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Absolute, Milton's conception of the,


Absolutism, relation of Milton's views

to nineteenth-century, 199–200.
Adam, 56, 128, 129, 130, 132, 140,
143, 145, 150, 152, 153, 154, 160,
161, 163, 166, 167, 169, 170, 174,
175, 177, 178, 221, 228, 231, 232,
252, 258, 261, 262, 271, 275, 277,

Adam, Life of, 261 n.

Eschylus, 112.

Agatha, Council of, 267.
Agrippa, Cornelius, 281, 317.
Aims of Creation, 131-33.

Albinism, Milton's alleged, 349, 350,

Alfaric, P., 273.

Allegory in Paradise Lost, 212; in

Paradise Regained, 233-34.

Ambrose, Saint, 267.
Ames, William, 321.
Anabaptists, 311.

Angels, Fall of the, 253-58, 263, 270.
Animadversions upon the Remon-

strant's Defence, 30, 44; quoted,
40-41, 266.

Apollinaris, Saint, 269.

Apology for Smectymnuus, 9, 30, 41,
44-47, 253, 261, 266, 282 n.
Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 75, 206.
Arcades, 12, 14.
Areopagitica, 30, 32, 67; quoted, 24,
73-78, 124-25, 183, 184, 185, 205,
206, 236, 253, 267, 292, 321-22.
Arianism, 34, 117.

Armageddon, 196.

Arminianism, 22.

Arminius, 75.

Athanasius, Saint, 267.

Augustine, Saint, 65, 152, 167, 212,

249, 250, 257, 265, 266, 267, 269,
321; influence on Milton, 273-79.
Authorities, Milton's contempt for,
40-41, 68.
Azazel, 254-56, 346.

Bacon, Lord, 324, 345.
Bailey, John, 250.

Baldwin, E. C., 342, 343, 344, 345,


Battie (an Anabaptist), 311.
Baum, P. F., 346.

Beeching, H. C., 126 n.
Beelzebub, 216.

Being, God's plan of, 125-31; dia-
gram of, 172.

Belial, 215, 234.

Bible, Milton and the, 21, 61-62, 64,
67, 121, 122, 147-48, 182, 205-
06, 247, 253; quoted, 42 n, 155,
166, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 259,
260, 261, 262, 263, 269, 272, 285,

Bishops, Milton's pamphlets against
the, 32-49, 72, 73; the tyranny
of, 42.
Blake, William, v, vi, 114, 130, 178,

207, 209-10, 211, 237, 299, 306.
Blake and Milton (Saurat), v, 299 n.
"Blind mouths," 20, 72.
Blindness, Milton's, 88, 240; prob-
able causes of, 329-41.
Body and soul, unity of in Milton's
thought, 57-58, 143-48.

Books, Milton's praise of, 74, 235.
Bousset, W., 252 n, 253 n, 261 n,

[blocks in formation]

Canne, John, 310.
Catholicism, Milton's hatred of, 11,
62, 95-96, 176, 184.
Censorship, Milton's opposition to,
73, 183-85.

Chaos, Milton on the origin of,

Chappell, William, 6.

Charles I, 23, 81, 99, 189.

Charles, R. M., 252 n, 256, 261 n.
Chastity, Milton on, 9, 12, 16-18,
45-46, 50-51, 55-58.
Chillingworth, William, 23.
Christ, 171; as Divine Reason, 106,

173-74, 177, 200, 210, 211; as
the Greater Man, 172, 174–80; as
the manifested God, 173; his ap-
proaching reign on earth, 39, 196;
in Paradise Regained, 234; not
mentioned in Samson Agonistes,
238; Augustine's conception of,
277. See Son, the.

Church, Milton on the, 11, 35, 92,

Civil War, Milton's rôle in the, xvi,

Clement of Alexandria, 265, 266.
Clergy, Milton's attitude toward the,

35-36, 92, 95, 96, 114.
Climate, Milton's complaints of the
English, 74.

