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The Rev. H. Dwight, an American missionary to Armenia, in a letter dated Tocat, thus describes a visit to the grave of Henry Martyn :

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To-day I have seen the little space that contains all that remains of Martyn. But, he is not there. The grave could not hold him. His body was left here to moulder, while his spirit was borne by angels up to the bosom of his God. Oh that his mantle might rest on us that remain, and that we might be endowed with a double portion of his spirit! We found very little difficulty in ascertaining the spot where his body was placed, as we had, before coming here, heard that he was buried in an Armenian cemetery. His grave is in a large burying ground, attached to one of the Armenian churches in this place, and is marked by a small marble stone, on which is rudely carved a Latin inscription, done at the expense of an Englishman from Bagdad, whose name we could not learn, who passed through this place about a year after his death. We have found several persons who recollect the fact of an Englishman's dying here, but none can give us minute information on the subject. A Turk told us that he was sick only a few days, and that some Armenians came and administered medicine to him. At that time the plague was raging here, so that three or four hundred died daily; and it seems most probable to us that he died of that disease. It is probable that he had very little attention, and that his external circumstances were of such a nature as to aggravate any disease. It is our intention to visit a part of Persia in our tour, and we may there learn something more about his influence among the Mohammedans of that country."


A monthly periodical publication in the West Indies, and, most of all, one decidedly religious, Church of England, and zealously opposed to slavery, is truly an interesting announcement. Such a one, however, we rejoice to say, has recently been commenced at Jamaica, under the title of "The Christian Record." An article in the first Number, on Mr. Bridges and Colonial Councils of Protection, amply confirms all that has appeared in the AntiSlavery Reporter, or our own pages, on both these subjects. May the conductors of this arduous undertaking be assisted by the gracious favour and furthered with the continual help of Him whose glory and the welfare of his creatures it is their object to promote! We lament to find

confirmed in these pages, the melancholy truth that there continues great hostility in the West Indies both to religion and to the instruction of the slave population. The free Coloured people are stated to be rapidly advancing in intelligence, and respectability of character; and we trust the hour is not distant, when, in the Chartered as in the Crown colonies, they shall enjoy all the privileges of their fellow-subjects. CUBA.

The remains of Columbus, at first interred in Valladolid, were afterwards removed to Seville. In the year 1536 they were transported to St. Domingo, where they remained till the cession of Hispaniola to the French in 1795. On that occasion the Spaniards removed them to the island of Cuba; and with much religious solemnity and military display deposited them in the cathedral of Havannah.Lardner's Cyclop.


We have already, more than once, complained of the unacknowledged mutilation of English works in American reprints ;— for example, in those of Legh Richmond. A charge has lately been made against the "American Sunday-School Union," that they had printed an edition of Mrs. Sherwood's "Infant's Progress," containing "a passage favourable to Infant Baptism." The defence of the society is, that their edition, which is stereotyped, "does not contain the objectionable passage." If Union tract societies cannot assent to infant baptism, or any other doctrine respecting which the members differ, they ought at least, in reprinting the works of authors, whether living or dead, to advertise their readers that they have taken the liberty to omit certain passages not framed on "union" principles.

The Ohio Bulletin says, that good comfortable boarding, with washing, may be had for fifty students, in respectable families, at Athens, the seat of Ohio college, for one dollar a week.

An American journalist, speaking of the improvement in printing, remarks: "The introduction of the Napier machine into this country, together with the Treadwell press, made at Boston, has been the means of producing quite a revolution in printing. A great variety of machine presses have snbsequently been invented here; and the self-inking apparatus has been improved, and applied to the common press. The inking roller, which took the place of balls, has in turn been supplanted by the new inking roller, made of glue and molasses, causing a great consumption

already for the two articles, and producing finer work, at a saving of expense and labour. The most rapid machines can be made to strike 5,000 impressions in an hour. This is equal to the work of twenty hand presses; or, to express it differently, it will enable us to print the common 18mo Bibles at the rate of seventy-five an hour. A hundred presses at this rate could supply every family on the earth with a Bible in three years."

