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Compendium of Entertaining Knowledge, For JANUARY, 1796.

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THE commencement of a New Year, reminds us of a duty, which we would be peculiarly remifs if we omitted paying, we mean that of acknowledging with what fincere gratitude we feel the extenfive encourage ment and patronage this Work has experienced. While the fenfations of an honeft exultation arifes in our breaft, at the decided preference the Hibernian Magazine has received, and which has enabled it to keep the field for fo many years*, against a numerous hoft of rival competitors, who are now dropped into oblivion, we fhall not forget that it is only by frictly adhering to the principles, "by which we have obtained that celebrity, we can hope to retain it, no relaxation, therefore, fhall take place in our endeavours to preferve, and increase the reputation already gained. A retrospect of the past, is the beft fecurity we can give for future excellence, promifes are, confequently, fearce neceffary; we shall barely flate, that every exertion of Talent in the different branches of Polite Literature, fhall be employed in the Complement, while the choicefl productions of the Pencil, fhall be made subservient to the Artiff's Graver, in the Embellishment -One obfervation we would wifh particularly to imprefs, is that, this Work being the only one where the Parliamentary Debates, in full, of this Kingdom, State Papers, Refolutions of Public Bodies, with most other interefling Tracts, are preferved in a regular feries, (materials, that the future Hiflorian would otherwise have to feek for in vain); no Irishman interested in the fate of his Country fhould be without it in his


*We shall continue to infert the contributions of per/ons of Genius, either in Profe or Verfe-to fuch this Magazine will be always open; but we must deprecate any difquifitions on either Religious or Political fubjects, where liberality is not made the bafis of the ftrictures.

* The Hibernian Magazine was established in the year 1764.

Remarks on the Effect of Dramatic Reprefentations, with fome Account Mr. HENRY ERSKINE JOHNSTON. (Ornamented with a Capital Likeness of that Performer in the Character of Douglas.) THE HE theatre, under proper regulations, has long been allowed by our moft rigid moralifts, to be the beft School for forming the minds of youth to purfuits where the nobler qualities Hib. Mag. Jan. 1796.

of the underftanding are neceffary to be exerted in any fuperior degree above the ufual and common concerns of life.

The precepts of virtue, and the moral duties, inculcated on the ftage, indubita



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