"The term 'abroad' is sometimes applied to one who is rather wide of the mark, in consequence of not seeing his way very clearly. "Now, I beg to inform Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools that I live in the moon, and that, as I walk round the earth, in order to keep my weather eye open so as continually to have the Inspector in view, I am obliged to perform a rotation on my axis once a month. I tried the other plan long ago, by always keeping my face to the north as I made my rounds; but then I turned in succession my face, my left side, my back, and my right side to the earth. "I soon, however, got a 'round robin' from the earth (in which I did not observe the Inspector's name), requesting me to go upon the old plan; so I gave up the experiment. "Now, as I am afraid that the Inspector will send me a petition, on his own book, to try it again, I will beg him first to borrow from his little boy a cup and ball, and, marking the latter at four opposite points with the letters N, S, E, and W, to carry suspended by its string, round the flame of a candle. He will find that if N is kept always to the north, the ball consequently remaining without axial motion, the light will fall in succession on W, S, and E, until it reaches N again; but that, if he wishes N to be always illuminated, he must turn it continually towards the flame, and that in so doing he will cause an axial rotation of the ball upon its string at each revolution which it performs round the candle. "I remain, Sir, with much respect, "Your old acquaintance, 66 THE MAN IN THE MOON. "The Moon, April 8." (To be continued.) CHILDREN, AND HOW TO MANAGE THEM. (Darton and Co.) MRS. PULLAN, the author of "Maternal Counsels," and a constant contributor to THE GOVERNESS, has conferred no small boon upon those to whom the care of children is intrusted, by the publication of a sixpenny book entitled, "Children, and how to Manage them." It is uniform with the series published by Messrs. Groombridge, entitled "The Sixpenny Library." Mrs. Pullan treats, in a simple but comprehensive style, on the mental culture of children (Introduction). Under the division devoted to CARE OF THE HEALTH, she speaks of food, dress, bathing, exercise, amusement, the eye, the ear, and the hand. Under EDUCATION she treats of school or home experience, the affections, motives, obstinacy, obedience, self-control, selfishness, truth, perseverance and energy, labour, curiosity, self-respect, lessons and studies, manners, language, association of ideas, servants and their influence. We subjoin the introduction to the important divison “What is it ?—Education is that training which is to prepare our children for their future duties in life, and we may define it as physical, moral, and mental training. All these should be blended and harmonized together, because a deficiency in any one is not only a serious evil in itself, but it affects the efficiency of the others. In our modern education, the strengthening and development of the physical powers are not sufficiently cared for, and where walking or running does not accomplish what is necessary, Fröbel's system of education, if carefully studied, will supply a mother with admirable instructions. Very young children may engage in gymnastics limited to their age. They strengthen the muscles and harden the frame. Activity is the life of a child; it exhibits unconsciously an incessant craving for it. It is cruel, then, in the extreme, to keep a child quiet, or to insist on its not making a noise. "It is not only in its physical training, however, that a mother is apt to err. More from want of reflection, than from any other cause, she frequently commits grave mistakes in the cultivation of her child's heart and intellect. Very many mothers have never had much to do with young children until they press their own to their bosom; still more, have not given their characters that close study which so important a charge demands; and yet they are very desirous of doing their duty if they only knew how. To such, it is hoped, these few and brief