A writer in the Illinois Magazine gives the following account of the fires which annually sweep over the immense prairies of the West. One of the peculiarities of this climate is, the dryness of its summers and autumns. The immense mass of vegetation with which this fertile soil loads itself during the summer, is suddenly withered, and the whole surface of the earth is covered with combustible materials. The grass grows to the height of from six to ten feet, and, being entirely exposed to the sun and wind, dries with great rapidity. A single spark of fire, at such a time, would instantly kindle a blaze, which would spread on every side, and continue its destructive course as long as it should find fuel. Travellers have described these fires as sweeping with a rapidity which renders it hazardous to fly before them. Such is not the case. The fire advances slowly, and with power. No sight can be more sublime, than to behold, in the night, a stream of fire of

several miles in breadth, advancing across
those wide plains, leaving behind it a
black cloud of smoke, and throwing before
it a vivid glare which lights up the whole
landscape with the brilliancy of noon day.
A roaring and cracking sound is heard
like the rushing of a hurricane. The flame,
which in general rises to the height of...
about twenty feet, is seen sinking, and
darting upwards in spires, precisely as the
waves dash against each other, and as the
spray flies up into the air; and the whole
appearance is often that of a boiling and
flaming sea, violently agitated. The pro-
gress of the fire is so slow, and the heat
so great, that every combustible object
in its course is consumed. Woe to the
farmer, whose ripe corn fields extend into
the prairie, and who suffers the tall grass
to grow in contact with his fences! The
whole labour of the year is swept away in
a few hours.

The Philadelphian states that the stock. holders of a theatre which was contemplated in Pottsville, have concluded to convert their property, worth about 3,000 dollars, into shares in a Reformed Dutch church. The foundation of the theatre, one hundred feet by fifty, had been laid, and nearly one story built.

It appears by a statement in Silliman's Journal, that about fifteen hundred persons have lost their lives in the United States by explosions from steam-boat boilers,




dent torpor; institutions to promote the object, either locally or generally, are mulA SERIES of very excellent resolutions has tiplying around us; churchmen, dissenters, been circulated in Calcutta, under the in- and methodists, unite cordially in the comfluence of the Bishop, pledging the par- mon cause, and their efforts are zealously ties signing it to do all in their power in encouraged by several of (we hope virtheir families, and among their connexions, tually by all) our prelates; among whom to promote the due observance of the ought especially from their station and Lord's day, to employ no native workmen their anxiety on this vital question, to be on that day, and to give a preference to named his Grace of Canterbury, and the those tradesmen who adopt and act upon Bishop of London. Courses of sermons these resolutions We rejoice to say that on the law and the duties of the Sabbath, the importance of this momentous sub- have been preached in various parts of the ject is beginning to be felt throughout the kingdom, and numerous publications on Christian world. In the United States of these points have issued from the press. America great efforts are being made by Among these we have much pleasure in the friends of religion of all parties, to recommending a work just published by prevent Sunday travelling, and the trans- the Rev. D. Wilson, entitled "The Divine port of letters on that day by the mails; Authority and Perpetual Obligation of and in our own country a spirit has gone the Lord's Day;" which contains in the abroad which we trust will lead to impor- smallest compass, the best epitome of the tant issues. From the apathy of public whole argument extant in our own or any opinion we have hitherto almost despaired other language. It is a truly excellent upon the subject; but at length we begin publication, not only on account of its to cherish considerable hopes. The re- irrefragable arguments, but for its devout ligious part of the community throughout spirit, and its solemn appeals to the heart the land are awaking from their despon- and conscience, which have been too CHRIST. OBSERV, No. 349.


much neglected in similar treatises. On one most important part of the question it is invaluable; we mean, the Divine appointment and moral obligation from the very creation of the world, of a day of weekly rest and religious observance. To those who are in danger of perversion from the arguments of Paley, or some more recent writers, at the head of whom we grieve to place the respected name of Dr. Whately (on whose publications we purpose, in one of our next Numbers, to offer some extended observations), we

strongly recommend this portion of Mr. Wilson's complete, and in a good measure, original argument. An epitome of what is itself so highly condensed, would be but a dry and unsatisfactory digest; and it is the less necessary as the work is printed cheaply, in a neat compact form, for wide circulation. Few readers who feel at all interested in the question will scruple half-a-crown for such a publication. May the blessing of God attend its circulation and perusal.



