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selves to their country is subjected to the immediate tribunal of an inquisitive age.

To the present age we are indebted for many luminous productions in the various branches of science. Genius has penetrated the regions of thought, and displayed the resources of the human mind; and every auxiliary that tends to facilitate advancement in any department of science has been sought with success. In fine, in whatever light we view the scientific progress of the present age, either as it respects invention or improvement on ancient theories, it will bear to be compared with any the world has ever seen. May we not indulge the pleasing anticipation that the time is rapidly approaching, when the literary horizon will

Independent of the facility printing affords to the free circulation of knowledge, it gives value to the most limited exertions of literary industry, concentrates the energy of untrained powers of mind, preserves the efforts and attempts of those whose time or opportunity operated against farther improvement, until finally some genius may spring up, who, collecting the scattered and unbroken links into one, may so exhibit them, as that they shall constitute the intellectual power of the age in which he lives. These considerations would lead us to hope for much in regard to the future. What tal-glow with still brighter effulgence in the western hements can accomplish we have already beheld; yet we believe that the splendor of ancient talents and skill will not overshadow modern, or that past improvement transcends that to which society is destined, and seems rapidly approximating.

isphere; and society, in all the essential elements of excellence and true glory, far transcend all past ages? When our country, whose institutions possess the freedom of the Grecian and Roman republics, and the energy and policy of monarchies and aristocracies, will The age in which we live may be termed emphati- become the patron of literature? Surely, when the din cally the Augustan age, giving birth to a new era in of battle was no longer heard, and the devastating tread the history of the literary world. The hand of patron- || of foes had departed from our borders, some divine inage is now liberally extended for the encouragement of spiration guided our fathers in framing a Constitution the votaries of every art and science; and genius and which lends protection and encouragement to every talent, freed from the paralyzing influence of cold ne- || principle that reflects lustre upon the human character. glect, are bursting forth with unusual splendor. To the How admirably calculated is that principle of our harsh tumult of war and the pageant triumph, succeed Constitution, which declares the legitimate source of the accents and avocations of peace. Poetry, elo-all power to reside in the people, to awaken all the dorquence and philosophy spring forth, not as feeble and sickly exotics, but with the vigorous growth of native plants. In contemplating the glory and splendor of this eventful period, well might we exclaim in the language of the poet

"Jam redit et virgo redeunt saturnia regna,

Jam nova progenies cælo demittitur alto."

mant energies of the mind, and call forth every power to the field of action? Here talent and merit meet their due reward. No pageant title, no long-drawn claim to lordly ancestry, obstructs the avenue to honor. We acknowledge no rank but the purchase of merit, and to that a freeman's heart scorns not to pay its tribute. These are powerful inducements for our youth of both sexes to qualify themselves for pre-eminence in the service of their country. Secured, then, in the rights of freemen, and blessed with the means of acquiring a knowledge of all that will improve, exalt and dignify human nature, it remains with the rising generations to rear a superstructure worthy of the funda mental principles of our Constitution, worthy the expansive benevolence of our holy religion, and worthy the age in which we live.

If, when reviewing the history of ages darkened by the shade of many centuries, we are borne along with the tide of admiration, and enraptured with the tale of their greatness, what must be our sensations when we dwell on those events which transpire, as it were, under our own observation. In contemplating the ages of Greece and Rome we feel indeed that we are treading on classic ground; but it is not the ground sanctified by the footsteps of our fathers, or hallowed by their sacrifices at the altars of our country. False indeed is Even now, America—thrice happy America-feels that feeling which prompts us to view with partial eyes the influence of spreading knowledge, and exhibits to the genius, talent and acquirements of ancient times, the world a community hastening onward in the march while we receive with disgust or ceremonious criticism, of improvement a bright example of liberal princithe productions of those whose minds have shed pecu-ples-of republican government "in the full tide of liar lustre around us. The patronage and applause of successful experiment." Here, political and moral our contemporaries are necessary to enkindle and elicit powers are developed in a ratio exceeding any period the vital spark of genius and talent. Never would of the world's history; and an influence is sent abroad those all-swaying accents have flowed from the tongue among the nations of the earth which demands the uni of Demosthenes, had he not received the warm, invigor-versal cultivation of mind. In every part of our land ating sanction of his countrymen; nor would the inef- edifices are being erected consecrated to science and refable harmony of Cicero ever have reached our ears had ligion; and, in the language of a highly gifted writer,* he been subject to chilling neglect, instead of approba-"the harmony with which patriots, philanthropists, and tion and applause. Let us then receive with encourag- Christians of every sect and party combine to educate ing partiality the productions of those who labor to en- the country, induce the belief that Columbia is destined lighten the paths of science, and divest it of those obstructions which retard the youthful traveler.

