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A Weekly Illustrated Journal














Abutilon vitifolium, 11

Acetylene gas, use of, in plant-

growing, 213

Agave americana, 342; flowering
in the Zoological Gardens, 214

Agave Celsiana nana, 74

Agricultural College, South-

Eastern, at Wye, 165, 229, 294

Agricultural Laws, the, and gar-

deners, 326. (See also under

Land Tenure Bill.")

Agriculture, Aberdeen School of,


Agriculture and Forestry in Ger-

many, 151

Agriculture and science, 113
Agriculture, electricity as applied
to, 71; in the United States of
America, 135; lectures on, 279;
the transition in, 10

Alabaster, how to clean, 20

Alga, a parasitic, 229

Aquatic and bog gardens, 46

Arabis, a disease of, 172
Aralia manchurica, 152
Araucaria, the genus, 352
Arauja sericifera, 313, 359
Arbor-day at Eynsford, 409
Arctotis grandis, 286
Aristolochia Goldieana flowering
in Liverpool Botanic Garden,

Artemisia lactiflora, 387

Arthropodium cirratum, 47

Asclepias Douglasi, 162
Ash-bark scale (Chionaspis frax.
ini), 188

Ashbourne Gardens, 369

Asperula hirta, 28

Asplenium laceratum, 263; A.

lucidum, 263; A. Mayi, 263

Aspleniums, some choice, 262

Asters, the ray, 249

Astilbe astilboides, 25

Astragalus alpinus, 11

Auricula in winter, the, 365

Auriculas and Carnations,

cross-fertilisation of, 116

Australian Rust-fungi, 25
Azores Island Lily, the, 111
Azaleas, Epsom salts for, 393


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[blocks in formation]

of English Gardens (M. R. Gloag),

393; A Year in My Garden (Mrs.

Arthur Tuckett), 310; A First

Course in Practical Botany (G.

F. Scott Elliot), 193; Botanical

Magazine, 50, 71, 110, 197, 246,

341, 409 (Index to the), 50, 71;

Budding Life (Jessie M. King),

392; British Rainfall (G. J. Sy-

mons), 212; Bulletin de la So-

ciété Française d'Horticulture de

Londres, 358; Concise Handbook

of Garden Shrubs (H. M. Gwyn

Lewis), 368; Commercial Re-

search in the Tropics, 279; Con-

servancy or Dry Sanitation versus

Water Carriage (J. Donkin), 342;

Dictionnaire Iconographique

des Orchidees, 366; Ferns and

How to Grow Them (G. A. Wool-

son), 168; First Steps in Garden-

ing (W. P. Wright and E. J.

Castle), 374; Flora of New Zea-

land (T. F. Cheeseman), 258;

Flora of Tropical Africa, 40;

Forest Flora of New South Wales

(J. H. Maiden), 262; Formosa,

Flora of, 310; Fungoid Pests of

Cultivated Plants (M. C. Cooke),

223; Gartenkultur Bodenheizung

Klimaverbesserung, 322; George

Bentham (B. Daydon Jackson),

244; How to Buy a Business (A.

W. Bromley), 279; Icones Se-

lectæ, 111; Index Filicum (Carl

Christensen), 342; Index Kewensis

(Supplement), 72; Insect Pests of

the Farm and Garden (F. Martin

Duncan), 151; Jugendformen und

Blüthenreife im Pflanzenreich

(Dr. L. Diels), 178; Kew Bulletin,

111; Kumaon, the flora of (J. F.

Duthie), 203; Le Bambou, 91;

Le Caoutchouc en Indo-Chine,

193; La Tribune Horticole, 40;

Letters to Young and Old

(Mrs. C. W. Earle), 426; Mush-

rooms and How to Grow Them

(John F. Baxter), 161; Book-

keeping Down to Date (Andrew

Munro, 181; Ma Pratique de

la Culture Maraichere (M. J.

Cure), 434; National Rose So-

ciety's Catalogue, 390; Nature-

knowledge Diary (Blackie's), 392;

Nos Arbres (M. Correvon), 40;




(Maurice Maeterlinck), 392; Pic-

torial Practical Potato-growing

(W. P. Wright and E. J.

Castle), 420; Plants of the Bible

(Rev. G. Henslow), 426, 445;

[blocks in formation]

Calcium cyanimide, experiments
with, 151

Cambridge, chair of botany at, 341
Camellia tree, an old, 358
Campanula amabilis, 54; C. imere-
tina, 23; C. laciniata, 165; C.
phyctidocalyx, 23; C. Raddeana,
23; C. x Stansfieldi, 93; C. sul-
phurea, 23; C. versicolor, 126
Campanulas, hybrid, 28, 93
Canada, fruit-growing in, 186
Canhamo braziliensis, a new textile
plant, 213

Canna, old and new varieties of, 306
Cann House, Plymouth, 4
Cape Aloes, 151
Carduus Kerneri, 52

