One mighty squadron with a side-wind sped, Through narrow lanes his cumber'd fire does haste, By powerful charms of gold and silver led, The Lombard bankers and the 'Change to waste.
Another backward to the Tower would go, And slowly eats his way against the wind: But the main body of the marching foe Against th' imperial palace is design'd.
Now day appears, and with the day the king, Whose early care had robb'd him of his rest: Far off the cracks of falling houses ring,
And shrieks of subjects pierce his tender breast.
Near as he draws, thick harbingers of smoke With gloomy pillars cover all the place; Whose little intervals of night are broke By sparks, that drive against his sacred face.
More than his guards his sorrows made him known, And pious tears which down his cheeks did shower: The wretched in his grief forgot their own; So much the pity of a king has power.
He wept the flames of what he lov'd so well, And what so well had merited his love: For never prince in grace did more excel, Or royal city more in duty strove.
Nor with an idle care did he behold: Subjects may grieve, but monarchs must redress; He cheers the fearful, and commends the bold, And makes despairers hope for good success.
Himself directs what first is to be done,
And orders all the suceors which they bring: The helpful and the good about him run, And form an army worthy such a king.
He sees the dire contagion spread so fast, That where it seizes all relief is vain: And therefore must unwillingly lay waste That country, which would else the foe maintain.
The powder blows up all before the Fire:
Th' amazed Flames stand gather'd on a heap; And from the precipice's brink retire, Afraid to venture on so large a leap.
Thus fighting Fires awhile themselves consume, But straight, like Turks, fore'd on to win or die, They first lay tender bridges of their fume, And o'er the breach in unctuous vapors fly.
Part stay for passage, till a gust of wind
Ships o'er their forces in a shining sheet: Part creeping under ground their journey blind, And climbing from below their fellows meet.
Thus to some desert plain, or old wood side, Dire night-hags come from far to dance their round; And o'er broad rivers on their fiends they ride, Or sweep in clouds above the blasted ground.
No help avails: for, hydra-like, the Fire Lifts up his hundred heads to aim his way: And scarce the wealthy can one-half retire, Before he rushes in to share the prey.
The rich grow suppliant, and the poor grow proud. Those offer mighty gain, and these ask more. So void of pity is th' ignoble crowd, When others' ruin may increase their store.
As those who live by shores with joy behold
Some wealthy vessel split or stranded nigh, And from the rocks leap down for shipwreck'd gold And seek the tempests which the others fly:
So these but wait the owners' last despair, And what's permitted to the flames invade; Ev'n from their jaws they hungry morsels tear, And on their backs the spoils of Vulcan lade.
The days were all in this lost labor spent; And when the weary king gave place to night, His beams he to his royal brother lent, And so shone still in his reflective light.
Night came, but without darkness or repose, A dismal picture of the general doom; Where souls distracted when the trumpet blows, And half unready with their bodies come.
Those who have homes, when home they do repair, To a last lodging call their wandering friends: Their short uneasy sleeps are broke with care, To look how near their own destruction tends.
Those who have none, sit round where once it was, And with full eyes each wonted room require: Haunting the yet warm ashes of the place, As murder'd men walk where they did expire.
Some stir up coals and watch the vestal fire, Others in vain from sight of ruin run; And while through burning labyrinths they retire, With lothing eyes repeat what they would shun
The most in fields like herded beasts lie down, To dews obnoxious on the grassy floor; And while their babes in sleep their sorrows drown, Sad parents watch the remnants of their store.
While by the motion of the flames they guess What streets are burning now, and what are near, An infant waking to the paps would press, And meets, instead of milk, a falling tear.
No thought can ease them but their sovereign's care, Whose praise th' afflicted as their comfort sing: Ev'n those, whom want might drive to just despair, Think life a blessing under such a king.
Meantime he sadly suffers in their grief, Outweeps an hermit, and outprays a saint: All the long night he studies their relief, How they may be supplied and he may want.
