II. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH MILCH COWS: GREEN CROPS v. ENGLISH HAY. The preceding annual report contains a record of feeding experiments with milch cows, in which some noted green crops were used in place of English hay. 1887. A mixed crop of green oats and vetch, of Southern cow-pea and of serradella, served in that connection. Five cows were engaged in the trial. Two cows were fed with a daily fodder ration consisting of corn meal, 34 pounds (2 quarts); wheat bran, 34 pounds (4 quarts); English hay, 20 to 25 pounds. The excess of hay left over was weighed back, and subsequently deducted from the original quantity. Three cows received periodically the above-stated daily rations and alternately the following: corn meal, 3 pounds; wheat bran, 3 pounds; English hay, 5 pounds; and as much of either green vetch and oats, green Southern cow-pea or green serradella, as the individual animal would consume. They consumed per day, on an average, from 64 to 65 pounds of green vetch and oats; of green Southern cowpeas, 96 to 97 pounds; and in case of green serradella, from 97 to 98 pounds. The feeding of the green crop commenced in every instance with the beginning of the blooming period. The feeding of the different green fodders, in place of three-fourths of the customary daily rations of English hay, gave, on the whole, very satisfactory results. For details, we have to refer to the Fifth Annual Report of the Station. 1888. The experiment has been repeated with some modifications during the past season. A mixed crop of vetch and oats and one of Southern cow-pea were raised for that purpose. (See record of field C. in this report.) The quantity of green fodder fed at stated times is somewhat less in pounds than in last year's trial, on account of the addition of gluten meal to our last year's fodder ration. The daily green fodder ration consisted of corn meal, 31 pounds; wheat barn, 34 pounds; gluten meal, 31 pounds; English hay, 5 pounds; and as much of vetch and oats or cow-pea as the animal would consume, which amounted in the case of green vetch and oats to from 54 to 68 pounds, and in that of green Southern cow-peas from 70 to 80 pounds. The nutritive ratio of the green fodder diet was a closer one than on former occasions, varying from 1:4.5 to 1:5.5. The nutritive effect was very satisfactory, for the animals, without exception, maintained their original weight; the yield of milk was in every instance somewhat raised, and the quality of the milk was equal to the best, as far as one and the same animal was concerned. Five cows, grades, were turned to account in the trial. The net cost of the feed for the production of one quart of milk was in most instances lower than in case of a whole English hay ration. The cost of green fodder is based on that of hay, $15.00 per ton, allowing two tons of hay, with fifteen per cent. of moisture, as the average produce of English hay per acre. This mode of valuation has been adopted, as on previous occasions, on account of the entire absence of market prices, as far as green vetch, cow-pea and serradella are concerned. These crops, as a rule, rank higher in the scale of an agricultural valuation than the meadow grass. Corn meal,. Valuation per Ton of the Articles of Fodder used. Corn and cob meal, Wheat bran, Gluten meal, The following pages contain the details of the experi ment: FEEDING RECORD. MAY: Age, 7 years; Grade, Jersey; Last Calf, June 6, 1887. FEED CONSUMED (POUNDS) PER DAY. Gluten Meal. Hay. Vetch and Oats. MINNIE: Age, 8 years; Grade, Ayrshire; Last Calf, May 3, 1887. Cow-Pea. Rowen. Amount of dry vegetable matter contained in the daily fodder consubied (in pounds). Quarts of milk produced per day. ter per quart of milk. Pounds of dry mat Nutritive Ratio. 79.43 26.45 11.42 2.32 1:6.12 1,012 20.66 79.16 Average weight of animal during each feeding period. FEEDING RECORD- Continued. MELIA: Age, 10 years; Grade, Dutch; Last Calf, Aug. 5, 1887. FEED CONSUMED (POUNDS) PER DAY. Gluten Meal, Hay. Vetch and Oats. ANNIE: Age, 5 years; Grade, Jersey; Last Calf, June 19, 1888. Cow-Pea. 75.34 71.00 26.67 14.70 26.98 15.13 23.97 12.64 1.90 181 1:4.94 763 1.78 Average weight of animal during each feeding period. |