| John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages
...bough 095She gave him of that fair-inticing fruit, With liberal hand : he fcrupled not to eat, Againft his better knowledge ; not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome...charm. Earth trembled from her entrails, as again, 100O In pangs ; and nature gave a fccond groan : Sky low'r'ii, and mutt'ring thunder, fomc fad drops... | |
 | John Milton - 1750 - 714 pages
...Portare vcntis. Perfidom »otis caput. , 998.-»/ With liberal hand : he fcrupled not to eat Againft his better knowledge, not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome...charm. Earth trembled from her entrails, as again юсе In pangs, and Nature gave a fécond groan, Sky lour'd, and muttering thunder, fome fad drops... | |
 | English essays - 1753 - 334 pages
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 | John Milton - 1754 - 342 pages
...bough She gave him of that fair-inticihg fruit, With. liberal hand : he ferupled'not to eat ,, Againft' his better knowledge ;'not deceiv'd', But fondly overcome...her entrails , as again In pangs ; and nature gave a fecond groan : Sky lowr'd , and'mutt'ring; thunder, fome fad'Jrop*: Wept, at compleating of the mortal... | |
 | John Milton - Epic poetry, English - 1759 - 608 pages
...bough 995 She gave him of that fair enticing fruit With liberal hand: he fcrupled not to eat Againft his better knowledge, not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome...charm. Earth trembled from her entrails, as again 1000 In pangs, and Nature gave a fecond groan-, Sky lour'd, and muttering thunder, fome fad drops Wept... | |
 | John Newbery - English poetry - 1762 - 292 pages
...though rather in the Jublime than the agreeable, He fcrupled not to eat Again ft his better knoVledge, not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome with female charm....her entrails, as again In pangs, and nature gave a fecond groan, Sky lour'd, and muttering thunder, fome fad drops Wept at complcating of the mortal fin.... | |
 | Art - 1762 - 290 pages
...in the jublime than the agreeable. He fcrupled not to eat Againft his better knowledge, notdeceiv'd, But fondly overcome with female charm. Earth trembled...her entrails, as again In pangs, and nature gave a fecond groan, Sky lour'd, ar.d muttering thunder, tome fad drop* Wept at compleating of the mortal... | |
 | English poetry - 1776 - 476 pages
...recompense best merits) from the bough She gave him of that fair enticing fruit With lib'ral hand : he scrupled not to eat Against his better knowledge,...charm. Earth trembled from her entrails, as again l000 In pangs, and Nature gave a second groan. Sky lour'd, and, muttering thunder, some sad drops "Wept... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 262 pages
...bough 595 She gave him of that fair enticing fruit With liberal hand : he fcrupled not to eat Againft his better knowledge, not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome...charm. Earth trembled from her entrails, as again loo» In pangs, and Nature gave a fecond groan, Sky lour'd, and muttering thunder, fome fad drops Wept... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 258 pages
...bough 995 She gave him of that fair enticing fruit With liberal hand : he fcrupled not to eat Againft his better knowledge, not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome...charm. Earth trembled from her entrails, as again loco In pangs, and Nature gave a fecond groan, Sky lour'd, and muttering thunder, fome fad drops Wept... | |
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