measures to secure the proper observance of the Sabbath. A similar meeting for the county of Lincoln, is to be held, this week, at Wiscasset. These things, and others of a similar nature, of which I hear abroad, almost lead me to cry, with old Simeon-" Let thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation!" We shall yet see peace upon our Israel; and I have very little doubt, that, after the war ceases, we shall have greater revivals through the land, than we have ever yet seen. It was harder to do what has been done, both in the world and among us, than to do what remains. The wheel is now in motion, and will be kept so with comparative ease. It is a glorious day to live in! So much to be done; so much to be prayed for; so much to be seen. I was wrong in saying, I wished to depart in peace. I wish to stay, and see, and do a little more I would not now exchange a place in the church below, even for a place in heaven. The longer our time of labor is, the better. There will be time enough for rest. "Dr. - died last week. I saw him repeatedly, during his illness; but not a word of a religious nature did he utter; and, I am told, he said as little to others. He was a minister upwards of fifty years. What a meeting it must be, when a pastor meets all who have died under his ministry, during so many years; especially, if he has never faithfully warned them! "Our people feel the consequences of the war very much. I am astonished to see how well they continue to pay my salary; and still more, to see how liberally they give to every proper object. Their deep poverty serves to set off the riches of their liberality. If they were like many congregations, I should soon be turned out. Many, however, have moved away, on account of the war; and if it continues, the rest must follow. However, we serve a good Master; and while he has work for us to do, he will feed us. I rejoice to learn, that you find "the joy of the Lord your strength." It is strength indeed. I hope my father finds as much reason to rejoice in the progress of reformation in New-Hampshire, as we do here." June 2, 1815. "I shall not be able to visit Rindge, this summer. Journeying does me so little good, and I have been absent so long, that I shall not dare to think of it, at present. Were it possible, I would come about the time of the ordination of the missionaries, at Newburyport, to which our church is invited; but I fear it will not be. "I am sorry for poor, but my sorrow is mitigated, if not removed, by reflecting, that if he is a Christian, all things are working for his good; and if he is not, an education will do him more harm than good. I have grown quite hard hearted, as it respects the trials of Christians. I scarcely pity them at all, while under the rod, though I am sorry we all need it so much. However I sympathize with you, my dear mother, in your want of hearing. is a grievous trial; and if, as you intimate, frequent letters would in any degree, mitigate it, I will strive to write oftener.-I trust our revival has not ceased; though it will not, I fear, prove so extensive as I at first hoped." Sept. 7, 1815. It -"Do not feel anxious about me. I am, you know, in good hands; in better hands than yours; and when you consider how good God has been to me, you can have no reason to fear that he will deal with me otherwise than well. I have little to write respecting our situation in a religious view, that is encouraging; but things look promising in many other places, at a distance. You have heard of the revivals at Litchfield and New-Haven. An account of these revivals, read in Rowley, has occasioned the commencement of a similar work there, which promises to become extensive. There is also considerable attention among the students in Academy; and a letter which I have just received from a gentleman in Baltimore, informs me, that there is a revival in an Academy in that vicinity, and in two or three other places. It certainly appears more and more probable, that God is about to work wonders in most of our Seminaries of learning, and if so, who can calculate the blessed effects, which will be the result? "The revolution in Dartmouth College makes a great noise here. Losing Mr. Brown will be a grievous blow to me. I think the Trustees could hardly have made a better choice." On perusing the following, it is difficult to repress a wish, that the writer had been under the necessity of "fitting up a house," every year. "MY DEAR MOTHER, Portland, Nov. 1, 1815. "I fear you will think me very negligent in delaying so long to answer your letter; but I have an excuse ready. We have been moving, and repairing our house, and I have been almost incessantly engaged, night and day. We have had half a score of workmen in the house, and I have been obliged to superintend and work with them; and this, in addition to parochial duties, has so hurried me, that I have scarcely had time to eat. You will be glad to hear, that my cares and labors have had a very beneficial effect with respect to my health, so that I have gained more in fourteen days, than in as many months previous. I have also enjoyed a much higher degree of spiritual health, than usual; and have had many special mercies both of a temporal and religious nature, so that I have seldom passed six happier