Carnation-raising at "The Warren,"
Hayes, 107

Carnations, American varieties of,
314; cross-fertilisation of, 116;
layering, 126; re-naming, 328,
337, 358, 430; some new varieties
of, 391; the running of the
colours in, 91
Carpenteria californica, 6
Carrots, black, 342

Carving initials and names on trees,

Cassia remigera flowering in India,

[blocks in formation]

Houlletianum, Fowler's variety,
56; A. virens Sanderæ, 36; As-
plenium laceratum, 234; Begonia
elatior X, 297; B. Miss May
Sutton, 35; B. Purity 35; Brasso-
Cattleya Madame Hye, 36; B.-C.
Mrs. J. Leeman inversa, 298;
B.-C. striata splendidissima, 36;
Brasso-Lælia Mrs. M. Gratrix,
Westfield variety, 414; Bulbo-
phyllum virescens, 36; Capsicum
annuum Celestial, Supp. p. iv.,
Nov. 10; Caladium Dorothy
Peto, 97; Calanthe alpha, 414;
Carnation Britannia, 398; C.
Cupid, 54: C. Mrs. H. Burnett,
398; C. Mrs. Robert Norman,
265; C. Robert Berkeley, 54; C.
Robert Craig, 297; C. St. Louis,
297; C. White Perfection, 297;
Cattleya Ashtoni, Westonbirt
variety, 98; C. Atalanta, Fow-
ler's variety, 98; C. Claudian,
98; C. Cleopatra (Leda), Wes-
tonbirt variety, 357, Sipp.
p. iv., Nov. 10; C. Dowiana
aurea, Westfield variety, 298; C.
Dusseldorfei var. Undine, 414;
C. x Fabia Bradshawiana, 329,
Supp. p. iv., Nov. 10; C. X
Fabia Goodsoni, 360; C. X
Fabia superba, Supp. p. iv., Nov.
10 C. fulvescens delicata, Supp.
p. iv., Nov. 10; C. F. W. Wigan,
Goodson's variety, 36; C. Hardy.
ana. "Our Queen," 265; C. H.

"Rex," 234; C. x Iris "Coun-
tess of Morley," 169; C. labiati
Capt. J. F. Laycock, 329, Supp.
p. iv., Nov. 10; C. 1. Peeter's
variety, 298; C. Lord Rothschild,
Westonbirt variety, 98; C. Man-
tini, Fowler's variety, Supp.
p. iv., Nov. 10; C. Marstersoniæ
superba, Supp. p. iv., Nov. 10;
C. Mrs. J. W. Whiteley," Ross-
lyn variety," 265; C. “Mrs. Myra
Peeters," 56; C. Octave Doin
var. Herbert Goodson, 298; C.
Pittiana, Low's variety, 265; C.
Warscewiczii saturata, 98; C. W.
"White Queen," 36; Chrysanthe-
mums; Beauty of Weybridge,
Supp. p. iii., Nov. 10; Algernon
Davis, 297; Buttercup, Supp.
p. iv., Nov. 10; Dora Godfrey,
297; Dorothy Gouldsmith, 251;
Edith Harling, 360; Ethel, 200,
217; Fred Duck, Supp. p. iii.,
Nov. 10; Glitter, Supp. pp. iii.,
iv., Nov. 10; Hector, 251; H.
Hearn, 360; Lizzy, Supp. p. iii.,
Nov. 10; Mad. R. Oberthur, 360;
Mlle. G. Rivol, 360; Mercedes,
217; Merstham White, 360; Miss
H. Hampson, 360; Miss Olive
Dumsday, Supp. p. iii., Nov. 10;
Mrs. Arthur Beech, 217; Mrs. A.
T. Miller, 297; Mrs. Brewster,
Supp. p. iv., Nov. 10; Mrs. H.
Redden, Supp. p. iii., Nov. 10;
Mrs. J. W. Scott, 250; Mrs. Nor-
man Davis, 297; Mrs. Sidney
Fox, 360; Tapis de Neige, 250;
White Countess, 217, Chrysan-
themum maximum Mrs. Charles
Lowthian Bell, 35; Coelogyne
Mooreana, 414; Colchicum
Bivonae, 265; Crocus Boryi
var. Marathoniseus, Supp. p. iv.,
Nov. 10; Cycnoches Egertoni-
anum viride, 139; Cymbidium
erythrostylum, 265; Cypripe-
dium Actaeus, Bank House
var. 414; C. Actaeus langleyense,
414; C. Actaeus superbum, 414;
C. Baron Schröder, var, ardens,
169; C. callo-Rothschildianum,
36; C. eboraicum, 414; C. F. K.
Sander, var. King Haakon, 360;
C. Fletcherianum, 234; C. Ger-
maine Opoix, Westfield variety
X, 360, and Supp. p. iv., Nov.
10; C. Godefroyæ leucochilum
Hodgkinsoni, 36; C. Harri-Lee-
anum, Paik Lodge variety, 139;
C. insigne Harefield Hall, 414;
C. Lecanum "Corona," 360; C.
Muriel Hollington, 298: C.
Niobe, Oakwood variety, 414; C.
nitens, Ball's variety, Supp. D. iv.,
Nov. 10; C. Stephanos, 360; C.
Thalia Mrs. Francis Wellesley,
414; C. Victory, 234; C. Wigani-
anum, Westonbirt variety, 414;
C. Zeno, Craven's variety, 414;
Dahlias: Claret Cup. 202; Daisy
Staples, 234; Dr. G. G. Gray, 169,
202; Diavolo, 202; Fugi San,
169 Gazelle, 200; Gloria, 202;
Hamlet. 201; Hyacinth, 224;
Kitty, 234; Mavourneen, 202;
Meteor, 202, 234; Portia, 234;
Princess Mary, 169; Rev. A.
Hall, 200, 202; Rodney, 234;
Ruby Grinsted, 234; Sunshine,

