To lighten what thou suffer'st, and appease Thy mind with what amends is in my power, 745 Though late, yet in some part to recompense My rash, but more unfortunate, misdeed. SAMS. Out, out, hyæna; these are thy wonted And arts of every woman false like thee, [arts, To break all faith, all vows, deceive, betray, 750 Then, as repentant, to submit, beseech, And reconcilement move with feign'd remorse, Confess, and promise wonders in her change, Not truly penitent, but chief to try
Her husband, how far urg'd his patience bears, 755 His virtue or weakness which way to assail; Then with more cautious and instructed skill
Again transgresses, and again submits; That wisest and best men full oft beguil'd,
With goodness principled not to reject The penitent, but ever to forgive, Are drawn to wear out miserable days, Entangled with a pois'nous bosom snake, If not by quick destruction soon cut off, As I by thee, to ages an example.
DAL. Yet hear me, Samson; not that I endea
To lessen or extenuate my offence, But that, on th' other side if it be weigh'd By itself, with aggravations not surcharg'd, Or else with just allowance counterpois'd, I may, if possible, thy pardon find
The easier towards me, or thy hatred less. First granting, as I do, it was a weakness
In me, but incident to all our sex, Curiosity, inquisitive, importune Of secrets, then with like infirmity To publish them, both common female faults: Was it not weakness also to make known
For importunity, that is, for nought, Wherein consisted all thy strength and safety? 780 To what I did thou show'dst me first the way. But I to enemies reveal'd, and should not; Nor should'st thou have trusted that to woman's Ere I to thee, thou to thyself wast cruel. [frailty: Let weakness then with weakness come to parle, So near related, or the same of kind, Thine forgive mine; that men may censure thine The gentler, if severely thou exact not More strength from me than in thyself was found. And what if love, which thou interpret'st hate, 790 The jealousy of love, powerful of sway In human hearts, not less in mine towards thee, Caus'd what I did? I saw thee mutable
Of fancy, fear'd lest one day thou would'st leave me As her at Timna, sought by all means therefore 795 How to endear, and hold thee to me firmest: No better way I saw than by impórtuning To learn thy secrets, get into my power Thy key of strength and safety. Thou wilt say, Why then reveal'd? I was assur'd by those Who tempted me, that nothing was design'd
Against thee but safe custody and hold : That made for me; I knew that liberty Would draw thee forth to perilous enterprises, While I at home sat full of cares and fears, Wailing thy absence in my widow'd bed : Here I should still enjoy thee day and night, Mine and love's prisoner, not the Philistines, Whole to myself, unhazarded abroad, Fearless at home of partners in my love. These reasons in love's law have past for good,
Though fond and reasonless to some perhaps; And love hath oft, well meaning, wrought much
Yet always pity or pardon hath obtain'd. Be not unlike all others, not austere
As thou art strong, inflexible as steel. If thou in strength all mortals dost exceed, In uncompassionate anger do not so.
SAMS. How cunningly the sorceress displays Her own transgressions, to upbraid me mine! 820 That malice not repentance brought thee hither, By this appears: I gave, thou say'st, th' example, I led the way; bitter reproach, but true; I to myself was false ere thou to me;
Such pardon therefore as I give my folly, Take to thy wicked deed; which when thou seest Impartial, self-severe, inexorable,
Thou wilt renounce thy seeking, and much rather Confess it feign'd; weakness is thy excuse,
And I believe it, weakness to resist Philistian gold; if weakness may excuse,
What murderer, what traitor, parricide, Incestuous, sacrilegious, but may plead it? All wickedness is weakness: that plea therefore With God or man will gain thee no remission. 835 But love constrain'd thee; call it furious rage To satisfy thy lust. Love seeks to have love : My love how could'st thou hope, who took'st the To raise in me inexpiable hate, [way Knowing, as needs I must, by thee betray'd? 840 In vain thou striv'st to cover shame with shame, Or by evasions thy crime uncover'st more. [plea
DAL. Since thou determin'st weakness for no In man or woman, though to thy own condemning, Hear what assaults I had, what snares besides, 845 What sieges girt me round, ere I consented, Which might have aw'd the best resolv'd of men, The constantest, to have yielded without blame. It was not gold, as to my charge thou lay'st, That wrought with me. Thou know'st the magis- And princes of my country came in person, [trates Solicited, commanded, threaten'd, urg'd, Adjur'd by all the bonds of civil duty And of religion, press'd how just it was, How honourable, how glorious, to entrap A common enemy, who had destroy'd Such numbers of our nation: and the priest Was not behind, but ever at my ear, Preaching how meritorious with the gods It would be to ensnare an irreligious Dishonourer of Dagon. What had I
T' oppose against such powerful arguments? Only my love of thee held long debate,
And combated in silence all these reasons
With hard contest: at length that grounded So rife and celebrated in the mouths
Of wisest men, that to the public good Private respects must yield with grave authority Took full possession of me and prevail'd; Virtue, as I thought, truth, duty, so enjoining. 870 SAMS. I thought where all thy circling wiles
In feign'd religion, smooth hypocrisy. But had thy love, still odiously pretended, Been, as it ought, sincere, it would have taught thee Far other reasonings, brought forth other deeds. I before all the daughters of my tribe And of my nation chose thee from among My enemies, lov'd thee, as too well thou knew'st, Too well unbosom'd all my secrets to thee, Not out of levity, but over-power'd By thy request, who could deny thee nothing; Yet now am judg'd an enemy. Why then Didst thou at first receive me for thy husband, Then, as since then, thy country's foe profess'd? Being once a wife, for me thou wast to leave 885 Parents and country; nor was I their subject, Nor under their protection but my own, Thou mine, not theirs. If aught against my life Thy country sought of thee, it sought unjustly, Against the law of nature, law of nations,
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