*Dr. E. Thomson.

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What marks the present age as one of peculiar interest and promise, and our country as the theatre of man's noblest achievements and most glorious triumphs, and DURING a cruize among the Grecian Islands some also as the destined instrument to accomplish the world's years since, our noble vessel was buffeting a Levanter, intellectual and moral renovation, is the special atten- and endeavoring to force her passage through the nartion which is given to the cultivation of female mind. row straits separating the islands of Tino and Micone, It has been truly said, that woman is the index of a when, as the gale increased, orders issued from the nation's character. Her position in society, wherever cabin to "bear up" for a port to leeward. The headshe may be, determines the degree of civilization, intel- ing of the ship, and the hints of our pilot, George, asligence and morality to which any nation has arrived. sured us we should soon anchor in Paros; and a visit By the lights of science, and the purifying influence to the famous Grotto, in Anti-Paros, a neighboring of Christianity, woman is now elevated to her true po- island, seemed not improbable. Running before the sition, is made the companion of man, an equal partic-wind with flowing sheets, in a few hours we entered ipant in every holy and refining pleasure; and moves the harbor of Paros, and anchored under the lee of a in that high sphere of usefulness for which she is so point where wind or wave could hardly reach us. The richly endowed by her Creator, and by a reflex influ-"watch officers" began to count up and see on whom ence, is the dispenser of happiness to all around.

The position will no longer admit of doubt, that woman possesses faculties susceptible of high intellectual and moral improvement. For the truth of this, we need but refer to the works of a Mrs. Somerville, Hemans, Hannah More, a Sigourney, Edgeworth, and others; and within our own pale, a Mrs. Fletcher, Cooper, Thayer, Rogers, Maxwell; and Bulmer, author of "Messiah's Kingdom," which for beauty and felicity of diction, purity of thought, justness of conception and sublimity of imagination, is unsurpassed by any poetic production of the age.

would fall the next day's duty, and who could leave the ship should the captain conclude to take a cruize on shore. Fortunately only one midshipman was on the "black list," and as many as could be spared from duty were kindly permitted by the captain to join a party to the Grotto.

