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feffedly written to put a ftop, if poffible, to a practice that too often exposes the facredness of religion to be prostituted to the vileft purposes, at leaft in many inftances: if the deponent is deaf to the voice of confcience, fays the writer, it is dangerous to put him upon his oath, and it is fuperfluous and useless in the contrary cafe,

Goethen Scriften.-The works of Mr. Goethen. 4 Parts in 8vo, Berlin apud Himbourg. 1779.

"The first part contains the misfortunes of Werther, Erwin and Elmira the fecond, Goele von Berlichingen and Clavigo: the third, Stella, Claudina of Villabelle; the moral and political puppets; all of which have been published before; and in the fourth, we find a differtation on Gefman, Proferpine, a monody, feveral mifcellaneous poems, &c.

Lutfpiele von, &c.-Comedies written by J. K. Wefel. 2vol. Leipfick apud Duck. 1779.

We find here only two plays, the one called Caprice and Honefly.-A countefs dowager falls in love with her daughter's inftitutor, and finds means to inveigle him into matrimony, notwithstanding he had plighted his faith to another.

The fubject of the other is we apprehend pretty familar to thofe of our readers who delight in admiring the original productions of our fair dramatic-writers, on the winter ftages. The play is called the Whimsical Trial, or in better words the Belle's Stratagem.-A Belle in order to try whether her beau has delicacy enough to prefer a woman's morals to her external accompliments, not only plays the wanton, but affects to be a general lover, and even gives the man to unIderftand that he has feveral favour'd rivals: but feeing that -the virtuous young man expreffes à becoming indignation,


and is ready to conceive for her as great an averfion as he had fhewed love hitherto; fhe difclofes the fratagem, declares her innocence, and rewards his love for virtue with a hand as pure as her heart. On this fimilarity of two dramatic plans the following queftion may fairly be afked-which of the two manufcripts has firft croffed the feas? We fhall not attempt to anfwer-Davi Sumus non ædipi,

Chriftliche, &c. Theory of the Chriftian Religion, the Practice of which is recommended through Life, by Mr. Lefs. Gottingen, 1779, in 8vo. 592 pages.

The whole work is divided into twelve articles, under the head God, Creation, &c. &c. The author fhews himself a very orthodox proteftant, but a very whimsical writer.

Uberdas, &c.-An Effay on the Study of Philofophy read in the Academy of Munich, on the Elector's Birth Day, by Mr.Baader, Director of the Schools of Philofophy, and of the Academy's Museum of Natural hiftory. Munich, in 4to. 96 Pages.

The author lays down a plan of philofophy in ufum gor manorum, and difplays throughout that only fort of fanatifm which deserves praise, we mean that love and enthusiastic zeal which fhould inflame the breaft of a true patriot when he writes, fpeaks or fights for the profperity and welfare of his fellow-citizens.

In purfuance of our plan of laying before our readers from time to time the fubjects of the premiums propofed by the foreign learned focieties, we here fubjoin the programma publifhed by the academy of St. Petersburgh, as it refers to the folution of a problem in botany, a fcience as defervedly efteemed as it is usefully cultivated by feveral of our country


men. We fhall give it in the original latin to prevent any miftake that might arife from the tranflation of technical words."


"Summis Augurtiffie Catharine XI. Ruffiarum imperatricis & autocratoris aufpiciis, directore academe illuftrifimo Domino de Domafchnew-augufice cubiculario actuali, academia imperialis fcientiarum Petropolitana, ad annum 1782, hanc de præmio certantibus proponit quæftionem: Sententice phyfiologorum de plantarum cryptogamiarum Linnaei, fcu filicum, mufcorum, algarum, fungorunique propagatione hucufquè valdoperè divic funt. Alii non nifi per gemmas plurimas harum plantarum perennare & feminibus planè carere perhibent; alii femina vera in his addeffe & plantas matri fimiles exindè provenire condendunt, qui iterù quoad feminum fructificationem inter fe differunt. Alii hanc per tunicam communem vafculofam, femina cryptogamiarum obvolventem & in fuperficie interná au am feminalem exhalantem, in filicibus & mufcis præfertim, peragi; alii eandem per organa mafculina, illis plantarum perfectarum fimillima, auram feminalum explodentia, in mufcis & fungis præfertim, obfolvi afferunt. Minimè pariter de partium temporariarum enominatione, mufcorum imprimis, botanici confentiunt: alii fubftantiam candem pro polline antherarum havent, quam alii femina effe dicunt; atque partem eandem alii antheram, alii feminum capfulam appellant. Alii tandem illam mofcorum particulam quam vulgò calyptram nominant, pro tunica valculofà foecundante, antherarum vices fuftinente; alii pro tunicâ inerti, calycis loco inferviente, declarant; íidem modo planè analogo de volvá fungorum diffentiunt. Ad lites has litteraias componendas academia fetentiarum imperialis Petropolitana viros omnium gentium doctos invitat ut unam alteramve harum opinionum reiteratis obfervationibus & multiplicatis experimentis tandem confirmare, vel aliam, fi probabiliorem invenerint, proponere, verbo: Theoriam generationis & fructificationis plantarum cryptogamiarum Linnaei dare, & obfervationibus ad varias, fi non omnium, attamen plurium Linneanorum generum cryptogamiorum fpecies inftitutis, adjunctifque omnium partium fructificationis diftinctis & iconibus illuftratis defcriptionibus corroborare, tandemque demonftrare ve lint an modus fructificationis & propagationis omnibus claffe cryptogamiarum hucufquè comprehenfis plantis idem fit, an differat pro ordinum fuprà enumeratorum differentiá. Ut prætereà figuro plantarum cryptogamiarum ad examen revocatarum vel ex libris botanicorum allegentur, vel auctorum curá confecto differtationibus addantur, maximoperè evidentice caufá optatur. Solutiones thematis punc propofiti academia fcientiarum imperialis Petropolitana antè diem 2 Januarii anni 1782 expectár, quarum ea quam judicium fociorum academice Petripoli habitantium (quibus nunquam palma academice concurrit) coeteris proeftantiorem & adœqua.

