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Talibus inde licent convivia larga poetis,

Sæpius et veteri commaduiffe mero:

At qui bella refert, et adulto fub Jove cœlum, 55
Heroafque pios, femideofque duces,

Et nunc fancta canit fuperum consulta deorum,
Nunc latrata fero regna profunda cane,

55. At qui bella refert, &c.] Ovid, Anacreon, Pindar, and Horace, indulged in convivial feftivity: and this alfo is an indulgence which must be allowed to the profeffed writer of elegies and odes. But the epic poet, who has a more ferious and important task, muft live sparingly, according to the dictates of Pythagoras. Milton's panegyrics on temperance both in eating and drinking, refulting from his own practice, are frequent. See PARAD. L. B. v. 5. xi. 472.515.530. IL PENS. 46. And CoмUS, in feveral places. But Milton conceived his argument of Paradife Loft to be of much more dignity and difficulty, than the fubjects of Homer and Virgil, here infinuated. See B. ix. 13. Argument

Not lefs, but more heroic, than the wrath
Of ftern Achilles, &c.

Again, B. i. 13.

My adventurous fong,

That with no middle flight intends to foar
Above th' Aonian mount, &c.

Again, B. iii. 3.

Above th' Olympian hill I foar,

Above the flight of Pegafean wing, &c.

And B. iii. 17.

With other notes than to th' Orphean lyre, &c.

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Compare our author's CH. GOVERNM. B. ii. PREF. PROSE-WORKS,

vol. i. 60.

Ille quidem parce, Samii pro more magiftri,

Vivat, et innocuos præbeat herba cibos ; Stet prope fagineo pellucida lympha catillo, Sobriaque e puro pocula fonte bibat.



Additur huic scelerisque vacans, et casta juventus, Et rigidi mores, et fine labe manus.

Qualis vefte nitens facra, et luftralibus undis, 65
Surgis ad infenfos augur iture Deos.

Hoc ritu vixiffe ferunt poft rapta fagacem
Lumina Tirefian, Ogygiumque Linon,
Et lare devoto profugum Calchanta, fenemque
Orpheon, edomitis fola per antra feris;
Sic dapis exiguus, fic rivi potor Homerus

Dulichium vexit per freta longa virum,

Et per monftrificam Perfeiæ Phœbados aulam,
Et vada fœmineis infidiofa fonis,

65. 67.

Luftralibus undis.] See Note on COMUS, V. 912.
Poft rapta fagacem

Lumina Tirefian.

-] PARAD. L. iii. 35.

Blind Thamyris, and blind Mæonides,

And Tirefias, and Phineus, prophets old.


Doctor Bentley proposes to reject intirely the fecond of thefe lines. But, to fay no more, this enumeration of Tirefias in company with other celebrated bards of the highest antiquity, would alone ferve for a proof that the fufpected line is genuine. And Tirefias occurs again, DE IDEA PLATONICA, V. 26.

72. Dulichium vexit, &c.] It is worthy of remark, that Milton here illuftrates Homer's poetical character by the Odyffey, and not by the Iliad.

73. Et per monßrificam Perfeie Phabados aulam.] Circe was the daughter of the fun, and, as fome fay, of Hecate. Ovid, METAM. vii.

Perque tuas, rex ime, domos, ubi fanguine nigro
Dicitur umbrarum detinuiffe greges.

Diis etenim facer eft vates, divumque facerdos,
Spirat et occultum pectus et ora Jovem.
At tu fiquid agam fcitabere (fi modo faltem
Effe putas tanti nofcere fiquid agam)
Paciferum canimus cœlefti femine regem,
Fauftaque facratis fæcula pacta libris ;



Vagitumque Dei, et ftabulantem paupere tecto
Qui fuprema fuo cum patre regna colit;
Stelliparumque polum,modulantefque æthere turmas,
Et fubito elifos ad fua fana Deos.

Dona quidem dedimus Chrifti natalibus illa,
Illa fub auroram lux mihi prima tulit.

Te quoque preffa manent patriis meditata cicutis,
Tu mihi, cui recitem, judicis inftar eris *. 90


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Quid "Hecates PERSEIDOS aras." And REMED. AMOR. 263. "tibi profuerunt, Circe, PERSEIDOS herbæ ?" And Ovid mentions Circe's AULA. METAM. XIV. 45.

Perquè ferarum

Agmen adulantum media procedit ab AULA.

89. Te quoque prefa manent patriis meditata cicutis.] His English Ode on the Nativity. This he means to fubmit to Deodate's infpection. "You fhall next have fome of my ENGLISH poetry.

