2.50 lbs. dry matter fed yielded 1 lb. of live weight, and 3.06 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 4.98 cents. PERIODS. [5.] 1888. April 12 to May 1, 83.00 10.38 May 2 to June 4, 204.00 25.50 15.60 June 5 to July 3, 174.00 66.12 16.87 July 4 to Aug. 8, 109.97 214.00 16.69 21.18 lb.oz. 1:2.80 21.50 45.00 13 31.21 1:2.53 45.00 86.75 14 17.99 1:3.62 86.75 129.50 1 7.5 21.18 1:4.35 129.50 193.75 1 12 Total Amount of Feed consumed from April 12 to August 8. 118.69 lbs. corn and cob meal, equal to dry matter, 102.44 “ Loss in weight by dressing, 35.75 lbs., or 18.45 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 140.47 lbs. Cost of Feed consumed during Experiment. 109.97 lbs. corn meal, at $23.00 per ton, 168.75 gals. skim milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon,. 118.69 lbs. corn and cob meal, at $20.70 per ton, 53.65 lbs. wheat bran, at $23.00 per ton, 70.38 lbs. gluten meal, at $24.00 per ton, 2.49 lbs. of dry matter fed yielded 1 lb. of live weight, and 3.07 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 4.97 cents. PERIODS. [6.] $1 26 304 1 23 62 84 $6 99 Total Amount of Feed consumed from April 12 to August 8. 118.69 lbs. corn and cob meal, equal to dry matter, Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 429.19 lbs. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 153.39 lbs. 5 05 2.32 lbs. of dry matter fed yielded 1 lb. of live weight, and 2.81 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 4.56 Total Cost of Feed consumed during the Above-stated Experiment. 659.82 lbs. corn meal, at $23.00 per ton, $7 59 1,012.50 gals. skim milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon, 18 23 711.11 lbs. corn and cob meal, at $20.70 per ton, 7 36 321.63 lbs. wheat bran, at $23.00 per ton, 421.22 lbs. gluten meal, at $24.00 per ton,. 3 70 . $41 93 Average cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.15 cents. Manurial Value of Feed consumed during the Above Experiment. Skim Milk. Corn and Cob Meal. Corn Meal. $2 11 $8 29 $2 16 Wheat Bran. Gluten Meal. Total. $4 05 $18 62 cents. Manurial value of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 2.17 EXPERIMENTS. SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTS (II. TO IX. INCLUSIVE). [Based on the same cost of feed and manurial valuation of feed consumed.] Cost of Feed for the Production of One Pound of Live Weight during the Different Feeding Periods. Analyses of Fodder Articles used in Experiment IX. The analyses of corn and cob meal and of skim milk are the same as used in the preceding experiment. Constituents (in Pounds Digesti- Per cent. of Di- Nutritive Ratio. 1:9.56 |