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Rom Petersburgh, that a Body of 15,000 Tartars of Crim, attempting to force a Paffage thro' the Czarina's Territories to join the Turkish Army in Perfia, were repulfed by the Ruffians un- A der the Command of the Prince of HeffeHombourg with a great slaughter.

provided against, by declaring that Arch bishoprick vacant. Another Difficulty was the Law order'd, that the deceas'd King fhould be buried before the Coronation of his Succeffor. This they eluded by performing his Obfequies in Reprefentation; after which the Bishop of Cujavia proceeded to the Ceremony of Coronation. This occafioned a Satire, entitul'd, The Arguments of the Acts of the Comedy of Warfaw; Act I. A King without a Diploma. II. A Funeral without a Corpfe. III. A Coronation without a Primate. ÏV. A Dyet, without Nuncios. V. Protefts without Effect. During thefe Tranfactions the Prince of Conti caft Anchor before Dantzick. Soon after he came to Oliva, and was again proclaimed King, was defired to enter Poland, and promifed AffiftC ance; but was oblig'd to retire to France, after feeing Marienbourg, the only Place he relied on, open its Gates to the Saxons.


As nothing certain can be gather'd of the prefent Election in Poland, it may not be improper to give afhort sketch of that of King Auguftus, from the Abbot de Parthenay's Hiftory. So fine aSubject, fays he, merits fo much the more a juft and fincere Writer, as it has been disfigured by M. de Voltaire, who studying to embellish his Work, was not much concern'd, whether his Defcriptions were true. Witness that of Altena and the Siege of Riga.-After the Death of Sobieski, the Affairs of Poland, were greatly embarrass'd. The Turks and Tartars ravag'd it; the Czar demanded that the King to be chosen fhould renounce fome of his Titles, and a Civil War under the Name of a Confederacy, broke out in Lithuania. Several Princes intrigued for the Crown, who, by the Address of the Minifter of France, D were fet afide in favour of the Prince of Conti; then a Party was form'd, fupported by the Emperor, for raifing to the Throne Frederic Auguftus, Elector of Saxony. The General Dyet open'd the 15th of May, 1697; and after some sharp Contests, Card. Radziewski, the Primate, declared the Prince of Conti King, with the Acclamations of more than 80,000 Gentlemen. But Auguftus being chofe by another Party, enter'd Poland with an Army, and foon brought over many to his Intereft. The French Party decreased fenfibly by the abfence of the Prince of Conti, and the Delay of the Remittances F and Troops he promis'd the Republic. The Abbot de Polignac and the Primate protested against the Election of Auguf tus as illegal, the Proclamation having been made by a Bishop, in prejudice of the Rights of the Primate, and without the Confent of the Republick; the Dyet G of Confirmation unanimoutly confirmed the Prince of Conti; and figned a Confederacy in Defence of their Religion and Liberty. Auguftus furmounted all these and other Difficulties. Firft the Place where the Royal Ornaments were kept, being poffefs'd by his Adverfaries he broke it open. The Second Difficulty; that by the Laws of Poland, the King must be crown'd by the Arch Bishop of Guefna, Primate of the Kingdom, was

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From Warfaw, That the Troops of the Czarina, to the Number of 50,000 Men had enter'd Poland, under the Command of General Leslie, who had declared by a Manifefto in her Majesty's Name, it was only to preserve the Freedom and Rights of Election.

From Drefden. That the Saxon Forces with a Train of Artillery, were in Motion towards Poland. The Lithuanians having determined to make that Elector their King, if not King of Poland, and this too confiftent with their Oaths, not to Elect a Foreigner; they having trac'd his Defcent from the famous Fagellan Duke of Lithuania and K. of Poland.

From Calais, That a French Squadron of 18 Men of War well provided, was fail'd for Dantzick with K. Stanislaus on board and a fair Wind.

From Paw That the King of Spain was dispos'd to make a Diversion in the Milanefe with an Army of 18,000 Foot and 7000 Horfe in favour of the French in cafe of War with the Emperor. But that they expected to be oppofed on the Rhine, where they had a large Army ready to enter the Empire, by the King of Pruffia.

From Danzick, That the Primate had called a Council, wherein it was refolved to oppofe the Ruffians with all the Forces of the Republic. P. S. There is now a Report that tue Primate is dead. "Tis affirm'd, that M. Leuenwold, the Ruffian Miniftet, was shot at, upon which he had retireed from Warsaw.

-Bonds I . 19
-Annuties 105
-Ditto new 107

-dit. 3 per C. 97


Bank 145.

Towards the End of the Month.

Courfe of Exchange.

