'Tis Hesper beams!-Behold, his rising light Brings on, at length, the long expected night. Then, youths, arise; the festal banquet leave, Obey the summons of the star of eve! The virgin comes, led by his genial ray; 'Tis yours to greet her with the nuptial lay. Oh Hymen, hear! Oh sacred Hymen, haste; Come, god and guardian of the fond and chaste!
Behold, the youths are ris'n !-Rise, maidens, rise; Hesper o'er Eta's height illumes the skies.
Blithe are the youths; with tuneful art they frame A tender song, that to surpass were fame. Oh Hymen, hear! Oh sacred Hymen, haste; Come, god and guardian of the fond and chaste!
Not to an easy conquest we aspire; Mark with what studious zeal the lovely quire Polish their lay; nor will the care be vain,
Fame long shall cherish their harmonious strain.
Our minds, while verse should be their only care, Still muse enraptured on th' attendant fair; Heedless how wild the measure flows along, Our ears still dwell on their entrancing song. We shall be justly conquer'd. Victory wise On zeal and labour still bestows her prize. At least, then, rally all our mental powers, And let the palm of poetry be ours.
They sing let us then pour responsive lays, Repel their chiding or return their praise. Oh Hymen, hear! Oh sacred Hymen, haste; Come, god and guardian of the fond and chaste!
Hesper, whose fatal splendor flames on high, Most cruel star of all that stud the sky!
Who still art prompt, while no remorse can check, To tear the daughter from her mother's neck, E'en while that daughter clinging begs delay; And give to man her chastity a prey. What blacker deed do brutal victors act
In cities doom'd by vengeance to be sack❜d? Yet, Hymen, hear! Oh sacred Hymen, haste; Come, god and guardian of the fond and chaste!
Hesper, most blissful star of all above,
Thy torch still ratifies the bond of love.
Long since their sires the sacred compact made, Long since their youthful hearts the call obey'd; Yet still their ardent breasts apart have sigh'd, Till thy kind light would bless the knot they tied. What god can give, what proud celestial power, A richer boon than thy connubial hour?
Oh Hymen, hear! Oh sacred Hymen, haste; Come, god and guardian of the fond and chaste!
Hesper, sweet maids, hath from us dared to rend A childish playmate and a youthful friend.
Guards, star of ill! at thy appearing light,
Watch for the various plunderers of the night:
Then prowl, when bright thy favouring beams
Seduction, ravishment, and lawless love;
Till changed thy task, thy renovated ray, .
As morning's star forewarns them of the day.
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