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Bowl." In an edition of the "History of Tom a Lincoln," 1655, however, the imprint bears the latter only.

Bowls. It is rather difficult to determine whether the game, which was to console the Princess of Hungary in her despondency, was the same as our bowls: if so, it was surely an indifferent prescription. In the "Squyr of Lowe Degre," the following passage is found:

body, and hath been prescribed for a recreation to great persons by the learned Physitians in which is a great deale of art and judgment to be seen especially in the expert bowler in choosing out his ground, whether it be in open wide places, or in Allies, and in this sport the choosing of the Bowles is not the least of the cunning belongs to it; your flat bowles being well for close Allies, your round byassed bowles for open ground of advantage, and your round bowles like a ball for green swarths that are plaine and levell." Braithwaite, in his Rules for the Government of the house of an Earle," (circâ 1640) describes it as one of the duties of the gardener, "to make faire bowling alleys, well banked, and soaled; which being well kepte in many howses are very profit-wise game of bowling," says he, “doth able to the gardiners."



The Bowling Green House was old establishment under that name Putney Heath, on the site of the residence of the younger Pitt. It is presumably the establishment to which John Locke alludes in his Journal under 1679, stating that during the whole summer several persons of quality might be seen bowling there two or three times a week. It was taken in 1693 by Edward Locket, keeper of an ordinary in Whitehall, and had originally, no doubt, been a small and stealthy incroachment on the common, due to the negligence or complicity of the authorities. The Bowling Green House at Putney," observes a writer in 1761, "is pleasantly situated, and affords a fine prospect. It is now turned into one of those fashionable summer breakfasting-places, which level all distinction, and mingle the sexes together in company." Marylebone and Islington were also formerly celebrated for their bowling greens, which were also found in the centre of the Metropolis, as we know it. Locke mentions Marylebone in 1679. One was attached to Shaver's Hall in the Haymarket. The reader may be referred to an interesting paper on bowling-greens in Notes and Queries for January 15, 1887. See also "A description of a Bowling Alley" in the "Compleat Gamester," 1674, and compare Nares, Glossary, 1859, in v. and under Skittles.

Half-Bowl.-What was termed the Half-Bowl is mentioned in a tract of 1580. "It was my chance," says the writer, "to be at John Crokes, where there is a bowling alley of the half bowle, whether doth repaire many merchants and sundry gentlemen, and in a chamber above divers were at play." The half-bowl was sufficiently celebrated to induce Francis Coules, the popular bookseller of Charles the First and Second's times, to adopt it as part of his sign, which formed a rather singular compound-"The Lamb and the Half

"An hundreth Knightes truly tolde, Shall play with bowles in alayes colde, Your disease to driue awaie."

A fair account of this diversion is given in Strutt's "Sports and Pastimes,' and probably the best early one is in Taylor the Water-Poet's Wit and Mirth, 1629: "This

make the fathers surpasse their children in apish toyes and delicate dog-trickes. As first for the postures: first handle your bowle: secondly, aduance your bowle; thirdly, charge your bowle: fourthly, ayme your bowle: fifthly, discharge your bowle: sixthly, plye your bowle: in which last posture of plying your bowle you shall perceiue many varieties and diuisions as wringing of the necke, lifting vp of the shoulders, clapping of the hands, lying downe of one side, running after the bowle, making long dutifull scrapes and legs (sometimes bareheaded), with entreating him to flee, flee, flee: and though the bowler bee a gentleman, yet there hee may meet with attendant rookes that sometimes will bee his betters six to four or two to one. . . . A bowler, although the allye or marke bee but thirty or forty paces, yet sometimes I haue heard the bowler cry, Rub, rub, rub, and sweare and lye that hee was gone an hundred miles, when the bowle hath beene short of the blocke two yards. The marke which they ayme at hath sundry names and epithites, as a blocke, a jacke, and a mistris." Perhaps the foregoing passage may serve to elucidate the rather obscure title (as it has been regarded) of Freeman's Epigrams," 1614" Rubbe and a Great Cast." Our ancestors pursued it with peculiar ardour and delight, and it is still a favourite amusement. Stow seems to say that, in his time, the open ground about London was being gradually built upon, and that the archers encroached upon the bowling alleys. Sir Nicholas Carew was playing at bowls with Henry VIII., when by some retort to an offensive remark by Henry, he gave umbrage to the latter, and was disgraced, and ultimately executed in 1539 on Tower Hill. In the Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, under April, 1538-9, there is a highly-curious entry:

