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in the evening) in Charleston, S. C. This phænomenon, it is obferved, is become more and more common on the coast of the Carolinas; it belongs to the philofophical focieties, to inveftigate the cause.

April 16. From the 1ft of January 1792, to the first of April following, there have been exported from this port, 94,167 gallons of New-England


We hear from Marblehead, that on Wednesday evening laft, a fire broke out in that town, which confumed nine dwelling-houses, a bakehouse, and two barns. It is faid to have been occafioned, by a girl's accidentally fetting fire to fome laths in an upper chamber.

Portsmouth, March 24. It is a fact, that a gentleman of this town has now in his poffeffion, a tame duck, which was hatched on the third of April laft, the morning on which the eclipse took place, and refembled a luminous ring; and what is very extraordinary, which none can account for, is, that every egg this duck has laid, bears the refemblance of the eclipfe to perfection; it appears on the large end of the egg, and the moon looks to be about two thirds off the fun, and forms a beautiful femicircle. The place of the moon, is of a blueish caft, and that of the fun, a much lighter colour.

George-Town, March 31. We are happy to inform our readers, that the affairs of the city of Washington wear the appearance of progreffing with increafed vigour, after the long fufpenfion of operations, occafioned by the feverity of the past winter. Befides other late arrangements, the commiffioners have this week contracted with Mr. Harbaugh, the celebrated me chanic of Baltimore Town, for the erection of an elegant stone bridge over Rock Creek, at the welt end of the city for the poft-road-and notwithstanding the magnitude of the work, it is, we understand, to be fi

nifhed by Auguft, before which time the polt-road leading through the city, and affording a delightful view of every part of it, will be completed.,

Baltimore, April 3. On the 6th of February laft, at a meeting of the trades-houfe in the city of Glasgow, they unanimoufly refolved to petition the British Parliament to abolish the traffic in human flesh, that has long difgraced humanity, on the coaft of Africa. Other focieties, of refpectable citizens, in Edinburgh, Perth, Dumferline, and other parts of Scotland, actuated by the fame humane fpirit, have recently entered into wife and fpirited meatures for effecting the abolition of that horrible trade, "which can be profecuted only by the uncealing ravages of treachery, rapine, and murder."

Philadelphia, April 7. The statue of Dr. Franklin, lately fent for by William Bingham, Efq; by him prefented to the Library Company of Philadelphia, and intended to ornament the principal front of their new building in Fifth-ftreet, is arrived from Italy, via New-York.

The figure is erect, one arm refting on a pile of books, and the right hand holding a fceptre reverfed, an emblem of Franklin's ANTI-MONARCHICAL principles. The left hand holds a fcroll. The figure is clad in a Roman TOGA, and is admirably wrought out of a folid block of pure white marble. The likeness is well preferved-the head being a copy of the famous Houdon's buft. It is the first piece of fculpture of the fize ever feen in America, truly worthy the examination of the connoiffeur. The marble is remarkable for its fize and purity, and was brought 100 miles to the neighbourhood of Rome, where the ftatue was executed by an ennent artist.

April 13. The ftatue of B. Franklin was laft Saturday fixed in its niche, over the front door of the new library in Fifth-street.

April 21. The Directors of the Library have agreed that the following infcription fhall be cut out of the pedeftal of the statue of B. FRANKLIN. This Statue of



New-York, April 2. We learn from the eastward, that a few days fince a fhock of an earthquake was felt at Portsmouth, which continued about

one minute.

A mode is mentioned in a late London paper, of recovering perfons from fits, by preffing the root of the thumb nail of the perfon affected, very hard with the thumb nail of another perfon. Upon a relapfe, the operation is to be repeated until the fits ceafe. Convulfive fits of every kind are faid to be effectually cured for the prefent by this fimple method.

A letter from Charleston, (S. C.) of March 13, fays- Sunday about 11 o'clock the pilot-boat Two Brothers overset in a fquall off the bar, and every foul perished. The following are the names of the branch-pilots who were loft on this melancholy occafion, moft of whom have left wives and children: Paul Ripley, T.Rice, Elias Torry, Wm. Farrow, D.Rainer, John Gordon, Neil Gillespie, Samuel Waldron, Matt. Dial, and two hands. April 11. The fociety for the relief of diftreffed prifoners in this city, in the courfe of the year 1791, have afforded relief to 71 prifoners; by diftributing amongst them, as their refpective neceffities required, 1008lbs. b.ead, 805lbs. beef, 216lbs. pork, 32 loads of wood, 884 quarts potatoes, 73 quarts of beans, two pair of woollen overals, and four thirts.

The legislature of Pennfylvania have, by law, eftablished a library in each of the counties of that ftate, to each of which the ftate is to contribute from 8 to 1200l. By the fame law a free-fchool is alfo eftablished in

each county, the teachers of which to be paid from 75 to 150l. per annum,

April 18. Some curious perfons in the north of England have just stated the probability of making fugar from the birch-tree; the juice of which is fo much more copious and fweeter than that of the maple-tree of America, that it has afforded a pleasant wine for many years.

On the 4th inft. was taken off EastHampton, L. Ifland, & whale, which it is fuppofed will make upwards of feventy barrels of oil.

April 21. David Rittenhouse, Efq; of Pennfylvania, is appointed director of the mint of the United States.

A loan has recently been made in Amfterdam, for the United States, of fix millions of florins, at five per cent. and another has fince been made in Antwerp, of three millions, at four and an half per cent.