THE Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, D.D. first bishop of New York, whose lamented decease we lately announced, was born in Philadelphia, in the year 1775. He was early distinguished for great activity of mind, energy of character, and literary acquirements. He was educated at Princetown college, obtained the highest honours of his class, and early succeeded to the tutorship. He was ordained deacon and priest by the venerable Bishop White, who had always a great affection for him; and in 1800 he became the assistant minister of Trinity church, New York. In the year 1811 he was elected assistant bishop of New York, and on the death of Bishop Moore, in 1816, became the diocesan, and also rector of Trinity church. He filled successively a variety of offices connected with his ministerial and episcopal character, and among others the professorship of pastoral theology and pulpit eloquence in the theological seminary at New York. With almost every institution in the American Episcopal Church he was closely associated; as well as with the many discussions which have arisen within its pale during the last quarter of a century. He was a most ready and prolific author; an unwearied and indefatigable pastor; and as a bishop," in labours beyond measure.' Of a man so remarkable and energetic, a prelate whose name involves much of the history of the infant communion to which he was most conscientiously and zealously attached, our readers cannot but look for some notice in our pages.

In complying with this expectation, we might avail ourselves of our private sources of information, and our long correspondence with Bishop Hobart, in order to sketch some interesting particulars respecting his character; for though we differed from him on some highly important questions, yet he was ever a ready and valued correspondent on subjects

connected with his own church and our's; and to his obliging communications our readers have been often indebted for interesting articles of transatlantic information. But for the very reason that we differed from our Right Reverend friend on some momentous topics, while we regarded him personally with the esteem due to a zealous defender of what he considered truth, we think it better that the present notice should consist chiefly of a few extracts from some of the funeral discourses published on occasion of his muchlamented death. The extent both of our differences and our agreements our readers may ascertain at their leisure, by referring to the many articles connected with his name, in our former volumes. In our volume for 1816, page 671, they will find an account of the opening of that unhappy warfare against the Bible Society, which we must continue to think does more honour to his zeal and perseverance than to his judgment. Of his mistaken sincerity on this subject we could give many proofs. He did not, however, anticipate the same evils from the Bible Society in England, where Episcopacy is the established religion, and is so strong both in numbers and influence, as, if it pleases, to keep every sect at a distance by its paramount power of doing good: but he thought Episcopacy in the United States, too feeble to bear collision with the overwhelming numbers of Presbyterianism.

In our volume for 1823, page 752, will be found a letter from his pen, signed "An American Episcopalian," which we notice as evincing his anxiety to correct what he considered some mistaken views respecting the doctrines held by that portion of the American Episcopal Church of which he was the most conspicuous champion. He was particularly distressed that it should be for a moment supposed that himself or his friends insisted less earnestly than any of their brethren, upon "the fundamental doctrine of salvation from the guilt and dominion of sin, only

through the all-sufficient merits, and allpowerful grace of a Divine Redeemer." His views of baptism, he says, corresponded with those of the present Bishop of Lichfield, in his first Charge at Gloucester; attaching the word regeneration to baptism, but not to the exclusion of subsequent "renovation." His chief position, however, was that the church, that is, the Episcopal church, is the only Divinely-promised and pledged vehicle of religious benefit.

Our volume for 1824 introduces him on several occasions, in connexion with the discussion which arose relative to the theological institution at New York, and Bishop Chase's college at Ohio. We declined opening our pages to that unhappy controversy; but we were in private communication with both our trans-Atlantic visitors; and on the table at which we are now writing, were drawn up by Bishop Hobart the articles of peace in which both parties eventually concurred. While we must say that our revered friend from Ohio had in every respect the right side of the argument, his Right Reverend brother, we believe, was perfectly honest in his alarm lest the institution of diocesan colleges, without an adequate power of controul by the church at large, would lead to sectional prejudices, and the ultimate dismemberment of the ecclesiastical union. The meek and Christian temper of Bishop Chase, on this occasion, greatly endeared him to the friends of religion in this country, and promoted his excellent object beyond the most sanguine expectation; and he was ever the first to palliate the conduct of his brother of New York. "Dr. Hobart," would he say, "means right: he is quite mistaken in this matter; but I do not respect him the less; he is a lovely character."

