Antiquities and Memoirs of the Parish of Myddle, County of Salop. Written by Richard Gough, A.D. 1700. (Shrewsbury, Adnitt & Naunton; London, Sotheran & Co.) THE Shropshire author of this singular work died in 1723, at the age of eighty-nine, and this reprint of the imperfect private edition of 1834 confirms the statement made by its editor, that the book is one of the most extraordinary topographical and genealogical works ever written. Gough not only describes his own parish, but the parishioners; he takes them in their pews (in a plan of the church), and then gives a history of their families. We do not suppose, however, that all the parishioners were church-goers. Whether or not, Gough's work (now carefully copied from the original MS.) is a most singular production, especially in some of its touches, e.g., "Thomas Baker, Jun', was noe comely person of bodye, nor of great parts, and little education, but he was very rich in lands, woods, money, and goods. ...... How bee it, he marryed with a lovely gentlewoman of a masculine spirit and noe meane beauty. I saw noe inducement that shee had to marry him, save his riches." Το learn that the publishers are also without any. obtain this work for reference, without going to London to the British Museum, is my earnest wish." M. R. wishes to find an account of the sonnet match between Leigh Hunt and Keats which produced the two sonnets on a grasshopper. An account was given in some London magazine, within the last year probably. He has searched in vain St. James's and the Gentleman's Magazine, in which he imagined he had seen the article. THE Star of Bethlehem is a question which is treated in a most interesting manner in two papers read before the Society of Biblical Archæology-one by Mr. J. W. Bosanquet, F.R.A.S., in 1872, on the Nativity of our Saviour, and the other in reply or confirmation, by Dr. Lauth, of Munich, February, 1875. See Transactions of W. H. the Society of Biblical Archeology. THE BUXTON WELLS.-The floral dressing of these wells took place on Thursday, the 22nd ult., as usual. Notices to Correspondents. ON all communications should be written the name and Gray's Inn. Notes illustrative of its History and Anti-address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but quities. Compiled by W. R. Douthwaite, Librarian. IN about a hundred well-printed pages, Mr. Douthwaite tells very satisfactorily the history of this ancient Inn, from the time when the Grays, or De Greys, of Wilton, lived on this part of the ancient manor of Portpoole or Purpool (from which one of the prebends of St. Paul's took its name), to the revival, last year, of the timehonoured legal Moots. To these feigned law-suits, invented for practice, students were formerly admitted only on proving themselves good "bolters," that is, scholars in the rudiments of the profession. Gray's Inn seems to have been let to the lawyers about the middle of the fourteenth century. A personal life of the various De Greys would afford some curious illustrations of men and manners. Lectures delivered at St. Margaret's, Lothbury. By Henry Melvill, B.D. New Edition. (Rivingtons.) THIS is a cheap reprint of the twenty lectures which caused considerable sensation when they were preached in St. Margaret's. They were preached at the very portals of the Temple of Mammon (the Bank of England), and, as some think, of those of a much worse place-the Stock Exchange. The discourses are admirable, and fully deserve their wide popularity. as a guarantee of good faith. C. T. B. writes on the New Peerages (5th S. v. 492):"I omitted one of the most remarkable instances in our history of an English peerage with special remainder. It is that of Robert Harley, who was created Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, with remainder to the heirs male of his grandfather." The same correspondent, referring to "The late Lord Lytton v. Knowledge is Power'" (5th S. v. 506), says:— "MR. BILLER raises a question which was settled many years ago. In October, 1856, I communicated to the Illustrated London News a discovery I had made of the words Ipsa scientia potestas est,' in Bacon's treatise De Hæresibus. My letter and the editorial note on it were subsequently inserted in 'N. & Q.' (see 2nd S. ii. 352)." F. G. S.-We hope our correspondent will, on reflection, regret the offensive personal remarks on various contributors whom he names, written on the outside back of his letter. Those gentlemen can defend themselves only in fair and open fight, with a clear stage and no favour. named. H. B.-1. It is the participle present of the v. t. to mad. See Webster's Dictionary (Bell & Daldy, 1864). London Lyrics. By Frederick Locker. (H. S. King 2. The word "madding" is in the dictionary above & Co.) THIS is a new edition, finally revised, of one of the most charming of books. It is full of humour of the best sort, and turned to the best purpose,-a book for under the trees in summer, and for the fire-side in winter. MESSRS. REEVES & TURNER have added to their valuable reprints the Barnaba Itinerarium; or, Barnabee's Journal. Mr. Carew Hazlitt has edited Brathwait's book with his usual care, and those persons who are fond of old books will thank him for this particularly handy volume, now printed for the tenth time. MR. WELLS GARDNER has issued his long-promised facsimile reprint of the first edition (1633) of The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, by Mr. George Herbert. This fac-simile is perfect even to the binding, and it has been prepared with the most scrupulous care of all concerned. I. R. writes:-" Have any of your readers a copy of Dr. Finn's Sephardim; or, History of the Jews in Spain, which they would be willing to dispose of or to lend The Stephenson Library in Newcastle has no copy, and I M. P.