Those in the deeper vitals rage: To each his sufferings; all are men, Yet, ah! why should they know their fate, And happiness too swiftly flies? Gray. INSCRIPTIONS. I. FOR THE ENTRANCE TO A WOOD.1 STRANGER, if thou hast learned a truth which needs And view the haunts of Nature. The calm shade But not in vengeance. God hath yoked to guilt2 That 1 An inscription should be simple, short, and eminently suggestive. given above is simple and suggestive, but its length is somewhat inconsistent with the imaginary purpose for which such a composition is written, and yet we could hardly wish to lose any part of what is so graceful and beautiful. 2 To guilt-i.e. to guilt only. The inseparable connection between guilt and misery is vividly denoted by the imagery of the text. 3 Hence-i.e. because guilt haunts not these shades, they are still, &c. Are still the abodes of gladness; the thick roof The squirrel, with raised paws and form erect, That sucks its sweets. The massy rocks themselves, Sends forth glad sounds, and tripping o'er its bed II. FOR A COLUMN AT TRUXILLO.5 PIZARRO here was born: a greater name Embattled, failed to check him in his course ; Bryant. Shade-i.e. not among the branches, but below; a somewhat unfortunate word, since if taken strictly it contradicts the next line. 2 Cleft-born-springing from a cleft, or fissure in the rock. 3 Knoll-from the Anglo-Saxon cnolle, a head or top-a little round hill. 4 Causey or causeway-from the French chaussée, which is from the Latin cala, limestone or chalk-a raised paved way, made of chalk-stones or other consolidated substance. 5 A town of Estremadura, in Spain. The solemn and impressive voice of truth speaks through these lines. Not to be wearied, not to be deterred, And wealth, and power, and fame, were his rewards. III. FOR A COLUMN AT RUNNYMEAD.1 Southey. THOU who the verdant plain dost traverse here, Those sacred rights to which themselves were born. IV. FOR A FOUNTAIN ON A HEATH.2 THIS Sycamore, oft musical with bees Akenside. Such tents the patriarchs loved!—oh long unharmed The small round basin, which this jutting stone Keeps pure from falling leaves! Long may this spring, The pure, classical, and severely simple tone of these lines is admirable. 2 This inscription compared with the last is as a painting to a statue-it has colour as well as form; but both are very beautiful. K Send up cold waters to the traveller Nor wrinkles the smooth surface of the fount. V. FOR A STATUE OF CHAUCER AT WOODSTOCK. SUCH was old Chaucer, such the placid mien Coleridge. With cunning hand pourtraying. Though perchance Dark and untaught began with charming verse Akenside. VI. FOR A NATURAL GROTTO NEAR A DEEP STREAM. HEALTH, rose-lipped cherub, haunts this spot :- If in the shade you trace her not, Plunge and you'll find her in the brook! The reference to this minute and characteristic circumstance shows that the picture was drawn from close observation of nature. Informed-from the Latin informare, to give form to any thing-to mould, shape, animate; it is much used in this sense by our older writers. 3 Churchill--the family name of the Duke of Marlborough. VII. FOR A NATURAL SPRING. Here quench your thirst and mark in me, Who, while my bounty I bestow Am neither heard nor seen to flow. Thomas Warton. LORD BACON.1 PHILOSOPHY, the great and only heir Has still been kept in nonage till of late, The riches which do hoarded for him lie They chose his eye to entertain With painted scenes, and pageants of the brain.2 BACON at last, a mighty man! arose, And boldly undertook the injured pupil's+ cause. Though 'twas but air condensed, and stalked about 1 Lord Bacon flourished just before Cowley's time. These lines are extracted from a poem of Cowley's, addressed "To the Royal Society." 2 One of the main principles of Lord Bacon's philosophy was, that science ought to be based on the firm ground of experiment, and not, as had been too much the case previously, on fanciful surmises and conjectures. 3 Wise king-James I. 4 Injured pupil, &c.-i.e. Philosophy who was before spoken of as wrongfully kept in nonage. A pupil-from the Latin pupillus, a child-is one under guardianship, a ward. 5 Rout-from the Latin rota, a wheel, or circle-a circle or body of men; used here, and in the early writers, in a grave sense. |