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and brothers and friends, and citizens and sub


Avarice and cunning may acquire an estate; but avarice and cunning cannot gain friends.

A taste for useful knowledge, will provide for us a great and noble entertainment, when others leave us.


He is more bold and active, but not so wise and studious as his companion.

Sincerity is as valuable, and even more valuable, than knowledge.

Neither has he, nor any other persons, suspected so much dissimulation.

Several alterations and additions have been made to the work.

No person was ever so perplexed, or sustained the mortifications, as he has done to-day.

We hear the sound of the wind, but we cannot tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth.

The first proposal was essentially different, and inferior to the second.



He may pursue what diversions he please. The aristocracy of England is wealthy. Each individual of the company were gratified. His mind and spirit is invincible. The train of our ideas are often interrupted. He need not be in so much haste. George or I is the person. Those set of books was a valuable present. His conduct evinced the most extreme vanity. These trees are remarkable tall. I was informed about it. This is he who I gave the book to. Eliza always appears amiably. Bid him come to me. The master requested him and I to read more distinctly. It was us who went there. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Him being in the country, I cannot comply with your request. She is free of pain. Who shall I give it to? I wrote to and cautioned the captain against it. All of them were older than me. Abuse of mercies ripen us for judgment. All is going to set out. I find much difficulty of doing it.

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Every deed and every motive were good. If he does but approve my endeavours, it will be an ample reward. Unless he mean what he says he is doubly faithless. I cannot admit of the propriety of the measure. What signifies their opinions? Both him and his son are men of business. Is your father and mother well? The Lord Mayor accompanied by the city officers, were at the hall. I and my uncle and aunt are often interrupted at their meals. Upon seeing I he turned pale. William and I am cousins. Neither of them are remarkable for punctuality. He or I rides through the grounds every day. You and he is to settle the business. You, sir, who was present, has a right to speak concerning that affair. Request them children who are talking to be silent. Whom is there that never commits a fault? Who made that noise? Not me. Of whom did you buy that hat? Of a hatter, he who lives in Cheapside. He enters deeper into the subject than his brother. I never before saw such beautiful trees. This is my wife's brother's partner's house. Give me hold of it. It was no other but the king himself. Was you present at last meeting?

A second deluge learning thus o'er-run,

And the Monks finish'd what the Goths begun.

For why did he postpone it? After I visited the Continent I returned back to London. The court of France, who gave the order, were certainly blameworthy. Such among us who follow that profession. The assembly who met yesterday. David, the son of Jesse, was the youngest of his brothers. He is by this time arrived. He was sharpening of his instrument. Neither good or evil come of themselves. The subject will clearly be understood after it has diligently been studied. They have done their best, and should be not reproached for not doing more. I do not approve of it. It was him who spoke first. If there was no cowardice there would be little insolence. He or you is sure to be blamed. If one takes a wrong method at first it will lead them astray. Town or country are equally agreeable to me. She or her sisters was present. His being at enmity with Cæsar and Antony were the cause of perpetual discord. If thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him. To do to others as we would they should to us. Sincerity is as valuable, and even

more valuable, than knowledge. No person was ever so perplexed, or sustained the mortifications, as he has done to day. Whatever we do secretly, shall be displayed and heard in the clearest light. They enjoy also a free constitution and laws. Several alterations and additions have been made to the work.



They both met.

Reckon up my account. Fill that glass full. It is evident he was the first aggressor. She threw it right in his face. Give me this here, take that there. You have got the money. They were conversing together. He descended down the steps. For why do you ask me? You are the tallest of all the family. Nothing else but that would satisfy him. He called on me for to ask my opinion. The latter end of that man is peace. What do you want it for? The subject-matter of his sermon was excellent. Are you going up to London? The stolen goods were restored again.

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