"O God," said he, "thou patron of my days, Guide of my youth in exile and distress! Who me unfriended brought'st, by wondrous ways, The kingdom of my fathers to possess:
"Be thou my judge, with what unwearied care I since have labor'd for my people's good; To bind the bruises of a civil war,
And stop the issues of their wasting blood.
"Thy threatenings, Lord, as thine thou may'st re- As when sharp frosts had long constrain'd the earth,
But if immutable and fix'd they stand, Continue still thyself to give the stroke, And let not foreign foes oppress thy land."
Th' Eternal heard, and from the heavenly quire Chose out the cherub with the flaming sword; And bade him swiftly drive th' approaching Fire From where our naval magazines were stor'd.
The blessed minister his wings display'd,
And like a shooting star he cleft the night: He charg'd the flames, and those that disobey'd He lash'd to duty with his sword of light.
The fugitive Flames, chastis'd, went forth to prey On pious structures, by our fathers rear'd; By which to Heaven they did affect the way, Ere faith in churchmen without works was heard.
The wanting orphans saw, with watery eyes, Their founders' charity in dust laid low; And sent to God their ever-answer'd cries,
For he protects the poor, who made them so.
Nor could thy fabric, Paul's, defend thee long, 'Though thou wert sacred to thy Maker's praise: Though made immortal by a poet's song; And poets' songs the Theban walls could raise.
The daring flames peep'd in, and saw from far The awful beauties of the sacred quire: But, since it was profan'd by civil war, Heav'n thought it fit to have it purg'd by fire.
Now down the narrow streets it swiftly came, And widely opening did on both sides prey: This benefit we sadly owe the flame, If only ruin must enlarge our way.
A kindly thaw unlocks it with cold rain; And first the tender blade peeps up to birth, [grain: And straight the green fields laugh with promis'd
By such degrees the spreading gladness grew In every heart which fear had froze before: The standing streets with so much joy they view, That with less grief the perish'd they deplore.
The father of the people open'd wide
His stores, and all the poor with plenty fed: Thus God's anointed God's own place supplied, And fill'd the empty with his daily bread.
This royal bounty brought its own reward, And in their minds so deep did print the sense, That if their ruins sadly they regard,
'Tis but with fear the sight might drive him thence.
But so may he live long, that town to sway, Which by his auspice they will nobler make, As he will hatch their ashes by his stay, And not their humble ruins now forsake.
They have not lost their loyalty by fire; Nor is their courage or their wealth so low, That from his wars they poorly would retire, Or beg the pity of a vanquish'd foe.
Not with more constancy the Jews, of old By Cyrus from rewarded exile sent, Their royal city did in dust behold, Or with more vigor to rebuild it went.
The utmost malice of the stars is past, [town, And two dire comets, which have scourg'd the In their own plague and fire have breath'd the last, Or dimly in their sinking sockets frown.
Now frequent trines the happier lights among, And high-raised Jove from his dark prison freed, Those weights took off that on his planet hung, Will gloriously the new-laid work succeed.
Methinks already from this chymic flame, I see a city of more precious mould: Rich as the town which gives the Indies name, With silver pav'd, and all divine with gold.
Already laboring with a mighty fate,
She shakes the rubbish from her mounting brow, And seems to have renew'd her charter's date,
Which Heaven will to the death of Time allow.
More great than human now, and more august, Now deified she from her fires does rise: Her widening streets on new foundations trust, And opening into larger parts she flies.
Before she like some shepherdess did show, Who sat to bathe her by a river's side; Not answering to her fame, but rude and low, Nor taught the beauteous arts of modern pride.
Now like a maiden queen she will behold,
From her high turrets, hourly suitors come; The East with incense, and the West with gold, Will stand like suppliants to receive her doom.
The silver Thames, her own domestic flood, Shall bear her vessels like a sweeping train; And often wind, as of his mistress proud, With longing eyes to meet her face again.
