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The fecond volume contains an account of many other diftin. guished writers and books; even of St. Hieronymus, who was a native of Stridon; of the celebrated aftronomer Maximilian Hell; of Melchior Inchofer, Nic. Ifthpanfy, Francis Adam Kollár, &c.

Jo. Bapt. Mich. Sagar, M. D. &c. Syftema Morborum Symptomaticum, fecundum Claffes, Ordines, Genera, et Species, cum Characteribus, differentiis et therapeiis. Filum Ariadnæum ad lectulos Egrorum. 8vo. Vienna.


R. Sagar's views in publishing this work will beft appear from his own words: Hoc demum opus, fays he, a me per audaciam fyftematicam propofitum, a doctioribus et fagacioribus olim ad perfectionem deductum, quod immortali Sauvages natales maxima parte debet fuos; eam fpero præftabit practicis ad lectulos ægrorum opem, quam botanici per nemora et Alpes amore ftirpium capti errantes ex fyftemate illuft. Caroli Linnæi habent; ad minus chirurgi caftrenfes, medici pefte affectis miniftrantes, et nos forenfes phyfici paucis lineis cujufvis morbi diagnofin, prognofin, et therapeiam comprehenfam remoti a bibliotheca, in hoc libro circumferentes portatili iuvabimur, filoque Ariadnæo iliadibus morborum immerfi ducemur, quod commodum fi refpublica medica ex hoc meo labore quondam habitura fit, jam mei tuli præmium laboris.'

To these views and hopes it has been justly objected, that, though it would undoubtedly prove ufeful to judge of and to treat difeafes according to a judicious fyftem, yet thefe very instances, where the fyftem ought chiefly to affift the practitioner, when it is a very difficult task to refer the individual cafe to its proper head, requires fuch acuteness of observation, foundness of judgment, and practical skill, to explore the true character of the difeafe, and its proper place in the fyftem, that a phyfician poffeffed of these qualifications, will furely have no occafion for the affiftance of fuch a manual and as every error of the fyftem, were it to be adopted in practice, would be dangerous or fatal to the patient, fuch fyftems (however useful in forming a theory) can by no means be confidered and trufted as general and unexceptionable guides in practice.


Some idea of the structure and complexion of Dr. Sagar's fyftem may be deduced from a comparison of his keys to the feveral claffes of difeafes, with thofe of M. de Sauvages.

M. de Sauvages reduces the feveral claffes under ten general heads, viz. 1. Affectus fuperficiarii; 2. Morbi febriles, f. febres; 3. Morbi inflammatorii, f. phlegmafiæ; 4. Morbi convulfivi, f. convulfiones; 5. Morbi dyfpnoeici, f. anhelationes; 6. Morbi paralytodei, f. debilitates; 7. Morbi dolorifici, f. dolores; 8. Morbi vefani, f. vefaniæ; 9. Morbi evacuatorii, f. Auxus; 10. Morbi cachectici, f. deformnitates.'

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Dr. Sagar has thirteen claffes, viz. 1. Vitia, fymptomata externa levidenfia, palpabilia, abfque notabili cachexia, pyrexia; 2. Plage, continui folutiones; 3. Cachexia, coloris, figuræ, molis, in corporis habitu fine notabili febre depravatio; 4. Dolores, ad febres non referendi; 5. Fluxus, exítus infolitus cujufvis folidi vel fluidi, e corpore; 6. Suppreffiones, meatuum impeditio, hinc excretionum retentio; 7. Spalmi, contractio invita conftans, vel interpolata, mufculorum motum localem efficientium; 8. Anhelationes motus fpafmodici iterati, defatigantes pectoris cum refpiratione fonora, molefta,


abfque pyrexia notabili; 9. Debilitates, impotentia fentiendi, ap petendi, imaginandi, organa artufque movendi more ad fanitatem neceffario; 10. Exanthemata, febris cum efflorefcentia cutis varia maculofa, puftulofa, phlyothænoidea, et afthenia; 11. Phlegmafiæ, febris cum pulfu duro, dolore topico, inflammatione partis externæ vel internæ, fanguine miffo crufta inflammatoria tecto, urina plus tincta; 12. Febres, frigus, calor, pulfus frequens, refpiratio aucta, viribus artuum imminutis, depravatis, vel viribus vitalibus, pulfu et refpiratione vix mutatis, virium artuum fumma proftratio; 13. Vefaniæ, error mentis in imaginatione, appetitu, judicio, aut memoria.'

The curative method has fometimes been only pointed out in general terms; and sometimes so minutely described, as to include particular cafes and prefcriptions. The work contains a variety of obfervations, partly collected from other medical writers, and partly made by the author himself. The purity of diction has been confeffedly neglected. Cultus fermonis nullam curam habui, quin ftudiofe hunc neglexi ut fiam brevis, clarus et didafcalicus; e contra fæpius intuli vim Latio, præfertim in nominibus specificis brevitati ftudens.'