Amfterdam 35 2
Ditto at Sight 3411
Hamburgh- 34 4
Rotterdam 35 3



S. Sea 104

Monthly BILL of Mortality, from July 24, to Aag. 28.

-Trading Stock 83 Chriftned Males 8341603

Males 13132614

Females 769




[blocks in formation]

---Cir. 7. 12 5. 6 d.



India 152



-Bonds 4. 55.

[blocks in formation]


Ditto at 3 per C: 27.



Million Bank 116


Bourdeaux 31

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London Aff. 12 2
Eng. Cop. 1 . 16

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Bear-Key, per Qr.

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Welch ditto 1 /


Lottery Tickets for the Receipts


Price of Grain Wheat 23. to 26 s. Rye 13. to 16 s. Barley 13 s. to 165.6d Oats 1c. to 155 Peale 20s. to 225.

P. Malt 20s. [O 225.
B. Malt 16. to 195.

Tares 18 s. to 20 s.
H. Peale 16s. to 195.
H.Beans 19. to 235.

Prices of Goods, &c. in London.

Coals in the Pool 24s. to 26 s.
Old Hops per Han. 21.10s. to 4l.
New Hops 51. to 61. 10s.
Rape Seed 10l. to 11 per Laft
Lead the Fodder 19Hun. 1 half
on board, 14. to 16 1.00 s.
Tin in Blocks 41.005
Ditto in Bars 41. 02 s. exclufive
of 3 s. per Hun. Duty.
Copper Eng.beft 51.15 s. per C.
Ditto ord. 41. 16s. to 5 l. per C.
Ditto Barbary 70l. to 80l.
Iron of Bilboa 141. 101. per Tun
Dit. of Sweden 15l. 10 s. per Tun
Town Tallow 30s. to 325. per C.
Country Tallow 28 s. 325.
Salt 4s, to 4 s. 6 d.

Grocery Wares.

Within the walls,
Without the walls, 778
In Mid and Surry, 1952
City and Sub of West 579

Hay about 17.

Ditto fecond fort 465 to 50s. per C.
Loaf Sugar double refine 8d. Half-
Ditto fingle refin. 56 s. to 64 5.
penny a gd. per lb.
per C.

Cinamon 7 s. 8 d. per lb.
Cloves 9 s. 1 d.
Mace 15 s. d. per lb.
Nutmegs 8 s. 7 d. per lb.


165. to 2 1. a Load.
Opium 11.00 a.
Quicksilver 4 s. 3 d.
Sarsaparilla 3 s. 0 d.
Rhubarb fine 25 s. 430 5.
Saffron Eng. 281.00d.
Wormfeeds 3 s. 5d.

Balfam Capaiva 2 s. 9d.
Balfam of Gillead 18 s. 00 d
Hipocacuane 75.

Cochineal 181. 3d. per lb.

Wine, Brandy, and Rum.

Sugar Candy white 14 d. to 18 d. Ambergreece per oz. 12 s.
Ditto brown 7d. per lb.
Pepper for Home conf. 17 d.
Ditto for exportation 13 d. Farth.
Tea Bohea fine 10 s. to 11s. per ib.
Ditto ordinary 7 s. to gs. per lb.
Ditto Congo as. to 14 s.per lb.
ditto Pekoe 9. a 145. per lb.
ditto Green fine 3s. to 12s. per lb.
ditto Imperial 10s. to 16 s. per lb.

Raifins of the Sun 28s.od.per C. dicto Hyfon 24 s. to 28 s.

Ditto Malaga Frailes 195.

Ditto Smirna new 201.

Ditto Alicant, 18 s.

Ditto Lipra new 19s, Ditto Belvedera 20 Currants new 45$ Prunes French 185.. Figs 205.

Sugar Powd.beft 59s.p# C.

Drugs by the lb.
Balfom Peru 14 s. to 15s.
Cardamoms 31. 3 d.
Camphire refin'd 19 1.
Crabs Eyes 2 s. 5 d.
Fallop 35.

Manna 20 d. a. 33 d.
Maftick white 45. od.

Oporto red, per Pipe 361.
ditto white 24 l.
Lisbon red 301.
ditto white. 266.
Sherry 261.
Canary new 301.
disto old 361.
Florence 3. per Chef
French red 30l. a 40 1.
ditto white 201.
Mountain malaga old 241.
ditto new 20 to 241
Brandy Freach per Gal. 7 s
Rum of Jamaica 75.
ditto Lew.Iflands 61. 4d.
Spirits Eng, 261. per Tom.

life'd in AUGUST, 1733


Tulli Ciceronis de Naturâ Deorum Libri tres. Cum Notis integris Pauli Manucii, &c, Recenfuit, fuifque Animadverfionibus illuftravit ac emaculavit Johannes Davifins, Coll. Regin. Cantab. Præfes. Editio Tertia, emendatior et auctior. Proftant apud J. and J. Knapton.