The French Consul for the island, who came on board just as we anchored in the evening, was to be our guide and purveyor; promising to have a supply of horses on the beach by day-light, to carry us across the island; but on landing in the morning we perceived to our discomfiture that only a few jacks had been And, finally, among the numerous auxiliaries which hired, and these were already mounted by the captain are destined to result in the moral accomplishment of and ward-room officers, while love or money would not our highest hopes and aspirations in regard to the im-tempt the natives to part with any more of their beasts provement of our species, we hail with peculiar delight of burden. We had therefore to give up the trip, or the "Ladies' Repository." The position, Messrs. Edi-"foot it" some twenty miles over hills and through valtors, which you sustain in connection with that period- lies, in a half-deserted island. We chose the latter, and ical, however arduous it may be, is nevertheless truly making sail, soon overhauled the company ahead. Paenviable. You occupy a position from which you may ros is near forty miles in circuit, with a population of move and control a vast community; and by touching two or three thousand miserable Greeks. Like most of the principles of action in the parental bosom, and the islands in this sea, it is barren; a reddish clay, molding the character of the sex, you vibrate on the mixed with light colored rock, gives it an appearance heart-strings of the youth, and sweep upward until you of genuine sterility. Superior marble for statuary lay your hand on him who occupies the highest post in abounds in some parts of the island, specimens of which the gift of an intelligent, free, and virtuous people! may be seen in the Venus de Medicis, Apollo, and The work, then, in which you are engaged is one wor- some other statues now in Italy. The quarries are enthy of the patronage of noble, enlightened and gener-tirely neglected, and being in haste, we passed them ous hearts. By the establishment of the "Repository," with only a glance. About mid-way of the island, the Church has adopted a measure which will stand as an imperishable monument of her wisdom and piety; and through this medium will diffuse abroad through coming generations the lights of science and religion. God speed you in your glorious work! And may your periodical continue to increase in power and influence, and prove a repository richly laden with all that can embellish human character, "and roll down to posterity a glorious sun that shall dispense his rays, in imitation of his emblem, with God-like liberality to every moral petal that is unfolded between the poles." With these sentiments, I remain, Yours, &c.,

W. H.

pressed with the heat, we halted at a monastery, glad to obtain something to quench our thirst. These monasteries are frequent in countries where the Greek or Catholic religion prevails; but in general they are only in part occupied, and we may suppose these orders are on the decline. Near mid-day we arrived at the village of Ausa, containing three or four hundred inhabitants, and embarked in two caiques for Anti-Paros, distant seven miles. This we found in a better state of cultivation than its neighbor; still, three-fourths of the island is rocky and unoccupied, except by lizzards and other reptiles, producing little except heath and larger shrubs, used by the natives for fuel.



for a sailor, and seizing the two parts of a rope, the bight of which was thrown over a stalagmite above, I worked my way to the top of the cliff; but as I neared the bight of the rope its parts of course spread, and the weight being too heavy for the strength of the hand, I lost my hold of one of the ropes, and was in the act of going to the bottom, rope and all, when the purser seized me by the collar, and rescued me from a fall, perhaps from death.

Our route to the cave was over a plain, thence || a slack-rope. Some of the party were drawn up by obliquely up a range of hills, following a foot-path, their companions above; but this seemed too lubberly which, leading the traveler to the farther verge of the summit, at once introduces him to the Grotto on his left, and to the sea in front, washing the base of the mountain below. Here, if the beholder will forget the sterility of the soil around him, and carry his line of sight to a distance, he will be pleased with his position. A southerly breeze, sweeping from the shores of Af rica, sends wave after wave upon a coast perforated with caverns, having an outlet half under water, and producing a sound as of low, distant thunder, and not unfrequently throwing up water from an inland aperture, like the blowing of a whale. (A small, but noted cave of this kind may be seen at the entrance of Port Mahon Harbor; and being very boisterous in stormy weather, is known among sailors as the Devil's Bel- || lows.) The soft, southerly breeze is attended with a clear atmosphere, leaving the numerous isles of the Archipelago, in full and attractive view. Dotting the Egean may be seen the vessels of different nations, under convoy of some man-of-war; or else hasting to escape the region of isles before the setting in of nightwhile the piratical Greek mystic, lurking among the coves and islets, waits an opportunity of plunder. B. and myself were the first to arrive at the Grotto; and while those in the rear came up, we prepared for a de


Providing ourselves with specimens of rock from the interior, we commenced our return to the ship. About sun-set we arrived at our boats, and embarked for Ausa, with a Greek crew to pull us over, who struck up one of their national airs, the hero of which was Capo D'Istrias, then principal ruler in Greece. The twilight hour, with the stars just assuming their place in the heavens; the gentle breeze, rippling the surface of the sea enough to break the monotony of a calm, and afford an accompaniment to the music of the Greeks; the slight danger of our position from some lurking pirate; added to the peculiar, plaintive melody of the descendants of Epaminondas, soothed down the excited feelings of the day, and caused us for the time being to forget our fatigue and hunger.

