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Poetical ESSAYS for JULY, 1733.

I'll roaft it nice, but shall not boil it,
Let those who know no better, spoil it.
-Her husband cry'd, for all my boast,
I own, the wager's fairly lott.
And other wives, besides my love,
Or I'm mistaken much, may prove
As chargeable as this to me,

To fhow their pride in housewifry.

Now the poor wretch that next him fat,


Felt his own heart go pit a pat:
For well he knew his fpoufes way,
Her fpirit brook'd not to obey;
And never yet was in the wrong-.
He told her with a trembling tongue,
Where, and on what, his friends would feast,
And how the dainty should be drest.
-To night, quoth (in a passion) she ?
No fir, to night it cannot be;
And was it a boil'd pig you faid?
You and your friends fure are not mad.
The kitchen is the proper sphere,
Where none but females fhould appear,
And cooks their orders, by your leave,
Always from mistresses receive.
Boil it! - was ever such an afs?

I pray, what would you have for fauce?
If any fervant in my pay
Dare dress a pig that filly way,
In fpite of any whim of yours,
I'll turn her quickly out of doors.
For fuch a thing, (nay never frown)
Where I am mittreis, fhall be done.
Each woman wife her husband rules;
Paffive obedience is for fools.




This cafe was quickly judg'd; behold!
A fair one of a fofter mold;
Good humour sparkled in her eye,
And unaffected pleasantry :
So mild and sweet she enter'd in,
Her fpoufe thought certainly to win:
(Pity, fuch golden hopes should fail,)
Soon as the heard th' appointed tale.
My dear, I know not, I proteft,
Whether in earnest, or in jest,
So ftrange a supper you demand,
Howe'er, I'll not difputing ftand,
But do it freely as you bid it,
Prove but that ever woman did it.
-This caufe, by general confent,
Was loft for want of precedent.
Thus each deny'd a feveral way;
But all agreed to disobey.

One only dame did yet remain,
Who downright honeft was, and plain,
If now and then her voice she tries,
"Tis not for rule, but exercise.
Unus'd her Lord's commands to flight,
Yet fometimes pleading for the right.
She made her little wifdom go,
Farther than wifer women do,




Her husband tells her, looking grave,
A roasting pig I boil'd would have,
And to prevent all pro and con,
I must infift to have it done.


Says he, my deareft, fhould your wife, Get a nick name to last for life? If you refolve to spoil it, do; But then I hope you'll eat it too. For, tho' 'tis boil'd to hinder fquabble, Ifhall not, will not fit at table. She fpoke, and her good man alone, Found he had neither loft nor won. So fairly parted ftakes: the reft Fell on the wag that caus'd the jest, "Would your wife boil it? let us fee." Hold there, you did not lay with me. You'll find, in fpite of all you've boasted, Your pigs are fatted to be roaited. But take this councel from a friend. The wager's loft, no more contend.. Boaft not your empire, if you prize it; For happiest he, who never tries it. Wives unprovoked beft obey, And that you'll find the safest way. But if your dear ones take the field, Refolve at firit to win or yield; For heaven no medium ever gave, Between a fovereign and a flave.


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Behold this tomb with reverence and regret,
Here lye the remains of

The kindeft relation, the truest friend,
The warmest patriot, the worthieft man.
He exercifed virtues in this age,
Sufficient to have diftinguished him in the best.
Sagacious by nature,
Industrious by habit,
Inquifitive with art,

He gained a complete knowledge of the Intereft of Britaing

Foreign and domeftick:

In moft, the backward fruit of tedious experience;
In him, the early acquifition of undiffipated youth.
He ferved the crown feveral years:

Abroad, in the aufpicious reign of queen ANNE;
At home, in the reign of that excellent prince K. George L.
He ferved his Country always :

At court independent;

In the fenate unbiaffed.

At every age, and in every ftation, This was the bent of his generous fou! This the bufinefs of his laborious life.

Publick men and publick things

He judged by one conftant ftandard
The true intereft of Britain.

He made no other diftinction of party;
He abhorred all other.

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Gentle, humane, difinterefted, beneficent.
He created no enemies on his own account =
Firm, determined, inflexible,

He feared none he could create in the caufe of Britain.


In this misfortune of thy country, lament thy own.
For know,

The lofs of fo much private virtue

Is a publick calamity.