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Itm. payd for a brekefaste loste at Bolling by my lady maryes gce.


It appears also from passages in "Wit at Several Weapons," and other dramas, that the small ball, which is now called the Jack, was sometimes known as the mistress."

It may be recollected that, in the feuds of the great families of Scotland in the sixteenth century, the murderer of George Drummond came upon him while he and his friends were playing at the game. See a letter in the Antiquary for January, 1886. While Charles I. was at Holmby in 1647, he frequented the bowling green at Althorp. One of the pleasanter traits in the personal history of Charles is the recourse of the King to the country seat of Mr. Richard Shute, a Turkey merchant, at Barking in Essex, for the purpose of playing with him at this game. Shute used to be called by his majesty Satin Shute, from the material of which his doublet was made. Sometimes one won, sometimes the other; but on one occasion Charles lost so frequently, that he gave up. His entertainer begged him to try another turn another £1,000; but the King, laying his hand on his shoulder, said: "I must remember I have a wife and children to keep." In the story of The King and a Poor Northern Man, 1640, the latter, coming up to London to seek redress, does not believe that it is the King, whom they point out to him at the Court, playing at bowls in his shirt-sleeves. We have all heard how the poet Suckling, living at the same time:

"Prized black eyes and a lucky hit At bowls above all the trophies of wit." Charles's successor in the Stuart line, the merry monarch, is reported to have played at the same diversion with his select set for an East a watch made by the early master of the craft so-named. A game at bowls or ninepins was formerly at least a favourite diversion for the rowing parties up the Thames between Putney and Teddington, and the riverside places of entertainment were usually provided with accommodation for this purpose.

Boxing.- Misson, in his Travels in England, toward the close of the 17th century, speaking of sports and diversions, says: Anything that looks like fighting is delicious to an Englishman. If two little boys quarrel in the street, the passengers stop, make a ring round them in a moment and set them against one another, that they may come to fisticuffs. When 'tis come to a fight, each pulls off his neckcloth and his waistcoat, and gives them to hold to the standers-by; (some will strip themselves quite naked to their wastes ;) then they begin to brandish their fists in the air; the blows are aim'd all at the face, they kick one another's shins, they tug one another by the hair, &c. He

that has got the other down, may give him one blow or two before he rises, but no more; and let the boy get up ever so often, the other is obliged to box him again as often as he requires it. During the fight the ring of by-standers encourage the combatants with great delight of heart, and never part them while they fight according to the rules and these by-standers are not only other boys, porters, and rabble, but all sorts of men of fashion; some thrusting by the mob, that they may see plain, others getting upon stalls; and all would hire places if scaffolds could be built in a moment. The father and mother of the boys let them fight on as well as the rest, and hearten him that gives ground or has the worst. These combats are less frequent among grown men than children; but they are not rare. If a coachman has a dispute about his fare with a gentleman that has hired him, and the gentleman offers to fight him to decide the quarrel, the coachman consents with all his heart: the gentleman pulls off his sword, lays it in some shop, with his cane, gloves, and cravat, and boxes in the same manner as I have described above. If the coachman is soundly drubb'd, which happens almost always, (a gentleman seldom exposes himself to such a battle without he is sure he's strongest) that goes for payment; but if he is the beater, the beatée must pay the money about which they quarrell'd." Brand once saw the Duke of Grafton at fisticuffs, in the open street, with such a fellow, whom he lamb'd most horribly. It was in the very widest part of the Strand. The Duke was big and extremely robust. He had hid his Blue Ribband, before he took the coach, so that the coachman did not know him. Compare Bartholomew Fair for a curious anecdote of Dr. Johnson's uncle. "In France," adds Misson, " with our cane, we punish such rascals and sometimes with the flat of our sword: but in England this is never practis'd; they use neither sword nor stick against a man that is unarm'd and if an unfortunate stranger (for an Englishman would never take it into his head) should draw his sword upon one that had none, he'd have a hundred people upon him in a moment, that would, perhaps, lay him so flat that he would hardly ever get up again till the Resurrection."

