1 1 Price Is, 18. Modern History. N° 107. 19. Sir Richard Baker's Chronicle. N° 4, 5, 6, 7. Price 6d. each. 20. Lift of the Lent Preachers. Printed for S. Buckley, price 3d. 21. Memoirs of Affairs of State from the Year 1697, to the latter End of 1708. By Chriftian Cole, Eiq; The Subscribers may have their Books of H. Woodfall, Printer, without Temple-Bar. 22. A View of the present State of ScotJand, in Regard to the Tenures and flavish Dependencies of the Subjects of that Part of North Britain. In a Memorial drawn by William Legan, Elq; a Satish Gentleman. Recommended to ali Well-wishers to the Liberty and Freedom of the Subjects of Great Britain. Printed for J. Wilferd, price 4d. 23. Memoirs of John Gordon of Glencat, in the County of Aberdeen: Who was thirteen Years in the Seats College at Paris, among the fecular Clergy; and afterwards returned rom the Erres of Popery. Printed for J. Ofwald, price 25. 24. A compleat Lift of the Stewards, Prefidents, Vice-Presidents and Treaturers of the Sons of the Clergy. From their first Inftitution to this present Time. Printed for W. Mears, price 1s. 25. The Female Gloffary. Printed by W. Shaw, price 6d. 26. The Humble Remonftrance of the Five-Foot-Highians against the Antichriftian Practice of ufing a Standard in enlifting of Soldiers. Reprinted, from the Dublin Edition, for J. Reberts, price 6d. 27. Mifcellaneous Obfervations on Authors, antient and modern. In 2 Vols. 8vo. Printed for T. Wotton, price 12s. 28. An Account of the Bank of Loan at Rotterdam, commonly call'd the Lombard. By Philopolis. Printed for J. Roberts, pr. 4d. 29. Aniwers to Burnt Children dread the Fire. Printed for J. Roberts. price 6d. LAW. 30. Declarations and Pleadings, in English, in the most ufual Actions brought in the feveral Courts of King's-Bench and CommonPleas at Westminster. Alfo (incidently) shewing the Forms of Proceedings, as well in the Petty Bag Office in Chancery, as in Corporation Courts, &c. By W. Bohun, of the Middle-Temple, Efq; Printed for D. Bromune and John Shuckburgb, 8vo, price 6s. 31. The Attornies Pocket Companion: Or, a Guide to the Practisers of the Law; being a Tranflation of Law Proceedings in the Courts of King's-Bench and Common-Pleas containing a Collection of the common Forms, beginning with the Original, and ending with the judicial Process: Together with an hift rical as well as practical Treatise on Eject ments. By a Student of the Inner-Temple Printed for R. Gofling, 8vo, price 5s. 32. The practifing Scrivener and modern Conveyancer: Containing a Collection of all Sorts of choice Precedents used in the modern Practice of a Scrivener and Conveyancer: Taken from the original Draughts of an eminent Practitioner lately deceased, and contains more Variety than in all other Books of this Kind hitherto published. By G. Bird, Scrivener. N° 1. of Vol. 2. Sold by J. Roberts, price Is. 33. The Clerks English Tutor. The fecond Volume. Shewing the Practice of the Courts of King's-Bench and Common-Pleas, as they are now fettled, pursuant to the several late Acts of Parliament, and the respective Rules of both the Courts made confonant thereto: With great Variety of curious English Precedents, (never before printed in any Language) drawn by the most eminent Council of the picent Age, and done into English conformable to the Statute, 4 Geo. 2. C. 26. that all the Proceedings in the Courts of Juftice shall be in the English Language; together with fuch Writs or Process, as well meine as judicial, as are generally used in cvery Day's Practice. By an Attorney at Law. Printed for W. Meadows, 8vo, pr.5s 6d 34. The Argument of the Lord Keeper Sommers, on his giving Judgment in the Bankers Cafe, delivered in the Exchequer Chamber, June 23, 1696. Printed for S. Billingsley, price 2s. 6d. PAMPHLETS about the TEST-Aст. 35. The History of the Test-Act: In which the Mistakes in fome late Writings againft it are rectified, and the Importance of it to the Church explained, price 6d. 36. Confiderations on the Consequences of repealing the Test-Act: Or the present Difpute between the Ditsenters and Church of England fairly stated. In which the Grounds and Reafons of Diffenting are explained, the Lawfulness of Conforming examined, and a fuccinct Account of the Arguments advanced on both Sldes. With proper and híflorical Remarks. By an Impartial Lover of Truth, price 15. 