HEDGES & BUTLER. LONDON: 155, REGENT STREET, W. WATSON'S OLD MARSALA WINE, gua ranteed the finest imported, free from acidity or heat, and MORSON'S PREPARATIONS OF PEPSINE See Name on Label. Highly recommended by the Medical Profession. Sold in Bottles as WINE, at 3s., 5s., and 98.; LOZENGES, T. MORSON & SON, much superior to low-priced Sherry (vide Dr. Druitt on Cheap Wines), HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are preventatives against Terms 234, per dozen. Selected dry Tarragona, 208, per dozen. cash. A single dozen rail paid.-W. D. WATSON, Wine Merchant, 33, Oxford Street (entrance in Berwick Street), London, W. Established 1841. Full Price Lists post free on application. FURNISH your HOUSE or APARTMENTS THROUGHOUT on MOEDER'S HIRE SYSTEM. The original, best, and most liberal. Cash prices; no extra charge for time given. Large useful Stock to select from. Illustrated Price Catalogue, with Terms, post free.-248, 249, and 950, Tottenham Court Road. Established 1862. the numerous maladies which the advent of summer produces, for, when the warmth of the weather causes free and copious perspirations, the internal organs are very apt to sympathize and act immoderately and irregularly. This is more especially the case with the liver, which important organ appears to sympathize more than any other with atmospheric extremes, and becomes irritated in consequence, either becoming torpid and congested, or else unduly secreting acid bile. which in its turn causes cysentery and diarrhoea. Holloway's Pills correct the disordered liver better than any other remedy, and produce a sense of lightness and elasticity of mind which is wonderfully conducive to mental activity, and indirectly productive of strength of body. WATERPROOF GOODS. EDMISTON & SON (FROM 5, CHARING CROSS), SOLE MANUFACTURERS of the 12 oz. POCKET SIPHONIA, price from 42s. INDIA RUBBER HOSE for WATERING GARDENS, BRASS FITTINGS, HOSE REELS. 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FRANCIS & CO., at Took's Court, Chancery Lane, E.C.; and Published by FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION AND SUBSCRIBERS ONLY (300 COPIES). Will be issued about August 1, in royal 4to. (350 pp.), bound in cloth, at 31. 38. the Copy, NOTICE.-E. J. FRANCIS & CO., Printing THE MEMORIALS of the FAMILY of SCOTT Contractors, Wine Office Court, E. C., and Took's Court, E.C.. are prepared to submit ESTIMATES and enter into CONTRACTS for LETTER-PRESS PRINTING and LITHOGRAPHY. of SCOTSHALL, in KENT. By JAMES R. SCOTT, F.S. Antiquaries. The Work is copiously illustrated with Ancient Memorials, Brasses. Monuments, Coats of Arms, and 22 Original Portraits of the Period of the sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries, &c. It is replete MEMORIAL BRASS ES with Historical, Antiquarian, and Genealogical Information, and and engraved by GAWTHORP, Medieval Metal Worker, on thick Latten Brass, as used in the Fourteenth Century. It does not corrode, as ordinary Yellow or Birmingham Brass, and is specially manufactured for Mural Tablets, &c. Priced Book of Designs free for Six Stamps. contains numerous Charters, Correspondence on matters of State and County interest, extending over Six Centuries, as well as Pedigrees of Families claiming affinity to, or as offshoots of, this ancient Sept. Subscribers' Names may be sent to JAMES R. SCOTT, Clevelands, Walthamstow, Essex; or to Messrs. SIMMONS & BOTTEN, Shoe Lane, E.C., London. A detailed Prospectus forwarded on application. Payment on delivery of the Work by Post-Office Order or Cheque will be required. VII. SOUTH SEA ISLAND MYTHOLOGY. VIII. SOCIAL RELATIONS of ENGLAND and AMERICA. ** Nos. 279 and 230 contain the GENERAL INDEX to Volumes 122 to 139 of the QUARTERLY REVIEW. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. HEDGES & BUTLER STAMPING IN COLOURS WITHOUT CHARGE, NVITE attention to the following WINES and JENNER & KNEWSTUB are now Stamping INSPIRITS: Good Sherry, Pale or Gold ......208. 248. 308. Very Choice Sherry... 488. 548. 608. 728. per doz. Port of various Ages 488. per doz. Good Claret 148. 188. 208. 248. per doz. Choice Dessert Clarets 608. per doz. Sparkling Champagne ..368. 428. 488. 608. 788. per doz. Hock and Moselle .......248, 308. 368. 428. Old Pale Brandy Fine Old Irish and Scotch Whisky 428. 488. per doz. HEDGES & BUTLER. LONDON: 155, REGENT STREET, W. WATSON'S OLD MARSALA WINE, gua ranteed the finest imported, free from acidity or heat, and much superior to low-priced Sherry (vide Dr. Druitt on Cheap Wines), 238. per dozen. Selected dry Tarragona, 20. per dozen. Terms cash. A single dozen rail paid.-W. D. WATSON, Wine Merchant, 373, Oxford Street (entrance in Berwick Street), London, W. Estab lished 1841. Full Price Lists post free on application. Note-Paper and Envelopes with CREST, ADDRESS, or simple MONOGRAM, in COLOURS, by Machinery, without any Charge. To clubs, Public Companies, and Large Consumers an Enormous Saving is effected by this new process of Coloured Stamping. JENNER & KNEWSTUB, to the Queen and Prince and Princess of Wales, Heraldic Stationers and Engravers, 33, St. James's Street, and 66, Jermyn Street, S.W. PARTRIDGE AND COOPER, 192, Fleet Street, London, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS. CARRIAGE PAID TO THE COUNTRY ON ALL NOTE PAPER, 38., 48., 58., and 68. per ream. ENVELOPES, High Flap, 4s. 6d., 58. 6d., 78. 6d. and 93. 6d. per 1,000. STRAW PAPER (very cheap), 28. 6d. per ream. BLACK-BORDERED NOTE, 48. and 68. 6d. per ream. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, so often hurtful in its effects, is here avoided; a soft bandage being worn round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER, fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, and may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be had, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) forwarded by post on the circumference of the body, two inches below the hips, being sent to the Manufacturer, MR. JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 168., 218., 268 6d., and 318. 6d. Postage free. Double Truss, 318. 6d., 428., and 52s. 6d. Postage free. An Umbilical Truss, 428. and 528. 6d. Postage free. Post-Office Orders payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-Office, Piccadilly. E LASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, &c., for VARICOSE VEINS, and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS, SPRAINS, &c. They are porous, light in texture, and inexpensive, and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking. Prices, 48. 6d., 78. 6d., 108., and 168. each. Postage free. JOHN WHITE, MANUFACTURER, 22, PICCADILLY, London. LONDON, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1876. CONTENTS.- N° 133. in India, 46. QUERIES:-B. D'Israeli, co. Carlow: Anthony Kobeyer, &c. Machiavelli " — Igdrazil," 48-The 2nd September a Day of good fortune to enjoy his friendship, they would But to return to my interview with him in 1849. Humiliation-Byron-Great Fires, &c., 49. Notes. THE STORY OF "NOTES AND QUERIES." (Continued from p. 2.) The more I weighed what Dr. Maitland had The next man of letters whom I consulted was If my readers knew the veneration in which Dr. fit to establish such a journal on my own account, This was a heavy blow and great discourage- |