White Perfection, 202;
Davallia elegans, var. Mayi, 35;
Delphinium Cintra, 54; Dendro-
bium Arthur Ashworth, 234; D.
Phalaenopsis, 329; D.P., Gatton
Park variety, 414; D.P., Phyllis
Moore," 298; D.P splendens,
Supp. p. iv., Nov. 10; Epiden
drum floribundum, Supp. p. iv.,
Nov. 10; Gilia coronopifolia,
169; Gladiolus : Golden Ray,
138; Mrs. Cecil Baring, 138;
Mrs. Coddington, 138; White
Knight, 138; Hemipilia amethy.
stina, 36; Lælia pumila superba,
298; Lælio-Cattleya Berthe Four-
nier, 139; L.-C., Holford's
variety, 234; L.-C. elegans His

Majesty, 169; L.-C. G. G. White-
legge, 265; L.-C. Golden Beauty,
Supp. p. iv., Nov. 10; L.-C.
Mrs. de Vere Beauclerk, 201;
L.-C. Nysa gloriosa, 139; L.-C.
Phryne, Gatton Park variety, 265;
L.-C. Sunset, 201; L.-C. Wood-
fordiensis, 201; Lisianthus
eythropensis (Russellianus), 35;
Lycaste tricolor aibens, 56; Max-
ilaria nigrescens, 329; Miltonia
Clowesii rosefieldiensis, 265;
Mormodes, Buccinator variety,
329; Nemesia Orange Queen, 55;
Nephrolepis cordata tesselata,

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298; N. pectinata canalicu.

lata, 97; N. Todeaoides, 265;
Nerines : Crimson King, 265;
flexuosa alba, 297, Nymphæa
97; N. James
Brydon, 35; Odontioda Bohn-
hoffiæ, 234; O. Heatonense St..
Vincent, 414; Odontoglossum
amabile, Glebelands variety, 414;
O. crispo-Harryanum, Rosslyn
variety, 98; O. Eurydice, 36; 0.
Fletcherianum, 98; 0. grande
Zandaghe variety, 36; Oncidium
Stanleyi, 169; Osmunda palus.
tris, var. Mayi, 35; Pelargonium
Hector Piacomelli, 35; Phlox
Tapis Blanc, 169; Polystachya
grandiflora, 201; Roses: Doro-
thy Page Roberts, 217; Gottfried
Keller, 138; Mrs. Jardine, 35;
Mrs. Stewart Clarke, 217; Nellie
Johnstone, 265; Queen of Spain,
35; Richardia Mrs. Roosevelt,
35; Sobralia Lowii, 169; Sophro-
Cattleya eximia, 329; Sophro-
Lælia Phroso, 98; Stokesia cya.
nea præcox, 97; Sweet Peas:
Audrey Crier, 38, 97; Dora
Cowper, 38; Elsie Herbert,

Etta Dyke, 38; Horace
Wright, 38; Maud Guest, 38;
Princess Maud of Wales, 38;
Queen of Norway, 38; Rosy
Morn, 54; Trevoria Chloris, 234;
Vitis armata Veitchii, 298

Botanical Gardens, 286,
310; rubber exhibition in, 421
Ceylon, rubber culture in, 213, 421
Chaparro Pine, the, 11

Charts for use in teaching fruit
culture, 131

Chatham Islands, flora of the, 240
Chatsworth gardens, appointment
at, 131

Chequers Court, Bucks, 285

Chester, the late William, 114, 155
China, the flora of, 11; the Priniu-
las of, 191, 206, 230
Christensen, Carl (Index Filicum),

Chrysanthemum blooms, big, 359;
congress at Caen, 309; Eleanor
Duchess of Northumberland,
264; exhibition of children's,
165, 229; Edith Harling, 439;
Exhibitions and showboards,