tiorem declarabit, præmio centum nummorum aureorum quos vulgò Ducatos appellant, condecorabitur. Differtationes diftinctis litteris, vel roffico, vel latino, vel germanico, vel gallico idiomate confcribendo; non nominibus auctoris, fed fymbolo diftinguendo; schedula obfignata, externè fymbolum idem differtationi infcriptum, internè autem auctoris nomen continente augenda; atque antè tsrminum defignatum ad Dn. Joannem-Albertum Euler, academice imperiais fcientiarum fecretarium, tranfmitendo funt, quo facto ab eodem fyngrapham cum numeri fub quo differtatio fuerit repofita, fignificatione accipiet auctor quilibet, dummodò locum ad quem ea dirigenda fit, indicaverit. Differtationes termino elapfo advenientes præmium obtinere nequeunt. Judicium academice in primo poft terminum præfium conventu publico, anno 1782, enunciabitur.


Pauli Cerrati, Albenfis, &c.-The Work of Paul Cerrati, Citizen of Alba, published by Mr. Jofeph Vernazza, in 8vo. Verfeil and Rome apud Settari.

Paul Cerrati, of an ancient family, was born towards the XV. century. After having ftudied the Belle Lettres under the celebrated Dominico Rani, author of the Polyantea, he fead lectures in his own country, where he acquired a well earned reputation. His works, which are here announced, confift of feveral poems in latin, of the heroic, epigrammatic, and erotic kind, written with great elegance and purity.

La vita Militare, Politica, e privata della nabile Zitella, &c.The Military, Political and Private Life of the Noble Mifs -, known 'til the year 1772, by the Name of Chevalier D'Eon with this Epigraph from Virgil's Æneid, Lib. I.

O quam tu memorem virgo !

in 8vo. Florence, 1779, apud Francifco Pifoni. :

This is little more than a tranflation from the French and other panagyricks of the Female Dragcon. It is prefaced with the following complimentary fonnet.

Di te, 'D'Eon, che dir dovranno i fasti ?
Già fotto il patrio, e fotto il ciel straniero
Splendefti in toga e in militar cimiero,
Or la gouna vestir par che ti basti ?


De' due diversi aspetti in qual celasti
Sotto mentite fogge il feffo vero?
Se pria; natura in farti, o cavaliero,
E non già tu nell' ammantarti errafti;
Se poi; perchè il viril treno ai dimeffo,
Nè più la lingua, & la tua mano ai promta
Sulcampo, al trono a fuperar te fteffo?
Ma poichè donna fe', renderti contra
Fu d'uopo, a decorar l'imbelle feffo,
E ai neghittofi cittadin far onta."

Cefare nella Bretagne, &c.-Cæfar in Britain. in 4to. Luca apud Benedini,

This is an hiftorical drama; compofed on the occafion of the folemn affembly of the ftates of the moft ferene republic, by Sig. Dominico Serafini, profeffor of eloquence, and of the greek language in that city. It is divided into three days, and each day into two parts.-Notwithstanding the difficulties attending thefe divifions, which the circumftance and occafion on which it was written, the author by his ftyle, and the interesting incidents which abound in this work, has rendered it as tolerable a dramatic compofition as we recollect to have read in Italian.


Recreacion Politica, &c.-Political Recreation, the pofthumous Work of Don Nicoles de Ariquibar, of the Royal Society of Bilboa. Madrid apud. Jofeph Velafco. 1780.

Inftruccion de la Minez, &c.-Inftructions for Children, by John Colomer. Madrid apud Fernandez. 1780.

Examen Maritimo, Tearico, Practico, chanics as far as they relate to shipping, by Don George Juan, apud Manzano. 1780.

&c.-An Effay on Methe conftruction, &c. of 2 vol. 4to. Madrid,

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