Boy-Bishop. - It is uncertain at what period the custom of electing boy bishops on St. Nicholas's Day commenced in England; but there is little doubt that after it had been established on the continent, it would soon be imported hither. The association of this saint with the rite was, of course, due to his patronage of children. Warton thought he found traces of the religious mockery of the boy bishop

as early as 867 or 870, in the Greek Church. H.E.P., by Hazlitt, 1871, ii., 228-32, where farther particulars may be found. The ceremony has been traced to Canterbury, Fton (1441), St. Paul's, London, Colchester, Norwich, Winchester (1380), Exeter, Salisbury, Wells, Westminster, Lambeth, York, Beverley, Rotherham, Newcastleupon-Tyne, and to several places abroad; there can be little doubt that it was almost universal. Gregory thought that the boy bishop was peculiar to Salisbury, perhaps because he met with the usage in the Sarum service book, and Warton supposed that the custom was confined to collegiate churches. It seems to be thought that this character was originally known as Episcopus Choristarum merely. In the archives of Norwich, down to 1521, are sundry entries relevant to the expenses incurred here on this anniversary, and notices of moneys left to support the institution. Aubrey's Letters, &c., 1813, i. 302-4. In the statutes of Salisbury Cathedral, enjoined anno 1319, Tit. 45, it is ordered that the boy bishop shall not make a feast. The boy bishop, as it should seem from the Register of the capitulary Acts of York Cathedral under the date 1367 was to be corpore formosus, or the election to be void; and as in the same church, under a regulation of 1390, every chorister was bound to possess claram vocem puerilem," such a quality was as justly imperative in the episcopus puerorum. Hazlitt's Warton, 1871, iv., 237 The Boy Bishop at Salisbury is actually said to have had the power of disposing of such prebends there as happened to fall vacant during the days of his episcopacy. Edward I., in the 28th year of his reign, being near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, gave forty shillings to the Boy-Bishop and his companions for singing before him on St. Nicholas's Eve. It was during the King's passage through Newcastle on this occasion that a boy-bishop said vespers before him in his chapel at Heton. It appears that at Canterbury in 1464 there was no election of a boy bishop in the Grammarschool owing to the default or negligence of the masters. Liber Johannis Stone, monachi eccl. Cant. de Obitibus, &c. sui Cenobii (1415-67), a MS. in the library of C. C. C. Camb. One of the original rules drawn up for the scholars of Dean Colet's Foundation, in 1510, was: "Your chylde shal, on Chyldermas Daye, wayte vpon the boy byshop at Paules, and offer there.' In the Statutes of St. Paul's, 1518, the following clause occurs: "All these children shall every Childermas Daye come to Paulis Churche and hear the Childe Bishop sermon and after be at the hygh masse, and each of them offer a 1d. to the Childe Bishop, and with them the Maisters and Surveyors of the Scole." A tract by Hugh Rhodes, one of the children of the chapel

under Henry VIII., appeared, according to Herbert, in 1555, containing, in thirtysix 6-line stanzas, the "Song of the ChildBishop of St. Paul's," as it was sung before the queen at her manor of St. James in the Fields in her privy chamber on St. Nicholas's Day and Innocents' Day that year. It is described as a fulsome panegyric, in which the queen is compared to Judith, Esther, the Queen of Sheba, and the Virgin.