Pranotionum Canonicarum Libri quinque, quibus facra juris atque univerfi ftudii ecclefiaftici principia et adminicula enucleantur; exarabat Joan. Doujat. Editio nova, recenfuit, notas adjecit atque prefatus eft D. Aug. Frid. Schott. Tom. I. 8vo. Mitau. et Lipf.

DOUJAT's work is known to be one of the best of its kind. It has feveral times been reprinted at Paris and at Venice, in quarto, and the prefent correct octavo edition is improved by many valuable notes that induce us to with for more.

The text contains a preparatory introduction to canonical law; the author explains its nature, value, rife, and fources in general; he enters into a particular and minute account of all the books of the Old and New Teftament; of the councils; of the popes, and their regulations; of the fathers and writers of the church down to the fourteenth century. He then proceeds to a detail of the collections of the canons; of the Corpus juris canonici; of all its feveral parts, and their commentators; and at length concludes with a variety of literary and other notices and remarks, highly useful and instructive to every ftudent in the canonical law.

The editor's notes either correct the author's pofitions, or illuftrate them by quotations from later writers. Dr. Schott has prudently abstained from touching the theological part; or engaging in any controverfy with the Roman Catholics. The firft volume ends with the 12th chapter of the third book; and the second volume will complete the work,

Elementa Hifloriæ antique, auctore Gottlob Aug. Baumgarten< Crufio, &c. 8vo. Lipfiæ.

THESE Elements of ancient History are highly commendable for the judicious choice of their contents, perfpicuity of method, and purity, eafe, and elegance of diction. The book confifts of two

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parts and an appendix. The first part contains the hiftory of the anc ent nations anterior to the fhining æra of the Greeks; and is fubdivided into two fections; of which the first contains the facred history, from the Bible; the fecond, that of the foreign nations; viz. (a) of the Affyrian, Median, and Babylonian empire; (b.) of the Perfian empire; (c.) of the kingdom of Egypt; (d.) of the nations bordering on Palestine, especially Syria and Phoenicia; (e.) the hiftory of the Scythians; (f.) that of the feveral kingdoms in Afia Minor. Part II. relates the Grecian history, in three sections; viz. 1. that of the most ancient Grecian kingdoms; 2. that of the Gre'cian republics, including thofe in Afia Minor, and the island of Sicily, &c. 3. the hiftory of the Macedonian monarchy, and of the feveral kingdoms which arofe from her ruins. The Appendix comprizes the history of the Carthaginians and that of the Numidian and Mauritanian empire. The whole Roman hiftory, from the foundation of Rome to the extinction of the Western and Eastern empires, together with the exotic hiftory, or that of the feveral ftates in Afia, Africa, and America, will be treated in another volume, to which the author intends to fubjoin fynchronistical tables on the hiftories of the several states and empires, in order to connect and exhibit them together at one view.

Every hiftory is divided into feveral periods, moftly founded in very decifive revolutions; and to every period, tables containing the names of the fovereigns, with the years of their refpective reigns have been fubjoined, in order the better to exhibit them at one view; and to fix and imprefs the principal events, with the chronological periods, the more deeply on the memory.

FOREIGN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. Edikt wegen fchleuniger Rettung der durch plotzliche Zufalle leblos gewordenen, in Wafer oder fenft verunglückten und für todt gehaltenen Perfonen; und: Unterricht, durch welche Mittel ploetzlich verunglückte, todt-fcheinende Perfonen in den meisten Fallin gerettet werden koennen-folio. Berlin. (German.) Kurze Abband'ung von den fcheinbaren Todes-Arten, &c. auf Befehl S. Churf. Durchl. in Bayern. 8vo. München. (German.) Krotka Informacja do ozywienia utonionich Ludzi, &c. Sv. Warfaw. (Polish.)

WITH pleafure we obferve from thefe feveral publications, that the humane inftitutions for the recovery of perfons drowned, fuffocated, or otherwise apparently dead of fudden accidents, have been warmly approved of and adopted by the king of Pruffia; his highness the elector of Bavaria, and prince Adama Czartoryifkiego, general of Podolia: who have feverally iffued the regulations and inftructions neceffary for that benevolent purpose, and propofed confiderable rewards for thofe who fhall fucceed in faving the life of a fellow-creature.

Marmora et adfines aliquos Lapides coloribus fuis exprimi curavit et edidit A. L. Wirfing. Folio. Nürnberg.

Elegantly engraved and coloured.

Gefprach über die Alchemie, zwifchen einem Adepten und Chemiften or, a Dialogue on Alchemy, between an Adept and a Chemist 8vo. Berlin. (German.)

This charitable chemist endeavours to convert an alchemist, tra velling in fearch of the philofopher's ftone, (and, of courfe, here fomewhat improperly ftyled an adept) from his idle and ruinous hopes and proceffes, to found fenfe. An arduous and almost hopeJefs attempt!