90. Ta mibi, cui recitem, judicis inftar eris.] In CoмUS, we have fuppofed the fimple" fhepherd lad," fkilled in plants, to be the fame Charles Deodate, to whom this Elegy is addreffed, v. 619. See fupr. P. 429. For, as here,

He lov'd me well, and oft would BID ME SING;
Which when I did, he on the tender grafs
Would fit, and hearken even to extasy, &c.


See Ovid, EPIST. PONT. iv. ii. 37.
Hic, mea CUI RECITEM, &c.

Again, TRIST. iv. i. 18.

Sed neque CUI RECITEM, quifquam eft, &c.

The tranfitions and connections of this Elegy, are conducted with the skill and address of a mafter, and form a train of allufions and digreffions, productive of fine fentiment and poetry. From a trifling and unimportant circumftance, the reader is gradually led to great and lofty imagery. I will give a fhort and hafty analyfis.

You have well defcribed in your verfes the merriments of Chriftmafs. But why do you infinuate, that your poetry is weakened by feafting and wine? Bacchus loves poetry. And Phebus is not afhamed to decorate his brows with ivy-berries. Even the Muses, mixed with Bacchanalian dames, have joined in their fhouts on mount Parnaffus. The worst of Ovid's poetry, is that which he fent from Scythia, where never vine was planted. What were Anacreon's fubjects but the grape and rofes? Every page of Pindar is redolent of wine; While the broken axle-tree of the proftrate chariot refounds, and the rider flies dark with the duft of Elis. It is when warmed with the mellow cafk, that Horace fweetly chants his Glycere, and his yellowhaired Chloe. Your genius has therefore been invigorated rather than depreffed by mirth. You have been facrificing to Bacchus, Apollo, and Ceres. No wonder your verfes are so charming, which have been dictated by three deities. Even now you are listening to the harp, which regulates the dance, and guides the fteps of the virgin in a tapestried chamber. At least give way to this milder relaxation. Such fcenes infuse poetic warmth. Hence elegy frames her tenderest fong. Nor is it only by Bacchus and Ceres that Elegy is befriended: but by other feftive powers, by Erato, and by Love with his purple mother. Yet although the elegiac poet, and those who deal in the lighter kinds of verfe, may enliven the imagination by these convivial gaieties; yet he who fings of wars, and Jove, pious heroes, and leaders exalted to demigods, the decrees of heaven, and the profound realms of hell, muft follow the frugal precepts of the Samian fage, muft quaff the pellucid ftream from the beechen cup, or from the pure fountain. To this philofophy belong, chafte and blameless youth, fevere manners, and unfpotted hands. Thus lived Tirefias, fagacious after the lofs of fight, Ogygian Linus, the fugitive Chalchas, and Orpheus the conqueror of beasts in the lonely caverns. It was thus that the temperate Homer conducted Ulyffes through the tedious feas, the monfter-breeding hall of Circe, and the fhallows of the fyrens, enfnaring men with female voices: and through your habitations, O king of the abyfs, where he detained the flocking ghofts with libations of black blood. For in truth, a poet is facred; he is the pricft of heaven, and his bofom conceives, and his mouth utters, the hidden god. Meanwhile, if you wish to be informed how I employ myself as a poet, &c.


ELEG. VII. Anno Etatis 19.

Ondum blanda tuas leges, Amathusia, noram,

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Et Paphio vacuum pectus ab igne fuit.

Sæpe cupidineas, puerilia tela, fagittas,
Atque tuum fprevi maxime numen Amor.
Tu puer imbelles, dixi, transfige columbas,
Conveniunt tenero mollia bella duci:

Aut de pafferibus timidos age, parve, triumphos,
Hæc funt militiæ digna trophæa tuæ.



In genus humanum quid inania dirigis arma?
Non valet in fortes ista pharetra viros.
Non tulit hoc Cyprius, neque enim Deus ullus ad iras
Promptior, et duplici jam ferus igne calet.
Ver erat, et fummæ radians per culmina villæ
Attulerat primam lux tibi, Maie, diem:

At mihi adhuc refugam quærebant lumina noctem,
Nec matutinum fuftinuere jubar.

Aftat Amor lecto, pictis Amor impiger alis,

Prodidit aftantem mota pharetra Deum: Prodidit et facies, et dulce minantis ocelli, Et quicquid puero dignum et Amore fuit.

15. At mibi adhuc refugam quærebant lumina noctem,



Nec matutinum fuftinuere jubar.] Here is the elegance of poetical expreffion. But he really complains of the weakness of his eyes, which began early.

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