430; French varieties of, 422;
notes, 342, 393, 422; Robert
Morgan, 445; Rust fungus,
327; Tokio, 12; American, 393;
the Crystal Palace, 342,
377, 412; certificated at the
Paris show, 342; in a market
nursery, 248; single varieties of,
402; yellow varieties of, during
1906, 393; at Shaw's Gardens,
also under
U.S.A., 445 (see
"Certificated Plants")
Cider-making, 427
Citrate of lime in Dominica, 229
Clarke, C.B., the late, 341
Classification of plants, the
authors of the various, 262
Clathrus cancellatus (rare British
fungus), 248

Clematis flowers, the lasting pre-
perty of, 182

Cockroaches, to destroy, 435
Cocoa, a new variety of, 406
Codiæums at Brent Hill Nursery,

Coleus thyrsoideus. 304

Colonial Notes, 47, 151, 286, 320,
334, 384, 406, 421, 440
Commercial corruption, 71, 182
Conference on plant hardiness and
acclimatisation, a,


hybridisation, 81, 90, 94, 111, 115
Conifers, the propagation of, 353
Connaught Park, Dover, 287
Cooke, M. C. (Fungoid Pests of
Cultivated Plants), 223
Co-operative flower show, a, 149
Copped Hall, Apples at, 274
Cordyline Banksii at Castlewellan,
240; C. indivisa raised from seed
at Castlewellan, 245
Cornish trip, a, 159, 185
Correvon, M. (Nos Arbres), 196
Corruption, commercial, 182, 197,

Cortaderia argentea growing in
Mr. Goff's nursery, 295
Corylus Colurna (Constantinople
nut), 257

Covent Garden market, new build-
ings at, 417; at Christmas, 417
Crocus Boryi Marathoniseus, 335
Crocus species,
235; autumn

flowering, 335

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Cronartium ribicolum (on Black
Currant), 247

Cuba, note from, 387

Cupressus nootkatensis, 166

Currant-bud mite, researches at

Wisley, 356, 377

Currant, Black, new pest of the,

Cyclamen culture, 302

Cyder-making in Normandy, 401
Cymbidium erythrostylum, 286:
varieties of, from Glasnevin, 419
Cypripedium Fairrieanum, 239; C.
variety," 411; C. x Harri-Lee-
anum, Park Lodge variety, 166;
C. insigne, double inflorescence,
419; C. i. Sanderæ, 366; C. ×
Lawrenceano-Niobe, 224; C. x
Youngianum var.
439; C. seedlings flowering early,

385 (see Certificated Plants.")


DABEOCIA polifolia var. alba, 153
Dahlem, Germany, state biological
institution at, 151

Dahlia Kaiserin Augusta Victoria,


Dahlia Society in the United States,

Dahlias at Wisley, a trial of, 216;
Cactus, 373; new, of 1906, 427
Darrah's, the late Mr., succulent
plants given to Manchester, 427
Darreen gardens, 368

Dasylirion glaucophyllum flower-
ing at Inwood, 247

Dawes, James, appointment in
New Zealand, 50

Debating societies, federation of,
248, 282, 296, 313, 327
Dendrobium Chrysanthemum, re-
markable plant of, 374

Dendrology in France, 52; in Ger-

many, 52

Devon garden, plants in a, 53
Dianthus alpinus, 44

Diels, Dr. L. (Jugendformen ur
Blüthenreife im Pflanzenreich), 17
Dioon edule, 288

Discounts to gardeners, 313, 37,
341 (See also " Prevention of Cor-
ruption Bill")

Dishonest exhibiting, 311
Distylium racemosum, 303
Dogs Act, 1906, 393

D'Ombrain, Rev. H. H., proposed
memorial to, 229

Donegal garden, a, 113

Dresden Horticultural Exhibition,
11, 50

Duncan, F. Martin (Insect Pests of
the Farm and Garden), 151


EARLE, Mrs. C. W. (Letters to
Young and Old), 426
Economic entomology, 294
Economic plants, herbarium speci-
mens of, 387
Edinburgh Chrysanthemum show,
an American view of the, 393;
Rose show, 31

Edmonton, Alberta, a note from,

Electricity and plant growth, 71, 180
Ellacombe's, Canon, garden at Bit-
ton, 386

Ellis, C. J., presentation to, 181
Elwes, H. J. (The Trees of Great
Britain and Ireland), 372
Encephalartos Alstensteinii, 206
English gardeners in America, 278
Entomology, economic, 294
Epilobium luteum, 23

Epsom salts for Azaleas, 393
Errera, Leo, bust of the late, 19
Dria flava, 23

* Erica, hardy species of, 255; hints
on propagating, 45

Erythroxylons of Grenada, the, 47
Ether and plant-growth, 200
Etherisation of Lilacs, 392
Eugenia apiculata, 152
Euphorbias, succulent,
graph of, 409

a mono-

Eustoma Russellianum, the culture
of, 78

Events of the year, 442

Examinations in horticulture, 149,

Exhibition Roses, old and new,
Exhibiting vegetables, 8, 31, 120


FARRER, the late William, 91
Fern crests, 27

Fern-culture for town dwellers, 199
Fern sports, American, 387; and
species, 296 (see Christensen's In-

