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the mind an idea of safety, which is not so easily obtained on the wide swelling ocean. The wherries which lie at the piers, are fitted up as pleasure boats, and are, perhaps, without exception, the finest in the kingdom. Their size, their beautiful structure, their very clean appearance, and the way in which they are manned, give them the highest recommendation. These have an excellent character as good sea boats, and brave the heaviest storm with perfect safety: they are engaged in a sailing match every season; and the contest, which discovers both the excellence of the wherries, and the skill of the watermen, is very amusing. This attracts great attention, and is a matter of question whether it is not quite equal to the Regatta with yachts and cutters of larger dimensions; as these fine sailing boats, being within the range of observation, enable the spectators to watch the motions more narrowly, and see the varied skill of the watermen in making the different tacks.

In giving a sketch of the excursions by water, we find that one of the most favourite is the sail through Portsmouth Harbour, and a visit to the principal ships in the station. This is an object of great curiosity; a man of war with the ship's company on board, her stores and implements of war, together with the cleanliness, order, and activity which pervade the whole, is a sight that will well repay the attention of the visitor. Admission to the ships may generally be obtained by an application to the commanding officer. This excursion, if the naval objects are the points of attraction, will consume nearly the day; otherwise the voyage itself may be performed in about an hour. The scene is truly lively. The towns of Portsmouth and Gosport are seen just at the entrance of the harbour; and at a little distance to the east, a small part of the town of Portsea, just fronting the water; while

in one part of it appears the Gun-wharf, and in the other, a fine range of buildings, comprising the storehouses and work-shops of the Dock-yard. The perspective of the harbour is very fine; and the range of battle-ships lying in ordinary at its extremity, adds much to the interest of the scene.

If the visitor is fond of a long water excursion, and is careful to inquire of the watermen exactly the time of the tide, so as to secure a certain passage, (as the point beyond the entrance of the harbour is a long flat surface of mud, except at the time of high water,) he may have a most beautiful trip to Portchester, and survey its fine old castle, which frowns with awful grandeur on the placid waters beneath it. This venerable pile is an object of deep interest: its antiquity is very great-the precise date is now unknown, but it is probable it was erected considerably prior to the Christian era: it has mingled in its ruins the fragments of Roman, Saxon, and Norman architecture; and its extended walls, its large keep, and its lofty tower, all hoary with time, and the little chapel which is just within its gloomy gates, make it an object of great attraction.

But the mere excursion, if limited to Portsmouth, is heightened in its pleasure by a view of the DockYard. The visitor should sail to the Hard, Portsea, when he will land near the gates of this celebrated arsenal. Admittance may be obtained by an application at the gates. The survey of its stores, its docks, its steam engine, with the beautiful variety of blocks, naval apparatus, and all the complete machinery connected with it, will amply repay the time which may be spent in examining this vast scene of mechanical skill and maritime greatness.

Excursion to Anglesea and Stoke's Bay.

The sail to the curving shore of Stoke's Bay is very beautiful. The excursion, lying directly across the Solent, affords the advantage of a fine refreshing breeze, from the current of air which frequently pours through this channel. On landing at the bay, a few minutes may be pleasantly spent in surveying the elegant watering place of Anglesea. Its buildings, with its well conducted and commodious hotel, have a very commanding appearance, and give a fine relief to the flatness of the shore, on that side of the water; and the contrast of view which is presented from the shore to that which offers itself at Ryde, can hardly fail to strike the visitor.

The Island looks lovely from this spot; and delightful as this neat quiet little watering place is, decked with its well-built villas and good lodging houses, yet the Island stretching with all its enchantments from Sea View to Cowes, forming a beautiful line of hill and wood, and town and village, has a highly picturesque effect from the bay, and seems to borrow additional beauty from the contrast. cursion in returning, gives a lovely view of the Island scenery, when at a short distance from it on the water.

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Excursion to Wootton.

The sail to Wootton should be taken at the time of high water, otherwise the receding of the tide from the river, very much lessens the beauty and the pleasure of the excursion. This sail will carry us along the beautifully wooded shores of Ryde, Quarr, and Fishbourne. The scene adjacent to Ryde is interspersed

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