hints, suggested by a life-long experience of and an intense delight in children, will not be unwelcome." SCHOOL OR HOME. "Where the circumstances are suitable, it cannot be doubted that, for very young children, home is the best place, and the mother's eye the best safeguard, and unpardonably unworthy of her sacred name is that mother who leaves her little children to the care of hirelings, whilst her own time is occupied with gaiety, visiting, and dress. But there are numberless cases in which a mother has other duties with which the proper care of her children is incompatible, and, when this is the case, it is far better they should be in some place where they can have plenty of fresh air, wholesome exercise, and the companionship of other children, with proper superintendence, than that they should be consigned, even under their parents' roof, to the entire charge of an ignorant servant. Schools, as they are ordinarily constituted, are not to be thought of for young children; but of late the establishment of a children's garden, Kinder Garten, in Tavistock Place, has afforded some hope that such schools as young children, from two to six years old, may safely be taken to, may be established within the reach of every family. The model one in Tavistock Place is, indeed, all that mothers or children can desire; the children thrive physically, mentally, and morally; their ideas are developed, their characters elicited, their frames strengthened. Above all, they are perfectly happy. We have tried, and know. But nothing ought to be suffered entirely to separate mother and child. It is too holy a tie to be broken lightly asunder. Even if a mother be occupied all day, still a few moments may be snatched at night for loving and talking to her child. Even if she is compelled for the sake of health to keep him in the country, while her own duties and occupations bind her to a town life, let no week pass without some direct personal communication. Let her write to him, send him little gifts-if only a pictorial paper-to keep herself ever in his mind, and maintain her supremacy with him. A very young child will learn to anticipate a letter with as much delight, perhaps more, than a grownup person. NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS. *** WE select such only as appear suitable for teachers and pupils. Those marked thus * are advertised in "THE GOVERNESS ADVERTISER." Those marked thus † have been noticed in our pages. Those marked thus are noticed in the present number. In cases in which our readers cannot readily obtain the books they want, our publishers, Messrs. Darton and Co., will supply on the usual school terms. BELL (D. C.) The Modern Reader and Speaker. 5th ed. 12mo. pp. 464, cl. 3s 6d. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, revised and enlarged. By J. Willoughby Rosse. Post 8vo. pp. 820, cloth, 10s. BOURNE (J.)-A Catechism of the SteamEngine. By John Bourne, C. E. 4th edit. Part 1, 12mo. sewed, 6d. BROUGHAM (Lord).-Natural Theology. 12mo. pp. 456, cloth, 5s. BROWNE (E. H.)-An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. 3rd edit. 8vo. pp. 856, cloth, 16s. BUTLER (T. B.)-The Philosophy of the Weather, and a Guide to its Changes. Crown 8vo. pp. 432, cloth, 6s. CHEEVER (G. B.)-Lectures on the Life, Genius, and Insanity of Cowper. 12mo. pp. 340, cloth, 3s. 6d. Cook (Rev. J.)-A Catechism for Scripture Instruction, with References to Verses subjoined for Answers. New edit. 18mo. pp. 64, sewed, 6d. CORNELL (J. S.) Intermediate Geography; forming Part Second of a Systematic Series of School Geographies. Designed for Pupils who have completed a Primary or Elementary Course of Instruction in Geography. 4to. pp. 88, with coloured maps and numerous woodcut illustrations, boards, 5s. CRANE (Rev. W.)-A Catechism of the Creed. 12mo. pp. 102, cloth, 1s. 6d. DALLAS (W. S.)-A Natural History of the Animal Kingdom, being a Systematic and Popular Description of the Habits, Structure, and Classification of Animals, from the Lowest to the Highest Forms, arranged according to their Organisatian. Post 8vo. pp. 800, cloth, 8s. 6d. a Selection of Greek Quotations. Edited by H. T. Riley. 