Ferns, anatomical classification of
certain, 75

Ferns, hardy, in autumn, 214
Fernery, the, 214, 262, 387, 444
Fertilisation, the nature of, 246
Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Bill,

Fertilisers, lectures on, 341
Fire-resisting tree, a, 11

Fixtures, garden, the law of, 221
Flora of China, 11
Florist, the art of the, 392
Florists' flowers, 23, 91
Flower garden, the, 9, 28, 48, 63, 89,

146, 162, 179, 195, 211, 227, 242,
258, 274, 291, 307, 323, 338, 354,
388, 407, 424, 441
Flower-pot with a movable tray, 137
Flower show arrangements, 10
Flowers in season, 11, 70, 72, 110,
197, 213, 278, 294, 309, 341, 359
Flowers, wild, for cutting, 14
Forcing fruit trees in pots, 157, 183,
192; Strawberries, 103
Foreign correspondence, 42, 79,
108, 190, 226, 270, 319, 387, 402
Forestry, 290, 388; at Oxford, 261;
British, 11; in Germany, 154
Fota gardens, 368
Frogmore gardens, 263,
Fruiterers' Company visit Maid-
stone, 181

Fruit at the Mansion House, 309;
conference at Dublin, 314; at Wye
College, 341; crops and birds,
358, 432; crops and the weather
in N.W. Scotland, 137; crops in
Ireland, the, 19; crops, remarks
on the, 64, 70, 83, 104, 123, 144;
notes, 273; register, 239, 311, 334,
439; sales in Austria, 71; show,
309; marketing of, 337; preserva-
tion of, 131; transit by rail, 205

Fruit-culture, explanatory charts
on, 131; in Gloucestershire, 150;
in British Columbia, 384; in
Canada, 189

Fruit-gathering, 264

Fruit-trees in pots, forcing, 157, 183,
192; in springtime, a protection
for, 232; the value of limewash
on, 262

Fruits, some tropical, 309; the
breeding of, 116; under glass, 9,
29, 48, 63, 89, 109, 128, 147, 162,
178, 195, 211, 227, 243, 258, 274,
290, 307, 323, 339, 355, 371, 389,
406, 425, 440; walls at Wrotham
Park gardens, 402; cold-resisting,


Fumigating with tobacco paper, 252
Funkia lancifolia var. tardiflora, 321
Fungi, Australian rust, 25
Fungus, a rare, 248

Fusicladium dendriticum attacking
Apples, 21


GARDENERS, bequests to, 229; dis-
missed for their political views,
59; presentations to, 410; two
aged, 311

Garden-fixtures, the law of, 221
Garden near Mount Vesuvius, a, 319
Garden-outings in America, 112
Garden, the season in the, 15
Gasteria Pethamensis, 377
Genetic research, the progress of, 81
Gentiana ornata, 182; G. scabra in
Kew Gardens, 386

Gerbera Jamesoni, natural varia-
tions in, 288, 314, 328, 421
German nurserymen, 71
Germany, note from, 42
Gesnera cardinalis, 153
Gilia coronopifolia, 276
Gladiolus-culture, profitable, 180
Gladioli as annuals, 261; G. Mrs.
Cecil Baring, 158; G. psittacinus,
137; seedlings, 79, 154; G. tristis,

Glass, rough plate, for garden uses,
281, 296

Glasnevin Botanic Garden, 351;
Cymbidiums from, 419
Glaziou, the late M., 442
Gloag, M. R. (A Book of English
Gardens), 393

Gloxinia with petaloid stamens, 215
Goeldi Museum, Brazil, 278
Goodacre, Mr. J. II., in America, 50
Gooseberry, a striped, 280; disease
and the Red Currant, 294; mil-
dew, the American, 294, 301, 317,
370, 409, 411
Gooseberries, 93

Grafting, bud, 367; grafting, dou-
ble, the Pear, 150; influence of
scion on stock in, 279; investiga-
tions in, 150; results of, upon
Apples, 52

Grapes Gros Colmar, 274, 313;
Mrs. Pince, 20

Grassites, the (a parable), 428
Greenhouse at Kew, the, 91, 213,
335, 443


Greenhouse building with patent
cement, 151; constructing
cheap, 235
Guevina Avellana, 174
Gunnera leaves eaten by pheasants,
396, 412, 431

Gunnersbury House, 101
Gunnersbury Park, 121
Gymnosporangium Sabina (Pear
rust disease), 134


HABENARIA repens, a floating Or-
chid, 146
Hailstorms, severe, 15, 71

Hampton Court, the flower garden
at, 238

Hanley Show, children's exhibits at
the, 74

Haplocarpa scaposa in Pretoria, 320
Hardy flower border, 28, 46, 218
Hardy fruit garden, 8, 29, 48, 63,
89, 129, 146, 163, 179, 195, 210,
226, 243, 259, 291, 306, 322, 339,
355, 371, 389, 407, 424, 440
Harwood, W. S. (The New Earth),