37. The Church in Perils among false Brethren; Or, The Danger of the Church from her pretended Friends, but fecret Ene mies, reviewed. In which, Objections againft the Repeal of Sacramental-Teits, and the Arguments for it, are confidered in their religicus and political Aspects, price 6d. 38. Reflexions on the 12th Query contain'd in a Paper, intitled, Reafons offered againft pushing for the Repcal of the Corporation and Test Acts. And on the Animadverfions on the Anfwer to it. In a Letter to a Friend. In which a particular Anfwer is given to the far : farther Calumnies contained in the Animad- verfions against a certain Lord, relating to his Converfation and Conduct in London and Bristol, about the Repeal of the Corporation and Teft Acts, at the Time when the Occafional and Schifm Bills were repealed, and at the Time of the Union, price 6d. These 4 printed 39. Observations on the prefent Difpute concerning the Repeal af the Corporation and PHYSICAL. 40. A brief and diftinct Account of the mineral Waters of Pyrment. Containing the natural Hiftory of the adjacent Country, of the several medicinal Springs therein, a new analytical Examination of the Waters, and Description of the true mineral Contents of the fame, with their various Effects, and the moft approved Method of using them both in Drinking and Bathing. Extracted from a Treatise on this Subject, publish'd fome Time ago in the German Language, by the learned Dr. J. P. Seioppius, first Phyfician and Coun- fellor to the Prince of Waldeck, and ordinary Physician at the Wells. As alío, a like Ac- count of the Waters of Spa, from the best Authors. By George Turner, M. D. Printed for A. Millar at Buchanan's Head over-againft St. Clement's Church in the Strand; and fold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, price 25. 41. A Treatise on Mercury: Shewing the Danger of taking it crude for all Manner of Diforders, after the present Fashion; from its Nature, its Manner of operating in the hu- man Body and Facts. With fome Remarks on the antient Physician's Legacy, price Is. 42. A fhort Account of Mortifications, and of the furprizing Effect of the Bark in POETICAL, &C. 43. The Beau's Adventures. A Farce. By Philip Benact, Elq; Printed for T. 44. Of the Ufe of Riches, an Epistle to the Rt. Hon. Allen Lord Bathurst. By Mr. Pope. Printed for L. Gilliver, price Is. 45. The Mourning Bride. Way of the World. Cate. Drummer. Man of Mode. New Editions. Printed for W. Feales, price 45. A new Mifcellany in Verse and Profe. 47. The Boarding School; Or, The Sham-Captain. An Opera. By Mr. Coffey. Printed for J. Watts, price 1s. 48. The Happy Life. An Epiftle to the Hon. Lieutenant General Wade. Printed for POLITICAL. 49. An Argument against Excifes, in feve- ral Essays; first publish'd in the Craftsman, of Gray's-Inn, Esq; In 2 Parts. Price Is. 50. Observations upon the Laws of Excife; shewing. 1. That Excises must be deftructive of Trade in general. 2. That Excifes are inconfiftent with the Liberties of a Free People. Printed for J. Wilford, price 6d. 51. Reflections upon a Pamphlet, entitled, 52. Some feafonable Animadverfions on Excifes; occafioned by a Pamphlet latcly published, intitled, Confiderations occafioned by the Craftsman. Printed for J. Wilford, 53. Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled, Confiderations occafioned by the Craftjima upon Excifes. Printed for J. Wilford, pr. 4d. 54. The Norfolk Scheme; or, A Letter to Wm. Pultney, Esq; on the prefent Posture of 55. Britannia Excifa: Britain excis'd. A new Ballad. To be fung in Time and to fome Tune. Printed by T. R. price 6d. 56. A Sequel to Britannia Excifa. A new political Ballad. To the Tune of, Ye Com- mons and Peers. Printed for T. Cooper, pr. 6d. 57. Some general Confiderations concerning the Alteration and Improvement of Publick 58. The Conduct of the Ministry compar'd with its Confequences; or, An impartial View of the present State of Affairs. Soid 59. The Norfolk Miscellany; or, A Hue and Cry after Sir Bluestring. Printed by T. 60. The Right of British Subjects to peti- tion and apply to their Representatives, afferted SERMONS. 