N. B. Several other Poetical Pieces are come to hand, and fhall be inferted the first Opportunity.

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JULY, 173 3.

Tuesday, 3.

Ta Court of Aldermen and Common Council, A Michael Hillerfden, Efq; elected on Midfummer Day one of the Sheriffs of this City, paid a Fine of 620l. to be excufed from ferving the faid Office.

"Tis confidently reported, that a Squadron of 20 Men of War will fhortly be fent to the Baltick under the Command of Admiral Stewart.

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Thursday, 5.

A Proclamation was iffued for fummoning the Peers of Scotland to meet at Holyrood Houfe at Edinburgh, to elect a Peer to fit in the Houfe of Lords in the Room of the E. of Sutherland, decd. Friday, 6.

At the Affizes for Berks, John Whitaker was condemn'd for a Robbery on the Highway, Jofeph Farmer for Felony. Began the Publick A&t at Oxford. Ábout one o'clock the Revd Dr Holmes, President of St John's College, Vice-Chancellor, with other Members of the University in their proper Habits, and a vaft Concourfe of Perfons of Diftinction, repair'd to the Theatre, to hear the Speeches and Difputations. On Sunday, Mr Handel's Te Deum and Anthems were perform'd in St Mary's Church. On Monday, the Vice-Chancellor, accompany'd by the Heads of the Houfes, the Doctors in their Boots and Robes, and the other Mem


bers of the Univerfity properly habited, repair'd again to the Theatre, where was a vaft Concourfe of Nobility, and other Perfons of Diftinction of both sexes. The Ceremony was then perform'd of creating 84 Mafters of Arts, one of whom was the Ld James Beauclerck. After which the Gentlemen who were Inceptors in the Degree of Doctor in feveral Faculties, held Difputations for fome Time, and at length were created in their Turn, viz. Doctors of Divinity, Dr Ibam, of Lincoln College; Dr Ballard, of C. C. College; Dr Robinfon, and Dr White, of Merton Coll. Dr Blifs, of Worcefter Coll. Dr Attwell, of Exeter Coll. Dr Cockman, Head of Univerfity Coll.Not in Holy Orders; Dr Fanshaw, of C. C. and Dr Green, of Queen's Coll- DocC tors of Phyfick, Dr Alderfey, Manaton, Pitt and Peters, of C. Ch. Dr Adee, and Dr Healy, of C. C. Coll.- Doctors of Law, Dr Secker, of Exeter Coll. and Dr Pocock, of C. C. Coll. The Vice-Chancellor concluded the A&t with an elegant Oration in Praife of Learning, the Honours of lity for obtaining them, On Tuesday Mr it, and the Methods ufed in that UniverHandel's new Oratorio, call'd Athalia, was perform'd with vait Applaufe, before an Audience of 3700 Perfons. The fame Morning the Gentlemen who receiv'd their Degrees made their Offerings at St Mary's Church as ufual, and afterWards heard a Latin Sermon. Wednefday was held a Convocation, in which Father Courayer, who fled from France about 7 Years ago, on Account of a Book he wrote in Defence of the Validity of the English Ordination, returned Thanks to the Univerfity for the Honor they did him two Years fince, in presenting him with his Degrees: He was prefent in his Robes during all the Ceremonies in the Theatre. A Terra Filius had been appointed, and appear'd in his Character, but was not fuffer'd to make his Speech. See a Lift of the Performances p. 384.]






Saturday 7. At Winchefter, five Men receiv'd Sentence of Death, viz. Two for robbing the Exeter Coach; one for Forgery; one for Horse itealing; and one for robbing his Fellow Servant.

Thursday 12.

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The Grand Juries &c. affembled this Month in feveral Counties, took into Confideration the Nomination of Gentlemen to represent them in the Parliament to be Chofen next Year; in which they generally had regard to those that Voted againft the Tobacco Scheme; And where any were nominated of different Sentiments, the strongest Oppofition imaginable was fet on foot; and Measures taken to fhew their Strength and Numbers on on each side.