Colasterion, 30; quoted, 68-69.
Color perception in Milton, 333-34.
Commonplace Book (Milton's), 346.
Commonwealth, the, 20, 72, 81; Mil-
ton a servant of, 86-94.
Communion of the Saints, 132, 182,

[blocks in formation]

Cromwell, Oliver, 22, 32, 33, 63, 73,
81, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 104, 188,
189, 190.

Crucifixion, 177, 178; Augustine on
the, 278.

Cyprian, Saint, 265.

Dalila, 236, 242.
Dante, 28, 171.
Davity, Pierre, 344.

Death, Milton on, 143-47, 199. See
Mortalism and Mortalists.
De civitate Dei, quoted, 152, 274-
79. See Augustine, Saint.
Decree of God, 125-31.
De doctrina Christiana, 46, 49, 67,

203-04, 210, 259, 274, 286; date
of, 111n, 345; plan of, 112;
dogma in, 219; quoted, 113, 114,
115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,
122, 125, 127, 129, 130, 132, 134,
135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,
142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 150,
158, 159, 173, 174, 175, 177, 180,
181, 182, 196, 197, 203, 204, 205,
206, 209, 247, 253, 257, 263, 268-
69, 290, 293-94, 313, 314, 315,
316, 318, 319, 321.

Defensio pro populo Anglicano, 31,
88-92, 228; quoted, 187, 189,
267-68, 339-40.

Defensio pro se, 31, 94.

Defensio Regia pro Carolo 1, 88.
Defensio secunda, 31, 72, 73, 90;
quoted, 92-94, 106, 151, 185-87,
188, 189-91, 193-95, 330-32.
Defoe, Daniel, 352.

Demiurge, the Son as a, 120, 290;
in the Zohar, 290.

Deodati, Charles, 7, 9, 11, 12 n.
Derby, Countess of, 12.

Desire, legitimacy of, 105, 137, 155,
158, 160. See Sensuality.
Destiny, Milton's conception of, 81,
104-05, 107, 179-80, 192-97, 242.
See History.

Detraction which followed upon my
writing certain Treatises, On the,

Diderot, Denis, 78.

Disestablishment of the Church, 92,


Divina Commedia, 28.

Divine right of kings, Milton's re-

jection of, 89.

Divinity of matter. See Matter.
Divorce pamphlets, Milton's, xv, 30,
49-70, 73, 156, 158 n, 159 n, 166,

"Divorcers," sect of, 69.
Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce,
30, 68, 73; quoted, 50-54, 58-63,
266, 311.

Dodge, R. E. N., 343.
Dogma, Milton's attitude toward,
203-10; few traces of in the De
doctrina, 203; completely absent
from Samson, 236-39; Satan's
criticism of, 217-19.

"Double vision," Milton's, 178.
Druidic sources of English civiliza-

tion, 321-22.

Dualism, Milton's attitude toward, 58,
80, 92 n, 105, 141.

Duality of man's nature, 149–55, 198,

Economic factors, Milton's neglect
of, 103 n.

Education, Of, xv-xvi, 30, 32, 78–79,
282 n.

Edwards, Thomas, 310-11.
Egotism, Milton's, 78, 79. See

Eikon Alethine, 347.

Eikon Basilike, 86, 227.
Eikonoklastes, 29, 30, 347; quoted,
86-88, 190.

Eleazer of Worms, 284 n.
Elect, Milton's conception of the, 172,
174, 180, 191, 199, 200, 211, 215,
277, 297.

Elegies, Milton's Latin, 7-9.
Eliberis, Council of, 267.

England, Milton's idea of, 32, 34, 37,
59-60, 76.

Enoch, Book of, 252 n, 254-58, 261,


Eve, 144, 152, 153, 160, 161, 169, 176,
228, 232, 234, 259, 261, 263, 270,
271, 275, 283, 285.

Evil, the problem of, in Milton, 19-
20, 32, 56, 82, 149-55, 259; in
Hebrew speculation, 262.