But our reverie was broken in upon by the sudden appearance of a light ahead, showing our near approach to the village. Here our guides had promised us refreshments, with agreeable lodging for the night; and soon a table, groaning beneath its burden of viands,

The first object meeting the eye of the traveler, is the huge giant placed at the cavern's mouth, so much to the fright of the ancients. We found it perfectly harmless, being nothing more nor less than a large sta-airy dormitories, and the luxury of a comfortable bed, lagmite, or deposit of calcarious matter, formed by drops from the roof upon the floor of the cave. Passing a pair of top-gallant studding-sail halliards around the giant, a native was sent down with the loose end; and by the aid of this rope to steady us, we followed, descending in all about two hundred feet, sometimes gradually, at other times perpendicularly. The interior is truly grand; the roof one hundred feet above the floor, and covered with stalactites, pendent in the form of large icicles, some of them flat, and when struck, sounding like a bell. The width of the Grotto is about fifty feet, varying as you descend, until it narrowly terminates at the bottom, where some of our party found


On returning to the mouth I unexpectedly came across the Madonna, which at first sight, through the glimmering light of a torch, I took for a living female with a child in her arms. On a near approach, I found this a mass of rock formed by drops from the roof. Surrounding the Madonna are other stalagmites, from three to fifteen feet in height, resembling somewhat the mammoth candles and other fixtures of a Greek Chapel. No wonder the superstitious devotees of that Church, with their Madonna, candles, bells, &c., formed ready at hand by nature, should here perform their devotions. Leaving the Chapel, I continued ascending occasionally with the aid of ropes, but not without risk. At one point a precipice was to be passed by climbing

passed before the mind, and almost equaled enjoyment
itself in anticipation. The Grecks at the oars were
urged to "give away," and soon we ranged along-side
the wharf, and disembarking, steered for quarters in the
town. It was nine at night when we landed, and after
ranging through the village, and occasionally halting to
listen to something like an altercation in Greek between
our guide and the villagers, we at length were conducted
to our quarters for the night-a low, one story building,
with three or four rooms, occupied by a large family of
men, women and children. It seemed but a poor
chance for a score of us to be accommodated; but being
accustomed to close quarters, we concluded to make the
best of our berth. A long hour passed away, and the
table was at length spread "a la mode le Grec.'
few boiled eggs, some stale Greek bread, with rancid
butter, and coffee "a la Turk," constituted the fare.
As supper was announced there was evidently a falling
of countenances among our party, and an unusual
manifestation of politeness. The steerage officers drew
back to let the captain and other superior officers occupy
the first table. "Sit down, sit down, young gentle-
men," said the captain, "we are not quite ready yet,
and will wait;" and accordingly we took our stand by
the table-as for seats, chairs are rarities both among
Greeks and Turks. Presently it was whispered around
among the reefers, "The captain has sent out into the
village for a supply of fresh grub for himself and ward-


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room officers." A few moments sufficed to clear the table of its supply; and just as the last egg was disappearing, the captain's steward entered with a long countenance, and announced the village searched fore and aft, and not an egg, chicken, or loaf of bread to be had! Never were midshipmen better pleased; for once the reefers went to windward. As for lodging, one-half sat up all night, while the others rolled and tumbled on filthy mattrasses until morning. Next day we made an early start, and stringing along over the plain, arrived on board about mid-day. Thus terminated our trip to Anti-Paros; two days after, we sailed for Smyrna.


slightest touch, and move in unison with ours. Then thought meets thought, and heart unites with heart! Surely nothing short of communion with the Father of our spirits can afford so pure enjoyment-so perfect bliss.

"And if our fellowship below

In Jesus be so sweet;

What height of rapture shall we know, When round his throne we meet."



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Original. APHORISMS.


EXTERNAL accomplishments may adorn and beautify human nature; intellectual culture may exalt and refine it; but moral excellence alone can impart to it true dignity.

