Page images

and the acute on the latter, in this manner :
ral, lively, lived, rival, ríver."


[blocks in formation]

The proper mark to distinguish a long syllable, is this:
Rosey" and a short one this: as, "Folly."
last mark is called a brever


A Diæresis, thus mated consists of two points placed over
one of the vowels that would otherwise make a diphthong,
and parts them into two syllables: as "Creator, eoädjutor,


A section, marked hus §, is the division of a discourse, or
chapter, into less parts or portions.

A paragraph ¶ denotes the beginning of a new subject, or
a sentence not connected with the foregoing. This character
is chiefly used in the Old and New Testaments.

A Quotation " ". Two inverted commas are generally
placed at the beginning of a phrase or a passage, which is
quoted or transcribed from the speaker or author in his own
words; and two commas in their direct position, are placed at
the conclusion: as,

"The proper study of mankind is man.”

Crotchets or Brackets [] serve to enclose a word or sen-
tence, which is to be explained in a note, or the explantion
itself, or a word or sentence which is intended to supply some
deficiency, or to rectify some mistake.

An Index or Handpoints out a remarkable passage,
or something that requires particular attention.

A Brace

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is used in poetry at the end of a triplet or

three lines which have the same rhyme.

Braces are also used to connect a number of words with one
common term, and are introduced to prevent a repetition in
writing or printing.

An Asterisk, or little star,* directs the reader to some note
in the margin, or at the bottom of the page. Two or three
asterisks generally denote the omission of some letters in a
word, or of some bold or indelicate expression, or some defect
in the manuscript.

An Ellipsis-

is also used, when some letters in a word,
or some words in a verse, are omitted: as,
"The k-g,"
for "the king."

An Obelisk, which is marked thus † and Parallels thus ||,
together with the letters of the Alphabet, and figures, are used
as references to the margin, or bottom of the page



As the commencement of every sentence is distinguished by a capital letter, and as capitals frequently occur in other parts of a sentence; it is necessary to give you some directions respecting their proper application.

It was formerly the custom to begin every noun with a capital but as this practice was troublesome, and gave the writing or printing crowded and confused appearance, it has been discontinued. It is, however, very proper to begin with a capital,

1. The first word of every book, chapter, letter, note, or any other piece of writing.

2. The first word after a period; and, if the two sentences, are totally independent, after a note of interrogation or exclamation.

But if a number of interrogative or exclamatory sentences are thrown into one general group; or if the construction of the latter sentences depends on the former, all of them, except the first, may begin with a small letter: as, "How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning? and fools hate knowledge ?" "Alas! how different! yet how like the same !"

3. The appellations of the Deity: as, " God, Jehovah, the Almighty, the Supreme Being, the Lord, Providence, the Messiah, the Holy Spirit."

4. Proper names of persons, places, streets, mountains, rivers, ships: as, "George, York, the Strand, the Alps, the Thames, the Seahorse."

5. Adjectives derived from the proper names of places: as, "Grecian, Roman, English, French, and Italian."

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6. The first word of a quotation, introduced after a colon, or when it is in a direct form: as, "Always remember this ancient maxim: Know thyself."" "Our great lawgiver says, Take up thy cross daily, and follow me. But when a quotation is brought in obliquely after a comma, a capital is unnecessary: as, "Solomon observes,' that pride goes before destruction."??

The first word of an example may also very properly begin with a capital: as, " Temptation proves our virtue."

7. Every substantive and principal word in the titles of books: as," Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language;" "Thomson's Seasons ;" "Rollin's Ancient History."

8. The first word of every line in poetry.

9. The pronoun I, and the interjection O, are written in capitals: as, "I write :" "Hear, O earth!"

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Other words, besides the preceding, may begin with capitals, when they are remarkably emphatical, or the principal subject of the composition.


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