In cathedrals this Boy Bishop seems to have been elected from among the children of the choir. After his election, being completely apparelled in the episcopal vestments, with a mitre and crozier, he bore the title and state of a Bishop, and exacted ceremonial obedience from his fellows, who were dressed like priests. Strange as it may appear, they took possession of the Church, and, except mass, performed all the ceremonies and offices. Northumb. Househ. Book, ed. 1827, p. 439, for an Inventory of the Robes and Ornaments of a Boy or Bearn Bishop." Hearne's "Liber Niger Scaccarii, 1728, vol. ii., pp. 674, 686, we find that Archbishop Rotheram bequeathed 66 a myter for the Barnebishop, of cloth of gold, with two knopps of silver gilt and enamyled." But in the ordinary churches the appointments were almost equally sumptuous and costly. The Churchwardens' accounts of St Mary at Hill, 10 Henry VI., mention two children's copes, also a mitre of cloth of gold, set with stones. In 1523, 2s. 8d. are charged for the Bishop's dinner and his company on St. Nicholas's Day in the same accounts at Lambeth. Even posterior to the Proclamation of 33 Henry VIII., in the St. Mary at Hill books, 1549, is: "For 12 oz. silver, being clasps of books and the Bishop's mitre, at vs. viijd. per oz. vjl. xvis. jd." These last were sold. the "Inventory of Church Goods" belonging to the same parish, at the same time, we have: " 'Item, a mitre for a Bishop at St. Nicholas-tyde, garnished with silver, and enamyled, and perle, and counterfeit stone." Maskell pointed out that, from the services to be said by the Boy Bishop and his choristers, as laid down in the Sarum Processional, it appears that "not only upon the Innocents' or Childermass Day did the Episcopus Puerorum' claim his rights, and perform all the ecclesiastical duties of his temporary rank, except the mass, but from the feast of St. Nicholas to Innocents' Day, a period of nearly a month. Whence it does not seem so extraordinary, as it otherwise might, that during this time the Boy Bishop might die, in which case he would be buried with the due honours; and the tomb at Salisbury is explained." Selected Centuries of Books, 1843, pp. 15-16, note. On the eve of Innocents' Day, the Boy Bishop was to