Seek rather to be praiseworthy, than to be praised.

The Bible is a source of light, a treasury of knowledge, a fountain of life. Happy they who open their eyes to the light which emanates from this sun of moral truth-who seek here for that knowledge which makes truly wise-who drink of the living water that flows from this well of salvation, for "they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels."

Beware of the flatterer; for he who flatters will deceive.

Real worth is respected, even by those who do not seek after it.

He who made man declared it not good for him to be alone. Deprive him of the society of his species, and he immediately becomes wedded to the lower orders of creation. He seeks companionship with brutes, or even inanimate objects. The affections of the heart go forth in search of something around which they may twine themselves; but if they meet with none, like the tendrils of the vine, they soon droop and die. Surely the proper gratification of a desire so strictly original, and so powerful in its influence as the desire for society, must afford no small amount of rational happiness. But to the selfish this is a "sealed fountain." True, social intercourse even among the most unprincipled, may save from the ennui of solitude; but it proves a source of pure and exalted happiness only where human nature is raised to a high degree of moral excellence. The sanctifying influences of the Gospel must have elevated the desires, chastened the affections, and purified the passions. Where such a fitness exists, how sweet the "fellowship of saints." How delightful the communication and reception of knowledge-the mingling of emotions, whether of sorrow or of joy. With what satisfaction do we pour the soul's full tide into the bosom where the chords of sympathy vibrate to the

The following lines were composed in reference to the extreme suffering of a young friend, who is now no more. A stranger, in a strange city, far from her friends, and helpless from disease, she yet manifested resignation. She has gone to her long home; but the inemory of the departed Mary will be ever dear.

HOURS of sickness, clad in mourning,
Have ye sought my couch again?
Why, ah, why are ye returning
With this long, this wearying pain?
When ye bid me thus to languish,
Through the tedious, ling'ring year,
Do ye count the throes of anguish
Skill and kindness cannot cheer?
Though the gentle-hearted stranger
Watches o'er me in her love;
Hushing now the fear of danger-
Guiding now my thoughts above-
Yet those thoughts for aye are springing
To my own, my blessed home,
Till, like Noah's wand'rer bringing
Back the olive branch, they come.
List! my mother's voice dissembling,
Falls in gladness on my ear;

O! I know what thoughts are trembling
On the altar of her fear.

Hark! my father's hymn ascending!
"Tis the hour of evening prayer.
Praises, such as these, are blending
Upward—where the angels are.
See the tear-drop softly stealing
Down my brother's youthful cheek;
Signs of feeling deep, revealing
Things he cannot-will not speak.
Mother, father, dearest brother,
While ye view yon vacant chair,
O forget not there's another
Claims remembrance in your prayer.
Pray that she in resignation
May submit to Heaven's will;
Till the Lord of her salvation,
Bids the troubled waves "be still."
Pray that she in sad complaining,
May not prove a murm'ring one;
But though life's bright sun seem waning,
Calmly say, "God's will be done."

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cast an eye of composure upon their companions one hundred feet beneath the surface, while they carefully raise the precious metal over their heads!

The regulations of the mining country are principally of their own formation, and prevail as a species of common law among them. The government formerly claimed a per centum on the discoveries of the miner, which was afterwards, by some means, transfer