Faerie Queene, 218 n, 343.
Fall, the, Milton's conception of, xvii,
18-19, 46, 49-70, 57, 58, 67, 69,
82, 129, 149, 164, 170, 171, 200,
233; as the triumph of passion
over reason, 150-52, 198; as
sensuality, 55, 152-55; in Samson
Agonistes, 236; of Satan, 129,
154; in Hebrew speculation, 251-
53, 262; in Paul, 259-61; in the
writings of the Fathers, 264-
79. See Angels, Fall of the.
Family, medical history of Milton's,

Fathers of the Church, Milton's atti-
tude toward the, 35, 40, 68, 264-

deFaye, E., 251 п, 270.
Fehr, B., vi n.

Fichte, J. G., 123.

Fifth Monarchy, the, 24, 283.
Firth, C. H., 310 n.

Fischer, W., 348, 349, 350, 351, 352.
Fludd, Robert, vi, vii, 280, 281, 283 n,

322, 323; influence on Milton,
301-09; on the Mortalists, 316-


Freedom. See Liberty.

Free will, doctrine of, 12, 23, 62, 75,
81, 82, 124, 125, 192, 198, 270,
277, 286, 289, 292.

Galileo, xvi, 324, 345, 348.
Gangræna (Thomas Edwards), 310–


Garnett, Richard, 1-2.
Gassendi, 301.

Gauden, Dr. John, 228.

En-Sof, conception of in the Zohar, Gilbert, A. H., 344, 345, 347.


Epiphanius, Saint, 267, 270.

Erskine, John, 343.

Esdras, 259.

d'Espagnet, Jean, 323.

Ethics, Milton's theories of, 149-71.
Euripides, 146, 206, 318.

Glicksman, H., 344, 345, 347.

Gnostics, the, 267, 270.

God, Milton's conception of, 34, 37,

49, 81, 105, 113-33, 136, 236,

Goethe, J. W., 230, 300.

Goodness of the natural instincts,

16, 294; of matter, 105. See
Government, origin of in the Fall,
82, 188; derives its powers from
the people, 82, 89, 189; a nec-
essary evil, 62, 188.

Greater Man, Christ as the, 172, 174-
80, 199, 277, 297.

Greenlaw, E., vi, 218 n, 286 n, 343,

Gregory, Saint, 263.

Grotius, Hugo, 68.

Guignebert, Charles, 251 n.
Gunkel, H., 263 n.

Gunpowder, use of by rebel angels,

Guyon (in the Faerie Queene), 343.

[blocks in formation]

Hübener, G., 348, 349, 350.
Hugo, Victor, xvi, 112, 300.
Human nature, Milton's conception
of, xvi, 16, 70. See Ethics.
Humble Remonstrance (Bishop Hall),

32, 40.

Huxley, Thomas, 249.

Il Penseroso, 12, 14.

Immortality, Milton's views on, 138,
143, 277. See Mortalism and

In Adventum Veris, 8.
Independents, the, 73, 81; Milton's
relations with, 30.

Infernal Council, the, 226, 228.
Inspiration, Milton's ideas on, 206.
See Bible.

Instincts, goodness of the natural, 16,

Intellectual liberty. See Liberty.
Irenæus, Saint, 255, 264, 265, 267,

Irony, God's, 127 n, 229-32.
Italian sonnets, Milton's, 7.
Italy, Milton's travels in, 13, 20; his
judgment of, 75-76, 185.

Jerome, Saint, 265, 266, 267, 272,

Johnson, Samuel, 217, 282 n.
Jonathan the Targoum, 253, 255.
Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning
Divorce, 63.

Justin Martyr, 265, 266.

Kabbalah, the, influence on Milton,
vi, 280, 281-300, 309, 317, 322,
323, 349; Fludd's relations to,

Kant, Immanuel, 123, 147.

Karppe, S., 285, 290 n, 291 n, 292 n,

293, 296 n.

Kings, Milton's attitude toward. See
Monarchy and Tyranny.
Kircher, Father, 281.
Koran, 262 n.

Lactantius, 265, 267, 271, 272.
L'Allegro, 12, 14.
Lamartine, 300.