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go in solemn procession with his fellows, Gregory's Works, 1649, p. 114. The show to the altar of the Holy Trinity and All of the Boy Bishop, rather on account of its Saints, or (as the Pie directs) to the altar | levity and absurdity, than of its superstiof Holy Innocents or Holy Trinity in their tion, was formally abrogated by a Procopes, and burning tapers in their hands. clamation, July 22, 1542. But it The Bishop beginning, and the other boys had been interdicted abroad, a cenfollowing: "Centum quadraginta qua- tury before, by the Council of Basle, tuor,' &c. Then the verse, "Hi emti 1431, as appears from a citation in sunt ex omnibus,' &c. and this was sung Prynne's Histriomastix,' 1633, and by three of the boys. Then all the boys the later statutory prohibition sang the "Prosa sedentem in supernâ more or less disregarded in England. The majestatis arce,' &c. The Chorister conclusion of Henry VIII.'s Proclamation Bishop, in the mean time, fumed the altar is: "And whereas heretofore dyvers and first, and then the image of the Holy many superstitious and chyldysh observTrinity. Then the Bishop said modesta auncies have be used, and yet to this day voce the verse "Lætamini," and the re- are observed and kept, in many and sundry sponse was, "Et gloriamini," &c. Then partes of this Realm, as upon Saint Nichothe prayer which we yet retain: "Deus las, the Holie Innocents, and such like, cujus hodierna die," &c. In their return children be strangelie decked and appafrom the altar Præcentor puerorum in- rayled to counterfeit Priests, Bishops, and cipiat, &c., the chanter-chorister began Women, and to be ledde with songes and "De Sancta Maria," &c. The response dances from house to house, blessing the was "Felix namque," &c., et "sic pro- people, and gathering of money and boyes cessio," &c. The procession was made into do singe masse and preache in the pulpitt, the quire, by the west door, in such order with such other unfittinge and inconvenithat the dean and canons went foremost : ent usages, rather to the derysyon than the chaplains next: the Bishop, with his anie true glorie of God, or honour of his little Prebendaries, in the last and high-sayntes. The Kynges Majestie wylleth est place. The Bishop took his seat, and and commaundeth that henceforth all such the rest of the children disposed themselves superstitious observations be left and upon each side of the quire, upon the up-clerely extinguished throwout all this permost ascent, the canons resident bearing the incense and the book: and the petit canons the tapers, according to the Rubrick. And from this hour to the full end of the next day's procession no clerk is accustomed (whatever his condition may be) to take place above his superiors. Then the Bishop on his seat said the verse: "Speciosus forma, &c. diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis," &c. Then the prayer, "Deus qui salutis æternæ," &c., "Pax vobis," &c. Then after the "Benedicamus Domino," the Bishop, sitting in his seat, gave the Benediction to the people in this manner: 'Princeps Ecclesia Pastor ovilis cunctam plebam tuam benedicere digneris," &c. Then, turning towards the people, he sang or said: "Cum mansuetudine & charitate humiliate vos ad benedictionem" the chorus answering, "Deo gratias.' Then the cross-bearer delivered up the crozier to the Bishop again, et tunc Episcopus puerorum primo signando se in fronte sic dicat, “ Adjutorium nostrum," &c. The chorus answering "Qui fecit Coelum & Terram." Then, after some other like ceremonies performed, the Bishop began the Completorium or Complyn; and that done, he turned towards the quire, and said, "Adjutorium," &c., and then, last of all, he said, "Benedicat Vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, and Filius, & Spiritus Sanctus." All this was done with solemnity of celebration, and under pain of anathema to any that should interrupt or press upon these children. See

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Realme and Dominions." Bishop Tanner, in a letter to Hearne, says in allusion to the abuse of the ancient custom, that the choristers chose a bishop and waited on him in procession to several houses in the city, where the little rogues took great liberties. And Tanner traces to this circumstance the bye-name of St. Nicholas's Clerks conferred on them.

In Hall's "Triumphs of Rome" (Triumphs of Pleasure) he equally animadverts on the licence, which had crept into this Romish Observance, when he says, "What merry work it was here in the days of our holy fathers (and I know not whether, in some places, it may not be so still), that upon St. Nicholas, St. Katherine, St. Clement, and Holy Innocents' Day, children were wont to be arrayed in chimers, rochets, surplices, to counterfeit bishops and priests, and to be led, with songs and dances, from house to house, blessing the people, who stood girning in the way to expect that ridiculous benediction. Yea, that boys in that holy sport were wont to sing masses and to climb into the pulpit to preach (no doubt learnedly and edifyingly) to the simple auditory. And this was so really done, that in the cathedral church of Salisbury (unless it be lately defaced) there is a perfect monument of one of these Boy Bishops (who died in the time of his young pontificality) accoutred in his episcopal robes, still to be seen. Strype, however, in his "Memorials," speaking of the Boy

Bishop, among scholars, says: "I shall only remark that there might be this at least be said in favour of this old custom, that it gave a spirit to the children, and the hopes that they might at one time or other attain to the real mitre, and so made them mind their books."

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num, psalmo centesimo xii et pro buius colacionis fundamento."

