APARTMENTS to LET. Terms Moderate.-Address, Miss RICHARDS, 136, Marina. NOTICE.-E. J. FRANCIS & CO., Printing Contractors, Wine Office Court. E.C., and Took's Court, E.C.. are prepared to submit ESTIMATES and enter into CONTRACTS for LETTER-PRESS PRINTING and LITHOGRAPHY. M at a GLANCE, price 6d. A real multum in parvo. Will teach the Theory in Half-an-hour, as it is on a Sheet with Instructions, showing at one glance how 1,411l. 18. 6d. was cleared in a Year. London: SMART & ALLEN, London House Yard, St. Paul's. Now ready, in 1 vol. demy 8vo. with 6 Maps, price 15s. CELTIC SCOTLAND: EMORIAL BRASSES now being wrought and engraved by GAWTHORP, Medieval Metal Worker, on thick Latten Brass, as used in the Fourteenth Century. It does not corrode, as ordinary Yellow or Birmingham Brass, and is specially manufactured for Mural Tablets, &c. Priced Book of Designs free for Six Stamps. Illustrated with Specimen Pages. By post, free. SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS, 15, Paternoster Row. BOOKS (Second Hand a History of Ancient Alban. By W. F. SKENE, Author of "The Four Ancient Books of Wales." Book I.-HISTORY and ETHNOLOGY. EDMONSTON & DOUGLAS, 88, Princes Street, Edinburgh. FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION AND SUBSCRIBERS ONLY (300 COPIES). Will be issued about August 1. in royal 4to. (350 pp.), bound in THE MEMORIALS of the FAMILY of SCOTT of SCOTSHALL, in KENT. By JAMES R. SCOTT, F.S. Antiquaries. The Work is copiously illustrated with Ancient Memorials, Brasses, Monuments, Coats of Arms, and 22 Original Portraits of the Period of the sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries, &c. It is replete with Historical, Antiquarian, and Genealogical Information, and contains numerous Wills, Charters, Deeds, and Voluminous Correspondence on matters of State and County interest, extending over Six Centuries, as well as Pedigrees of Families claiming affinity to, or as offshoots of, this ancient Sept. Subscribers' Names may be sent to JAMES R. SCOTT, Clevelands, Walthamstow, Essex; or to Messrs. SIMMONS & BOTTEN, Shoe Lane, E.C., London. A detailed Prospectus forwarde 1 on application. Payment on delivery of the Work by Post-Office Order or Cheque will be required. This day, crown 8vo, cloth, 28. 6d. RHYMES, REASONS, and RECOLLECTIONS from the COMMON-PLACE BOOKS of a SEXAGENARIAN. London: S. W. PARTRIDGE & CO. 9, Paternoster Row. Just published, in post Evo. price 188. cloth, Miscellaneous), RE- PLATO and the OLDER ACADEMY. Trans MAINDERS, &c-C. HERBERT. English and Foreign Rookseller, 60, Goswell Road, London, E.C.-CATALOGUE (XVIII., June, 1876) free on receipt of Two Stamps. Libraries, Old Books, Waste Paper, and Parchment purchased. SECOND-HAND BOOKS.-No. 82 of C. Hill's Cheap List for July, free by post on application to C. HILL, 519, New Oxford Street, W.C. B lated, with the Author's sanction, fro:n the German of Dr. EDUARD ZELLER, by SARAH FRANCES ALLEYNE and ALFRED GOODWIN, M. A. Fellow and Lecturer of Balliol College, Oxford. London: LONGMANS & CO. CHRONICA MONASTERII S ALBANI. In royal 8vo. pp 704, price 108. half bound, BOOKS-JAMES WILSON will be happy to forward Y PODIGMA NEUSTRIÆ a THOMA WAL gratis to Bookbuyers his CATALOGUES, often published." of CURIOUS OLD BOOKS, on receipt of address.-22, Canon Street, Birmingham. SINGHAM quondam Monacho Monasterii S. Albani conscriptum. Edited by H. T. RILEY, M.A. Barrister-at-Law; and published by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of H.M. Treasury, under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls. historical volumes in the portion of the series known as the Chronica Thomas Walsingham's Ypodigma Neustria is the last of the three Monasterii S. Albani. It is in substance a Chronicle of the Wars of the Barons, dedicated to King Henry V., and probably composed shortly after the capture of Rouen, January, 1419. London: LONGMANS & CO. and TRÜBNER & CO. Oxford: Parker & Co. Cambridge: Macmillan & Co. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black. Dublin: A. Thom. |