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" Short intermission bought with double smart. This knows my Punisher ; therefore as far From granting he, as I from begging, peace. All hope excluded thus, behold... "
Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton - Page 100
by John Milton - 1746 - 378 pages
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books, Volumes 1-2

John Milton - Bible - 1711 - 464 pages
...Would heighth recal high thoughts, how foouunfjf Whatfeigu'd fubmiflion fwore : cafe would recant si Vows made in pain, as violent and void. For never can true reconcilement grow Where wouftJs. of deadly hate have piere'd fo deep, Which would but lead me to a worfe rclupfc ioĢ And heavier...
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Poetical Miscellanies: Consisting of Original Poems and Translations

English poetry - 1714 - 530 pages former State ; how loon Would Height recallhigh Thoughts < how foon unfay What feigned Submiffion fwore ! Eafe would recant Vows made in Pain, as violent...Reconcilement grow, Where Wounds of deadly Hate have mere d fo deep ; Which would but lead me to a worfe Relapte, And heavier Fall ; fo flwuld I purchafe...
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An enquiry into the Scripture-doctrine concerning the duration of future ...

Matthew Horbery - 1744 - 306 pages
...Virtue, Motives to it, and Opportunities for it. Neither of which, as far as I can see, is likely to be 1 For never can true Reconcilement grow, Where Wounds of deadly Hate have pierc'd so deep. the Case. However, it cannot be proved from Reason that this will be the Case; 1 and it seems...
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Paradise lost, a poem. 2nd Scots ed

John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages fbom 94 Would height recall high thoughts, how foon un-fajj What feign'd fubmiffion fwore ! eaie would recant Vows made in pain, as violent and void...pierc'd fo deep, Which would but lead me to a worfe relapie, KTO And heavier fall : fo fhould I purchafe dear Short intermiffion, bought with doubled frnart....
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Paradisus amissus: Poema Joannis Miltoni. Latine redditum a Guilielmo Dobson ...

John Milton - 1750 - 630 pages
...former ftate : how foon Would Height recall High thoughts, how foon un-fay What feign'd Submiflion fwore ? Eafe would recant Vows made in Pain, as violent...have pierc'd fo deep) Which would but lead me to a worfc rclapfe, And heavier fall. So mould I purchafe dear Short intcnniffion, bought with doubled {mart....
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Last Edition. The Author John Milton

John Milton - 1754 - 342 pages
...foon utfri fay . •.. r .'. :'i- . ;..•• . •/ ! ,.5 . r Whar feign'd fnbmiffion fwore ! cafe would recant Vows made in pain , as violent and void...; ; : •; { For never can true reconcilement grow iWhere wounds of deadly hate have pierc'd fo deepj ,W hich would but lead me to a wotfe relapfe , And...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. From the ...

John Milton - Epic poetry, English - 1759 - 608 pages
...Would highth recall high thoughts, how foon unfay What feign'd fubmiflion fwore? eafe would recant 96 Vows made in pain, as violent and void. For never...deep: Which would but lead me to a worfe relapfe, 1o0 And heavier fall: fo mould I purchafe dear Short intermiffion, bought with double fmart. This knows...
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The Art of Poetry on a New Plan, Volume 2

John Newbery - Poetry - 1969 - 394 pages
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. The Sixth ...

John Milton - 1763 - 670 pages
...former flate ) how foon 94 Would highth recall high thoughts, how foon unfay What feign'd fubmifllon fwore ? eafe would recant Vows made in pain, as violent...deep : Which would but lead me to a worfe relapfe iod And heavier fall : fo mould I purchafe dear Thort intermiffion bought with double fmart. This 111....
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Milton's Paradise lost, a poem. With prefatory characters of the several ...

John Milton - 1767 - 448 pages
...thoughts, how foon unfay What feign'd fubmiffion fwore ? eafe would recant Vows made in. pain, as yiolent and void. For never can true reconcilement grow, Where...wounds of deadly hate have pierc'd fo deep: Which would bi>t lead me to a vrorfe relapfe, 100 And heavier fall : fo Ihould I purchafe dear Short intermiflion...
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