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4to. bound in cloth, price 12s. 6d. ; mounted on roller, 15s. 6d. ; or calf extra, price 218.

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Nothing can say more for the exceeding interest attaching to this fac-simile than the fact that we have filled our allotted space without having got beyond the foreground of the picture, and every square inch of what remains would have afforded equal matter for illustration and comment. The reproduction has been effected most successfully. No moderately good library should be without it."—Saturday Review.

"Of this Map there are only two copies now known to be in existence, one in the Pepysian Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, and the other at Guildhall, which copy was bought, in 1841, by the Library Committee of the Corporation of London, for the small sum of 261. This Map is not a mere curiosity to be bought only by collectors, but should be in the hands of all those who feel an interest in the city where the chief incidents of English history have been enacted, and the public are therefore greatly indebted to Mr. Overall for his careful and interesting account of the map, and to Mr. Francis for the conscientious care he has taken in making his copy."—Examiner.

"This is a publication for antiquaries to linger over."—Graphic.

"The map should be interesting to every reader of antiquarian taste."-Illustrated London News.

"By the process through which the fac-simile before us has been produced, the Map is placed within the reach of every purchaser. A year's reading about the metropolis of the Tudor days would not convey any thing like so good an idea of the capital as an hour spent over this faithful presentment of the London not only of Elizabeth but of Shakspeare. . . . . It is a perfect delight to find ourselves wandering about the streets of this old London, and tarrying by the river or on Bankside. The mere spectator is in a short time familiar with the scene. The Thames is really a silver Thames, with Elizabeth's barge floating on it."—Athenæum.

"No praise could overstep the merits of this work. There is nothing like it extant, by way of illustration of how London looked above three centuries ago. All who have any curiosity in so curious a matter—and to be 'incurious' would be a confession of love for ignorance-should obtain this picture of our old capital. It is more than six feet long by above two feet wide, made to fold in a tasteful and appropriate wrapper, and is fitted alike for library, drawing-room, or boudoir, for a present to intelligent friends, and a prize for the most distinguished pupils of both sexes, and, we might add, of all ages."-Notes and Queries.

"Messrs. Adams & Francis have done a wise and a generous thing in undertaking to issue in all its entirety, and of its full size-6 feet by 2 feet 4 inches-a perfect fac simile, even to the most minute details, of the grand old map of London attributed to Ralph Agas. This important Elizabethan map possesses a national and an historical interest which attaches itself to no other work of the kind, and it is the authority to which every student of London history, or of history generally, must turn for elucidation of many points of importance. It gives, at one glance, the London of the time of Elizabeth, the London of the stirring Tudor period, the London of Shakspere!-the very London, in all its integrity, drawn to the life,' just as it appeared to the 'immortal Will,' as he wandered about its streets, or wended his way to the 'Globe. Of the execution of the fac-simile the least we can say is that it is perfect."-Reliquary.

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London: ADAMS & FRANCIS, 59, Fleet Street, E.C.

Prated by E. J. FRANCIS & CO., at Took's Court, Chancery Lane, E.C.; and Published by
JOHN FRANCIS, at No. 20, Wellington Street, Strand, W. C.-Saturday, July 15, 1876,


I Medium of Intercommunication



No. 134.



"When found, make a note of."-CAPTAIN CUTTLE.

SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1876.




THE LORD TALBOT DE MALAHIDE, F.S. A. ANNUAL MEETING, at COLCHESTER, 1876. TUESDAY, August 1, to TUESDAY, August 8. President of the Annual Meeting.

The Lord Carlingford, Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Essex.
Presidents of Sections.

Antiquities-The Lord Bishop of Rochester.
Architecture-A. J. B. Beresford Hope, Esq., M.P.
History-E. A. Freeman, Esq. D. C. L.


August 1.-INAUGURAL MEETING in the Town Hall at 12:30 P.M. At 3 PM, Luncheon, by Invitation of the Mayor and Corporation, at the new Rink. At 4 P.M, Address of the President of the Meeting. At 9 PM., Address of the President of the Historical Section.

August 2-Excursion to Sudbury, Castle Hedingham. Little Maplestead, and Earl's Colne. Reception by L. A. Majendie, Esq. M.P. at Castle Hedingham.

August 3 and 4.-Meetings of Sections. Perambulation of Colchester. Conversazione in the Temporary Museum of the Institute.

August 5.-Excursion to Wivenhoe, Brightlingsea, and St. Osyth.
Reception by Sir H. Johnson at St. Osyih's Priory.
August 7-Excursion to Copford, Layer Marney, Maldon, and
Beleigh Abbey. Conversazione in the Temporary Museum of the

August 8.- Meetings of Sections. General concluding Meeting in the Town Hall at Noon.

