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most burdensome kind are levied, soldiers are collected, so as to leave a paucity of husbandmen; reviews and encampments succeed; and at last fifteen or twenty thousand men meet on a plain, and coolly shed each

15 other's blood, without the smallest personal animosity, or the shadow of a provocation. The kings, in the meantime, and the grandees, who have employed these poor innocent victims to shoot bullets at each other's heads, remain quietly at home, and amuse themselves,

20 in the intervals of balls, hunting schemes, and pleasures of every species, with reading at the fireside, and over a cup of chocolate, the despatches from the army, and the news in the Extraordinary Gazette. If the King of Prussia were not at the head of some of the best

25 troops in the world he would be judged more worthy of being tried, and condemned, at the Old Bailey, than any shedder of blood who ever died by a halter. But he is a king; but he is a hero;-those names fascinate us, and we enrol the butcher of mankind among 30 their benefactors.

When one considers the dreadful circumstances that attend even victories, one cannot help being a little shocked at the exultation which they occasion. I have often thought it would be a laughable scene, if there

35 were not too much of the melancholy in it, when a circle of eager politicians have met to congratulate each other on a piece of good news just arrived. Every eye sparkles with delight; every voice is raised in announcing the happy event. And what is the cause of all this

40 joy? and for what are our windows illuminated, bonfires kindled, bells rung, and feasts celebrated? We have had a successful engagement. We have left a thousand of the enemy dead on the field of battle, and only nine hundred of our countrymen. Charming news! it was a

45 glorious battle! But before you give a loose to your raptures, pause awhile; and consider, that to every one of these nineteen hundred, life was no less sweet than it is to you; that to the far greater part of them there probably were wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, sis50 ters, brothers and friends, all of whom are at this moment bewailing that event which occasions your foolish and brutal triumph.



1 A gallant form is passing by,

The plume bends o'er his lordly brow;
A thousand tongues have raised on high
His song of triumph now.
Young knees are bending round his way,
And age makes bare his locks of gray.

2 Fair forms have lent their gladdest smile,

White hands have wav'd the conqueror on,
And flowers have decked his path the while,
By gentle fingers strown.
Soft tones have cheered him, and the brow
Of beauty beams, uncover'd now.

3 The bard hath waked the sòng for him,
And pour'd his boldest numbers forth;
The wine cup, sparkling to the brim
Adds frenzy to the mirth;
And every tóngue, and every èye,
Does homage to the passer by.

4 (<) The gallant steed treads proudly on;
His foot falls firmly now, as when
In strife that iron heel went down
Upon the hearts of mèn;
And foremost in the ranks of strife,
Trod out the last, dim spark of life.

5 Dream they of these-the glad and gay,
That bend around the conqueror's path?
The horrors of the conflict day-
The gloomy field of death-
The ghastly sláin the severed héad-
The raven stooping o'er the dead?

6 Dark thoughts and fearful! yet they bring
No terrors to the triumph hour,
Nor stay the reckless worshipping
Of blended crime and power.
The fair of form, the mild of mood,
Do honor to the man of blood.

7 Mén-Chrístians! pause-the air ye breathe Is poison'd by your idol now;

And will ye turn to him, and wreathe

Your cháplets round his brow? Nay, call his darkest deeds sublime? And smile assent to giant crime?

[blocks in formation]

Death of Ashmun. -MRS. SIGOURNEY.

1 (-) Whose is yon sable bìer?

Why move the throng so slow?
Why doth that lonely mother's tear
In sudden anguish flow?

Why is that sleeper laid

To rest in manhood's pride?

How gain'd his chèek such pallid shade?-
I spake, but none replied.

2(.) The hoarse wave murmured low,
The distant surges roar'd;-
And o'er the sèa in tones of wo
A deep response was pour'd;
I heard sad Africk mourn
Upon her billowy strand;-
A shield was from her bosom torn,
An anchor from her hand.-

3 (-) Ah! well I know thee now,
Though foreign suns would trace
Deep lines of death upon thy brow,
Thou friend of misery's race;-
Their leader when the blast
Of ruthless war swept by,
Their teacher when the storm was past,
Their guide to worlds on high.-

4 Spirit of Power, -pass òn!

Thy homeward wing is free;-
Earth may not claim thee for her son,-
She hath no chain for thee:-
Toil might not bow thee down,

Nor Sorrow check thy race, -
Nor pleasure win thy birthright crown, -
Go to thy own blēst place.-


Love of Applause.-HAWES.

To be insensible to public opinion, or to the estimation in which we are held by others, indicates any thing, rather than a good and generous spirit. It is indeed the mark of a low and worthless character;-devoid of 5 principle, and therefore devoid of shame. A young man is not far from ruin, when he can say, without blushing, I don't care what others think of me.

But to have a proper regard to public opinion is one thing; to make that opinion our rule of action is quite

10 another The one we may cherish consistently with the purest virtue, and the most unbending rectitude; the other we cannot adopt, without an utter abandonment of principle and disregard of duty. The young man whose great aim is to please, who makes the opin

15 ion and favor of others his rule and motive of action; stands ready to adopt any sentiments, or pursue any course of conduct, however false and criminal, provided only, that it be popular. In every emergency, his first question is, what will my companions, what will the

20 world think and say of me, if I adopt this, or that course of conduct? Duty, the eternal laws of rectitude, are not thought of. Custom, fashion, popular favor; these are the things, that fill his entire vision, and decide every question of opinion and duty. Such a man can

25 never be trusted; for he has no integrity, and no independence of mind, to obey the dictates of rectitude. He is at the mercy of every casual impulse and change of popular opinion; and you can no more tell whether he will be right or wrong tomorrow, than you can pre30 dict the course of the wind, or what shape the clouds will then assume.

And what is the usual consequence of this weak and foolish regard to the opinions of men? - What the end of thus acting in compliance with custom in opposition 35 to one's own convictions of duty? It is to lose the esteem and respect of the very men whom you thus attempt to please. Your defect of principle and hollow heartedness are easily perceived; and though the persons to whom you thus sacrifice your conscience, may 40 affect to commend your complaisance, you may be assured, that, inwardly, they despise you for it. Young men can hardly commit a greater mistake, than to think of gaining the esteem of others, by yielding to their wishes, contrary to their own sense of duty. Such con45 duct is always morally wrong, and rarely fails to deprive one, both of self-respect, and of the respect of others.


Christian Integrity. HAWES.

It is very common, I know, for young men just cornmencing business, to imagine that, if they would advance their secular interests, they must not be very scrupulous in binding themselves down to the strict

5 rules of rectitude. They must conform to custom; and if in buying and selling they sometimes say the things that are not true, and do the things that are not honest; why, their neighbors do the same; and, verily, there is no getting along without it. There is so much com10 petition and rivalry, that to be strictly honest, and yet succeed in business, is out of the question.

Now if it were indeed so, I would say to a young man; then, quit your business. Better dig, and beg too, than to tamper with conscience, sin against God, 15 and lose your soul.

But is it so?-is it necessary in order to succeed in business, that you should adopt a standard of morals, more lax and pliable, than the one placed before you in the Bible? Perhaps, for a time, a rigid adherence to

20 rectitude might bear hard upon you; but how would it be in the end? Possibly, your neighbor, by being less scrupulous than yourself, may invent a more expeditious way of acquiring a fortune. If he is willing to violate the dictates of conscience; to lie, and cheat, and tram

25 ple on the rules of justice and honesty, he may, indeed, get the start of you, and rise suddenly to wealth and distinction. But would you envy him his riches, or be

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