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pas sion, s. pity

Ca the dral, s. the head church Com pen sate, v a. to recom

of a diocese

Ca the dral, a. Episcopal
Che ru bick, a. angelick
Chi me ra, s. a wild fancy
Church war den, s. an officer
chosen to take care of the
church and church-yard
Ci ta tion, s. the calling a per-
son before a judge
Co er cive, a. having the pow-
er of restraining


Co e val, a. of the same age,
a cotemporary'
Co habit, v n. to live together

as husband and wife

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Com plex ion, s. colour of the

Com pli ant, a. yielding
Com po nent, s. that constitutes
a compound body
Com po sure, s. order
Comp trol ler, s. director
Com pul sive, a. forcible

Co heiress, s. a woman having
an equal estate of inheri- Com pune tion, s. repentance


Co he rence, s. union Collection, s. the act of gathering together

Col lec tive, a. gathered into

one mass

Col lec tor, s. a tax gatherer
Col li sion, s. striking together
Col lu sion, s. deceit
Col lu sive, a. deceitful
Com bus tion, s. conflagration
Com mand er, s. a chief
Com mand ment, s. mandate
Com mence ment, s. beginning
Com mis sion, s. a trust
Com mis sion, v a. to appoint
Com mit ment, s. the sending

to prison.
Com mit tee, s. they who are
appointed to direct some

Com mo tion, s. tumult
Com mu nion, s. intercourse
Com pact ly, ad, closely
Com pactness, s. firmness
Com pan ion, s. a partner

Com punc tive, a. causing re

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2. H.

Con duc tress, s. she who leads
Con fec tion, s. a sweetmeat
Con fes sion, s. acknowledge-


Con for mist, s. one who con-

Con fu sion, s. tumult
Con junc tion, s. union'
Conjunct ly ad. jointly
Con junc ture, s. occasion
Con nex ion, s. union
Con sen sion, s. agreement

Con si der, va. & n. to think

Con sis tent, a. not contradic

Con so ler, s. one who gives
Con struc tion, s. building
Con su mer, s. one who destroys
Con sum mate, v. a. to compleat
Con sump tion, s. waste
Con tem ner s. a despiser
Con temp late, v a. & n. to

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De ceit ful, a. fraudulent
De cem ber, s. the last month
of the year

De ci pher, v a. to write out,
to unfold
[comfort De ci sion, s. determination
De clen sion, s. lessening [dually
De cli vous, a descending gra-
De coc tion, s. boiling
De co rous, a. decent
De cur sion, s. running down
De fec tion, s. revolt
De fec tive, a. faulty
De fence less, a. naked
De fi ance, s. a challenge
De file ment, s. polution
Defl our er s. a ravisher
De fraud er, s. a deceiver
De jec tion, s. lbwness of spirits
De li cious a. sweet
De light ful, a. pleasant
De lin quent, s an offender
De lud er, s. a beguiler
De mean or, s. carriage
De me rits. ill deserving v a

study, to muse Con tent less, a. discontented Con tent ment, s. satisfaction Con tex ture, s. the system v n. to remain

Can ti nue,

va to protract
to re peat

Con tor tion, s. a twist
Con trac tion, s. abbreviation
v a. to give to
Con tri bute, a common stock
v n. to bearapart

Con tri tion, s. penitence
Con tri vance, s. scheme
Con tri ver, s. an inventor
Con troller, s. one who restrains
Con tru sion, s. a bruise
Con ven tion, s. an assembly
Con version, s. a change
Con vey ance s. a transmitting
Con viv ial }a, festal, social

Con viy al

to deserve blame
De iner sion, s. a drowning
De mo lish, v a. to destroy
De mure ly, ad. affectedly

De part ment, s. an alotment
De par ture, s. a going away
De pen dance, s. a reliance
De pen dent, s. one who lives
in subjection

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Dis courteous, a. uncivil
Dis cre dit, v a. to deprive of

Dis creet ly, ad. prudently
Dis cus sion, s. examination
Dis dain ful, a. scornful
Dis fran chise, v a. to deprive
of privileges

Dis gust ful, a. nauseous
Dis heart en, v a; to discourage
Dis hon our, s. reproach, v a. to

