Eoftonian Madifon unveiled Chclfea Faulkners Hiftory | 3 |
Brighton Topography of 88 643 | 27 |
Britannicus his Letter to Mr CircumftantialReportofCharges | 87 |
thropy 193 mon 13t | 165 |
Brownes Felicia Dorothea from Madame | 189 |
Canada Upprr Vtew of PfrK Dalton John Chemical Philo | 241 |
Catholic Layman to Britifh of | 369 |
Celtic Fcaft on Hallow Eve 3 Diateflaron Thomfons | 418 |
Lord Melville 641 | 63 |
Lewis and Clarke Travel by | 515 |
Libels Thoughts on 305 tion of Iliad 362 | 636 |
Maryan W on Impoffibility of 187 | 668 |
Ormc Rev Thomas onChrif Polwhele ReT R f Hiltery | 23 |
P Pott Archdeacon Charge | 357 |
Pag nnifm and Chriftianity Dr Pratt his Specimens of Black | 433 |
Parliament of Ifpahan 296 Prince John Worthies of | 522 |
Chatelar EfFufions of Lore from Divinity Marihs Leftures | 485 |
Dutch Commafioners Jennyni Faulkner Thomas Account | 304 |
Emily Kelts a Tale 63 tion | 421 |
Eflays falecled from various by an American | 433 |
on Literary Compofi | 472 |
Examination of Col Waidlet Geology De Luc on | 497 |
the Briiiih by Menoe lation of Pindar | 505 |
Gloucefler Bifhop of on Pricltn | 522 |
P Claflical Iliady in Blink Verfe by Mori | 362 |
Guide to Elocution 538 Improvement Oddys Sketch | 408 |
Harris William Catalogue of and Chriftiantty 545 | 545 |
Hooper Dr Robert Phyfu phyfical Eflays Vol I 455 | 587 |
Horfley Bp of St Afaphs | 600 |
Hofpltal a Poem 520 | 628 |
and J Leigh Richard Efq Griev | 668 |
Pennington Thomas on Holy | 534 |
Letter to | 641 |
Petrie WilMam Efq Statement | 653 |
Royal Inftitution Catalogue of Still Rev John Faft Sermon | 79 |
St Afaph late Bifliops Ser Sturt Charles Efq State | 102 |
Scheldt Evidence on Exfedi | 189 |
Spence El Ib Summer Ex Iliad by Morrice | 362 |
Stauell Rev W Tranflation Pindar by Girdle | 505 |
Stcele Sir Richard Correfpon Hefiod by Elton | 518 |
Trimmer Jofhua Kirby on Weftipinfter Forum Speech | 77 |
Wald William Praflical Ob Woman of Colour a Novel | 299 |
Wa ker Rv James on Chrif 3 54 | 387 |
Wafhington George Two Wyburd Henry Introduction | 523 |
Col his Letter exa | 565 |