61. An honeft Mind the best Security against Error in Matters of Religion. A Sermon on John vii. 17. By George Wishart, A. M. one of the Minifters of Edinburgh. Printed for A. Millar, price Ed. 62. The Head of the Serpent bruisce by the Seed of the Woman. A Ser- mon on Genesis iii. 15. occafioned by the Death of Mrs. Martha Gifford, late Wife of the Rev. Mr. Andrew Gifford, preach'd Jan. THEOLOGICAL. * 63. A Letter from Rome; shewing the exact Conformity between Popery and Paganifm; or, The Religion of the present Romans deriv'd from that of their Heathen Anceftors. By Conyers Middleton, D. D. Principal Librarian to the University of Cambridge. The third Edition, with Additions. Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, price Is. 6d. 64. The Theory of Vifion, or visual Language, showing the immediate Prefence and Providence of a Deity, vindicated and explain'd. By the Author of Alcipbron: Or, The Minute Philofopher. Printed for J. Tonfon, price 15. 65. A Paraphrafe and Notes on St. Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, in Imitation of Mr. Locke's Manner, with an Appendix concerning Inspiration; occafioned by St. Paul's Advice to Timothy, 1 Tim. v. 25. By the Author of the Paraphrafe, and Notes en St. Paul's Epistles to Philemon, and Ift and 2d to the Theffalonians. Printed for R. Ford, price 3s. 66. The Argument from Prophecy, in Proof that Jefus is the Meffiab, vindicated; or, Some Confiderations on the Prophecies of the Old Testament as the Grounds and Reafons of the Chriftian Religion. Printed for J. Gray, price Is. 6d. 67. A Prefervative against the Wiles of Popery; or modern Deifm real Jefuitifm: Wherein Deism is try'd, unmask'd, and condemned. In a Letter to a Gentleman at Oxford. Occafioned by the late Jesu-t-1 Treațife, entitled, Chriftianity as old as the Creation. Printed for J. Wilford, price Is. 68. An Effay upon the Ufefulness of Revelation; notwithstanding the greatest Excellence of human Reafon. In eight Difcourses. By Cbriftopher Robinson, M. A. Printed for J. Pemberton, price 2s. PROPOSALS, &c. Propofals for printing, by Subscription, a complete and accurate Tranflation of the hiftorical and critical Dictionary of the late celebrated Mr. Peter Bayle. Conditions. I. The Whole will be printed in the fame Manner with the Specimen annexed. II. The Price to Subscribers will be Three Half Pence per Sheet; One Guinea be pa'd at the Time of fubfcribing, and the Price of each Volume to be adjusted upon the Delivery thereof. However, III. For the Conveniency of fuch as shall defire the fame, eight Sheets of this Work will be deliver'd every Fortnight at One Shilling; in which Cafe no Mendy will be expected to be advenc'd. IV. The firit Number was published on Saturday the Twentheth of January, and N° 2. will be published on Saturday the 3d of February. Proposals are delivered, and Subscriptions taken in, by the Bookfellers in Town and Country. Proposals for printing, by Subscription, a new Edition of Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the World. To which will be added, The Life of the Author, newly compil'd, from Materials more ample and authentick than have been yet published; also his Trial, with confiderable Additions. Together with a new and more copious Index to the whole Work. Conditions. I. The Whole will be comprized in One Volume (on the fame Paper and Letter with the Specimen annexed to the Preposals) containing about 250 Sheets, befides feveral Copper Plates. II. It is proposed (whilft the Book is printing) to publish every Week Four Sheets for Six-pence; the first Number to be delivered on saturday the 3d of February. N. B. The Author's Head, curiously engrav'd from an original Painting, and a Set of Maps and Cuts, will be given gratis to the Subscribers. Proposals are delivered, and Subícriptions taken in by the following Bockfeliers; Meff. Knapton, in udgate-ftreet; D. Midwinter and A. Ward; B. Sprint, in Little-Britain; R. Knaplock, R. Robinson, J. Wilford in St. Paul's Churchyard; J. Tonfon in the Strand; A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Osborn and T. Longman, in Paternofter-Row; B. Mitte, T. Wetton, H. Lintot, in Fleetstreet; J. Waltbce in Cornbill; J. Clarke in Duck-Lane. Proposals