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No. II. APRIL, 1848.


By the Rev. JOHN EADIE, LL.D.

Professor of Biblical Literature to the United Presbyterian Church.

A SANCTIFIED charm still surrounds the very name of Chrysostom -a charm not dispelled by the lapse of fifteen centuries, for it rests on the number, variety, and richness of his works, the lofty place he held in the Eastern Church, the splendour of his rhetoric, the zeal and intrepidity of his life, and the mournful tale of his exile and death. Whether we view him as a monk, presbyter, or bishop, we are struck with the same distinguishing graces. The archiepiscopal robes covered the same humble heart that received its first training and impulses in the monastic retreats of Antioch. Honours descended on him, uncoveted and unsought, and if they did not add to his happiness, they enlarged, at least, the sphere of his usefulness. The same boldness and unction of appeal on the most solemn of all themes, the same fearlessness and warmth in reproving folly and exposing vice, without respect of rank or opinion, the same intense and unwearied zeal to confer upon his species the last and loftiest of heaven's benefactions-which characterised his labours in the capital of Syria-still distinguished him when removed to Constantinople, where princes and courtiers formed his audience, and when he stood in the midst of the wealth, beauty, and rank of the dissolute metropolis. The humbler conventicles of Syria heard the same gospel, which now rolled in glowing periods beneath the great dome of St. Sophia. Splendour of intellect, mellowness of heart, and exuberance of fancy-such as belong



belong to a few rare incarnations of genius and piety, shed their lustre on all his productions, sermons, expositions, orations, and letters. Grecian culture and refinement, ever acted upon by the exquisite sensibilities of an Oriental constitution, throw around his works those external graces, which resemble Aaron's pontifical robes, made for glory and for beauty.'


That city in which the disciples were first called Christians' claims the honour of being Chrysostom's birth-place. Secundus, his father, held a high military station in the staff of the Roman governor of Syria, but died while his son was only an infant. The widowed mother, who, at the period of her husband's decease, was not more than twenty years of age, devoted her whole attention to the culture of her only son. Her affection for him was intense. From the period of cherubic infancy,' maternal love yearned for his improvement, and directed its ceaseless and winning energies to the cultivation of his heart. His mother's image was engraven upon it. With a holy pathos he often reverts to her care and fondness, and he ever cherished her memory with filial veneration. He praises her domestic management of his patrimony, which relieved his mind from all secular cares, paints in glowing colours her inseparable attachment to himself, depicts her agony and her eloquent remonstrances, when he spoke of becoming a monk-how she wept, and prayed, and argued, and implored, and at length succeeded and he sometimes compares her to Hannah, the mother of Samuel, and other noted females whose names are recorded in Scripture. Her assiduous devotion to the training of her son, and her cheerful resolution to remain in widowhood for this purpose when reported by Chrysostom to his pagan teacher, drew from his admiring auditor a high eulogium on Christian matrons. The lessons of this Libanius, the last glory of expiring paganism,' had seduced some of his Christian pupils into apostacy, but the firm and persuasive counsels of Anthusa prevented her son, when placed under his tuition, from being added to the list of his victims. Libanius knew that the influence of mothers was his most powerful antagonist, and he spared them not in his satirical denunciations. Chrysostom received the benefit of his prelections, without the injury which they sometimes inflicted-the Christian hearth was a match for the heathen academy. Many illustrious men in all ages have been forward to confess with Chrysostom similar obligations to maternal training. That teaching which comes from a mother's lips in tones of thrilling softness has often been the happy instrument of filling the young heart with prin


a De Sacerdotio, lib. i.; Chrysostomi Opera, tom. primus. Ed. Montfaucon, Venetiis, 1734.

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