The RECEPTION ROOM will be in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, where all information respecting the proceedings of the

With Index, price 10d.

Registered as a Newspaper.


THE Ground Lease of Premises, 92, Great Russell

Street, having expired. Mr. L. HERRMAN has removed to 60, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY, Opposite British Museum. The Premises have been specially arranged for the Exhibition of Works of Art; and Mr. L. Herrman, in thanking the many Art Collectors and Dealers who have honoured him with their patronage, invites inspection of his Choice and very Extensive Collection of PAINTINGS, embracing works of the Old as well as the Modern Schools of Art, and containing many Fine Examples of the Early Italian and German Masters, a few productions of the Modern Con tinental Schools, and a large Selection of Portraits of Illustrious Persons, Foreign and English, the whole adapted for the Gallery or Private Cabinet, and most advantageously purchased to merit the inspection of the Connoisseur and Dealer. Selected, from time to time, with all the advantages of judgment and extensive Continental connexion.

Lining, Restoring, and General Arrangement of Artistic Property. This Establishment will be found to possess superior advantages of skilful and efficient work.

L. H. recommends his mode of Cleaning and Restoring Pictures as particularly adaptable for the Restoration of Art Works from the early German and Italian period.

Pictures and Drawings Framed after the most beautiful models of Italian, French, and English Carved Work, affording to the Art Collector Frames and Gilding suited to the Subject and School.

Catalogues Arranged and Collections Volued for Probate Duty. All Commissions most effectually and moderately executed.

Mr. Herrman can entertain the Purchase of Pictures by deceased British Artists, many interesting Works of this School being connected with the Large Collection now on View at Co, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury.



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Illustrated with Specimen Pages. By post, free. SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS, 15, Paternoster Row.

Meeting may be obtained. It will be opened on Monday morning, T BOOK BUYERS.-A List of SECOND-HAND

July 31, at 10 AM The Excursions will be under the direction of H. Laver. Esq., and of J. Burtt, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Institute. Communications respecting Lodgings, &c, may be made to G. Gard Pre, Esq., 3, Bank Buildings, Colchester, Hon. Sec. of the Local Committee. Tickets for the Meeting: For Gentlemen, One Guinea (not transferable; for Ladies. Half-a-Guinea (transferable), entitling the bearer to take part in all the proceedings of the Meeting, may be obtained at the fices of the Institute up to Saturday, the 29th inst.. and after that date at the Reception Room, Colchester.

16, New Burlington Street, London.


By Order.

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In consequence of Spurious Imitations of

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CONTENTS. — No 134.

NOTES: The Pied Piper of Hamelin-Irish Knights, 61"The Vow of the Clerk of Barnes," 62-Descent of Queen Vietoria, 63 - Piozzi-Proverbs and Sayings-Theatrical Properties, 64-John Milton and the Rev. R S. Hawker Annotations by Beckford on the Margins of the Pages of "Travels in Chaldea"-"Rink," 65-An Unrecorded Incident of Grecian History-Invocation of Archbishop LaudTo Imp-Feast of St Matthias-Parallelism in Tennyson's "In Memoriam "-Local Rhyme -The North Pole, 66. QUERIES:-Nell Gwynn's Avenue: King's Wick, Sunninghul, Berks-Tilden Family of Kent-Four o'Clocks-Swift's Epigram-Carlyle as a Poet, 67-" Amalgamation"-"Realities "--Hugh O'Neile-" Sop "—" Hernia "-A Botanical Curiosity-G B. Johnson-The Battle of Morat (Switzerland-Eufting" and "Miffing"-Dr. Gloucester Ridley, 68-Abbey Pieces-Bishop of Norwich, 1442-Capell Brook s Travels in Spain and Morocco "-Grammars-Authors and Quotations Wanted, 69.

REPLIES:-"Champion," 70-Buckingham and Dryden-
The Irish Peerage: The Irish Union Peers, 71-Guilds, 72-
The Great Heat of 1826-" King Stephen," &c.: German
Translations of English and Scottish Ballads, 73-Froissart
-The Russian Language-Coleridge's "Ancient Mariner,"
74-The Regicides-The 2nd September-Derivation of
"Cousin," 75-The "Te Deum"-The Glastonbury Thorn-
Thrup, Northants-Burchett-The Town of Goole, 76
Malapropiana-Dr. Hartwell-H. Champernowne, &c.-The
Devil overlooking Lincoln-The Branks-The Pyramid of
London-Cromwell's University of Durham-Montagu Me-
moirs, 77-" O Buck, Buck," &c-"As drunk as mice"-
Edgar A. Poe a Plagiarist-Evening Mass, 78.
Notes on Books, &c.