for printing, by Subscription, a second Edition of, The Young Builder's Rudiments. Teaching the meaneft Capacity the moft ufeful Parts of Geometry, Architecture, Mechanicks, Menfuration several Ways, and Perspective, &c. By B. Langley. To which will now be added, The Five Orders, &c. fevera! beautiful Doors, Windows and Chimneys, according to Inigo Jones and cthers: The Whole calculated for the Use of Gentlemen, Architects, Sculptors, Painters, Mafons, and all others concerned in the Noble Art of Sound Building. Conditions. I. The whole Book confifts of about twenty large Sheets in Quarto, and thirty-two Copper-Plates curioufly engraved by the late ingenious J. Vandergucht, and B. Cole. II. The first Number will contain five printed heets, and four Copper-Plates, stitch'd in blue Paper, for 1s. and will begin to be delivered on Monday the 8th of January 1732-3, and the others on the fame Day of every other Week until the Whole is finished. N. B. Some Numbers will Lave more Copper-Plates and less printed Sheets, bat all to the fame Value as near as poffible. III. Subscribers are defired to fend their Names and Places of Abode, that their Numbers may be delivered according to their Appointment. Subscriptions are taken in by 7. Millan, at the Corner of Buckingham Court, near the Admiralty-Office; and by the Bookfellers in London and Westminter. THE LONDON MAGAZINE. FEBRUARY, 1733. A Lift of the present PARLIAMENT, distinguished thus : k. g. Knights of the Garter. k. b. Knights of the Bath. k. t. Knights of the Thistle. 35 25u, á. Under Age. Don't fit in the House. Revolution. Charles Powlet Duke of Bolton. k. g. MARQUISSES 3. EARLS 85. George Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury. James Stanley Earl of Derby. Theophilus Haftings Earl of Huntington. Henry Herbert Earl of Pembroke. Henry Clinton Earl of Lincoln, u. a. Charles Howard Earl of Suffolk. James Cecil Earl of Salisbury. u. a. Brownlow Cecil Earl of Exeter. John Sidney Earl of Leicester. k. b. James Compton Earl of Northampton. Edward Rich Earl of Warwick and Holland. William Fielding Earl of Denbigh. Thomas Fane Earl of Westmoreland. Henry Bowes Howard Earl of Berkshire. John Savage Earl Rivers.. Charles Mordaunt Earl of Peterborough. k. g. Harry Grey Earl of Stamford. Daniel Finch E. of Winchellea & Nottingham. Philip Dormer Stanhope E. of Chesterfield.k.g. Sadville Tufton Earl of Thanet. Charles Spencer Earl of Sunderland. Nicholas Leake Earl of Scaridale. John Mountague Earl of Sandwich. u. a. : Henry Hyde Earl of Clarendon and Rochester. William Capel Earl of Eilex. k. t. George Brudenel Earl of Cardigan. Arthur Annesley Earl of Anglesey. Cherles Howard Earl of Carlifle. Thomas Bruce Earle of Aylesbury. 1 1 Richard Boyle Earl of Burlington. k. g. 2 i The following 12 created fince the Revolution. William Coventry Earl of Coventry. k.b The following created fince the Union. James Waldgrave Earl Waldgrave. VISCOUNTS 15. 1 Price Devereux Viscount Hereford. the Revolution. Simon Harcourt Viscount Harcourt. Pattee Byng Viscount Torrington. u.a 60. BARONS William Nevil Lord Abergavenny. James Touchet Lord Audley.* Algernoon Seymour Lord Percy. John West Lord De la War. k. b. Hugh Fortescue Lord Clinton. k. b. William Ward Lord Dudley and Ward. Thomas Stourton Lord Stourton. * Richard Verney Lord Willoughby de Brook. Hugh Willoughby L. Will. of Parham. u. a. William North Lord North and Grey. * William Ferdinand Carey Lord Hunfdon. John St. John Lord St. John of Bletsho. Robert Petre Lord Petre. u. a. * Henry Arundel Lord Arundel of Wardour Charles Dormer Lord Dormer. * Henry Roper Lord Teynham. u. a. Francis Greville Lord Brook. u. a. Nevil Lovelace Lord Lovelace. Henry Maynard Lord Maynard. Charles Bruce Lord Bruce. Edward Leigh Lord Leigh. William Byron Lord Byron. Marmaduke Langdale Lord Langdale. * William Berkeley Lord Berkeley of Stratton. Charles Cornwallis Lord Cornwallis. Charles Townshend Lord Lynn. John Arundel Lord Arundel of Trerice. William Craven Lord Craven. John Carteret Lord Carteret. William Stawel Lord Stawel. Francis North Lord Guilford. Edward Griffin Lord Griffin. The following were created Lords fince the Charles Butler Lord Butler of Weston. John Leveson Gower Lord Gower. ARCH i |