2. Synopfis Medicina: Or, a Summary View of the whole Practice of Phyfick. Being the Sentiments of the most celebrated Authors in all Ages, relating to Difcafes, their Caufes and Cures; with moft Cafes in Surgery and Midwifty; with Obfervations, &c. By fohn Allen, M. D. and F. R. S. Tranflated by himfelf with large Improvements. In II. Vols 8vo. Printed for J. Pemberton.

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4. The gradual Revelation of the Gofpel from the Time of Man's Apoftacy: Set forth and explained in 24 Sermons preached at Bow Church at the Lecture by the Hon. Robert Boyle, Efq; in the Year, 1730. 1731, 1732. To which is added a Sermon concerning the Duty of Shunning the Converfation of Infidels and Hereticks; &c. By Wm Berryman, D. D. Printed for Mr Ward.

5. The Duty of not conforming to this World. A Sermon preach'd before the Univerfity of Oxford, at St Mary's, on Act Sunday 1733. By Thomas Cockman, D. D. Printed for Richard Clements at Oxford, and Thomas Osborne in London.

6. Letters concerning the English Nation, viz. On the Quakers, Church of England, Prefbyterians, Dr Clarke, Parliament.Government, Trade, &c. By Mr De Voltaire. Printed for C. Davis.

7. Les Avantures de Telemaque Fils D'Ulyffe. A new Edition, with Cuts and Maps. Sold by 7. Brotherton,


8. The State Mutineers: Or a Play-house to be Let. A Tragi-Comi-Farcical Ballad Opera. By a Gentleman late of Trinity College, Cambridge. Printed for Richard Wellington. price 1 s.

9. The Fancy'd Queen. An Opera. Printed for Charles Corbett, pr. 1 s.

10. The Oxford A&: A new Ballad Opera, as it was performed by a Company of Students at Oxford. Sold at the Pamphlet Shops.

11. The Hiftory of Harvides and Lupella. Sold at the Pamphlet Shops.

12. The Quack Triumphant: Or, The N----- ch Cavalcade. Sold at the Pamphlet Shops.

13. A Poem on her Majefty's Rebuilding the Lodgings of the Black Prince, and Heury

V. at Queen's College Oxford. By Mr Tickell Printed for 7. Tonfon.

14. The Merry Mufician: Or a Cure for the Spleen: Being a Collection of Songs and Ballads, fet to the Violin, &c. Printed for J. Tolmafh. price 3 s.

15. The Blanket: A Poem in Imitation of Milton. By John Lloyd. M. A. Printed for Jer. Batley. price 6 d.

16. The Ancient and Modern Hiftory of the Loyal Town of Rippon: Adorned with Cuts, a South Weft Profpect and a new Plan of the Place; together with fome Account of the Antiquities and prefent State of Beverley, Pontefract, Wakefield, Leeds, Kirkham, Keightly, Skipton, Knaresborough, Tadeafter, and many other remarkable Places in the County of York; with their Monuments and Infcriptions, containing alfo a Letter to the Hon, John Aiflabie Efq; a Poem defcribing the Beauties of his Seat at Studley Park, &c. and the Happy Reign an Eclogue. Collected and Printed by T. Gent, of Tork, Sold by the Bookfellers in Yorkshire, and Mell. Bettelworth and Hitch, London, 8vo. price in Calf 4 5 6 d.

17. The Hiftory of Tork, by the fame Author price bd. 45.

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17 The Heretical Tree of Popery, reprefenting the Origin, Gradual Progrefs, and prefent State of Popery, and proving their peculiar Doctrines to be the Branches of Ancient Herefies, and condemned by the truely Christian, Primitive Church. Neatly engraved on a Copper Plate, Sold by Hen. Overton. pr. 25.6 d.

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24 Minifters and private Chriftians compared to Salt: In three Sermons from Luke 14, 34, 35. printed for John Ofwald. pr. 1 1.

25 A Differtation on the Gravel and Stone, fhewing their Nature, Difference, and Symp. toms; The Me:hod of curing them; How to remove their Fits; And to prevent them for the future. Sold by J. Ifled. pr. 15 6 d. 26 Com

26 Commentarium Nofologicum, Morbos Epidemicos et Aeris Variationes in Urbe Eboracenfi Locifque vicinis per fedecem Annos graffantes complectens. Authore Cliftono Wintringham. Impenfis J. Waltboe.

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