Hawaii, nursery catalogues for, 443
Hay crop of 1906, the, 113
Heaths, the hardy, 255
Helianthus decapetalus, commer-
cial value of the tubers of, 393
Henry, Dr. Augustine (The Trees of
Great Britain and Ireland), 372
Henslow, Rev. G. (Plants of the
Bible), 426

Heracleum Mantegazzianum, 52
Herbaria, the uses of, 276
Hilgard, E. W. (Soils), 210
Hoe, the use of the, 27

Holder, Randall's tilting plant, 312
Hole, memorial to the late Dean,

Holland House, flower show at, 10,
30, 31

Hollies in Kew Gardens, 196;
planting, 288

Honey season in the north, 213
Hoodia Currori, 62

Hopetoun House, border Pinks at,

[blocks in formation]


KALES, a trial of, at Wisley, 250,

Kennedyas, propagating, 45
Kensington Gardens, flower gar-
dening at, 154

Kerchove, the late Count de, 71;
Memorial, 427

Kermadec Islands, flora of the, 240
Kew Gardens, Bank Holiday at,

130; Hollies in, 196; notes from,
14, 23, 47, 78, 91, 153, 182, 242,
306, 320, 335, 386, 443; the green-
house at, 213; the rock-garden in
June, 154; the succulent house
at, 373; gardeners, the wages of,

[blocks in formation]

Larkspurs, 78

Lastrea montana var. truncata, 137
Lattice-leaf plant, a new, 270
Laurus Camphora, propagating, 6
Lavender water, to make, 140

LAW NOTES: - Agricultural laws
and gardeners, 292, 311, 326;
Claim for a Cattleya at Salford,
430; Fertilisers and Feeding
Stuffs Bill, 51; Prevention of Cor-
ruption Act, the, 182, 197, 229, 279,
281, 328, 338, 356, 376, 390, 394;
florists and the Factory Act, 262;
law of garden-fixtures, 221; legis-
lation for nurserymen, 376; Or-
chids sold from coloured draw-
ings, 391, 445

Layering, propagation by, 46, 126
Leaves, pitcher-shaped, 52
Lecomte, Prof., M.P.H., 31
Legacy to the Gardeners' Benevo
lent Institution, 357
Legacies to gardeners, 357
Lemon juice, to preserve, 60
Leonardslee, Horsham, 272; late
flowers at, 314

Leonotis Leonurus as a garden
plant, 377

Lewis, H. M. Gwyn (A Concise
Handbook of Garden Shrubs), 368
Lightning and Beech trees, 112,
130, 154, 167, 184


Lilacs, the etherisation of, 392
Lilford Hall rock-garden, 225
var. platyphyl-
lum, 218, 313; L. neilgherrense,
160; L. philadelphicum, 153; !..
polyphyllum, 126; L. sulphur.
eum, 190; L. Sutchuanense and
L. Maximowiczii, 20

Lily of the Valley, retarding, 149
Lily season in Scotland, the, 174
Lime tree, unusual flowering of
the, 12

Lime in soils, 160

Lime-wash on fruit trees, the value
of, 262

Limes, commercial citrate of, 229
Lincoln Park, America, 71
Linnæus' garden at Upsala, 385
London markets and their sup

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Mendel's laws and their applica
tion to plants, 115, 131
Meteorology, economic, and
fruit crops, 91; lessons in, 52
Michauxia campanuloides, 112
Microsphaera grossularia (Goose-
berry mildew), 294
Miltonia Cogniauxiæ X at Rose-
field, 271

Mitten, William, the late, 246
Monmouthshire gardens, two, 240
Mormodes Buccinator theiochlo.

rum, 357; M. Badium at Tring
Park, 419

Morris, Sir Daniel, 31
Mosses, Mitten's collection sold

to the American Government, 391
Montbretias, some new varieties
of, 197

Mount Harry, Brighton, Orchids
at, 224

Mount Usher gardens, 352
Mounton, near Chepstow, 241

Mount Vesuvius, a garden near,

Mowing machines, motor, 20

Mulgedium Plumieri, 126

[blocks in formation]


Co., Brighton, 160; Clark, G. &
A., Ltd., Dover, 280; Craven
Nursery Co., Clapham, Yorks,
107; Cutbush, W., & Son, Bar-
net, 383; Jannoch, T., Dersing-
ham, 237; McBean & Sons,
Cooksbridge, 190; Paul & Sons,
Cheshunt, 106; Paul, William, &
Son, Waltham Cross, 142; Rus-
sell, L. R., Richmond,
Spath, Herr, 42; Sutton & Sons,
Reading, 209; Tulley, Joseph,
Enfield, 394; Veitch, J., & Sons,
Ltd., Feltham, 374; Watkins &
Simpson's, Feltham, 53
Nymphæa thermalis, 324; N. zan-
zibarensis rosea, 248
Nymphæas, 135


