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possible, except a large audience, and I do not know but we have had as large a one as we ought to expect from Easthampton. It is a manufacturing town, and of course the people of the village are not interested in our matters. I am very sorry, however, that they did not take advantage of their opportunities last evening and the night before to hear the two lectures, which would have been heard in Boston or New York by large and appreciative audiences, — not but that the agricultural lectures were equally good, but those were lectures which would interest all classes.

The Chairman then adjourned the meeting sine die.


The Board met at the office of the Secretary, in Boston, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1889, at 12 o'clock, it being the Tuesday preceding the first Wednesday in February. In absence of the Governor, Mr. GRINNELL was chosen President pro tem.

The Board then adjourned until 12.30 o'clock.

At 12.30 P.M. the Board was called to order by Mr. Grinnell.

Present: Messrs. Bird, Bowditch, Bradley, Burnett, Clark, Cruickshanks, Currier, Cushman, Edson, Gardner, Goddard, Goessmann, Grinnell, Hartshorn, Hersey, Hickox, Holbrook, Howes, Loring, Lynde, Peterson, Rawson, Rowley, Sheldon, Smith of Amherst, Smith of Deerfield, Snow, Stockwell, Taft, Taylor, Varnum, Ware and Wood.

Voted, To take up the report on Public Meeting on the fourth day of the Annual Meeting.

Voted, To indefinitely postpone the matter.

Voted, To adopt the order of business of last year.

A committee of three to examine and report upon the credentials of newly elected members was appointed: Messrs. Hartshorn, Peterson and Rowley.

Reports of delegates being in order, the me.nbers made report of the societies to which they were assigned, which reports were discussed and laid on the table.

The Committee on Credentials of newly elected members reported the following duly elected :

At large, appointed by the Governor, James W. Stockwell.

From the Bay State Society, Edward Burnett, for three years from February, 1887.

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The report of the Committee on Credentials was accepted.

Adjourned to 9.30 o'clock Wednesday.


The Board met at 9.30 A.M., Mr. GRINNELL in the chair.

Present: Messrs. Avery, Bird, Bowditch, Bradley, Clark, Clemence, Cruickshanks, Currier, Cushman, Edson, Gardner, Goddard, Goessmann, Grinnell, Hartshorn, Hayden, Hersey, Hickox, Holbrook, Horton, Howe, Howes, Loring, Lynde, Newhall, Peterson, Rawson, Rowley, Shaler, Sheldon, Slade, Snow, Stockwell, Taft, Taylor, Varnum, Ware and Wood.

Minutes of yesterday read and approved.

Resignation of J. H. Goddard as member of Examining Committee of the Agricultural College presented and accepted.

A committee of three on Assignment of Delegates was appointed: Messrs. Sheldon, Ware and Bradley.

A committee on Time and Place for holding the Public Meeting was appointed: Messrs. Wood, Hartshorn and Currier.

A committee of three on Changes of Time of holding Fairs was appointed: Messrs. Cushman, Howes and Clark.

A committee of three on Essays was appointed: Messrs. Lynde, Holbrook and Hickox.

A committee of three was appointed to nominate members of the Executive Committee: Messrs. Taylor, Cruickshanks and Newhall.

A committee was appointed to nominate members of Examining Committee of the Agricultural College: Messrs. Hartshorn, Taft and Bird.

The reports of the delegates to the several societies were read a second time by their titles, and accepted.

The Committee to report names for the Examining Committee of the Agricultural College reported the nomination of George Cruickshanks to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Goddard; N. S. Shaler and A. C. Varnum for three years, who were elected.


The Committee to report names for Executive Committee reported as follows: Messrs. Slade, Bowditch, Hersey, Hartshorn and Rawson, who were elected.

Dr. C. A. Goessmann, State Inspector of Fertilizers, presented his report, which was accepted.

Dr G. B. Loring read an essay on "American Agriculture," which was accepted and will be found printed in this volume.

Voted, That the time for the election of Secretary be fixed at 11 o'clock, Thursday, and that the election of a member of the Board of Control take place immediately afterwards.

Report of the Examining Committee of the Agricultural College called for. In the absence of the chairman no report was ready. After some discussion, the Board adjourned to 2.30 o'clock P.M.

The Board was called to order at 2.30 P.M., Mr. GRINNELL in the chair.

Report of the Board of Control of the Experiment Station presented by the director, Dr. Goessmann, and accepted.

W. W. Rawson read an essay on "Market Gardening," which was accepted, and will be found printed in this volume.

The Committee on Time and Place for holding the Public Meeting reported, by their chairman, that the meeting should be held at Fitchburg on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, December 3, 4 and 5. The report was accepted and adopted.

The Committee on Essays for next Annual Meeting re ported as follows:

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Messrs. Hickox, Howe, Horton, Cushman and Taft were appointed a committee to attend the Legislative Committee hearing on Friday next in the interest of Honest Butter.

Voted, That the Board of Agriculture petition the Legislature, in aid of the petition of the Board of Control of the State Experiment Station, for an appropriation for the erection of suitable buildings to accommodate the department of Vegetable Physiology, and that the Chairman and Secretary sign said petition for the Board.

Adjourned to 9.30 A.M., Thursday.

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