Arrived in the River the Refolution, with 3 large Whales, the Fins are com3 puted to be about 3 Tons. She was one of the S. Sea Greenland Ships. Her Succefs is afcribed to an Inftrument for fhoot- B ing the Harpoons at the Whales, by which 2 of the 3 were caught. By an Act paffed the laft Seffions of Parliament for encougaging the Whale Fishery, the owners are entitled to 300l. being 20s. per Ton on the Ships Burden; upon the whole 'tis C Great Tarmouth in Norfolk, he was receiv On Sir Robert Walpole's Arrival at apprehended they will clear 1000 l. by the Voyage. But the Succefs of a Dutch ed by the Corporation in their FormaliShip arrived this Month in the Texel, call'd ties, under the difcharge of the Cannon, the Beemster, Cap. John Shot, is very exand Conducted to the Guild-Hall, where traordinary, the catch'd no less than 15 the Mayor deliver'd him a Patent conftiWhales; part of whofe Fins and Blubber tuting him High Steward of the Corporathe was oblig'd to put on board other Ships. tion for Life, in a Silver Box; on which Saturday, 14. D Sir Robert made a very handsome Speech: Afterwards a moft fumptuous Entertain ment was provided for him by the Cor poration, and all poffible Marks of Refpect thewn him. On his proceeding to Norwich, he was met about three Miles off that City, by the Bishop, Dean, Clergy, near 1000 Citizens on Horseback, and a great Train of Coaches, amidst the Joyful Acclamations of a very numerous Body of People, and was prefented with his Freedom in a GoldBox, on which Occafion he made a very elegant Speech, and promifed to promote their Trade in General, and particularly the Woollen Mánufacture. Horace Walpole and Waller Bacon Efqs. were nominated Candidates for that City against next Election; Ro bert Coke and William Morden Efqrs for the County, by a vast Appearance of Gentlemen and Free-holders; however Sir up in Oppofition, for the City, Sir Edmund Ed. Ward and Mr. Branthwayt were pur Bacon of Garboldisham and Mr Woodboufe for the County, who had all the Signs of a strong Interest.

The Affizes ended at Chelmsford for the County of Effex, when Richard Cafs was capitally convicted of two Robberies on the Highway, and likewife for Horseftealing. He was the Perfon principally concern'd with Davis in his Robberies, who attempted to make his Escape out E of the Cart at Tyburn. (See p. 267.)

onday, 23.

The Parliament, which stood prorogued to July 26, was again prorogued to Oct. 9. A Proclamation was at the fame Time iffued, offering a Reward of 501. for every Deer-ftealer that fhall be convicted of deftroying the Deer in any of his MaF jefty's Chafes and Forefts.

At Shrewsbury Allizes was try'd the Validity of the Marriage of Nicholas Wil liams, late of Carmarthen, Efq; deceased, with Mrs Mary Jones; Spinfter; after a Trial of 12 Hours a Verdict was given in Favour of Mrs Jones, and for the Marriage. Friday, 27.1

At the Affizes at Croyden, William Garbe, a Weaver, receiv'd Sentence of Death, for Robbing a Woman in Birdcage Alley, Southwark, alfo Robert Wilfon, a Boy, for fetting Fire to his Master's Dwelling house and Paper Mills at Cobham, but was repriev'd for Transportation.

A Computation was made, that within 12 Months paft 800,000 Quarters of Corn had been exported from Great Britain to Portugal, Spain, Eaft France,


Agreat Stir was made in Chebire upon the Arrival of the E. of Cholmondeley Governour of Chester Caftle, and Sir R. Grof H-venor, one of the Reprefentatives of that City; the former was met by about 1000 Gentlemen and Citizens on Horfeback and in Coaches, and conducted thro' the the City with great Acclamations, to the Caftle. The Cry was, Confufion to the Male Contents, and Profperity to the Na


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vigation of the River Dee: But Sir Robert
was attended by near 4000 Gentlemen
and Freemen on Horfeback, about 40
Coaches, 19 with 6 Horfes, who were two
hours paffing thro' the City; Many of the
Freemen had gilded Tobaccco Leaves in
their Hats. The Cry was, No Excife, and
the Mulic play'd to the Tune of Abegging
we will go. The Gentlemen and Free-
holders prefent unanimously agreed to
Vote at next Election for Charles Chol-
mondeley and John Crewe Jun. Efqrs, a- B
gainit Sir Robert Salisbury Cotton, Bart.
who was for the Tobacco Bill. On the fame
Account the E. of Tilney, was oppofed
at the Affizes for Effex by Lord Walden,
join'd by Sir Robert Abdy, for whom the
Gentlemen and Freeholders almoft una-
nimously declar'd. And the like Intereft C
is making in other Places against the next