Our volume for 1826, page 26, contains a review of two volumes of sermons, which Bishop Hobart printed in this country, chiefly with a view to disprove, as he states in the preface, an alleged charge that himself, and those of his brethren who concurred in his views, "did not faithfully inculcate the distinguishing doctrines of the Gospel." In private correspondence he earnestly requested us to review these discourses, and to state freely what sentiments appeared to us erroneous or doubtful; a duty which we endeavoured to discharge in the article just mentioned, and which our readers may refer to for further information. His views of faith, justification, salvation, and some other essential points, appeared to us clouded with much misconception, so as by no means to exhibit the simplicity of evangelical truth; while it is impossible not to be interested by the devout spirit, and rich vein of theological discussion and practical application which distinguish these discourses. The sermon on doing all in the name of Jesus, which appears to have been a favourite with the author,

and of which he says in a private letter, that he thought it exhibited, "though with inferior ability, yet not with less fidelity, the views so eloquently displayed in Mr. Wilberforce's exercises of the Christian in looking unto Jesus," we did him the justice to insert at large, thinking it would not be unedifying to our readers as a Family Sermon.

In the same volume (p 617), we reviewed his discourse delivered on his return to America, relative to the Church of England. He wrote that discourse, he said, pungent as it certainly was, in simplicity of spirit, and with no wish to exaggerate what might be wrong in the discipline of a church which he warmly loved, and among whose members he had found a welcome home in a foreign land; and most deeply was he pained at the complexion of the critique on it in the Theological Review, now the British Critic. We will not characterise that critique in the words of Mr. Norris, (see Christ. Observ. for 1829, p. 54,) as "a tirade of scurrility without one redeeming property, a volley of trashy, insulting, Billingsgate verbiage; " but it was certainly such a paper as the conductors of such a work must regret to see indelible on their pages in reference to a foreign prelate, and above all such a man as Bishop Hobart, who certainly meant us no real injury in pointing out what he considered the evils arising from our system of tithes, pluralities, ecclesiastical patronage, the alliance of church and state, and other matters which he thought better ordered in his native land.

The remaining notices in our recent volumes (see Christ. Observ. for 1827, pp. 185, 444, 536; 1828, p. 405; 1829, pp. 248, 517) relate chiefly to the bishop's indefatigable exertions in his diocese, and in connexion with the episcopal church in his native land. These we must pass over, and proceed to give the extracts which we promised from some of the funeral sermons preached on occasion of his death.

Dr. Onderdonk, the attached friend of Bishop Hobart, and who has been elected as his successor, states as follows:

"A burning and a shining light has been-not extinguished-but taken from us, and called to mingle with the pure splendour of perfect day. And why should we weep because another ardent spirit has been summoned to join the ranks of those who cease not, day nor night, in rendering homage to Him who sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb? Why should we weep because another blessed trophy of God's grace has been added to the number of the saved? Why should we weep because another soul, purified and made white in the blood of the Lamb, has been called to adorn itself in the robes of celestial righteousness? For these things we weep not. We weep not for the father and the friend who has rested from his toils, his anxieties, and