12mo. pp. 558, cl. 5s. ENGLISH CYCLOPÆDIA (The)-A New Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. Conducted by Charles Knight. Biography, Vol. I. Imp. 8vo. pp. 1058, cloth, 10s. FINLAY(G.)-The History of Greece under Othoman and Venetian Dominion. 8vo. pp. 372, cloth, 10s. 6d. GILFILLAN (G.)-The Bards of the Bible. 4th edit. post 8vo. pp. 400, cloth, 5s. GREGORY (W.)—A Handbook of Organic Chemistry, for the use of Students. 4th edit. post 8vo. pp. 640, cloth, 12s. GREGORY (W.)-A Handbook of Inor. ganic Chemistry, for the use of Students. 4th edit. corrected and much extended, crown 8vo. pp. 626, cloth, 12s.. GUIZOT (F.)--The History of Civilisation, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Translated by William Hazlitt. 3 vols. Vol. 3, 12mo. pp. 522, cloth, 3s. 6d. HALL'S Map of the Eastern Frontier of the Cape Colony. Case, 25s. HAXTHAUSEN (Baron von).—The Russian Empire; its People, Institutions, and Resources. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 28s. HIND (J.)-The Solutions to the Questions on the Principles and Practice of Arithmetic. 2nd edit. 12mo. pp. 140, , bound, 5s. JOHNSON (C.)-British Poisonous Plants. By Charles Johnson. Illustrated with 28 Plates transferred from " English Botany." 12mo. pp. 60, plain, 5s.; coloured, 7s. KITTO (J.)-Memoirs of John Kitto, D.D., compiled chiefly from his Letters and Journals, by J. E. Ryland; with Cri tical Estimate of his Life and Writings, by Professor Eade, of Glasgow, 8vo. pp. 700, cloth, 15s. LEHMANN (C. G.)-Manual of Chemical Physiology. Translated, with Notes and Additions, by J. Cheston Morris, M.D. With an Introductory Essay on Vital Force, by Samuel Jackson, M.D. 8vo. pp. 332, illustrated with 40 woodcuts, cl. 14s. LINDLEY (J.)-School Botany and Vegetable Physiology; or, the Rudiments of Botanical Science. New edit. 8vo. pp. 188, sewed, 58. 6d. LONIE (W. 0.)-Prize Essay on the Stereoscope. 12mo. pp. 70, sewed, 1s. LUNAR MOTION, Correspondence on. IIlustrated by Diagrams, 12mo. ls. LUTHER (M.)-The Life of Martin Luther. By Henry Worsley. 2 vols. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 410, cloth, 12s. M'GILCHRIST (J.)-A History of the Turks, from the Earliest Period to the present Time. 12mo, with illustrations, pp. 386, cloth, 3s. 6d. MADEIRA. Physical and Topographical Description of the Island of Madeira: with Views. Sheets, 10s.; case, 15s. MANCHESTER PAPERS: a Series of Occasional Essays. No. 2.-May, 1856. CONTENTS: Modern German Philoso phy. By J. D. Morell, M.A.-Veils and Faces. By P. Layne.-National and Rational Recreations. By the Rev. W. G. Barrett.-On Circuit. By A. Fonblanque. 12mo. sewed, 1s. 6d. MANCHESTER LECTURES, delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association. By the Rev. J. B. Brown, J. Bowen, Canon Stowell, &c. Cr. 8vo. pp. 243, cloth, limp, 2s. 6d. MARCHETTI (G.)-Italian and English Idiomatic Phrases and Dialogues indispensable for a rapid Acquisition and correct Expression of the Italian Language. 18mo. pp. 130, cloth, 2s. 6d, MARTIN (G. W.)-The School and Family Book of Part Music; containing Forty Songs. Secular: Parts 1 and 2, sewed, each 6d. MASON (D.)-Essays, Biographical and Critical, chiefly on English Poets. 8vo. pp. 470, cloth, 12s. 6d. MAST (G. C)-Par Firma; or, Proposal of a Scheme to render the Crystal Palace at Sydenham the most effective Instrument for the Promotion of Progress, Civilisation, and a Firm Peace between all the Nations of the Earth. 8vo. pp. 80, sewed, 2s. MESSENT (C.)-Autobiography of a Sunday-School Teacher. 12mo. pp. 250, cloth, 3s. 6d. MONTGOMERY (J.)- Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, including Selections from his Correspondence, Remains in Prose and Verse, and Conversations on various Subjects. By John Holland and James Everett. Vols, 5 and 6, post 8vo. pp. 880, cloth, 21s. PULLAN (Mrs.,-Children, and How to Manage them. By Mrs. Pullan. 18mo. sewed, 6d. RICHARDSON (C.)—New Dictionary of the English Language, combining Explanation with Etymology. New edit. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, 848.; 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 15s. ROUTLEDGE'S EVERLASTING PRIMER, with Engravings by John Gilbert. 12mo. pp. 64, paper, 6d. ; linen, ls. ROYAL CALENDAR, corrected to April 1856. 12mo. bound, 5s. RUSKIN (J.)-Notes on some of the principal Pictures exhibited in the Rooms of the Royal Academy and the Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1856. 8vo. pp. 48, sewed, 6d. RUSSIAN Account of the Battle of Inker, mann. Post 8vo. sewed, 3s. SCOTT (Sir W.)-The Highland Clans; with a particular Account of Rob Roy and the Macgregors. 12mo. pp. 226, boards, 1s. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. SHAKSPEARE (W.)- Works. Knight's Vol. 4, Cabinet Edition. 22 vols. 18mo. sewed, ls.; cloth, 1s. 6d. SHAKSPEARE'S Dramatic Works; with Notes by S. W. Singer; and Life by W. W. Lloyd, Vol. 5, 12mo. pp. 430, cl. 6s, SHEPHERD King; or, Jesus seen in the Life of David. Designed for the Young. 12mo. pp. 263, cloth, 3s. 6d. SLATER (E.)-Biblical Revision: Consi derations in favour of a Revised Translation of Holy Scripture. 8vo. pp. 40, sewed, 1s. SMITH (B.) Arithmetic and Algebra, 3rd edit. Post 8vo. pp. 600, cl., 10s. 6d. STAINTON (H. T.)-June: a Book for the Country in Summer Time. 12mo, pp. 140, cloth, 3s. STRZELECKI. - Discovery of Gold and Silver in Australia: a Supplement to Strzelecki's "Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land." 8vo. sewed, 2s. SUTTON (T.)-The Calotype Process: a Handbook to Photography on Paper. By Thomas Sutton. 2nd edit. post 8vo. pp. 94, cloth, 2s. 6d. SWAINSON (C. A)--A Handbook to "Butler's Analogy;" with a few Notes. By C.A. Swainson. 12mo. (Cambridge), pp. 54, sewed, 1s. 6d. THOMPSON (W.)-The Natural History of UBICINI (M. A.)-Letters on Turkey: an a Wykehamist. 12mo. pp. 90, sewed, 2s. WEBSTER (N.)-Dictionary of the English Language. By Noah Webster. Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. New edit. 4to. pp. 1400, cloth, 31s. 6d. WHAT IS TRUTH? or, Revelation its own WILKES (Capt. C.)-Theory of the Winds. VARIETIES. THE GOVERNMENT AND THE BOOKSELLERS.-The Committee of Council make grants of schoolbooks and maps at reduced prices; and this seems a useful exercise of liberality: but, when we look a little nearer, we shall see it to be attended with very serious evils. The committee make themselves booksellers on an enormous scale, and undersell all other booksellers. They not only supply books at prices below those at which they could be bought of the bookseller, but, in addition, they make grants towards the purchase of books, at the rate of 8d. and 10d. per scholar; which of course is a further inducement to schools to order their books through the Committee of Council. It will be naturally supposed that the committee at least take pains to offer the best schoolbooks which are to be had. But what is the fact? It is no less than eight years since the present list of schoolbooks was formed; and it has not been revised since the year 1848, although during that time perhaps hundreds of new schoolbooks have been published, many of them of great value. The list is now in course of revision by the inspectors, but it is obvious that those gentlemen have the opportunity of excluding any books which they may on any account dislike, either from political or even personal motives; and it is known that several of the inspectors are themselves authors, and as such have a powerful interest in placing their own books on the list, and excluding such as might come in competition with them. A very considerable proportion of the schoolbooks granted by the Committee of Council are those of the Irish Board of Education, printed at the public cost, and thus brought into unfair competition with authors and publishers. The tendency of all this arrangement is to discourage one of the most important departments of literature, to interfere with one of the most valuable branches of trade, and to keep the schools in arrear of improvement. By destroying freedom, it inevitably represses excellence.-W. Baines. |