According to tradition, on this day, the 22nd of July, exactly five hundred years have elapsed since the mysterious piper piped the Hamelin rats and the little army of children to destruction. Mr. Browning has given us a version of the legend in his romantic poem, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, but I think the story will lose none of its point and interest if permitted to reappear in "N. & Q." in the quaint old style of Richard Verstegan,* who wrote it more than two hundred and seventy years ago. I give it verb. et lit., and a curious old piece it is :

"And now hath one digression drawn on another, for beeing by reason of speaking of these Saxons of Transilvania, put in mynd of a most true & marvelous strange accedent that hapned in Saxonie not many ages past, I cannot omit for the strangenes thereof briefly heer by the way to set it down. There came into the town of Hamel in the countrey of Brunswyc an od kynd of compagnion, who, for the fantastical cote which hee wore beeing wrought with sundry colours, was called the pyed pyper; for a pyper hee was, besydes his other qualities. This fellow forsooth offred the townsmen for a certain somme of mony to rid the town of all the rattes that were in it (for at that tyme the burgers were with that vermin greatly annoyed). The accord in fyne beeing made, the pyed pyper with a shril pype went pyping through the streets, and foorthwith the rattes came all

* A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, 1605, pp. 85-7.

running out of the howses in great numbers after him; all which hee led unto the river of Weaser and therein drowned them. This donne, and no one rat more perceaved to bee left in the town; he afterward came to demaund his reward according to his bargain, but beeing told that the bargain was not made with him in good earnest, to wit, with an opinion that ever he could bee able to do such a feat; they cared not what they accorded unto, when they imagyned it could never bee deserved, and so never to bee demaunded: but neverthelesse seeing he had donne such an unlykely thing in deed, they were content to give him a good reward; & so offred him far lesse then hee lookt for: but hee therewith discontented, said he would have his ful recompence according to his bargain, but they utterly denying to give it him, hee threatened the with revege; they bad him do his wurst, whereupon he betakes him again to his pype, & going through the streets as before, was followed of a number of boyes out at one of the gates of the citie, and coming to a litel hil, there opened in the syde thereof a wyde hole, into the which himself and all the children, beeing in number one hundreth & thirty, did enter; and beeing entred, the hil closed up again, and became as before. A boy that beeing lame & came somwhat lagging behynd the rest, seeing this that hapned, returned presently back & told what hee had seen; foorthwith begun great lamentation among the parents for their children, and men were sent out with all dilligence, both by land & by water to enquyre yf ought could bee heard of them, but with all the enquyrie they could possibly use, nothing more then is aforesaid could of them bee understood. In memorie whereof it was then ordayned, that from thence-foorth no drum, pype, or other instrument, should be sounded in the street leading to the gate through which they passed; nor no osterie to be there holden. And it was also established, that from that tyme forward in all publyke wrytings that should bee made in that town, after the date therein set down of the yeare of our Lord, the date of the yeare of the going foorth of their children should be added, the which they have accordingly ever since continued. And this great wonder hapned on the 22 day of July, in the yeare of our Lord one thowsand three hundreth seaventie and

six., remembrance in speaking of Transilvania was, for that "The occasion now why this matter came unto my some do reporte that there are divers found among the Saxons in Transilvania that have lyke surnames unto divers of the burgers of Hamel, and will seem thereby to inferr, that this iugler or pyed pyper might by negrolittle apparence of truthe; because it would have bin mancie have transported them thether, but this carieth almost as great a wonder unto the Saxons of Transilvania to have had so many strange children brought among them, they knew not how, as it was to those of Hamel to lose them: & they could not but have kept memorie of so strange a thing, yf in deed any such thing had there hapned." F. D.