THROUGH the heart of the Mining Region flows the majestic Father of Waters, the medium of commerce to the white man, and the object of superstitious vener-red to the smelter; but for several years there has been ation to the savage. On approaching that region, "nu- nothing paid by either. A miner's lot is 200 yards merous localities present a confused, but distinct and square, defined by four posts or corners; and the one rather unvarying character of civilization. Imperfect first making such claim holds it by common consent. nodules of silicious matter, masses of mammillary Work must be done upon it at least five days in the quartz, the crystals of which are often superinduced week; but in this respect the letter of the law is not upon chalcedonized concentric layers with an agate enforced. Should he work upon a lot, and leave it structure, indications of sulphate of barytes, with small without "striking mineral,” he cannot, at a subsequent fragments of sulphate of lead in the rain furrows, be- period, claim or defend it, as a discovery of mineral is tray the metalliferous rocks." The bluffs, on either absolutely necessary to constitute a "mineral lot." Miside of the river, rise, like pyramids, to the height of ners, contiguously engaged, are expected to accommoseveral hundred feet, varied by the numerous tributa- date each other; and mutual assistance, at certain times, ries which are constantly hurrying to empty themselves is rather claimed as a right than sought as a favor. into the common channel. These prominences decline, Their deep sympathies, so manifest for each other, seem as we leave the river, until the country, in a few miles, to be implied as a part of their regulations. presents a gently undulating and healthy appearance. Lead, which is the grand source of wealth to the The soil of the mining region is of a very rich charac-|| mining country, is an imperfect metal, of a dull white ter, frequently sinking to the depth of three and four || color, inclining to blue, the least elastic and the least feet on the highest ridges. Indeed, a poor soil does not sonorous of metals. It possesses considerable specific seem adapted to the growth of galena, or "mineral." gravity, reaching from 11.3 to 11.479. A few general It is interspersed with springs of the purest and best || remarks will follow upon the formations and combinawater. Though situated in 42° 30′ north latitude, good tions of lead, as treated of by mineralogists; noticing corn crops are raised. But little snow falls, and sleigh-more particularly, that peculiar formation common to ing is supplied by ice on the Mississippi, which becomes the Upper Mississippi Lead Mines. very solid, and affords a jaunt of five hundred miles to the Falls of St. Anthony.

The extent of the mining region is not yet definitely ascertained. The surveys confine it to about 2500 square miles. That the actual limits are much greater cannot be doubted, and the time is not distant when these treasures will be more extensively developed. There are other districts, not included in this limit, where indications exist, and discoveries have been made.

An impression seems to have obtained with many, that the persons engaged in mining are generally a set of ignorant fellows, of the baser sort, many of whom resort there to avoid the penalty of the law elsewhere. This impression, no doubt, was gathered from the character of many engaged on the public works. It is, however, a mistake. Our country boasts not a more worthy class of men than the miners of the Upper Mississippi. So far from ignorance or crime having driven them there, intelligence and enterprise drew them. The choice of almost every country in the world may be found in the mines. A large number of the miners performed the first manual labor in a "mineral-hole." Nor startle, gentle reader, when I inform you, that ladies of no mean origin, have volunteered to assist their enterprising, but unfortunate husbands, in their search for mineral! To have peeped into a well in by-gone days, would have dizzied the brain; but now they can

1. In 1772 some small pieces of native lead were found in the county of Monmouth, in Wales. It has also been found in the lead mines of Pompean, near Rennes, in Brittany. It was very malleable, could be cut with a knife without crumbling, and easily melted over the flame of a candle. The existence of native lead had been previously questioned by mineralogists. 2. Lead spar is sometimes transparent, but generally opaque, and crystalized in regular forms of a laminar or triated texture. It contains some iron, calcareous earth, and clay; and grows red or yellowish when heated. It will effervesce with acids, and affords from 60 to 80 per cent. of lead. It is found in Brittany, Lorrain, Germany and England.

3. Arsenical Lead Spar. This is difficult to melt, refusing to yield to the blow-pipe; but has been reduced in the crucible. It is highly charged with arsenic, which appears, when reduced, in the form of grains dispersed and forced into the lead. It has been found in Germany, and contains about 40 per cent. of lead.

4. The Bley Glanz of the Germans contains lead mineralized with sulphur alone, and of this there are two or three varieties. At Villach, in Austria, there is said to be found a potter's lead ore, containing not the smallest portion of silver.

5. Lead mineralized by the vitriolic acid. Is generally in the form of a white mass, soluble in 18 times its quantity of water. It originates from the decomposition

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