| Edward Bysshe - English language - 1710 - 624 pages
...ft ths fmiling Morn With thy bright Circlet, prtift him in thy Sfhert, While Day arifes, that ftveet Hour of Prime ! Thou Sun ! of this great World both Eye and Siul, Acknowledge him thy Greater, found ha Praift In thy eternal Courfe, btth when thcu climb' ft... | |
| William Whiston - Bible and science - 1717 - 376 pages
...crown.ft the fmiling Mom With thy bright Circlet, praife him in thy Sphere While Day arifes, that fweet Hour of Prime. Thou Sun, of this great World both Eye and Soul, Acknowledge him thy Greater, fbund his Praife In thy eternal Courfe, both when thou climb.ft,... | |
| William Whiston - 1725 - 370 pages
...crown'ft the failing Morn With thy bright Circlet, praife him in thy Sphere While Day arifes, that fweet Hour of Prime.. Thou Sun, of this great World both Eye and Soul, Acknowledge him thy Greater, found his Praife In thy eternal Courfe, both when thou climb'ft,... | |
| William Smith (Revd. Mr.) - Ciphers - 1745 - 356 pages
...jl the J'mi ling Morn With thy bright circlet, praife him in thy /phere While day arifes, that fweet hour of prime. Thou Sun, of this great World both eye and foul, Acknowledge him thy Creator, found his praife In thy eternal courfe, both when thou climb 'ft ', And when high Noon haft... | |
| John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages
...bright circlet, praife him in thy fphere While day arifes, that fweet hour of prime. 170 Thou fan ! of this great world both eye and foul, Acknowledge...climb'ft, And when high noon has gain'd, and when thou fall'ir. Moon ! that now meet'ft the orient fun, now fly'ft, With the fii'd ftars, fix'd in their orb... | |
| John Milton - 1746 - 260 pages
...bright circlet, praife Him in thy fphere While day arifes, that fweet hour of prime. :io Thou fun ! of this great world both eye and foul, Acknowledge...found His praife In thy eternal courfe, both when thou climb'fl, And when high noon haft gain'd,and when thoufall'ft. Moon ! that now meet'ft the orient fun,... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 666 pages
...it is, that a poet i> not obliged to fpeak with the fineDels and accuracy of a philofopbAcknowledge him thy greater, found his praife In thy eternal courfe, both when thou climb'ft, And when high noon haft gain'd, and when thou fall'ft. Moon, that now meet'ft the orient fun, now fly'ft, With the fix'd... | |
| John Milton - 1754 - 342 pages
...thy bright circlet , praife Him in thy Tphere While day arifes, that fweet hour of prime. Thou fun ! of this great world both eye and foul , Acknowledge...courfe , both when thou climb'ft. And when high noon haR gain'd , and when thota Moon ! that now meet'ftthe orient fun , nowfly'ft.. With the fix'd ftars... | |
| Robert Dodsley - Education - 1754 - 576 pages
...crown'ft the fmiling Morn With thy bright Circlet, praife Him in thy Sphere While Day arifes, that fweet Hour of Prime. Thou Sun, of this great World both Eye and Soul, Acknowledge him thy Greater ; found His Praife In thy eternal Courfe, both when thou climb'ft,... | |
| Nathan Bailey - English language - 1756 - 716 pages
...means of fome hold or footing : it implies labour and difficulty, and fucceflive efforts. * Thou, fun 1 of this great world both eye and foul, Acknowledge him thy greater, found hispraife In thy eternal courfe, both when thou ctimt'ß, And when high noon haß gain'd, and when... | |
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