April 25. Donations made the laft feffion of the Legislature of this State to Columbia College :

1500l. for the library;

zool. for a chemical apparatus; 1 2001. for a wall round the college; 5000l. for erecting a hall and additional wing to the college;

7501. for five years annually, unlefs otherwife directed by the Legiflature, for falaries of additional profeffors; and,

1500l. in like manner annually, to the regents of the univerfity, for the ufe of the academies.

Accounts from Pittsburgh, to the 14th inft. mention feveral murders and depredations committed by fome fculking parties of Indians, along the waters of the Ohio.

The extraordinary fwell of the Sufquehanna, during the prefent fpring, has afforded many large boats an opportunity of coming full loaded down that river, having all paffed the various falls, rapids, &c. in fafety. One of these boats is 80 feet in length, 14 wide, and had on board 1950 bushels wheat, a large quantity of hemp, &c.


An affociation has been recently formed in London, for difcontinuing the use of fugar made in the Weft-Indies. The members of this affociation, are known by the name of anti-faccharites (fugar haters.)— They conceive, that when the difufe of fugar fhall become fo general, as to render the importation of it unneceffary, the flave trade will be at an end. They calculated, that the flave trade would be entirely abolished, were thirty-feven thousand families to give over the ufe of fugar.

A queftion has lately been debated at Coach-Maker's Hall, in London, Which of the three events is to be confidered as the most striking inftance of oppofition to political tyranny, the exclufion of James II. and his pofterity from the throne of England the independence achieved by the United States of America -or the late revolution in the ancient government of France?' The latter had the preference.

April 26. We learn from good authority, that Bowles, who heretofore occafioned so much mischief in the Creek nation, in oppofing M.Gillivray and the commiffioners from extending the line between the state of Georgia and that nation, is in confinement on board a Spanish man of war at Havannah, from whence he is to be conveyed to Madrid, to fuffer for robbing fome stores within the Spanish territory, for which Governor Guioci has lodged a formal complaint against him to his Catholic Majefty.

WAR DEPARTMENT. Appointments and Promotions in the Army of the United States.


Maj. Gen.-Anthony Wayne, vice Arthur St. Clair.

Brig. Gens.-Daniel Morgan, Marinus Willet, John Brooks, James Wilkinfon.

Adj. Gen.-Winthrop Sargent.

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Surgeons' Mates-Charles Brown, James Woodhoufe, Jofeph Philips, William M-Croskey, Frederick Dalcho, James Meafe, Theop. Elmer. For Garrifons on the Western and Southern Frontiers, and extra fervice. Surgeons' Mates-W. A. McCrea, Thomas Hutchins, John Sellman, George Balfour, James Clayton, T. Farley.


In New-York-In the capital, J. Briton, Efq; to Mifs Violetta Diffofway. Thomas Cooper, Efq; to Mifs Catharine Colden.-Cadwallader D. Colden, Efq; to Mifs Maria Provoft, youngest daughter of the Right Rev. Dr. Provolt, Bishop of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the state of NewYork. Captian Drew, of the British navy, to Mils Lydia Watkins.-Mr. George Kirk, to Mifs Nancy Wright.

Mr.William Hornblower, to Mifs Margaritta Kinfland.-Mr. Nicholas Dennis, to Mrs. Beekman.-Mr.Robert M Mennomy, to Mifs Eliza Salter. Mr. J. D. Biffett, to Mils Lizetta Black.

On Long-Ifland.-At Huntington, Mr. Zebulon Robbins, to Mifs Sally Newman. At Moriches, Dr. John Howard, to Mifs Fanny Howell.-At Jamaica, Monfon Hayt,Efq; to Mifs Lucretia Hammerfley.-At New Utrecht, Mr.Leffert Martinfon, to Mifs Ann Cortelyou.

InConneAicut.-AtGreenfield,Mr. William W. Woolfey, merchant, of New-York,to MifsElizabeth Dwight, of Maffachusetts.


In New-York. In the capital,Mr. Henry Johnfon.-Capt.PeterSleight, in his 27th year.-Mr. William C. Bradford. Mr. Stephen Crofsfield, aged 72.-Dr. John Mafon, minifter of the Scotch Prefbyterian Church of this city, in the 58th year of his age,

and about the 3zd of his ministry. Few men have ever been more loved, or more lamented. His death is a fevere and afflicting lofs to his brethren in the miniftry, to his family, to his friends, to his congregation, and to the Church of God.-Mr. J. Leflie, aged 72, many years an eminent teacher of a school in this city.

At Fishkill, Major Wm. B. Alner. On Long-Ifland.-At Brookhaven, Mr. John Armstrong, a native of Old England, aged 40.

InConnecticut.-AtNew-London, Monf. Louis Charles de Bragelogne, a native of the island of Gaudaloupe, aged 35 years.

In Pennsylvania.-In the capital, BIGTREE, one of the Indian Chiefs of the Five Nations that arrived there fome weeks fince. His illness was not of more than twenty hours continuance.

InSouth Carolina.-In the capital, Dr. Andrew Turnbull, in his 73d year.


In England. In London, MajorGeneral Sir Henry Calder,Bart. Lieutenant-Governor of Gibraltar.-John Rivington, Efq; between 70 and 80 years of age, for many years an eminent bookfeller in St. Paul's Churchyard.

At Bath, George Horne, the celebrated Dean of Canterbury, Prefident of Magdalen, Oxford, and late Bishop of Norwich.

At Birmingham,Peter Oliver, Efq; L. L. D. late Chief Juftice of Maifachusetts, aged 79.

In France, M. Berquin, the celebrated author of the work, entitled, The Children's Friend,' and editor of feveral French patriotic journals.

In Nova Scotia. In the capital, the Hon. Arthur Goold, one of his Majefty's Council for the province, in his 65th year.

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