-For all that is known of the so-called haunted house in Berkeley Square, see "N. & Q.," 4th S. x. 373, 399, and xi. 84. H. M. A.-Mother Shipton's name has been borrowed on this as on other occasions. NOTICE. Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher "-at the Office, 20, Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C. We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print; and to this rule we can make no exception. A REAL SUMMER DELICACY.-ROSE'S LIME JUICE CORDIAL, mixed with water, or as an effervescing drink, in soda or potash, cooling and refreshing, or blended with spirits, it supplies a delightful and invigorating stimulant, sustaining chasers should be careful to order Rose's Lime Juice Cordial, exertion and extremely wholesome. Sold everywhere. Purall others being imitations.-Wholesale Stores, 11, Curtain Road, Finsbury.-[ADVERTISEMENT.] For all the uses of the finest Arrowroot, BROWN & POLSON'S CORN FLOUR John Brown John Belson WILLS' BEST BIRD'S-EYE. W. D. & H. O. WILLS inform the Trade and the Public that this in addition to the other sizes, the Label being a reduced fac-simile of Ꭱ OLLS BRAND and CO.'S SOUPS, TURTLE SOUP, and other 11, LITTLE STANHOPE STREET, MAYFAIR, W. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. The best remedy FOR ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEART- DINNEFORD & CO., 172, New Bond Street, London; HOLLOWAY'S PILLS and OINTMENT. — Thousands of testimonials bear witness to the wonderful ease and comfort obtained from these safe remedies. The Ointment COURT.-PIRACY.-rubbed diligently into the surface of the bowels is especially service For the Protection of the Public and Myself against Injurious PIRATICAL IMITATIONS, I have again applied for and obtained a Perpetual Injunction, with Costs, against a Chemist in Manchester. Observe the GENUINE PYRETIC SALINE able in assuaging the sufferings from abdominal cramps, and in allaying the nausea and vomiting of diarrhoea, dysentry, and choleraic complaints. The Ointment is materially aided and assisted by the judicious use of the Pills internally, which removes all morbific matter from the intestines, and puts the system, in the quickest manner possible, into a fit condition for any work that may be refind the very greatest comfort from the use of them. bas my Name, Trade-Mark, and Signature on a Buff-Coloured Wrapper. quired of it. All sufferers from piles, fistulas, and chronic sores, will H. LAMPLOUGH, 113, Holborn. WATERPROOF GOODS. EDMISTON & SON (FROM 5, CHARING CROSS), SOLE MANUFACTURERS of the 12 oz. POCKET SIPHONIA, price from 42s. INDIA RUBBER HOSE for WATERING GARDENS, BRASS FITTINGS, HOSE REELS. EDMISTON & SON, 14, COCKSPUR STREET, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. (opposite the Haymarket). JOHN GOSNELL & CO.'S -Overland Guide and Handbook to India, Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, the Cape, and Mauritius. A Complete Traveller's Manual. How to Reach and how to Live in the Three Presidencies of India, and the Australian Settlements. This indispensable little Handbook contains Twenty-five Outward and Homeward Through Routes between Great Britain and her Indian and Australian Dependencies, with Practical and In- teresting Descriptive Guides to each Route. The Railway Time Tables of India; Steam Navigation, Coasting, Coach, and other Conveyances; Telegraph Communications; Tables of Distances; Tabular Forms of Expenses; Time of Journey, &c. Advice to the Eastern Traveller-Hints as to the Purchase of Outfit-Luggage- Currency, &c.; with a most useful Vocabulary of Hindoostanee. Illustrated with Maps of India, the various Routes to India, &c. Panorama of the Nile. Plans of Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, and Frinted by E. J. FRANCIS & CO., at Took's Court, Chancery Lane, E..; and Published by GENTLEMAN, who has devoted much time to these Pursuits, and is known to several High Officials, both here and in Scotland, is prepared to assist in Researches, either of an Historical nature, or Genealogical, in connexion with Peerage Claims, &c, among the Documents in the Public Record Office or elsewhere.Address S. A., Messrs. Adams & Francis, 59, Fleet Street, E.C. NOTICE.-E. J. FRANCIS & CO., Printing Contractors. Wine Office Court. E. C., and Took's Court, E.C.. are prepared to submit ESTIMATES and enter into CONTRACTS for LETTER-PRESS PRINTING and LITHOGRAPHY. MEMORIAL BRASS ES are now being wrought and engraved by GAWTHORP, Medieval Metal Worker, on thick Latten Brass, as 16, LONG ACRE, London. { - ROYAL PRICE FOURPENCE. Registered as a Newspaper DESCENTS. The Pedigrees of upwards of 29,000 Families, showing in each a Lineal Descent from William the Conqueror. Genealogical Searches made.