PREFATORY NOTE. WITH this Number (for January, 1871), we resume the regular publication of the American Journal of Education, which has been somewhat intermitted, although not positively suspended, during our connection with the Department and Office of Education. We hope to receive sufficient encouragement to enable us to continue our articles, original and selected, on the existing condition and movements of Education in different countries, until we have given something like completeness to our survey of the past history and present condition of:— I. National Education in different countries in respect to: 1. Elementary Schools-Infant and Juvenile. 2. Secondary Schools-Public High Schools-Gymnasiums, &c. 3. Superior Schools-Universities-Colleges, &c. 4. Special and Class Instruction, viz.: (1) Theology; (2) Law; (3) Medicine and Surgery; (4) Teaching; (5) Agriculture, and Rural Economy generally; (6) Architecture and Construction of all kinds; (7) Chemical Technology; (8) Commerce and Trade generally; (9) Engineering, Civil, Mechanical and Marine; (10) Drawing, in its Ideal and Industrial applications; (11) Metallurgy and Mining; (12) Mechanics and Machinery; (13) Music-both Vocal and Instrumental; (14) Navigation-by steam and sail, on river and ocean; (15) Military and Naval Schools; (16) Public Service, the administration of Telegraphs, &c.; (17) Female Education-both general and special; (18) Exceptional Classes, such as Orphans, Deaf Mutes, Blind, &c. 5. Supplementary Schools and Agencies: (1) Evening Schools and Classes; (2) Libraries; (3) Lectures. 6. Societies for the Advancement of Art, Education, Literature and Science. 7. Architecture for Schools of every grade, and for all Educational purposes. 8. School Codes of different countries in reference to a discussion of the organization and administration of School Systems. 9. The Pedagogy of different Nations: (1) Germans; (2) Swiss; (3) French; (4) English; (5) American. 10. Educational Biography: (1) Teachers; (2) Promoters and Benefactors of Education. II. The past history and present condition of Education as a Science and as an Art. HENRY BARNARD. HARTFORD, CONN., Jan. 15, 1871. 91540 |