| Edward Bysshe - English language - 1710 - 624 pages
...irriguou's Valley fpread her Store ; Flow' rs of all Hue, and without Thorn theRofe: Another Side, umbrageous Grots and Caves Of cool Recefs, o'er which...forth her purple Grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant. Mean while murm'ring Waters fall Down the Hope Hills, difpers'd or in a Lake, That to the fringed Bank,... | |
 | John Milton - Bible - 1711 - 464 pages
...fome iiriguous valley fpred her flore, issPloursof all hue, and without Thorn the Kofe: Another fide, umbrageous Grots and Caves Of cool recefs, o'er which...forth her purple Grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant; mean while murmuring waters fall 260 Down the Hope hills, difperft, or in a Lake, That to the fringed... | |
 | Charles Gildon - Criticism - 1718 - 490 pages
...irriguous Valley fpread her Store ; Flow'rs of all Hue, and without Thorn the Rofe : Another Side, umbrageous Grots and Caves Of cool Recefs, o'er which...forth her purple Grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant. Mean while murm'ring Waters fall Down the flope Hills, difpers'd or in a Lake, That to the fringed... | |
 | Voltaire - 1732 - 348 pages
...Offome irriguous Valley, fpread her Store,. Flow'rs of all Hue, and without Thorn the Rofe. Another Side umbrageous Grots and Caves Of cool Recefs, o'er which...purple Grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant. Meanwhile murmuring Waters fall Down thejlope Hills difpers'd, or in a Lake, That to the fringed Bank with Myrtle... | |
 | Voltaire - 1732 - 352 pages
...irriguous Valley, f'pread her Store, flow'rs of all Hue, and without T'horn the Rofe. Another Side umbrageous Grots and Caves Of cool Recefs, o'er which...forth her purple Grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant. Mean while murmuring Waters fall Down the Jlope Hills difpers'd, or in a Lake, That to the fringed... | |
 | John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages
...valley fprcad her ftore; 255 Flow'rs of all hue, and without thorn the rofe. Another Another fide, umbrageous grots, and caves Of cool recefs, o'er which...creeps Luxuriant: mean-while murm'ring waters fall 260 Down the flope hills, difpcrs'd, or in a lake, That to the fringed bank with myrtle crown 'd Her... | |
 | John Milton - 1754 - 342 pages
...;ail hue , and without thorn the rofs. Another fide , umbrageous grots , and caves Of cool recefi , o'er which the mantling vine Lays forth her purple grape , and gently creept Luxuriant : mean-while rcurm'ring waters fall Down the Hope lulls , difpcrs'd , or in a lake... | |
 | John Milton - Epic poetry, English - 1759 - 608 pages
...irriguous valley fpread her ftore, 255 Flow'rs of all hue, and without thorn the rofe: Another fide, umbrageous grots and caves Of cool recefs, o'er which...forth her purple grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant; mean while murm'ring waters fall 260 Down the flope hills, difpers'd, or in a lake, That to the fringed... | |
 | John Milton - 1763 - 670 pages
...irriguous valley fpread her ftore, 255 -] Flow'rs of all hue, and without thorn the rofe : Another fide, umbrageous grots and caves Of cool recefs, o'er which...forth her purple grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant ; mean while murm'ring waters fall 260 Down delicious talk, thofe there had none. Richardfon. 255.... | |
 | Charles Thompson - Arabian Peninsula - 1767 - 280 pages
...fome irriguous Valley fpread her Store, Fiov/rs of all Hue, and without Thorn the Rofc. Another Side umbrageous Grots, and Caves Of cool Recefs, o'er which...forth her purple Grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant. Mean while murm'ring Waters fall Pawn the Hope Hill', difpers'd, or in a Lake (That to the fringed... | |
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