh. Hen. VIII. III. 1.


et see how warm they blush! how bright they glow,

What Regal vestments can with them compare;

What King so shining! or what Queen so fair!

Thomson, Paraphrase on St. Matthew.

No flower amid the garden fairer grows

Than the sweet lily of the lowly vale,

The queen of flowers.

Oh! beautiful thou art!

Thou sculpture-like and stately river queen
Crowning the depths, as with the light serene
Of a pure heart.

Bright lily of the wave!

Riding in fearless grace with every swell,

Thou seem'st as if a spirit meekly brave

Dwelt in thy cell.

LIMITED LIABILITY-see Speculators.

The history of human-kind to trace


Mrs. Hemans.

Since Eve the first of dupes our doom unriddled,

A certain portion of the human race

Has certainly a taste for being diddled.

Witness the famous Mississippi dreams!
A rage that time seems only to redouble-

The Banks, Joint-Stocks, and all the flimsy schemes,

For rolling in Pactolian streams




That cost our modern rogues so little trouble

No matter what, to pasture cows on stubble

To twist sea-sand into a solid rope,

To make French bricks and fancy bread of rubble,

Or light with gas the whole celestial cope

Only propose to blow a bubble,

And Lord! what hundreds will subscribe for soap!


Hood, A Black Job.

The lion, dying, thrusteth forth his paw,
And wounds the earth, if nothing else, with rage

To be o'erpow'r'd.

Sh. Rich. II. v. 1.

[blocks in formation]

O, how ripe in show

Thy lips, those kissing cherries, tempting grow!

LITERATURE-see Authors, Books, Critics.

He liked those literary cooks

Who skim the cream of other's books,

And ruin half an author's graces

Sh. Mid. N. III. 2.

By plucking bon-mots from their places. Han. More, Floreo.


What makes a knave a child of God,

And one of us ?-a livelihood.

LOCKS-see Hair, Tresses.

Two locks, which graceful hung behind
In equal curls, and well conspired to deck

With shining ringlets her smooth ivory neck.


He was in logic a great critic,

Profoundly skill'd in analytic;

He could distinguish and divide

Butler, Hud.

Pope, Rape of L. 11. 20.

A hair 'twixt south and south-west side. Butler, Hud. 1, 1. 65.

If a man who turnips cries.

Cries not when his father dies,

'Tis a sign that he had rather

Have a turnip than his father? Dr. Johnson, (Johnsoniana), 30.




Here malice, rapine, accident, conspire,
And now a rabble rages, now a fire;
Their ambush here relentless ruffians lay,
And here the fell attorney prowls for prey;
Here falling houses thunder on your head,

And here a female atheist talks you dead. Dr. Johnson, Lond.

London! the needy villain's general home,
The common sewer of Paris and of Rome;

With eager thirst, by folly or by fate,

Sucks in the dregs of each corrupted state.

Ib. London.

A mighty mass of brick, and smoke, and shipping,

Dirty and dusky, but as wide as eye

Could reach, with here and there a sail just skipping

In sight, then lost amidst the foresty

Of masts; a wilderness of steeples peeping

On tiptoe through their sea-coal canopy;

A huge dun cupola, like a foolscap crown

On a fool's head-and there is London town! Byron, D.J.x.82.

The sev'nth day this; the jubilee of man.

London! right well thou know'st the day of prayer;
Then thy spruce citizen, wash'd artisan,
And snug apprentice gulp their weekly weekly air:
The coach of hackney, whisky, one-horse chair,
And humblest gig, through sundry suburbs whirl,
To Hampstead, Brentford, Harrow, make repair;
Till the tir'd jade the wheel forgets to hurl,
Provoking envious gibe from each pedestrian churl,

LOOKS-see Countenance, Face.

Byron, Childe Harold, 1. 69.

Look, as I blow this feather from my face,
And as the air blows it to me again;
Obeying with my wind, when I do blow,
And yielding to another when it blows;
Commanded always by the greater gust:

Such is the likeness of you common men. Sh. H. VI. 3, 111. 1.

Thou hast a grim appearance, and thy face

Bears a command in it: tho' thy tackle's torn,

Thou showest a noble vessel.

What brutal mischief sits upon his brow!

Sh. Coriol. 1V. 5.

He may be honest, but he looks damnation. Dryden, Don Seb.

[blocks in formation]

Each vassal has a wild, distracted face,
And looks as full of business as a blockhead

In time of danger.


Oh! there are looks and tones that dart

T. Moore.

An instant sunshine through the heart;
As if the soul that minute caught
Some treasure it through life had sought.

LOQUACITY-see Boasting, Bores.

Thou art too wild, too rude, and bold of voice;

Parts that become thee happily enough,

And in such eyes as ours appear not faults;

But where thou art not known, why, there they show

Something too liberal.

[blocks in formation]

Sh. M. of V. 11. 2.


[blocks in formation]

Enough to press a royal merchant down. Sh. M. of Ven. IV. 1.

Though losses and crosses

Be lessons right severe,

There's wit there ye'll get there,

Ye'll find nae other where.

That 'loss is common,' would not make

My own less bitter-rather more;

Too common! never morning wore


To evening, but some heart did break. Tennyson, In Memoriam.

[blocks in formation]

LOVE, LOVERS-see Beauty, Cupid, Declaration, Friendship, Imagina

tion, Jealousy.

Come live with me, and be my love.

And we will all the pleasures prove

That valleys, groves, and hills, and fields,

Woods, or steepy mountains, yield. Marlowe, Pass. Shepherd.

Love does reign

In stoutest minds, and maketh monstrous war:

He maketh war, he maketh peace again,

And yet his peace is but continual jar:

O miserable men that to him subject are. Spenser, F. Queen.

True he it said, whatever man it said,

That love with gall and honey doth abound:

But if the one be with the other weigh'd,

For every drachm of honey therein found

A pound of gall doth over it redound. Spenser, Fairy Queen.

For lovers' eyes more sharply sighted be

Than other men's, and in dear love's delight
See more than any other eyes can see.
Such is the power of that sweet passion,
That it all sordid baseness doth expel,
And the refined mind doth newly fashion
Unto a fairer form, which now doth dwell
In his high thought, and would itself excel;
Which he, beholding still with constant sight,

Admires the mirror of so heavenly light.


Spenser, Hymn in Honour of Love.

For several virtues

Have I lik'd several women: never any

With so full soul, but some defect in her
Did quarrel with the noblest grace she ow'd,

And put it to the foil: But you, O you,
So perfect and so peerless, are created

Of every creature's best.

Sh. Temp. 111. 1.

Thou Julia, thou hast metamorphos'd me;
Made me neglect my studies, lose my time,
War with good counsel, set the world at nought;

Made wit, with musing weak, heart-sick with thought.

As the most forward bud

Is eaten by the canker ere it blow,
Even so by love the young and tender wit
Is turned to folly; blasting in the bud,
Losing his verdure even in the prime,

And all the fair effects of future hopes.

Sh. Two G. 1. 1.

Sh. Two G. 1. 1.

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