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their journey through this mountainous and romantic country, which, though it is in many parts intercepted by bogs, is nevertheless extremely beautiful. The valleys are richly cultivated and particularly fertile, and the hills produce a variety of minerals and metals. From Wicklow they proceeded to Arklow; and upon quitting that town, they soon perceived a considerable difference in the face of the country, for the soil of the county of Wexford, though it produces corn and grass in many parts; is principally composed of a coarse cold land, and stiff clay. The capital is however populous and large, and was anciently reckoned the principal. eity of Ireland.

From Wexford they made an excursion into Kilkenny, in order to visit the celebrated cavern of Dunmore Park, and they were amply repaid for this deviation from the direct, road to Waterford. This cavern is situated in a fine plain, rising indeed here and there into small hills. The country all around abounds with lime-stones, and quarries of beautiful black marble, variegated with white shells. Unlike those of Derbyshire and Mendip, this.cave descends perpendicularly thirty yards from the top of a small hill, through an opening forty yards in diameter. The sides of this pit are composed of limestone rock, adorned with various kinds of shrubs and trees; and during the travellers descent into this cave, which is an arduous undertaking, he is amused with flights of pigeons and jackdaws, which, disturbed in their peaceful retreats, fly for safety to the purer regions of day.

When he reaches the bottom, he sees one side of this pit supported by a natural arch of rock above twenty-five yards wide. On passing under this arch, two subterraneous passages present themselves. That leading to the right is covered with rocks and stones, coated with spar in the most whimsical shapes, and formed from the droppings of the roof. These stones are transparent, and take a fine polish, and being extremely ornamented with different colours, they are quite as beautiful as moco. In many places the petrifactions from above having met those on the ground, a variety of gothic arches of all sizes and shapes are formed, which pre., sent a very picturesque and pleasing appearance. The passage on the left is not so high as that on the right; it is watered by a purling rill, which adds considerably to its beauty; its soft murmurs agree with the awful solemnity of the place, which though faintly glittering with spangles, is nevertheless

sombre to a great degree. The heaviness of the atmosphere preventing the lights from giving a brilliant lustre to the crystallized roof,

"A few years ago," said their guide, "some travellers found in the bed of this stream, the bones of a hundred human beings at least. Some of them were very large, and upon being taken out of the water instantly crumbled away."

"I suppose," said Dr. Walker, "there was some inscription in the cavern which led to an opinion as to how they came there."

GUIDE." No, in none at all, nor is there any tradition in the neighbourhood about them; but they might, I think, be the bones of persons who fled in the civil wars to these caverns for shelter, and perhaps could not find their way out, for you see, Sir, they are very intricate, and if I go beyond a certain distance, I always make some kind of mark as a guide for my return."

Many of the rocks, on the roof and sides of this cavern, are black marble full of white spots, of a shell like figure; which takes a beautiful polish, and is much used for slabs, chimney-pieces, &c. In some deep and wet parts of the surrounding quarries, this elegant fossil is seen in the first stages of its formation; the shells are real, but so softened by time and their moist situation, as to be capable of receiving the stony particles into their pores, by whose cohesive quality, they in time become those hard white curls that give value to the marble; and it is very remarkable, and a proof that these white spots have been real shells, and thus formed, that the longer a chimney piece or slab is used, the more of these spots ripen into view.

When our travellers parted from their guide, Edward observed, "that the cavern of Dunmore Park was very beautiful, but after seeing those in Derbyshire, Sir, it does not appear to us with very great advantage."

Edward was much delighted with the woollen manufactory, and our travellers had the curiosity to visit the Barony of Forth, the inhabitants of which are the descendants of a British colony, and retain their native language, manners and many singular customs to this day.



UPON arriving at Waterford they were charmed with its beautiful harbour, in which ships of great burden ride, even at the quay, which is about half a mile in length, and of a considerable breadth. The Suir on which the town stands is broad, deep, and rapid, and few towns in Ireland present a more busy scene than Waterford. Packet-boats sail re

gularly between this port and Milford Haven, and it carries on a large trade with Newfoundland. Here our travellers staid one day, in order to visit the white glass manufactory, and to witness the departure of a number of vessels bound for America, laden with hogs, butter, beef, &c.

The country leading to the city of Cork, drew forth expressions of admiration from Edward; from many of the adjacent hills the views are extremely diversified and beautiful, and extend to a considerable distance. The city itself is reckoned the next in size and importance to Dublin, and carries on a very lucrative trade with various parts of the world.