OBITUARY:- Archduke Otto of
Austria, 409; Ballantine, Mrs.
H., 168; Boyd, John Brack,
445; Chester, William, 93, 114,
155; Churchill, G. C., 309;
Clarke, Charles Baron, 164, 241;
Cock, Robert, 93; Eisenbarth,
Gottlieb, 284; Ellwanger, George,
435; Farrer, William,
Fletcher, R. G., 364; Froebel,
Otto, 218; Glendinning, Robert
Pince, 347; Henderson, Andrew,
218; Huntley, Horace, 315;
Johnson, Jos. Forsyth, 93; Jor-
don, A. J., 229; Law-Schöfield,
G. W., 188; Luckhurst, Henry,
168; Marks, Benjamin, 59;
Meyer, F. W., 120; Oudemans,
Dr., 262; Parnell, W., 379, 400;
Pfitzer, Prof., 408; Pim, Green-
wood, 364; Reid, E. G., 284;
Shepherd, Mrs. Theodosia, 261;
Shingler, John, 315; Squibbs,
Robert, 155; Taylor, A., 364;
Thomas, M. O., 379; Turner,
Harry, 218; Ward, Prof. Dr.
Marshall, 164; Wilshere, Charles
Willes, 246

Ochna multiflora, 212
Odontioda Vuylstekeæ, 47
Odontoglossum amabile 'Royal
Sovereign," 152; O. crispum,
double flowers of, 419; Ö. c.
Jean Linden, 419; O. c. Madam
Linden, 419; O. c. variation in,
404 O. x Euphrosyne, 239; O.
Londesboroughianum, 366; 0.
Queen Alexandra var. Carmen,
13; O. at Warrington, 317
Enothera (Godetia) Schamini, 341
Omphalodes Luciliæ, 53, 445
Oncidium sarcodes ornatum, 23; 0.
Limminghei, 23

Onion mildew, 236

Onions, the culture of large, 305,

Orangeries, 42

Oranges and Bananas, 419
Orchard houses, placing bees in,

Orchid house, a model, 404
Orchid houses, work in the, 8, 29,
49, 63, 88, 109, 129, 147, 163, 179,
194, 210, 227, 243, 259, 275, 290,
306, 323, 339, 355, 370, 389, 407,
425, 441; placing ammonia in,
262; maintaining of moisture in,

Orchid notes and gleanings, 23,

146, 199, 224, 239, 271, 286, 317,
366, 385, 404, 419
Orchid show at Dresden, 11
Orchids and nitrifying bacteria,

262; at Mount Harry, Brighton,
224; a sale of Imperial, 149; at
the Krupp wedding, 278; in
Manila, 403; sold from coloured
drawings, 391; the germination
of, 115

Orphan Fund, Royal Gardeners',
31, 181, 409

Osmunda palustris var. Mayii, 161
Oxalis adenophylla, 14; O. bra.
ziliensis, 304

Oxford, forestry at, 261


PEONY Society, an American, 40
Pachira aquatica, 308

Palm house, a proposed, at Buda-
pest, 213

Palms in the Mediterranean region,

Pampas grass, a fine plant of, 295
Paradise, a riverside, 61
Parks and squares of the United
States, 279

Park superintendents, official status
of, 300

Parliamentary Committee, the Joint
Railway and, 205, 325, 393
Partridge canes, 15
Peach culture out-of-doors, 127,
154, 167, 184, 199, 215, 232, 281;
at Diddington Hall gardens, 281
Peach"Thames Bank," 154, 167
Pear Conference, 337; rust disease,
the, 134; scab, the, 22
Peas, early dwarf, 54
Pedicularis sceptrum carolinum in
Upsal Botanic, 385
Peeters, M. A., 85

Pelargonium Mrs. Lawrence, 248
Pelargoniums in Parliament Square
destroyed by creosote fumes,
166; Zonal, improved varieties
of, 213

Pentas carrea, 304; variety alba,

Periploca græca, fruits of, 324
Pfitzer, Prof., 85; death of, 408
Pheasants and Gunneras, 396, 412,


Phlox, the herbaceous, 222, 333
Phoenix canariensis in Sicily, 404
Photographs in colours, 131; of
plants taken in darkness, 358
Phylloxera in Switzerland, 246
Physianthus albens, 313
Picotees, yellow-ground, 74
Pinks, border, at Hopetoun House,

Pinus sylvestris shedding its leaves
prematurely, 278
Pitcher-shaped leaves, 52
Plane trees on Thames Embank-
ment, 229

Plantago maxima, 182
Plant enemies in Saxony, 149
Plant food constituents, necessary,

26; for fruiting trees, 71
Plant holder, Randall's tilting, 342
Plant names, and the Vienna Con-
gress, 279; costers', 11
Plant notes, 78, 126, 152, 162, 304,