-A. MILL, 3, Wells Street, Gray's Inn Road, W.C. A CATALOGUE of BRITISH and FOREIGN TOPOGRAPHY, Curious Books, Tracts, Interesting Articles, Cuttings, Prints, Views, Portraits, Maps, &c., is this day published, price 2d., or sent on receipt of two stamps.-J. H. FENNELL, 14, Red Lion l'assage, Red Lion Square, London, W.C. WORKS on TOBACCO, SNUFF, &c.-Book- BOOKS WORKS sellers having Books on Tobacco, Snuff, &c., or Magazines, Journals, or Newspapers containing Articles on the subject. are invited to report such to the Office of COPE'S TOBACCO PLANT, 10, Lord Nelson Street, Liverpool. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. (Second Hand Miscellaneous), REMAINDERS, &c-C. HERBERT. English and Foreign Book seller, 60, Goswell Road, London, E. C.-CATALOGUE (XVIII., June 1876 free on receipt of Two Stamps. Libraries, Old Books, Wast Paper, and Parchment purchased. DRURY'S DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING at a GLANCE, price 6d. A real multum in parvo. Will teach the Theory in Half-an-hour, as it is on a Sheet with Instructions, THE Ground Lease of Premises, 92, Great Russell showing at one glance how 1,4111. 18. sd, was cleared in a Year. Street, having expired. Mr. L. HERRMAN has removed to GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY, Opposite British Museum. The Premises have been specially arranged for the Exhibition of Works of Art; and Mr. L. Herrman, in thanking the many Art Collectors and Dealers who have honoured him with their patronage, invites inspection of his Choice and very Extensive Collection of PAINTINGS, embracing works of the Old as well as the Modern Schools of Art, and containing many Fine Examples of the Early Italian and German Masters, a few productions of the Modern Continental Schools, and a large Selection of Portraits of Illustrious Persons, Foreign and English, the whole adapted for the Gallery or Private Cabinet, and most advantageously purchased to merit the inspection of the Connoisseur and Dealer. Selected, from time to time, with all the advantages of judgment and extensive Continental connexion. Lining, Restoring, and General Arrangement of Artistic Property. This Establishment will be found to possess superior advantages of aktiful and efficient work. I. H. recommends his mode of Cleaning and Restoring Pictures as particularly adaptable for the Restoration of Art Works from the early German and Italian period. Pictures and Drawings Framed after the most beautiful models of Italian, French, and English Carved Work, affording to the Art Col-! lector Frames and Gilding suited to the Subject and School. London: SMART & ALLEN, London House Yard, St. Paul's. LATHAM'S JOHNSON IN ONE VOLUME. Catalogues Arranged and Collections Valued for Probate Duty. All AN ARCHAIC DICTIONARY, Biographical, Commissions most effectually and moderately executed. Mr. Herrman can entertain the Purchase of Pictures by deceased British Artists, many interesting Works of this School being connected with the Large Collection now on View at 60, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. 5TH S. No. 132. Historical, and Mythological; from the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Etruscan Monuments and Papyri. By W. R. COOPER. F.R AS. M.R. A.S., Secretary of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Cloth extra, 158. SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS, 15, Paternoster Row, London. RUPTURES. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, so often hurtful in its effects, is here avoided; a soft bandage being worn round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER, fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, and may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be bad, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) forwarded by post on the circunference of the body, two inches below the hips, being sent to the Manufacturer, MR. JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 168., 218., 268. 6d., and 318. 6d. Postage free. Double Truss, 318. 6d., 428., and 528 6d. Postage free. An Umbilical Truss, 428. and 528. 6d. Postage free. Post-Office Orders payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-Office, Piccadilly. SERMON PAPER, 48. per ream. SERMON CASES. BIBLES, CHURCH SERVICES, and PRAYER BOOKS. A very large and varied assortment. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c., for WILLS' BEST BIRD'S-EYE. VEINS, and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELL ING of the LEGS, SPRAINS, &c. They are porous, light in texture, and inexpensive, and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking. Prices, 48. 6d., 78. 6d., 108., and 168. each. Postage free. JOHN WHITE, MANUFACTURER, 22, PICCADILLY, London. W. D. & H. O. WILLS inform the Trade and the Public that this Tobacco is now put up by them in ONE OUNCE PACKETS in addition to the other sizes, the Label being a reduced fae-simile of that used for the Two Ounce Packets. Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C., and Bristol. |