TH PREFACE. B EFORE I come to treat of this as it is now discovered tous by the good Providence of God, and the laborious Searches of this and the last Age; and chiefly, by the furprizing Sagacity and Penetration of the Illustrious Sir Ifaac Newton; I think it proper to premise two Enquiries, as of great Consequence in way of Preparation tothe receiving real Advantage by this Treatise and without Satisfaction wherein, all fuch Discourses will be of little Effect with many of its Perufers: I mean the Enquiry about that Temper of Mind, which is necessary for the Discovery of Divine Truth; A : Truth, and the Enquiry into that Degree of Evidence, that ought to be expected in Divine Matters. For, if all our Knowledge be derived from God, and if it bas pleased God to require a certain Degree of Probity, Seriousness, Impartiality, and Humility of Mind, together with hearty Prayers to him for his Direction, Blessing, and Assistance; and a proper Submission to him, before bewill communicate bis Truths to Men; I mean, at least, communicate the same so as Shall make a due Impression upontheir Minds, and turn to their real Profit and Edification, to their true Improvement in Virtue and Happiness: And if Men at any time come to the Examination either of the Works or • Word of God, without that Temper of Mind, and without those Addresses for bis Aid, and Submiffion to his Will, which He has determined shall be the Conditions of his Communications to them; especially if they come with the contrary Dispositions, with a Wicked, Partial, Proud, and Ludicrous Temper, and with an utter Difregard to God, bis Providence, Worship, and Revelation; all their Researches will come to nothing. If, I fay, this be the Cafe, as to the Divine Knowledge, as I believe it is, it cannot but be highly necefSary for us allto confider of this Matter beforehand, and to endeavour after the proper Qualifi Qualifications, before we set our selves about the main Enquiries themselves. If it has also pleased God to expect from us some more Deference and Regard for him, than for our poor fallible Fellow-Creatures bere below; and to claimour Belief and Obedience, upon plain external Evidence, That certain Dotrines or Duties are derived frombim, without our being always let into the Secrets of his Government, or acquainted with the Reasons of his Conduct; and alfoto expect that this plain external Evidence be treated, as it is in all the other Cases of Human Determinations and fudgments; I mean, that it be fubmitted to, and acquiefced in, when it appears to be fuch, as in all other Cafes would be allowed to be fatisfactory, and plainly fuperior to what it alledged to the contrary: If, I fay, this also be the Cafe as to Divine Knowledge, as I believe it is; It will be very proper for us all to confider of this Matter before-band also, that so we may not be afterward disappointed, when in our future Progress we do not always find that irresistible and over-bearing Degree of Evidence for certain Divine Truths, which in fuch Cafes is not to be bad, which in truth is almost peculiar tothe Mathematicks, and the Expectation of which is so common, tho' unjust, a Pretence for Infidelity among us. 1 As to the former of these Enquiries, or that Temper of Mind which is necessary for the Discovery of Divine Truth; it can certainly be no other than what the Light of Nature, and the Consciences of Men influenc'd thereby, dictate to us, those, I mean, already intimated; such as Seriousness, Integrity, Impartiality, and Prayer to God; with the faithful Belief, andready Practice of fuch Truths and Duites, as we do all along discover to be the Word and Will of God; together with such a Modesty, or Refignation of Mind, as will rest satisfy'd in certain Jublime Points, clearly above our Determination, with full Evidence that they are revealedby God, without always infifting, upon knowing the Reasons of the Divine Conduct therein immediately, before we will believe that Evidence. These are suchthings as all honest and Sober Men, who have naturally a Sense of Virtue and of God intheir Minds, must oren their Obligation to. We all know, by the common Light of Nature, till we eclipse or corrupt it by our own Wickedness, That we are to deal with the utmost Fairness, Honesty, and Integrity in all, especially in Religious Matters, that we are to hearken to every Argument, and to confider every Testimony without Prejudice, or Byass, and ever to pronounce agreeably to our Convictions; that we are but Weak, Frail, Depen T dent |