Landor, W. S., 235.

Larson, M. A., 348.

Latin poems, Milton's, 6-9, 15.

Laud, Archbishop, 22.

Law, Milton's rejection of the moral,

Liber, M., 251 n.
Liberty, Milton's passion for, xvi, 3,
II, 47; his general conception of,
90, 181-92; intellectual, 3, 188-
89; moral, 181-82; political, 185-
92; priests, enemies of, 78; estab-
lished by Christ, 95.

Light, Milton's invocation to, 222-
23; probable source in Fludd,

Lilburne, John, 310.
Lilith, 285.

Liljegren, S. B., v, vi, 87 n, 342, 348,

349, 350, 351.

Lods, A., 251 n, 256 n.

Long Parliament, 20, 23, 72.
Loria, 281.

Love, Milton's conception of, 45-46;

among the angels, 144, 294.
Lowenhaupt, W. H., 347.
Lower classes, the, Milton's attitude
toward. See People.

Lust as the Fall, 46. See Sensuality.
Lycidas, 12, 14, 19.

Mack, J. F., 347.

Man as part of God, 185.

Man's Mortality, 111 n, 310-22.
Marriage, Milton on, 46, 49-70, 159,
160; Paul on, 260-61;
Fathers on, 266.

Marston Moor, 73.


Mary, the Virgin, 175-76, 265.
Masson, David, xvi, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11,

12, 24, 32, 121, 206, 216, 252,
310 n, 311, 319 n, 342 n.
Materialism in Milton, 140, 175, 280,
302; in Fludd, 302.
Mathematics, Milton's interest in, 12.
Matrona, the, 285, 297.

Matter, Milton's belief in the divin-

ity of, 16, 46, 105, 106, 114, 136-
43, 193, 198, 276, 279, 280 n, 288,
309, 315, 343, 345; Origen on,
270; Augustine on, 276; Satan's
heretical views on, 218.
Mephistopheles, 230.
Meredith, George, 54, 325-26.
Metz, R., 350.
Mezentius, 53, 311.

Michael, 150.

Millenarians, the, 24; Milton's rela-

tions to, 283.

Milton, Christopher, 5.

Milton, John (father of the poet),
3-5, 10.

Milton, John, unity of his private,
political and literary life, xiv-
xvii; his pride and egotism, xv,
xvi, xvii, 1, 5, 6, 9, 27, 47, 49,
52, 78, 79, 105, 106, 203–04, 214,
220, 238; his family, 1-5; little
of religious fanaticism in him or
his family, 2-5; his grandfather,
3; his father, 3-5; early recog-
nition of his genius, 5-6; at
Cambridge, 6; friendship with
Deodati, 6-7; his susceptibility to
women, 7-8; his poetical plans,
10; at Horton, 10-12; travels
in Italy, 13; his motives in giv-
ing up poetry for politics, 24-
28; his marriage with Mary
Powell, 49-55; their separation,
50; his reconciliation with her,
69; his disillusionment, 70; his
services to the Commonwealth,
85-94; his return to literature,
94-95; his personal peril after
the Restoration, 104; his blind-
ness, 329-41.

poems. See Arcades, Comus, El-

egies, Il Penseroso, Italian son-
nets, In Adventum Veris, L'Al-
legro, Latin poems, Lycidas,
Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained,
Prolusiones, Samson Agonistes,

prose works. See Animadversions
upon the Remonstrant's Defence,
Apology for Smectymnuus, Areo-
pagitica, Colasterion, Common-
place Book, Considerations touch-
ing the likeliest Means to remove
Hirelings out of the Church, De
doctrina Christiana, Defensio pro
populo Anglicano, Defensio pro
se, Defensio secunda, Divorce
pamphlets, Doctrine and Disci-
pline of Divorce, Education, Ei-
konoklastes, History of Britain,
Judgment of Martin Bucer con-
cerning Divorce, Pamphlets, Pre-
latical Episcopacy, Ready and
easy Way to establish a free

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