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In whom complete, in thee completed shine, The God incarnate, and the man divine. Mysterious truth! withheld from reason's eye: Outcast on earth! but wonder of the sky!

Hail, wondrous Cross*! and thou more wondrous

That cross who bore-Thyself its mystery!
And borne for man!-a greater myst'ry still!
But such thy love, and love's mysterious will!
Hail, wondrous chief! who can thy deeds explain?
Their cause explore, or tell thy love for man?
Found in thyself, from thee alone it flow'd,
Read in thy death, as written with thy blood.
That precious blood, that in its mingled stream
Pour'd life for all thy merits could redeem,
And this was all-not one of human kind,
Who come refus'd, or asking may not find.
'Tis far from thee, to spurn a hapless race,
Reject the suppliant, or withhold thy grace.
Thy grace is his-who asks in thy great name,

May ask for all, and with assurance claim
The purchas'd pardon to believers giv'n,
The seal of mercy, and the hope of heav'n.
All-conqu'ring faith, determin'd to endure,
And make its calling and election sure:

* By the Cross is meant the sufferings of Christ on the cross.

That firm resists temptation unto blood;

Of self divested and espous'd to GOD.
Lives but for him, who liv'd for this alone,
Form of our form, in fashion of his own,


That God with man might live for ever one!
Hail, wondrous love! surpassing angels sight!
Lost in its depth, and blinded by its light,
Hail! thou in whom the wide extremes are seen,
Of GOD Jehovah-and of man with men.
All hail! in whom concentre all in one:

Hail all thou art! and all that thou hast done!
Unrivall'd yet, let all thy works adore;
Who died a man, is God for evermore!

But utterance fails-our feeble spirits faint,
Nor more thy person than thy passion paint.
Supreme in both, in both supreme of all;
Fountain of life, and love's original!
Source of thyself, unmade and underiv'd;
As self-existent, and as self-depriv'd.
Conceiv'd and born, was crucify'd and dead:
His creature's offspring, was creation's head.
Life in himself, to take or to resign,
In each as mortal, and in each divine.
Hail then again-thy Spirit cries, "All hail!"
Tho' worlds despair, and all creation fail.

Yet kind permit, and with thy wonted love, Our weakness spare, nor in thy wrath reprove

Our glowing zeal; but let thy goodness hear Our silence speak: what tho' our tongues forbear?, Our hearts shall muse, our raptur'd wonder feel, Our lives express, and life's obedience tell. Fix'd on this view our willing feet shall move, From earth's attraction, to our hope above. In all thy paths in all thy precepts tread, Whate'er thy life, or written word hath said. In meek compliance with thy sov'reign will: In action fervid, and in suffering-still. Waiting thy call from earth's inglorious strife, To living joys, and heav'n's un-ending life. Sweetly compos'd, resign our parting breath, Answer thy smile, and hail the tyrant-Death. Launch undismay'd beyond the solar bound: With prophets number'd, and with martyrs found. Where wait the saints, for better things prepar'd, Their final glory, and their full reward.

Our bodies laid on earth's capacious breast, In peace shall slumber, and in hope shall rest, Till at thy trump we lift our waking eyes,, Start from the tomb, and ready for the skies, Mount all renew'd, and as thine own divine, Our shining forms their kindred spirits join. Till thus restor'd, our rising head we meet, Reign on his throne, or prostrate at his feet:


In heav'n's high dome eternal trophies raise,
Our joy consummate, and complete our praise:
Till in thy light thy future face we see,
Shine in thy strength, and share thy dignity,
Absorb'd, behold the scene thy love displays;
Lost in its beams, and shadow'd by its rays,
The growing wonders ev'ry moment view,
For ever op'ning-and for ever new!




How are thy servants blest, O LORD!

How sure is their defence!

Eternal Wisdom is their guide,
Their help Omnipotence.

In foreign realms, and lands remote,
Supported by thy care,

Thro' burning climes I pass'd unhurt,
And breath'd in tainted air.

Thy mercy sweeten'd every soil,
Made every region please,
The hoary Alpine hills it warm'd,
And smooth'd the Tyrrhene seas.

Think, O my soul, devoutly think,
How with affrighted eyes
Thou saw'st the wide extended deep
In all its horrors rise!

Confusion dwelt in every face,
And fear in every heart,

When waves on waves, and gulphs in gulphs
O'ercame the pilot's art.

Yet then from all my griefs, O LORD!
Thy mercy set me free,
Whilst in the confidence of pray'r
My soul took hold on thee;

For thơ' in dreadful whirls we hung
High on the broken wave,

I knew thou wert not slow to hear,
Nor impotent to save:

The storm was laid, the winds retir'd,
Obedient to thy will;

The sea, that roar'd at thy command,
At thy command was still.

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