In the Posthumous Works of John

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Gregory, 1650, there is a monograph on this subject with three engravings; it is called: Episcopus Puerorum, In die Innocentium; or a Discoverie With the Catholic Liturgy, all the of an Antient Custom in the Church of pageantries of popery were Sarum, making an Anniversarie Bishop to their ancient splendour by Queen III., while the King was at Antwerp, the among the Choristers." In 12 Edward Mary. Among these, the procession of the Boy Bishop was too popular a mumBoy-Bishop there received 13s. 6d. for singmery to be overlooked. In Strype we reading before his majesty in his chamber. that, Nov. 13, 1554, an edict was issued Hazlitt's Warton, 1871, ii., 229. by the Bishop of London to all the Clergy Aubanus tells us, that scholars on of his Diocese, to have a Boy Bishop in St. Nicholas's Day used to elect thres procession. In the same volume, however, out of their numbers, one of whom we read, 'The which was St. Nicholas was to play the bishop, the other Eve, at even-song time came a command- two the parts of Deacons. The Bishop ment that St. Nicholas should not go was escorted by the rest of the boys, abroad nor about. But, notwithstanding, in solemn procession, to church, where it seems, so much were the citizens taken with his mitre on, he presided durwith the mock of St. Nicholas, that is, a ing the time of divine worship: this ended, Boy Bishop, that there went about these he and his deacons went about singing St. Nicholases in divers parishes, as in St. from door to door, and collected money, Andrew's, Holborn, and St. Nicolas Olaves not begging it as alms, but demanding it in Bread-street. The reason the procesas the Bishop's subsidy. On the eve of sion of St. Nicolas was forbid, was, be- this day the boys were prevailed upon to cause the Cardinal had this St. Nicolas fast, in order to persuade themselves that Day sent for all the Convocation, Bishops, the little presents which were put that and inferior Clergy, to come to him to night for them into shoes (placed under Lambeth, there to be absolved from all the table for that purpose), were made their perjuries, schisms and heresies." them by St. Nicholas: and many of them In the accounts of St. Mary-at-kept the fast so rigorously on this account, Hill, London, 1554, is the following that their friends, in order to prevent entry: "Paid for makyng the Bishops them from injuring their healths, were myter, with staff and lace that went to it, under the necessity of forcing them to take iiis. Paid for a boke for St. Nicholas, some sustenance. Bowle says, that in viijd." Strype says, that in 1556, on Spain formerly, on this commemorationSt. Nicholas' Even, St. Nicholas, that is day, a chorister being placed with solema boy habited like a bishop in pontificali- nity in the midst of the choir, upon a scafbus, went abroad in most parts of London, fold, there descended from the vaulting of singing after the old fashion, and was rethe ceiling a cloud, which stopping, midceived with many ignorant but well-dis- way, opened. Two angels within it carried posed people into their houses, and had as the mitre, and descended just so low as to much good cheer as ever was wont to be place it on his head, ascending immedihad before, at least in many places." The ately in the same order in which they came Boy Bishop would naturally be put down. This came to be an occasion of down again when Queen Elizabeth some irregularities; for till the day of the came to the crown: and yet, by Put- Innocents, he had a certain jurisdiction, tenham's account, it was exhibited in the and his prebendaries took secular offices, country villages after her accession. Put- such as alguasils, catchpoles, dog-whippers tenham wrote his "Art of English Poesy " and sweepers. From a paper in the St. many years before it was published in James's Chronicle," for Nov. 16-18, 1797, 1589. He says: "Methinks this fellow it appears that at Zug, in Switzerland, the speaks like Bishop Nicholas: for on St. ceremonies of this day were suppressed in Nicholas's night, commonly, the scholars addressed to the authorities against the that year in consequence of the complaint of the country make them a bishop, who, exactions of the Boy Bishop and his atlike a foolish boy, goeth about blessing and tendants, who visited all the booths, &c., preaching with such childish terms as make and demanded money. the people laugh at his foolish counterfeit speeches." The special service for Innocents' Day, in an early printed copy of it, is described as "In die innocentium sermo pro episcopo puerorum." It commences with the words: " Laudate, pueri, domi

Bragot Sunday. In Lancashire, or some parts of it, a spiced ale, called Braget or Bragot, used to be drunk very largely on Palm Sunday, which was thenco called Bragot Sunday.

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