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: C. Baldwin, Printer, New Bridge-street, London.
No. XI.
ART. 1. The Book of Psalms, translated from the Hebrew; with
Notes explanatory and critical. By Samuel Horsley, LL. D.
F. R. S. F. A. S. late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph
11. The Character of Moses established for Veracity as an His-
torian, recording Events from the Creation to the Deluge.
By the Rev. Joseph Townsend, M. A. Rector of Pewsey,
III. The Excursion, being a Portion of the Recluse: a Poem.
By William Wordsworth
IV. The Physiognomical System of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim:
founded on an anatomical and physiological Examination
of the Nervous System in general, and of the Brain in par-
ticular; and indicating the Dispositions and Manifestations
of the Mind. By J. G. Spurzheim, M.D.
V. The Lord of the Isles. A Poem. By Walter Scott
VI. A brief Account of the Jesuits, with historical Proofs in
Support of it, tending to establish the Danger of the Re-
vival of that Order to the World at large, and to the United
Kingdom in particular
VII. Negotiations on the Slave Trade.
1. Papers, showing the present State of the Slave Trade,
presented to both Houses of Parliament by Comniand of
his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, April, 1815.
2. Abregé des Preuves données devant un Comité de la
Chambre des Communes de la Grande Bretagne en 1790
et 1791, en Faveur de l'Abolition de la Traite de Nègres.
Traduit de l'Anglois par Jean de Carro, Docteur en Me-
decine des Universités d'Edinbourg et de Vienne
VIII. Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia,
&c. during the Years 1812 and 1813. By Henry Holland,
M. D. F. R. S. &c.
IX. Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. By Du-
gald Stewart, Esq. F. R.S. Edinburgh; Honorary Mem-
ber of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Peters-
burgh; Member of the Royal Academy of Berlin, and
of the American Philosophical Society, held at Phila-
delphia; formerly Professor of Moral Philosophy in the
University of Edinburgh. Volume second
X. A Selection of Hebrew Melodies, ancient and modern,
with appropriate Symphonies and Accompaniments. By
J. Braham and J. Nathan. The Poetry written expressly
for the Work by the Right Hon. Lord Byron
XJ. Present Situation of Europe.
1. Report of the State of France, made to Louis XVIII. in
Council by the Viscount Chateaubriand, Minister Plenipo-
tentiary of His Most Christian Majesty to the Court of
Sweden. To which is added, The Manifesto of the King,
addressed to the French Nation, as drawn up by Count
Lally Tollendal.
2. Exposé Comparatif de l'Etat Financier, Militaire, Politique,
et Moral, de la France, et des Principales Puissances de
l'Europe. Par M. Le Baron de Bignon, ci-devant Envoyé
Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentaire de France à
Cassel, à Carlsruhe, et à Varsovie.
3. Official Communication made to the Russian Ambassador
at London on the 19th of January, 1815, explanatory of
the Views which His Majesty and the Emperor of Russia
formed for the Deliverance and Security of Europe, pre-
sented to Parliament by Command of His Royal Highness
the Prince Regent.
4. Address to the Sovereigns of Europe, as to the Manner of
treating Napoleon Buonaparte. By Lewis Goldsmith
No. XII.
1. The Church in Danger: a Statement of the Cause, and of
the probable Means of averting that Danger, attempted in
a Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Liverpool. By the
Rev. Richard Yates, B.D. and F.R.S. Chaplain to his
Majesty's Royal College, Chelsea, Rector of Ashen, and
alternate Preacher to the Philanthropic Society.
2. A Practical Exposition of the Tendency and Proceedings
of the British and Foreign Bible Society, begun in a
Correspondence between the Rev. H. H. Norris and
J. W. Freshfield, Esq. relative to the Formation of an
Auxiliary Bible Society at Hackney; and completed in an
Appendix, containing an entire Series of the public Docu-
ments and private Papers which that Measure occasioned;
illustrated with Notes and Observations. Edited by the
Rev. H. H. Norris, M. A. Curate of St. John's Chapel,
Hackney, and Chaplain to the Earl of Shaftesbury. Second
Edition, with additional Notes.
3. A Review of Mr. Norris's Attack upon the British and
Foreign Bible Society. By the Rev. W. Dealtry, B. D.
F. R. S. Rector of Clapham, and late Fellow of Trinity
College, Cambridge.
4. A Letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Lin-
coln, on the Subject of the Attack made by his Lordship
upon the British and Foreign Bible Society, in his recent
Charge to his Clergy. By a Clerical Member of the
5. A Letter to the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of Glou-
cester, on the Subject of the British and Foreign Bible
Society. By Thomas Gisborne, M. A.
XIII. Roderick, the last of the Goths. By Robert Southey, Esq.
Poet Laureate, and Member of the Royal Spanish Academy. 287