The wealthy Tagus, and the wealthier Rhine, The glory of their towns no more shall boast, And Seyne, that would with Belgian rivers join, Shall find her lustre stain'd, and traffic lost.
The venturous merchant, who design'd more far, And touches on our hospitable shore, Charm'd with the splendor of this northern star, Shall here unlade him, and depart no more.
Our powerful navy shall no longer meet, The wealth of France or Holland to invade; The beauty of this town without a fleet, From all the world shall vindicate her trade.
And while this fam'd emporium we prepare, The British ocean shall such triumphs boast, That those, who now disdain our trade to share, Shall rob like pirates on our wealthy coast.
Already we have conquer'd half the war, And the less dangerous part is left behind: Our trouble now is but to make them dare, And not so great to vanquish as to find.
Thus to the eastern wealth through storms we go, But now, the Cape once doubled, fear no more; A constant trade-wind will securely blow, And gently lay us on the spicy shore.
'Twas at the royal feast for Persia won
By Philip's warlike son: Aloft in awful state The godlike hero sate
On his imperial throne:
His valiant peers were plac'd around; Their brows with roses and with myrtles bound: (So should desert in arms be crown'd) The lovely Thais, by his side, Sate, like a blooming eastern bride, In flower of youth and beauty's pride. Happy, happy, happy pair! None but the brave, None but the brave,
None but the brave deserves the fair.
Happy, happy, happy pair!
None but the brave,
None but the brave,
None but the brave deserves the fair.
Timotheus, plac'd on high
Amid the tuneful quire,
With flying fingers touch'd the lyre: The trembling notes ascend the sky,
And heavenly joys inspire.
The song began from Jove, Who left his blissful seats above, (Such is the power of mighty love.) A dragon's fiery form belied the god, Sublime on radiant spires he rode,
When he to fair Olympia press'd, And while he sought her snowy breast:
Then, round her slender waist he curl'd, [world And stamp'd an image of himself, a sovereign of the The listening crowd admire the lofty sound, A present deity, they shout around :
A present deity, the vaulted roofs rebound :
With ravish'd ears The monarch hears, Assumes the god, Affects to nod,
And seems to shake the spheres.
With ravish'd ears The monarch hears, Assumes the god, Affects to nod,
And seems to shake the spheres.
The praise of Bacchus then the sweet musician sung: Of Bacchus ever fair and ever young: The jolly god in triumph comes; Sound the trumpets; beat the drums; Flush'd with a purple grace, He shows his honest face;
Now give the hautboys breath: he comes, he comes Bacchus, ever fair and young, Drinking joys did first ordain; Bacchus' blessings are a treasure, Drinking is the soldier's pleasure. Rich the treasure, Sweet the pleasure;
Sweet is pleasure after pain.
Bacchus' blessings are a treasure, Drinking is the soldier's pleasure;
Rich the treasure, Sweet the pleasure;
Sweet is pleasure after pain.
Sooth'd with the sound, the king grew vain;
Fought all his battles o'er again;
[the slain. And thrice he routed all his foes, and thrice he slew
The master saw the madness rise; His glowing cheeks, his ardent eyes; And, while he Heaven and Earth defied, Chang'd his hand, and check'd his pride. He chose a mournful Muse, Soft pity to infuse:
He sung Darius great and good, By too severe a fate, Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen, Fallen from his high estate,
And weltering in his blood; Deserted, at his utmost need, By those his former bounty fed: On the bare earth expos'd he lies, With not a friend to close his eyes. With downcast looks the joyless victor sate, Revolving in his alter'd soul
The various turns of Chance below; And, now and then, a sigh he stole; And tears began to flow.
Revolving in his alter'd soul
The various turns of Chance below; And, now and then, a sigh he stole;
And tears began to flow.
The mighty master smil'd, to see That love was in the next degree: "Twas but a kindred sound to move, For pity melts the mind to love.
