i How the poor sailors stand amaz'd and tremble! Quick to devour them. Such shall the noise be, and the wild disorder, (If things eternal may be like these earthly) Such the dire terror, when the great archangel Shakes the creation; Tears the strong pillars of the vault of heaven, Flames all around 'em. Hark the shrill outcry of the guilty wretches! Thoughts, like old vultures, prey upon their heart strings, And the smart twinges, when their eye beholds the Hopeless immortals! how they scream and shiver, While devils push them to the pit wide yawning, Hideous and gloomy, to receive them headlong Down to the centre. Stop here my fancy: (all away ye horrid How he sits God-like: and the saints around him Thron'd, yet adoring! O may I sit there when he comes triumphant, Shout the Redeemer. LAUNCHING INTO ETERNITY. WATTS. IT was a brave attempt! advent'rous he Who in the first ship broke the unknown sea; And leaving his dear native shores behind, Trusted hilife to the licentious wind. I see the surging brine: the tempest raves, Such is the soul that leaves this mortal land on the broad deep with infinite delight, The seas for ever calm, the skies for ever bright, } MEDITATION IN A GROVE. WATTS. : i SWEET Muse, descend and bless the shade, And bless the ev'ning grove; Bus'ness and noise and day are fled, But hence, ye wanton young and fair, No Phillis shall infect the air With her unhallow'd name. JESUS has all my pow'rs possest, Some of the fairest choirs above : His charms, shall make my numbers flow, I'll carve our passion on the bark, The swains shall wonder when they read That Heav'n itself came down, and bled THE HERO'S SCHOOL OF MORALITY. WATTS. THERON among his travels found : A broken statue on the ground; DA |