his sorrows. We weep not that a good and faithful servant has been called to the joy of his Lord. We weep not at heaven's gain: but oh! we do weep at our toss. We weep, because a burning and a shining light, in which we had so long been wont to rejoice, has been taken from us. Sorrow fills the hearts of many who remember how that light shone upon their path, to direct in the way they should go, the steps of their childhood and their youth. Many a penitent weeps when he remembers how, from the ministrations of the beloved and venerated man who lies before us, light has flashed conviction of sin upon his mind, laid open the recesses of his corrupt and guilty heart, and led him for refuge to the grace of an allsufficient Saviour, where he has found mercy, whence peace and comfort have been derived, and in the guidance and strength of which, he now goes on his way rejoicing. The bitter tear of bereavement is shed over those dear remains by many, who, in the trials and afflictions of life, have been soothed and cheered by the light of heavenly consolation, emanating from the friendly and pastoral offices so congenial with the kind and benevolent nature of the good man whose loss we now deplore. The confirmed Christian laments that he is never more to be blessed with his instructions, who so well conducted him in the ways of truth and holiness. The anxious inquirer respecting the things that belong to his everlasting peace, weeps sorely that that voice is hushed, whence he has derived so much clear light of satisfaction and of comfort. The lover of truth laments that the fearless champion has sunk in death, who was ever its ready, enlightened, and valiant advocate and defender, who set his eye and his mind immovably on what his conscience told him was the right and the truth, and thither directed all the powers of an extraordinarily clear and vigorous intellect, unbiassed by minor and collateral considerations."

"His was that true, primitive, evangelical piety, which, building all on the one only foundation of Jesus Christ, and him crucified, and drawing all its hope of spiritual ability from the unmerited grace of God, dedicates to his glory the moral agency which is his gift, by seeking, in all appointed ways, the influences of that grace, and improving them by faithfully stirring up the gift of God within-the ability which cometh only of him."

Bishop Hobart expired on Sunday morning, September 12, 1830, at the village of Auburn, at the house of his friend, Dr. Rudd, after a short but severe illness, with which he was attacked as he was making an episcopal visitation of that part of his diocese. The Rev. Mr. Cumming mentions the following particulars of his last hours :

"When suffering intense pain, he said, O this pain is dreadfully, inconceivably

distressing; it is agony, agony. Yet what is it compared with what my Saviour endured? I will not complain. God's will be done.' There was a declaration of the Psalmist which he loved to repeat ; and O how often did he, in his own peculiar, affectionate, and impressive manner utter it! Like as a father pitieth his own children, even so is the Lord merciful to them that fear him, to them that love him.' 'O I do-do I not love that gracious Being? Will he not then pity me-me, his child? God be praised for this precious promise.' His unceasing prayer was-God be merciful to me a sinner! What can I say more? I am a sinner: I need God's mercy; I can only throw myself on his mercy. God be merciful to me, a sinner! yes, a great sinner: but I have been redeemed by the blood of my Saviour; I have been sanctified, I trust, by the Divine Spirit; I will therefore hope I shall not be denied the lowest seat in the kingdom of heaven.'

"When Bishop Andrews' Litany was used by his friend, he observed, 'O in what endearing relations does the doctrine of the Trinity exhibit to us the blessed Godhead!' And again, Be sure that in all your preaching the doctrines of the Cross be introduced: no preaching is good for any thing without these.'

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"There were times, when, under an humble sense of his sinfulness, he was peculiarly oppressed. The promises of the Gospel, however, would revive him. At one of those times he said to me, with most remarkable emphasis, 'Comfort me.' The reply was, Bishop, it is written, The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin.' So it is, so it is,' he added; 'God be praised for that; God be praised for all his mercies; God be merciful to me a sinner!' Pray for me,' said the dying bishop, that my own prayers may be heard: O not, however, because of my importunities, or because there is any worthiness in me or them; but because of the infinite merits of Jesus, the Divine Intercessor.' You must all,' he said, 'commend me in your prayers to God's mercy. You are attending to my body, forget not that I have a soul to be saved. Pray for my soul.'

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"In reference to his approaching dissolution, and to the future condition of the church, he remarked, 'Her affairs will be managed by other hands; God, however, will be with her: God will defend her.' I observed to him. The promise, bishop, is, The gates of hell shall not prevail against her. Yes,' he replied, that promise is sure. God be praised for his mercies. God's will be done.' One morning he said he wanted a part of a hymn repeated to him; and then he immediately commenced singing it in a style so affecting, so heavenly, that we could almost fancy he had caught the air from those who day and night encompass the eternal Throne with songs of praise.

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