Softly sweet, in Lydian measures, Soon he sooth'd his soul to pleasures. War, he sung, is toil and trouble; Honor but an empty bubble;
Never ending, still beginning, Fighting still, and still destroying; If the world be worth thy winning, Think, O think, it worth enjoying: Lovely Thais sits beside thee, Take the good the gods provide thee. The many rend the skies with loud applause; So Love was crown'd, but Music won the cause. The prince, unable to conceal his pain, Gaz'd on the fair
Who caus'd his care,
And sigh'd and look'd, sigh'd and look'd, Sigh'd and look'd, and sigh'd again:
At length, with love and wine at once oppress'd, The vanquish'd victor sunk upon her breast.
The prince, unable to conceal his pain, Gaz'd on the fair
Who caus'd his care,
And sigh'd and look'd, sigh'd and look'd,
Sigh'd and look'd, and sigh'd again:
At length, with love and wine at once oppress'd, The vanquish'd victor sunk upon her breast.
Now strike the golden lyre again:
A louder yet, and yet a louder strain.
Break his bands of sleep asunder,
And rouse him, like a rattling peal of thunder.
Hark, hark, the horrid sound Has rais'd up his head! As awak'd from the dead, And, amaz'd, he stares around.
Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries, See the Furies arise :
See the snakes that they rear,
How they hiss in their hair,
And the sparkles that flash from their eyes!
Behold a ghastly band,
Each a torch in his hand!
Those are Grecian ghosts, that in battle were slain,
And unburied remain
Inglorious on the plain:
Give the vengeance due
To the valiant crew.
Behold how they toss their torches on high, How they point to the Persian abodes, And glittering temples of their hostile gods. The princes applaud, with a furious joy; And the king seiz'd a flambeau with zeal to destroy,
Thais led the way,
To light him to his prey,
And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy
Ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow, While organs yet were mute; Timotheus, to his breathing flute, And sounding lyre,
Could swell the soul to rage, or kindle soft desire. At last divine Cecilia came, Inventress of the vocal frame;
The sweet enthusiast, from her sacred store, Enlarg'd the former narrow bounds, And added length to solemn sounds,
With Nature's mother-wit, and arts unknown before.
Let old Timotheus yield the prize,
Or both divide the crown;
He rais'd a mortal to the skies;
She drew an angel down.
At last divine Cecilia came,
Inventress of the vocal frame;
The sweet enthusiast, from her sacred store,
Enlarg'd the former narrow bounds,
And added length to solemn sounds,
With Nature's mother-wit, and arts unknown before.
Let old Timotheus yield the prize,
Or both divide the crown;
He rais'd a mortal to the skies;
She drew an angel down.
In days of old, there liv'd, of mighty fame, A valiant prince, and Theseus was his name: A chief, who more in feats of arms excell'd, The rising nor the setting Sun beheld. Of Athens he was lord; much land he won, And added foreign countries to his crown.
In Scythia with the warrior queen he strove, Whom first by force he conquered, then by love; He brought in triumph back the beauteous dame, With whom her sister, fair Emilia, came.
With honor to his home let Theseus ride,
With Love to friend, and Fortune for his guide, And his victorious army at his side.
I pass their warlike pomp, their proud array,
Let fall some drops of pity on our grief, If what we beg be just, and we deserve relief: For none of us, who now thy grace implore, But held the rank of sovereign queen before; Till, thanks to giddy Chance, which never bears That mortal bliss should last for length of years, She cast us headlong from our high estate, And here in hope of thy return we wait: And long have waited in the temple nigh, Built to the gracious goddess Clemency. But reverence thou the power whose name it bears, Relieve th' oppress'd, and wipe the widow's tears. I, wretched I, have other fortunes seen, The wife of Capaneus, and once a queen: At Thebes he fell, curst be the fatal day! And all the rest thou seest in this array To make their moan, their lords in battle lost Before that town, besieg'd by our confederate host: But Creon, old and impious, who commands The Theban city, and usurps the lands, Denies the rites of funeral fires to those
Their shouts, their songs, their welcome on the way. Whose breathless bodies yet he calls his foes.