Mariesii, 246; Acer japonicum
ficifolium, 257; A. negundo cali.
fornicum aureum, 257; A. n. var.
aureo-marginata elegans, 257; A.
platanoides var. Schwedleri, 257 ;
A. polymorphum laciniatum pur-
pureum, 257; A. pseudo-platanus
var. Leopoldi, 257; Adenia lo-
bata, 379, Æchmea gigas, 409;
Angræcum Arnoldianum, 257;
Anthurium Andreanum hybrids,
238, 312; Apples Calville Du-
quesne, 168; Kruger's Dick stiel,
137; Aristolochia ornithocephala,
168; Berberis stenophylla, 238;
Blakea gracilis, 246; Boronia fas.
tigiata, 110; Brasso-Lælia × Ed-
ward VII.. 257; Bulbophyllum
Ericssoni, 110; Catasetum galeri.
tum var. pachyglossum, 197;
Cereus Scheerii, 197; Chloræa
virescens, 246; Chrysanthemum
Mme. Th. Carvet, 405; Clematis
Lady Northcliffe, 418; Clematis

montana rubens, 416; Codon-
opsis Tangshen, 110; Coreopsis
Granti, 409; Cotyledon devensis,
341; Crinum Laurentii, 418; Cy-
pripedium Germaine Opoix, 168;
Deutzia Wilsoni, 30; Echinops
Tournefortii, 379; Euphorbia
procumbens, 30; Ficus Krishnae,
197; Francoa appendiculata,
238; Genista cinerea, 30; Gor-
donia grandis, 379; Gurania
malacophylla, 30; Hæmanthus
Eetveldeanus Queen Victoria,
312; Hedychium Bousigon-
ianum, 224, 257; Hedysarum
multijugum apiculatum, 110;
Iris Lorteti, 137; Jasminum niti-
dum, 137; J. primulinum, 312;
Lælia anceps Williamsi, 257;
Lælio Cattleya x Bletenleyensis,
257; Lilium Browni var. leu-
cantha, 6; L. myriophyllum,
341; Linospadix Micholtzii, 197;
Lycaste Dyeriana, 341; Odonto-
glossum nævium, 246; Oncidium
tigrinum splendidum, 257; Ophi-
opogon Regnieri, 168; Papaver
orientale var. Mrs Perry, 312;
Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum,
30; Passiflora punctata, 246;
Pear Doyenné Georges Boucher,
379; Pentas carnen var. alba,
246; Petunia Rheingold, 312;
Phalanopsis amabilis Rimestad-
tiana alba, 257; Pleione yunnan-
ensis, 341; Pontederia cordata,
409; Rhododendron Fordii, 499;
Rhodostachys pitcairniifolia, 110;
Ribes cruentum, 341; R. vburni.
folium, 197; Roses: Mme.
Georges Bruant, 495; Carmen,
405; Charlotte Klemm, 257;
Dean Hole, 312; Hiawatha, 405;
Sanchezia nobilis, 246; Vanda
Watsoni, 409 (see under "Botani-
cal Magazine")
Plants photographed in darkness,
358; the thoughtlessness of, 72

Aponogeton (Ouvirandra) Hen-
kelianum (Hort.), 270; Beschor-
neria pubescens, 350: Ceropegia
hybrida X, 383; C. similis, 383;
Dendrobium Brandtiæ, 404;
Deutzia globosa, 238; D. mollis,
238; D. reflexa, 238; Eremurus
× Michelianus, 83; Halocarpus
scaposa, 122; Hemerocallis fulva,


varieties and hybrids of,
158; Iris (Xiphion) Taitii, 145;
Lathyrus violaceus, 145; Nepeta
Veitchii, 334; N. Wilsoni, 334;
Senecio (Eusenecio) Faberi, 437;
Xylobium brachystachyum, 302
Plants under glass, the cultivation
of, 8, 29, 49, 62, 88, 109. 128, 147,
163, 194, 210, 227, 243, 259, 274,
290, 307, 323, 339, 354, 371, 389,
406, 425, 440

Plum-crop, the, 154

Poisonous properties of Primulas,

Pollen, bees stupefied by, 198
Polygala myrtifolia var. grandi.
flora, 366

Polygonum Baldschwanicum as a
wall climber, 281; P. poly-
stachum, 264; P. sphærosta-
chyum, 114

Portuguese Botanical Society, 52
Postal Changes, 31

Potash as manure, 26
Potato crop in Ireland, the, 278;
culture in India, 334; demonstra-
tion in Edinburgh, 278; flower
with staminodic petals, 305; leaf-
curl, 373; "seed" tubers, ripe
and unripe, 308; from Ireland,
336; Swamp, 116; at Edinburgh,
278; quality and soil influence,
428; trials at Reading, 75, 260;
at Wisley, 337, 250; at Farnham,
Surrey, 282, 426; new, at Christ-
mas, 60; spraying, 52
Pot Pourri, how to make, 60
Pretoria, a note from, 320

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