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"We shall no longer continue our journey along the coast," said Dr. W. "for we should by so doing lose a great deal of time." "Ireland is not, I perceive," said Edward, a country made up of bogs and heaths, as I have heard many people represent it; I am quite sure that some of the scenes we have viewed, would really make very beautiful sketches; and nothing can exceed the hospitality of its inhabitants." "Very true," replied his tutor," but we have not as yet, traversed Ireland; you will remember, and I dare say before we quit it, you will have reason to point out to your mother, many parts she would not perhaps find so agreeable as those described in your last letter. We are indeed approaching the celebrated lakes of Killarney, and your pen and pencil will have ample scope for their descriptive powers; the country we are now passing is fertile and pleasing, but many parts of Kerry are full of almost inaccessible mountains, where agriculture is totally out of the question. Still however, as many of these mountains are not wholly barren,

grazing is much attended to; and here many of the black cattle are fed, which are cured, salted, and shipped off in such prodigious quantities at Cork. Between the months of August and January, 100,000 head of black cattle are said to be killed in that city for exportation. As our travellers advanced, the road became more mountainous; but the view, as they gradually approached the lakes, amply repaid them the trifling inconveniences they had encountered in reaching them. Few scenes indeed present such a variety of prospects. Perpendicular rocks, hanging woods, magnificent cascades; in short, nature appears to have poured forth her various beauties with such a boundless profusion, that the most fastidious taste, may in vain endeavour to point out a deficiency, or attempt to supply a defect.



THE Lake of Killarney is surrounded by high mountains, and it is properly divided into three parts, called the lower, middle, and upper lakes. The northern, or lower lake, is about six miles in length, and from three to four in breadth, The country on this and the eastern boundary, is diversified with gentle swells, many of which afford beautiful prospects of the lake and surrounding scenery. The southern shore is composed of immense mountains, rising abruptly from the water, and covered with woods of the finest timber. From the centre of the lake, the view of this range is wonderfully sublime, presenting to the eye an extent of forest six miles in length, and nearly a mile in breadth, hanging as a robe of rich luxuriance on the sides of two mountains, whose bare tops, rising above the whole, form a perfect contrast to the verdure of the lower region. On the side of one of these mountains, is O'Sullivan's cascade, which falls into the lake with a roar that strikes the timid with awe. The view of this sheet of water is uncommonly fine, appearing as if it were descending from an arch of wood, which overhangs it above, seventy feet above the level of the lake. Coasting along this shore, affords an almost endless entertainment,

every change of position presenting a new scene; the rocks, hollowed, and worn into a variety of forms by the waves, and the trees and shrubs bursting from the pores of the sapless stone, forced to assume the most uncouth shapes, to adapt themselves to their fantastic situations.

The islands are not so numerous in this as in the upper lake; but there is one of uncommon beauty, namely, Inis fallan, nearly opposite O'Sullivan's cascade. When our travellers landed upon this enchanting spot, Edward was lost in astonishment as he viewed its beautiful bays, and projects ing promontories, skirted and crowned with arbutus, holly, and other shrubs and trees. The interior parts are diversi fied with hills and dales, and gentle declivities, on which every tree and shrub appears to advantage; the soil is rich, even to luxuriance, and trees of the largest size incline across the vales, forming natural arches, with ivy entwining in the branches, and hanging in festoons of beautiful foliage. Under the shade of these natural arches, Edward proposed they should take their frugal meal, to which the doctor con. sented; they accordingly seated themselves on the projecting roots of a huge oak, and there, soothed by the soft murmurs of the waters of the lake, together with the melody of the feathered tribe, which found a peaceful asylum in these calm retreats, they rather mused than talked away the sultry hours of noon.

"Well," said Dr. Walker to his pupil, "are you inclined to continue our excursion, or are we to be hushed to our evening repose by the soothing lullabies which surround us. I confess, that although alive to the witchery of this lovely scenery, I vote for our departure. We have not yet seen the Promontory of Mucruss, which divides the Upper from the Lower Lake, and which is indeed a perfect land of enchantment; you will find it equals, if it does not excel, the

scene before us.'

Upon arriving at the promontory in question, they tra versed the road which is carried through the centre of it, and which unfolds all the interior beauties of the place. Among the distant mountains, that called Tark, appears an object of magnificence, while Mangerton's more lofty, though less interesting summit, soars above the whole. At the extremity of Mucruss, is that celebrated rock, called the Eagle's Nest, which produces wonderful echoes.

"Pray, Sir," said Edward, after listening for some time.

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