P. Ask you what Provocation I have had? The strong Antipathy of Good to Bad. When Truth or Virtue an Affront endures, Th' Affront is mine, my Friend, and shou'd be yours. Mine, as a Friend to ev'ry worthy Mind. And mine, as Man, who feel for all Mankind. F. You're strangely proud.-P. So proud, I am no Slave, So impudent, I own myself no Knave, So odd, my Country's Ruin makes me grave. Yes, I am proud; I must be proud to fee Men not afraid of God, afraid of me: Safe from the Bar, the Pulpit, and the Throne, Yet touch'd and sham'd by Ridicule alone. POPE'S Epilogue to his Satires. DIAL. II. } LONDON: Printed for the AUTHOR, and fold by W. FLEXNEY, near Prepring 2-18-27 14414 [I] THE CONSTITUENTS. A. WELL, Theorift,-may'st thou not fail to find, The balmy Visions of a dreaming Mind: Be fruitless antiquated Virtue thine, Let D-l, and Royal Smiles be mine. B. Haft thou the Honour to be Britain's Son, And canft thou with fuch Arguments be won? B MRK The horrid Project shall not quite be sped, A. If all your patriotic Efforts fail, And lawless B-e, and Anarchy prevail ; By steering thus inflexibly your Course, Thus by oppofing Feebleness to Force, Nought to your Country sure you can propose, And only to yourself a Train of Woes. B. The Individual I'll, at present, wave, And for our Country your Attention crave. Bolder, and bolder tho' Corruption draws Let other Churchill's wake their gen'rous Strains; In better Times, when in the State's Machine The just Effects of Government were feen; |