FORCE OF TRUTH: AN AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE. BY REV. THOMAS SCOTT, D. D. WITH A RECOMMENDATORY LETTER, BY REV. SAMUEL MILLER, D. D. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, EIGHT LETTERS ADDRESSED TO DR. SCOTT, BY REV. PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION. JAMES RUSSELL, PUBLISHING AGENT. 1841. WB26 5429 179820 PREFACE. Ir a book do not apologize for itself, it is in vain for the author to attempt it by a preface; I shall, therefore, only declare the nature and intent of this publication. Indeed, it contains little more than the history of my heart, that forge of iniquity; and my conscience, that friendly, but too often neglected monitor. By men in general, this latter is hated, because, as far as informed, it boldly tells the truth: and their grand endeavour seems to be, to lay it asleep, or to render it as insensible as if seared with a hot iron. Through the deceitfulness of the human heart, the allurements of the world, and the artifices of Satan, this, at length, is commonly accomplished; and in the meantime, they deafen themselves to its ン |