Dis man tle, v a. to strip
Dis mis sion, s, sending away
Dis pa rage, v a. to injure
Dis peo ple, v a. to depopulate.
Dis per sion, s. a scattering.
Dis po sal, s. regulation.
Dis sec tion, s. anatomy,
Dis sem bler, s. a hypocrite
Dis sen tion, s. disagreement
Dis sen ter, s. one that disagrees
Dis sua sive, a. persuading a

Dis taste ful, a. nauseous
Dis tem per, s. disease
Dis tinc tive, a. making a dis-

Dis tin quish, v a. to note the diversity

Dis tor tion, s. irregular moș tion

Dis trac tion, s. confusion
Distri bute, v a. to divide
Dis trust ful, a. suspicious
Dis tur bance, s. interruption.
Di ver sion, s. sport

Di ver tive, a. amusive
Di ves ture, s. act of putting off
Di vi ner, s. one that professes

Di vi sion, s. act of dividing
Di vi sor, s. the number by
which the dividend is divi-

Do mes tick, a. belonging to the En coun ter, v a. to meet face to house face, v n. to engage in fight

Dra ma tick, a. represented by En cou rage, v a. to animate

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E di tion, s. publication of a En dear ment, s. the cause of

Ef fec tive, a. efficient

Ef ful gent, a. bright

E ject ment, s. a casting out
E lec tion, s. act of chosing
E li sion, s. division

El lip sis, s. something left out El lip tick, a. having the form of an ellipsis

E lope ment, s. departure from restraint

E lu sion, s. an artifice
Ein bar go, s. a stopput to trade
Em bat tle v a. to range in or-
dér of battle

Em bel lish y a, to adorn
Em bez zle, v a. to appropriate
by breach of trust
Em bla zon, v a. to adorn with
figures of heraldry.
E mer gent, a. sudden
E mol lient, a. softening
E mo tion, s. disturbance
Em pan nel, v a. to summon a
Em plas ter, v a. to cover with
a plaster
Em ploy er, s. one who employs
En am el, va. to inlay v n. to
practise the use of enamel
En a mour, v a. to inflame with

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En dea vour, s. labour directed

to some end

En dea vour, v a. to attempt v n. to labour for certain purpose

En dict ment, s. a declaration
made in favour of law
En dorse ment, s. writing on
the back

En dow ment, s. gifts of nature
En du rance, s. continuance
En fee ble, v a. to weaken
En fet ter, v a. to bind in fetters
En gage ment, employment

En gen der, v to beget
En joy ment, s. fruition
En kin dle, v a. to enflame
En large ment, s. increase
En light en, v a. to illuminate,
En rap ture,va. to transport
with pleasure

En rol ment, s. register
En su rance, s. exception from

En tan gle, v a. to ensnare
En tire ly, ad. fully
En treat y, s prayer
En ve lop, v a. to inwrap
En ven om, v a. to poison
E pis tle, s. a letter

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E qua tor, s. a great circle whose
poles are those of the world
Er rat tick, a. wandering
E rup tion, s. a breaking out
Es cutch con, & the shield of a


E spe cial, a. principal

Fa mi ly, s. household

Es pous al, a. used in the act of Fa na tick, a. enthusiastick

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S. an enthusiast

Fi du cial, a. confident
For bear ance, s. mildness
For bid ding, a. raising abhor


Fore cit ed, a. quoted before
Fore fa ther, s. an ancestor
Fore know ledge, s. prescience
Fore run ner, s. an harbinger
Fore stall er, s. one who antici-
pates the market
For get ful, a. not retaining in

Forth com ing, a. ready to ap


Free boot er, s. a robber
Free heart ed, a. liberal
Frus tra tion, s. disappointment
Fuga cious, a. fleeting


Gain say er, s. an opponent
Gen teel ness, s. elegance
Gi gan tick, a. bulky

Gra da tion, s. regular progress Gym nas tick, a. relating to athletick exercises


Here af ter, ad. in a future state
Hi a tus, s. an aperture
Hob gob lin, s. a spirit
Hor ta tion, s. exhorting
How ev er, ad. in what manner


Hys ter icks, s. kind of fits


Ich neu mon, s. an animal that breaks the crocodile's eggs

Il li cit, a. unlawful

Il lu mine, v a. to enlighten,
Il lu siop, s. mockery, errour
Il lu siye, a. deceiving by false

Il lus trate, v a. to explain

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