Vorurtheile für und wider die chriftliche Religion, nebst einer Abbandlung über die Zulaffung des Boefen; or, Prejudices in favour of, or against the Chriftian Religion, with an Appendix on the Origin of Evil. (German.) 8vo. Franckfurt on the Mayn.

The fenfible author of this short treatife freely relates the doubts arifing in himself concerning the Chriftian religion, and endear vours to remove them. His endeavours are commendable, and often fuccefsful; though there are fome among them that will hardly admit of a fatisfactory solution, in the imperfect state of human knowledge; and muft, for the fake of our own tranquility, be facrificed to faith and confidence in our Creator.

Jo. Adami Pollich, M. D. &c. Hiftoria Plantarum in Palatinatu Electorali fponte nafcentium incepta, fecundum Syftema Sexuale digefa. Tom. I. Manhemii.

One of the beft botanical works published in Germany. This first volume contains 447 fpecies belonging to the ten firft claffes of the Linnæan fyftem, described from nature on the spct.

Artis poetica Latine Libri IV. Autore M. Chrift. Dav. Jano, &c. 8vo. Hale.

In confcribendo hoc libro id mihi fuit confilii propofitum, fays Mr. Janus,' ut (a) cum ad verfus latinos fcribendos, tum (b) in primis etiam ad legendos atque interpretandos poetas veteres, adjumento effet humanitatis cultoribus. Diligenter etiam id operam dedi ut (c) quibus a foluti fermonis habitu, elocutionis poetice natura difcreparet oftenderem.'

For this purpose he has divided his elaborate and useful work into four parts of which Part I. contains a Poetical Grammar; the IId. treats de elegantia ornatuque carminis; the IIId. contains Copiam epithetorum, fubftantivorum, verborum, adverbiorum or, a Gradus ad Parnaffum; and the IVth. five Indexes, viz. of ancient divinities and heroes, of defcriptions, comparisons, paraphrafes, and tropes.

J. Potter's Griechische Archæologie, &c. 8vo. Halle. This German translation of Dr. Potter's Archæologia Græca, has been greatly improved with many corrections and uteful additions, by the rev. Mr. John Jac. Rambach, a protestant minister at Quedlinburg.

Anthologia Meriana, CXV. continens Plantarum, Florum maxime, egregie fculptas Tabulas; addito Indice, in quo tum antiquiora illarum, tum etiam Linnæana occurrunt nomina. Editio Nova. Folio. Francoforti et Lipfiæ.

Very elegant impreflions of the work known under the title of Florilegium renovatum et auctum. Theod. de Bry.



Steph. Blancardi Lexicon Medicum, &c. Editio noviffima, cui, quæ noviter inventa aut nunc rectius cognita funt, adaidit et interjecit D. Jac. Frid. Ifenflamm. Vol. I. 4-M. 8vo. Lipfiæ.

A great number and variety of effential improvements, render this work one of the most useful, portable, medical Dictionaries hiherto published.


An Addrefs to the Inhabitants of Pennfylvania, by thofe Freemen of the City of Philadelphia who are now confined in the Mafon's Lodge, by Virtue of a General Warrant. 12mo. 4 d. Philips.


HE fubject of this addrefs clearly evinces the tyrannical difpofition of that government under which the deluded Americans have vainly fought for the fecurity of their freedom. We hereby find, that twenty men of the province of Pennsylvania, peaceable members of fociety, have had their houfes violently broke open, all their papers feized, and themselves thrown into prifon by virtue of a general warrant iffued by the viceprefident and council of the province, acting under the authority of the congrefs. Not content with this atrocious violation of the rights of their fellow-fubjects, thefe infolent demagogues have dared to banish the unhappy fufferers to Stanton in Virginia; and all this without the fmalleft fhadow of legal process, without ever pretending to accufe them of any infringement of the laws of their country, and in contempt of repeated and moft humble remonftrances against fo flagrant an act of oppreffive defe potifm. If any thing can open the eyes of the deluded Americans, it must be fuch an inftance of arbitrary government as this.

The Cafe of the Commiffary General of Provifions of Stores for the Province of Quebec in North America. 8vo. 6d. Fielding and Walker.

The particulars of this cafe are reprefented to be, that Mr. Roberts, who, in 1768, had obtained a patent under the great feal, appointing him commiffary for the province of Quebec, has been unjustly fuperfeded in that department. If the complaint is founded on law, as it appears to us to be, we make no doubt that Mr. Roberts will meet with a compenfation for the injury.


A Treatise on the Nature and Quality of the Difcafes of the Liver and Biliary Dus, &c. By R. Bath, Surgeon. 8vo. 2 s. Newbery.

This author is one of thofe fmatterers in phyfic, who have juft talents fufficient to impofe upon the ignorant, but make the learned fmile. The treatife, as may be fuppofed, is defigned


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