But, were it not too long, I would recite The feats of Amazons, the fatal fight Betwixt the hardy queen and hero knight; The town besieg'd, and how much blood it cost The female army and th' Athenian host; The spousals of Hippolita, the queen; What tilts and tourneys at the feast were seen; The storm at their return, the ladies' fear: But these, and other things, I must forbear. The field is spacious I design to sow, With oxen far unfit to draw the plow: The remnant of my tale is of a length
To tire your patience, and to waste my strength; And trivial accidents shall be forborne, That others may have time to take their turn; As was at first enjoin'd us by mine host, That he whose tale is best, and pleases most, Should win his supper at our common cost.
And therefore where I left, I will pursue This ancient story, whether false or true, In hope it may be mended with a new. The prince I mention'd, full of high renown, In this array drew near th' Athenian town; When, in his pomp and utmost of his pride, Marching, he chane'd to cast his eye aside, And saw a choir of mourning dames, who lay By two and two across the common way:
At his approach they rais'd a rueful cry,
Unburn'd, unburied, on a heap they lie; Such is their fate, and such his tyranny; No friend has leave to bear away the dead, But with their lifeless limbs his hounds are fed." At this she shriek'd aloud; the mournful train Echo'd her grief, and, grovelling on the plain, With groans, and hands upheld, to move his mind, Besought his pity to their helpless kind!
The prince was touch'd, his tears began to flow, And, as his tender heart would break in two, He sigh'd, and could not but their fate deplore, So wretched now, so fortunate before. Then lightly from his lofty steed he flew, And raising, one by one, the suppliant crew, To comfort each, full solemnly he swore, That by the faith which knights to knighthood bore, And whate'er else to chivalry belongs, He would not cease, till he reveng'd their wrongs: That Greece should see perform'd what he declar'd; And cruel Creon find his just reward. He said no more, but, shunning all delay, Rode on; nor enter'd Athens on his way: But left his sister and his queen behind, And wav'd his royal banner in the wind: Where in an argent field the god of war Was drawn triumphant on his iron car; Red was his sword, and shield, and whole attire, And all the godhend seem'd to glow with fire;
And beat their breasts, and held their hands on high, Ev'n the ground glitter'd where the standard flew
Creeping and crying, till they seiz'd at last
His courser's bridle, and his feet embrac'd.
"Tell me," said Theseus, "what and whence you are,
And why this funeral pageant you prepare? Is this the welcome of my worthy deeds, To meet my triumph in ill-omen'd weeds? Or envy you my praise, and would destroy With grief my pleasures, and pollute my joy? Or are you injur'd, and demand relief? Name your request, and I will ease your grief."
The most in years of all the mourning train
Began (but swooned first away for pain); Then scarce recover'd spoke: "Nor envy we Thy great renown, nor grudge thy victory; 'Tis thine, O king, th' afflicted to redress, And Fame has fill'd the world with thy success: We, wretched women, sue for that alone, Which of thy goodness is refus'd to none;
And the green grass was dyed to sanguine hue. High on his pointed lance his pennon bore His Cretan fight, the conquer'd Minotaur: The soldiers shout around with generous rage. And in that victory their own presage. He prais'd their ardor; inly pleas'd to see His host the flower of Grecian chivalry. All day he march'd; and all th' ensuing night; And saw the city with returning light. The process of the war I need not tell, How Theseus conquer'd, and how Creon fell: Or after, how by storm the walls were won, Or how the victor sack'd and burn'd the town: How to the ladies he restor'd again The bodies of their lords in battle slain: And with what ancient rites they were interr'd; All these to fitter times shall be deferr'd: I spare the widows' tears, their woful cries, And howling at their husbands' obsequies;
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