NATIONAL SERIES-VOLUME VI, 1871. THE NATIONAL SERIES of the American Journal of Education was commenced in September, 1867, and including the Circulars, Reports, and Documents issued by the Editor as Commissioner of Education, down to the close of 1870, comprises five volumes of 800 pages each, with a full Table of Contents, and a minute Index to each volume, TERMS: For a single volume, (I, II, III, IV, V,) in paper cover,, ....$4.25 cloth binding,.. 4.50 5.50 .$20.00 cloth binding, 22.50. half goat,.. For the set of 5 Vols, (I to V,) in paper cover,. The Sixth Volume of the National Series will be issued in 1871, in quarterly numbers-the first number for the year, on the 15th of January, and subsequent numbers on the 15th of April, July, and October, making a volume of at least 800 pages, on the following TERMS: For one copy (Numbers 21, 22, 23, 24) for the year,... Number, Payable in advance, $4.00 1,25 All remittances can be made in money orders through the Post Office. All orders will be forwarded by mail, express, or otherwise, according to the direction and at the risk and expense of the persons ordering the same. First Series-1856 to 1861. THE FIRST SERIES of THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION consists of ten volumes, each volume having an average of 700 pages, embellished with at least four portraits from engravings on steel of eminent teachers, educators, and promoters of education, and with a large number of wood-cuts illustrative of recent improvements in the structure, furniture, and arrangements of buildings designed for educational uses. Price per volume, $4.50 in cloth, and $5.50 in half goat. New Series-1862 to 1866. A NEW SERIES of THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION was commenced with the number for March, 1862, and continued to the close of 1866, making six volumes, having an average of 800 pages each, with sixty portraits from engravings on steel, and over two hundred wood-cuts. Price per volume, $4.50 in cloth, and $5.50 in half goat. SETS OF THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. A few complete sets of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION (Vols. I— XXI) on the following TERMS: For the entire series, twenty-one volumes, bound in cloth,....$84.00 bound in half goat... 105.00 CLASSIFIED INDEX TO THE CONTENTS OF BARNARD'S AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION-Entire Series, Vol. I to XVI, with a GENERAL INDEX to the first five volumes, (I-V,) and a minute Analytical Index to each volume, (I-XXI);) together with the CONTENTS, or Index of other publications by the Editor, including several Treatises made up of articles from successive numbers of the Journal, and intended originally to constitute volumes of a Series entitled Papers for the Teacher, or THE AMERICAN LIBRARY OF EDUCATION. Price $2.50.. All communications relating to THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION can be addressed to HENRY BARNARD, Hartford, Conn. A DR. HENRY BARNARD'S STANDARD EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS, EMBRACING THE HISTORY, ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION, STUDIES, DISCIPLINE AND STATISTICS OF SCHOOLS OF EVERY GRADE AND FOR ALL CLASSES IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Official Reports. ANNUAL REPORTS AS SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF Annual Report for 1867 S, 1 Vol. $5.00. Educational Periodicals. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 1856-71, 22 Vols. Single Number, as issued, except 29, 30, 33, $1.50. Set of 22 Volumes, in Cloth, $93.50. Biography, History, Organization, &c. EDUCATIONAL BIOGRAPHY: 1. AMERICAN TEACHERS AND EDUCATORS, $3.50. 2. PROMOTERS OF AMERICAN EDUCATION, $3.50. PART II. State Conventions and Associations. Public Instruction. NATIONAL EDUCATION IN EUROPE (1854.) $2.00. VOL. I. German States. 856 pages. $4.50. PARTI. German States, with an account of the 1. SCIENCE AND NATIONAL INDUSTRIES. $4.50. 9. SEMINARIES FOR TEACHERS. $4.50. 3. MILITARY SCHOOLS, Part I and II. $4.50. Manuals of Organization and Method. PAPERS FOR THE TEACHER AND SCHOOL OFFICER; or Library of Practical Education, gathered from the experience of different countries. REVISED EDITION. In uniform cloth binding. Sold in single volumes, or sets. 1. AMERICAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE OF EDUCATION. First Series. $2.50. Russell, Hill, Thayer, Burgess, Mann, Hunting. ton, Hart, Page. 2. OBJECT TEACHING AND OTHER METHODS OF PRI 3. MODERN GERMAN PEDAGOGY. $3.00. 4. EDUCATIONAL APHORISMS AND SUGGESTIONS- 5. ENGLISH PEDAGOGY: or Treatises and Thoughts on Ascham, Bacon, Wolton, Milton. Hartlib, Petty, 6. PESTALOZZI AND PESTALOZZIANISM. $3.00 7. GERMAN EDUCATIONAL REFORMERS. $3.00. 8. FRENCH SCHOOLS AND PEDAGOGY. $3.00. 9. DUTCH AND SCANDINAVIAN SCHOOLS. $3.00. 10. GREEK AND ITALIAN SCHOOLS- Ancient and 11. ENGLISH PEDAGOGY: Second Series. $2.50. 19. AMERICAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND PEDAGOGY: a 13. 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