a WRETCHED B - - -, jealous now of all, What God, what mortal, shall prevent thy fall? Turn, turn thy eyes from wicked men in place, And fee what fuccour from the Patriot Race. b C - - -, his own proud dupe, thinks Monarchs things Made just for him, as other fools for Kings; NOTES. 6 Grave, VER. I. O wretched B--,] There is no doubt but that this interesting fragment was the beginning of the very Satire to which Warburton alludes in the last Poem. Pope was afraid to go on in his career of personal acrimony, Paul Whitehead, having thrown out an indecent sarcafm againft Dr. Sherlock, was threatened with a profecution. This was meant as a hint to Pope; and it is very plain his fatiric progress was interrupted, for his alarm evidently appears. In this Poem, (which certainly was part of his plan, as a continuation of the Epilogue, he feems, 1 " Willing to wound, and yet afraid to ftrike." I have added some explanatory names. a Britain. Cobham. Grave, righteous 'S - joggs on till, past belief, He finds himself companion with a thief. To purge and let thee blood, with fire and sword, Is all the help stern 'S - - wou'd afford. 16 That those who bind and rob thee, would not kill, Good C-- hopes, and candidly fits still. Off Ch -s W .. who speaks at all, 20 No more than of & Sir Har-y or Sir P - -. To lie in bed, but fure they lay too long. h G - - r, C-m, B - t, pay thee due regards, Unless the ladies bid them mind their cards. with wit that must AndC---d who speaks so well and writes, Whom (faving W.) every S. harper bites, Whose wit and must needs equally provoke one, 25 Finds thee, at best, the butt to crack his joke on. • Sandys. So d Shippen. • Perhaps the Earl of Carlifle, f Sir Charles Hanbury Williams. & Sir Henry Oxenden and Sir Paul Methuen. Lords Gower, Cobham, and Bathurst. Lord Chesterfield, * Lord Carteret. William Pulteney, created in 1742 Earl of Bath. i So geese to gander prone obedience keep, And all agree, Sir Robert cannot live. 1 Rife, rife, great W -, fated to appear, Spite of thyself a glorious minister! Speak the loud language Princes And treat with half the .... ......... At length to B .. kind, as to thy .... 35 40 45 Espouse the nation, you . What can thy H Drefs in Dutch • • ........ Tho' ftill he travels on no bad pretence, Or those foul copies of thy face and tongue, ... and frontless Young; Sagacious Bub, so late a friend, and there 1 Walpole. 50 55 Hervey Either Sir Robert's brother Horace, who had just quitted his embassy at the Hague, or his son Horace, who was then on his travels. W. Winnington. P Dodington. • Sir William Young. 9 Probably Hare, bishop of Chichester. r Hervey and Hervey's school, F -, H-- y, H - - n, .. Yea, moral Ebor, or religious Winton. How! what can O - - w, what can D - - The wisdom of the one and other chair, Or thy dread truncheon M.'s mighty peer? What help from "J - - s opiates canfst thou draw, a Or * H - - k's quibbles voted into law? C. that Roman in his nose alone, Who hears all causes, B - -, but thy own, 60 65 Can the light packhorse, or the heavy steer, The fowzing Prelate, or the sweating Peer, Drag out with all its dirt and all its weight, The lumb'ring carriage of thy broken State? Alas! the people curse, the carman swears, 70 The drivers quarrel, and the master stares. The plague is on thee, Britain, and who tries 75 To fave thee in th' infectious office dies. The Fox and Henley, r Hinton. Blackburn, Archbishop of York, and Hoadley, bishop of Winchester. t Onflow, Speaker of the House of Commons, and the Earl of Delawar, Chairman of the Committees of the House of Lords. ■ Newcastle. * Dorfet; perhaps the last word should be sneer. y Duke of Marlborough. * Jekyll. a Hardwick. b Probably Sir John Cummins, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. • Britain. |