Samuel Sandys, Efq, was met the 25th
on his Return to Worcester by feveral hun-
dred Inhabitants wearing Woollen and
Tobacco Caps, who teftified their Grati-
tude for his Zealous oppofition to the To- D
bacco Bill, &c. wishing Profperity to all
who stood in Defence of Trade and

Dennis Bond Efq; who had been concerned in the Charitable Corporation Af fairs (See p. 246 D) on his Return to Corf Caftle, was received with fuch Marks of Indignation that he was obliged to leave the Town with all his Attendants, for fear of worfe Treatment.

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Sir Henry Gough Bart. Member for Totnefs in Devontire, on his return to his Country Seat near Birmingham, was met in that Neighbourhood, by above 500 F Gentlemen &c. on Horfe-back, who exprefs'd their grateful Acknowledgments for his Services in Parliament, by his firm Attachment to the Liberties of his Country, and the Intereft and Profperity of the fair Trader.

Subjects, when our Liberties and Properties were of late fo remarkably attack d Gentlemen,

It all be our Study upon all Occafions to acknowledge the Obligations, we lie under to you, and to affure you with what Zeal and Efteem, we de fire to be accounted, Honoured Gentlemen, your most obliged Humble Servants.

Sir John Gonfon, Sir Robert Baylis, Sir Francis Child, Sir William Billers, Knts. William Peer Williams, William Melmouth, Edward Baber, Micajah Perry, John Milner, Marmaduke Allington, Thomas Lane and John Howe, Efqrs. appointed Cimmiffioners for making a Survey of all the Officers, Clerks and Minifters of the High Court of Chancery, and to enquire what Fees, Rewards and Wages they, their Snbftitutes and Under-Clerks, may and ought to take, and what have been unjustly encroach'd on the Subject; and what Oppreffions, Extortions, and Exactions any of them have committed,

The Weather was fo exceffive hot moft part of this Month, that it was fcarcely tolerable to Man or Beast. Several Horfes dy'd on the Roads, and Numbers of People being tempted to go into Rivers and Ponds to cool themfelves, above, 20 were drowu'd within the Bills of Mortality. Much Mifchief was alfo done by Lightning. Some Gentlemen thought the Seafon too hot to take a Journey to visit their Corporations.


"HE Lady of the Count de Montejo, the Daughter at Powis House, Ormond-firect.

Ld Vifc. Middleton's Lady, of a Son & Heir.
Mr Horace Walpole's Lady, of a Daughter.
Ld James Cavendifh's Lady, of a Son.
The Wife of Thomas Pelham, Efq; Repre-
fentative for Lewes, deliver'd of a Son.

The Wife of Charles Montagu, Efq, Nephew


At the Affizes for the County of Derby G to the Earl of Halifax, of a San. the following Addrefs of Thanks of the High Sheriff and Grand Jury was prefented to Sir Nathanael Curzon, Bart. Godfrey Clarke, E1q, the Ld James Cavendify and Charles Stanhope, Efq;Reprefentatives for the County and Town of Derby. Gentlemen,

We the High Sheriff and Grand Jury for II the County of Le by, beg Leave to take this Opportunity of returni g you our moft fincere and hearty Thanks for your unwearied and steady Application, in bekalf of ourselves and the rest of our Fellow

Mrs Barber, whofe Sickness has prevented her from publishing her Poems, which he long fince intended to have done; defigns to have them printed immediately, and intreats all thofe who have done her the honour to take in Subfcriptions for her, and have not yet given in their Lifts, that they will be pleased to fend them to Mr Charles Rivington Bookjel fer in St Pauls Churchyard, Londo

July 1. M of the Western Road, in the
R Charles Weftgarth, Clerk
Gen. Poft Office, a Gentleman endow'd
with many valuable Accomplishments. A

3. The Revd Dr Burton, Canon of Chrift Church College, Oxford.

Counsellor Horfeman, an eminent Conveyancer.