Having had occasion lately to refer to the file of the Times for 1871, my attention was arrested by the heading of a column, "The Royal Visit to Ireland," in the copy for Friday, August 4, in which is given an account of "the investiture of two knights of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick," by "Our Own Correspondent," who is said to

have been Dr. W. H. Russell. In the account, the correspondent says:·

"THE VOW OF THE CLERK OF BARNES." A certain gentleman, who lived some years ago "Since the passing of the Irish Church Act, which levelled all religious distinctions, it (the Order) has at Barnes, was the bugbear of such of the inhabibeen recast in a mould adapted to the altered circum- tants as, obliged by their avocations to visit stances. The ecclesiastical character which the Order London daily, had the misfortune to be his fellow assumed would now be anomalous and unsuitable. passengers. No matter what the weather, he Since the elimination of the religious element there is no longer any ecclesiastical ceremony connected with the persisted in keeping the window open. Desperate Order. The nature of the change is illustrated by the at last, one of the sufferers penned the following simple fact that the riband of the late Earl of Roden, lines, which were printed as a broadside. A liberal the leader of Ulster Protestants, is now worn by Lord supply of the squib was furnished to the passengers, Southwell, an earnest Roman Catholic nobleman. He and when "the clerk of Barnes" appeared, he is not, however, as has been erroneously supposed, the was greeted with the new effusion. The dose was first of his creed who received the honour. Before Emancipation, indeed, it was confined to Protestants, too strong even for his nerves; he was seen no but since then it has been conferred without religious more.distinction. The first knight selected from the ranks of the once proscribed classes was the late Lord Fingall, the eighth Earl, who died in 1836, whose descendant, bearing the same old Celtic name, is now enrolled in the Chapter of the Illustrious Order."

Now, in what I have quoted there are a few historical errors. In the first place, it is not correct to say that "before Emancipation it was confined to Protestants," for it is on record that on the occasion of George IV.'s visit to Ireland in 1821, Arthur James, eighth Earl of Fingall, was invested, the King himself presiding on the occasion. My authority is no less a person than the late Daniel O'Connell, who, in a letter in reply to an anonymous attack made on him in the Courier, a London newspaper, after the visit of George IV. to Ireland, says: "To the Earl of Fingall, as head of the Catholic laity, the ribbon of the Order of St. Patrick was given, at an installation at which the King himself presided." The greater part of O'Connell's letter is republished in Fagan's Life and Times of Daniel O'Connell, vol. i. p. 270.

Besides, in Byron's Irish Avatar the following lines occur:

"Will thy yard of blue riband, poor Fingall, recall
The fetters from millions of Catholic limbs ?
Or has it not bound thee the fastest of all

The slaves, who now hail their betrayer with hymns?"
Again :-

"Wear, Fingall, thy trapping, O'Connell proclaim." In the next place, the late Lord Fingall did not die in 1836. The eighth Earl of Fingall died on the 30th of July, 1836, and was succeeded by his son, Arthur James, ninth and late Earl, who died on the 22nd of April, 1869, and was succeeded by Arthur James, the present and tenth Earl, who is not, according to Burke, enrolled a knight of the Illustrious Order of St. Patrick.

Perhaps my friend Sir Bernard Burke will kindly afford some information on the subject. WILLIAM O'CONNOR, M.D. Upper Montagu Street, Montagu Square.

"At Barnes, in Surrey, I reside,
Although a clerk in town:
In ev'ry carriage, when I ride,
I'll have the window down.

I may be, have been, sorely tried
By tear, reproach, and frown:
In ev'ry carriage, when I ride,
I'll have the window down.

Let beauty plead and wit deride-
Come wealth with its last 'brown'-
In ev'ry carriage, when I ride,
I'll have the window down.

Though youth sit flaunting in its pride,
Or age with silver'd crown,
In ev'ry carriage, when I ride,
I'll have the window down.

Come show and splendour, close allied,
Come neat and russet gown,
In ev'ry carriage, when I ride,
I'll have the window down.

Let infant cry, or woman chide,
Scream, scratch, or scold, or 'swoun,'
In ev'ry carriage, when I ride,
I'll have the window down.

Come Disraeli, the Tories' pride,
Napoleon, fam'd to fence and ride;
Come Turcoman from Erzeroun,
Come saint, or sinner damnified,
Iconoclast or regicide;

Come flunkey, with his shoulders wide,
Dull brain, thick hide;

Policeman, priest, or babe, or bride;
Come cit from Poultry or Cheapside,
Clos'd fist, pig-eyed;

Or swell, perfum'd, tight-laced, and tied,
With lisp and simper, strut or slide,
Like peacock pied;

Come speculator, side by side
With knavish gambler, doubly dyed
In lies on 'Change, where brokers bide;
M.P. or peer full panoplied,

Or crafty lawyer lean and dried,

Or doctor, by the wise man shied ;-
Come one, come all, of good or ill renown:
Hear me I swear, through time and tide,
Whether I swim or drown,

Though lightning sweep the horizon wide,
Though sulphurous thunder crash and chide,
Though hailstorms ride,

And gusts or gales fright citizen or clown;

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