weeks, than the last. Our house proves much more convenient than we expected; and we have seen much of the wisdom and goodness of God, in bringing us into it. It is the same house, in which I formerly boarded, when preceptor; in which I spent some months in folly and sin; and in which I received the news of Charles's death, and began to turn my attention to religion. These circumstances give it an interest of a peculiar kind, and furnish matter for many humbling, many mournful, and not a few thankful and profitable reflections. O, what a Master do I serve! I have known nothing, felt nothing, all my days, even in comparison with what I now see in him. Never was preaching such sweet work, as it is now. Never did the world seem such a nothing; never did heaven appear so near, so sweet, so overwhelmingly glorious God's promises appear so strong, so solid, so real, so substantial,-more so than the rocks and everlasting hills; and his perfections, what shall I say of them? When I think of one, I wish to dwell upon it forever; but another, and another, equally glorious, claims a share of admiration; and when I begin to praise, I wish never to cease, but have it the commencement of that song, which will never end. Very often have I felt as if I could, that moment, throw off the body, without staying to "first go, and bid them farewell that are at home in my house." Let who will be rich, or admired, or prosperous, -it is enough for me that there is such a God as Jehovah, such a Saviour as Jesus, and that they are infinitely, and unchangeably glorious and happy!" The year, 1816, was the most remarkably distinguished for the effusions of the Holy Spirit on his people, of any year of his ministry, with the exception of that in which his happy spirit took its flight, when he preached so much from the bed of death. This fact the reader will regard as a striking commentary on the subjoined extracts from his Diary. "Dec. 16. Since the last date, I have passed through a greater variety of scenes and circumstances, than in almost any period of equal length in my whole life, and have experienced severer sufferings, conflicts, and disappointments. Some time in February, I began to hope for a revival; and after much prayer for direction, and, as I thought, with confidence in God, I took some extraordinary, and perhaps, imprudent* measures to hasten it. But the event did not answer my expectations at all; and, in consequence, I was thrown into a most violent commotion, and was tempted to think God unkind and unfaithful. For some weeks, I could not think of my disappointment with submission. There were many aggravating circumstances attending it, which rendered it incomparably the severest disappointment, and of course, the most trying temptation I had ever met with. It injured my health to such a degree, that I was obliged to spend the summer, in journeying to recover my health. This, however, did not avail, and I returned worse than * See pp. 256, 7. I went away, and plunged in the depths of discouragement. Was obliged, sorely against my will, to give up my evening lectures, and to preach old sermons. After a while, however, my health began to return, though very slowly. God was pleased to revisit me and to raise me up out of the horrible pit and miry clay in which I had so long lain, and my gratitude for this mercy far exceeded all I felt at my first conversion. Sin never appeared so odious, nor Christ so precious, before. Soon after this, my hopes of a revival began to return. About a month since, very favorable appearances were seen, and my endeavors to rouse the church seemed to be remarkably blessed. My whole soul was gradually wrought up to the highest pitch of eager expectation and desire; I had great assistance in observing a day of fasting and prayer; the annual thanksgiving was blessed, in a very remarkable and surprising manner, both to myself and the church. From these and many other circumstances I was led to expect, very confidently, that the next Sabbath, which was our communion, would be a glorious day, and that Christ would then come to convert the church a second time, and prepare them for a great revival. I had great freedom in prayer, both on Saturday night and Sabbath morning; and after resigning, professedly, the whole matter to God, and telling him that if he should disappoint us, it would be all right, I went to meeting. But what a disappointment awaited me! I was more straitened than for a year before; it was a very dull day, both to myself and the church; all my hopes seemed dashed to the ground, at once, and I returned home in an agony not to be described. Instead of vanquishing Satan, I was completely foiled and led captive by him; all my hopes of a revival seemed blasted, and I expected nothing but a repetition of the same conflicts and sufferings which I had endured after my disappointinent last spring, and which I dreaded a thousand times worse than death. Hence my mind was exceedingly embittered. But though the storm was sudden and violent, it was short. My insulted, abused Master pitied and prayed for me, that my faith might not fail; and, therefore, after Satan had been permitted to sift me as wheat, I was delivered out of his power; and, strange as it even now appears to me, repentance and pardon |