4. Capt. James Williamson, an Officer on Half-pay.

Benjamin Beaumont, Efq;


Sir John Stonhouse, not dead, as mentioned from the Papers at the End of last Month, when we had not time to enquire out the Truth. FOREIGNERS. The Marquis de Grimaldo, at Madrid, formerly Prime Minifter of Spain, aged 73. C

The D. of Veraguas, Brother-in-Law to the D. of Liria, eldeft Son to the D. of Berwick, aged 56.

The Baron de Fief, High Chamberlain to the K. of Sweden.

Count Maximilian, of Martiniz, at Vienna, Privy Counsellor to the Emperor, Chamberlain of the Golden Key, and Knight of the Golden Fleece, aged 70. Count Ottocar, of Staremburgh, ibid. 6. John Rayner, Efq; at Mortlake. Tho, Miffing, Efq; at Stubbington near Gofport, an eminent Merchant, and Contractor for the Vi&ualling of Gibraltar.

Mr John Letton, Wine Merchant, in Leicester Fields.

The Revd Mr Weekly, who had been 53 Years Minister of Sherfton, Wilts.

The Relict of Counsellor Vernon, who died about 18 Years ago.

8. Capt. Francis Wife, formerly Captain in a Regiment of Dragoons.

10. Mr Thompson, a Brewer at Millbank, Westminster.

11. John Farlow, an Italian Merchant. Samuel Burton, Efq; Alderman, and Reprefentative for Dublin.

John Page, Efq, Alderman of Dublin. 13. Mr Holford, of Botolph Lane, O. range Merchant.

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Partridge, Efq; at Thetford, Norfolk. Mrs Mary Sacheverel, a Maiden Lady of a large Fortune, in Red-lyon Street, Holb. 14. Mr Moate, one of the Stampers of the Stamp Office.

Mr Delander, a noted Watchmaker, near Temple-Bar

Mr Benj. Birch, an eminent Surveyor.
Wm Gardiner, Efq, formerly a Virginia


Mrs Boynton, a Maiden Lady of good




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Mr Jofeph Hare, a noted Mufick-feller, in Cornbill.

William Chainey, Efq; In the Reign of Q. Anne, he was Gauger General of the Excife, and difcover'd great Frauds committed by the Brewers and Purfers of the Navy, for which the House of Commons in that Reign voted him a Reward of 500. In the Reign of K. George I. he was made Gauger General of the Customs. At his Death and fome Years before, he ferved Mr Ald. Parfons, for which he had upwards of 300l. per Annum.

17. Capt. Campion, formerly Commander of the Dreadnought Man of War.

The Revd Mr Goffling,, near 60 Years Minor Canon of Canterbury, Vicar of Littlebourn, Chaplain to his Majefty, SubDean of St Paul's, and a Prebendary of Lincoln.

Mr Graves, the City Huntsman.

Richard Kingborough, Efq; one of his Majesty's Juftices of the Peace for Middlefex.

18. Mr Adamfon, Table Decker to the Ladies of the Bedchamber.

20. Lady Frankland, aged near 80.

Capt. J. Barton, at Bromley, Middlefex. 21. Alexander Montgomery, Efq; who behav'd gallantly as an Officer in the Service of K. Charles, and K. James, II. But having entertained fome Scruples, refign'd his Poit, and liv'd retir'd. Kempthorne, Efq;


Mr Thompson, an eminent Packer in Coleman Street.

Williams, Efq; in Pickadilly. Thomas Jones, Efq; Major to Lord Tyrawley's Reg. of Foot.

23. Cap. Bower, a Sea Officer; in St Mary Axe.

Mr Gregory, formerly a Linnen Draper in London.

Rob. Onflow, Efq; related to the Speaker, at Malden, Effex.

24. The Revd Mr Jenkins, formerly, Mafter of Gray's Hofpital, Kent.

Mr Woodstock, Engine-keeper, and Bricklayer of the Palace of St James's.

Mr Baker, one of the Surgeons of St Thomas's Hospital.

The Revd Mr Williams, of Magdalen College, Oxford.

John Fownes, Efq; of Kittery Court, Devonfire.

The Revd Dr Edward Morfe, Rector of Gatton, Surry, and of Chalfont St Peter, Bucks.

The Wife of Legh Mafter Efq; Member of Parliament for Newton, Lancafore.


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